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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

Lefties can't meme. In this^ example, the meme poster does not seem to realize that they are identifying themselves as Hitler or similar to Hitler. Well done, lol:good:


Well-known member
I’m sure it’s really easy to get their own neo nazi battalion in the Ukrainian national guard w/o any support from the people running the country.

Run what you brung.

If that's what you have to fight the separatists, you use it and deal with the problem later.


Well-known member
That’s the third time you’ve been wrong this morning. Hahahahah. You clearly were applying whataboutism to the Afghan debacle trying to blame trump. Hahahah.

I've been wrong exactly once, regarding the Ukranian donations to the Clintons. Everything else is a figment of your child-like imagination.


The coin has always 2 sides. Posting shit like a kalaschnikow only works if the people believe that shit and react to it. most of the troll stuff is just to trigger you so the troll gets the feeling of superiority.

DON'T FEED THE TROLL. Worst thing u can do is to start arguing direct with a troll. It gives him to much attention. It doesn't matter if u are logical right the troll will just change his position to trigger u again.

Thanks Karen!!

Sorry, I just had to😈

But seriously folks, these memes are for simple-minded people who think the world's problems can be solved, well, simply. They have no ability for introspection, cannot see nuance or context and are perpetual victims.

"Yes awsome,.. Thanks Kareeeeeen!!" Lol 😉
Talking of nuance and complex problem to complex solutions.
(Disclaimer: I am not Russel Brand!! Please forward all your reee-ing to him not me.)


Active member
ha ha ha ha ha ha... I told you to tell me about an important and historical Communist Party, and you give me a British groucuspole of enlightened people, born in 2004?

I have already told you about the anti-Putin position of a Communist Party with real balls, bla bla bla

You asked who was in the interview, and I answered. Didn’t realize you wanted me to name drop ”an important historical communist party” lol.

I don’t care about your spanish Commies 4 NATO who support the Euromaidan fascists in killing ethnic russians in Ukraine: ”balls”.


Well-known member
"Yes awsome,.. Thanks Kareeeeeen!!" Lol 😉
Talking of nuance and complex problem to complex solutions.
(Disclaimer: I am not Russel Brand!! Please forward all your reee-ing to him not me.)

I mean, he's not wrong, per se. Fact is, the US(Mostly under conservative leadership at least in modern times) is wrongly imperialistic. As to NATO pushing out Russia, yeah I'm good with any effort to stifle Putin and the current Russian government. They're an autocratic, pseudo-dictatorship that has been telegraphing its intent for decades.

That said, as a self-identified progressive, I like his thoughts about how we're more alike as a people and of a global governance of sorts.


Well-known member
Okay. So now all of a sudden there ARE nazis in branches of the Ukraine government but it’s cool cuz they are useful? Wow bro.

So the military runs the government? That's news. It's been stated very clearly here that Ukraine is run by nazis not that they exist in their military. Had anyone not been disingenuous and said that from the start I would've agreed, but it doesn't attract people to your bullshit of supporting the russian invasion now does it?

Your back must be killing you from moving those goalposts so much!


...como el Son...
Imagine being able to type a sentence into google and getting answers to your tough questions. Lololol https://www.reuters.com/article/us-c...-idUSKBN1GV2TY

Your article says nothing that the pro-Russia Spanish Stalinist militiaman from the Donbas in the video, or others anti-Putin on this forum, like Gry, or I have said.
Among other things, your article highlights and clarifies this (as I did before here several times):

"To be clear, the Kremlin’s claims that Ukraine is a hornets’ nest of fascists are false: far-right parties performed poorly in Ukraine’s last parliamentary elections, and Ukrainians reacted with alarm to the National Militia’s demonstration in Kiev."


...como el Son...
Your article says nothing that the pro-Russia Spanish Stalinist militiaman from the Donbas in the video, or others anti-Putin on this forum, like Gry, or I have said.
Among other things, your article highlights and clarifies this:

"To be clear, the Kremlin’s claims that Ukraine is a hornets’ nest of fascists are false: far-right parties performed poorly in Ukraine’s last parliamentary elections, and Ukrainians reacted with alarm to the National Militia’s demonstration in Kiev."

But in my country, co-governed by social democrats and Marxists socialists and comunists, the 3-4 party by representation in Parliament is the extreme right-wing Francoist VOX (created from nothing with the money of Trump and Putin, who continue to co-finance them) which also co-governs with the right in some of our Autonomous Communities (similar to the US States)...Does that mean that Spain is much more Nazi than Ukraine?!?


...como el Son...
Imagine not being able to understand that...

1) That's a commentary, also known as an OP-ED
2) We have them all over in the US. Should the same rules apply here, as well?

3) It was asserted as fact by you and your ilk that these so-called nazis were running Ukraine but it seems they're just citizens after all.

Anything else son?

Siiiii !!!

Primos cubanos, nicaragüenses, venezolanos, bolivianos, uruguayos, angoleños, mozambiqueños, saharauies occidentales...

Unámonos y bombarderos los guetos negros e hispanos de las ciudades estadounidenses, para hacer pagar y expiar al Imperio de Gringoland, los crímenes raciales de la época de su Aparheit, o los del Ku Kux Klan...

Yessssss !!!

Cuban cousins, Nicaraguans, Venezuelans, Bolivians, Uruguayans, Angolans, Mozambicans, Western Saharawis...

Let's unite and bomb the black and Hispanic ghettos of the American cities, to make the Empire of Gringoland pay and atone for the racial crimes of the time of its Aparheit, or those of the Ku Kux Klan...

(Joking only)


Well-known member

You’re right. I was forgetting this ^ as well.

Keep in mind, anything you do to try and dislodge someone from a cult mentality is only going to push them deeper into it. That said, I just troll the shit out of them now and shove their collective noses in their shit. It's way more gratifying.

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