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Well-known member
Zelinsky is a figure of resistance to Russian aggression only in the eyes of the lying western press, and the automatons who take anything they say for granted.

That would be a laugh though: NATONAZIS fighting for the global gay disco, worshipping a martyred jewish comedian :D

I really do want some of what you're smoking. Can't be canna....unless you're adulterating it with something.


Well-known member
I am not republican :D

I defend Hitler whenever I find it warranted, just as I defend the people you see wearing communist regalia in eastern Ukraine fighting NATONAZIS today.

I would defend republicans as well, or for that matter the Democratic Socialists of America when they call on the US to withdraw from NATO.

You're sure as hell right-wing whatever label you denounce.


Well-known member
Ja, ja ja ja ja... Te dije que me hablaras de un Partido Comunista importante e histórico, y me pones a un grupúsculo británico de iluminados, fundado en 2004...

Ya te he comentado la posición anti-Putin de un Partido Comunista con cojones de verdad, con monumentos a sus mártires en países europeos que los presidentes de Francia, Alemania o Polonia, visitan para dejar flores. Te hablo de un Partido Comunista que tuvo que ponerse a liderar militarmente las invasiones nazi y musoliniana conjuntas, antes de la 2 Guerra Mundial. De uno cuyos miembros tenían su propio signo idintificativo en los campos de exterminio nazis.

Y si quieres hablar de grupúsculos pro-Rusia, al menos ponme gente con cojones y que, pese a nuestra dirisima confrontación politica en España con otros marxistas como yo, al menos son realmente consecuentes con su
Ya te he comentado la posición anti-Putin de un Partido Comunista con cojones de verdad, con monumentos a sus mártires en países europeos que los presidentes de Francia, Alemania o Austria, visitan para dejar flores. Te hablo de un Partido Comunista que tuvo que ponerse a liderar militarmente las invasiones nazi y musoliniana conjuntas, antes de la 2 Guerra Mundial.

Y si quieres hablar de grupúsculos pro-Rusia, al menos ponme gente con cojones y que, pese a nuestra dirisima confrontación politica en España con otros marxistas como yo, al menos son realmente consecuentes con su ideología, y mandan a sus milicianos a luchar allí. (Del mismo modo que milicianos de ambas ramas comunistas españolas lucharon juntas contra DAESH en Siria o Irak)
Ya te puse la larga entrevista que le hicieron a su regreso a España a alguno de esos milicianos (donde habla de los grupos neonazis que efectivamente existen, como en muchos otros paises, en Ucrania): si quieres hablamos más en profundidad sobre el tema.

ha ha ha ha ha ha... I told you to tell me about an important and historical Communist Party, and you give me a British groucuspole of enlightened people, born in 2004?

I have already told you about the anti-Putin position of a Communist Party with real balls, with monuments to its martyrs in European countries that the presidents of France, Germany or Poland visit to leave flowers. I am talking about a Communist Party that had to take the lead militarily in the joint Nazi and Mussolini invasions before World War II. Of one whose members had their own idintifying sign in the Nazi extermination camps.

And if you want to talk about pro-Russia groups, at least give me some people with balls and who, in spite of our direct political confrontation in Spain with other Marxists like me, at least are really consistent with their
I have already told you about the anti-Putin position of a Communist Party with real balls, with monuments to its martyrs in European countries that the presidents of France, Germany or Austria (nevermind ideology) visit to leave flowers. I am talking about a Communist Party that had to take the lead militarily in the joint Nazi and Mussolini invasions before World War II.

And if you want to talk about pro-Russia groups, at least give me some people with balls and that, despite our political confrontation in Spain with other Marxists like me, at least they are really consistent with their ideology, and send their militiamen to fight there (in the same way that militiamen of both Spanish communist branches fought together against DAESH in Syria or Iraq).
I already gave you a long interview with one of those militiamen after his return to Spain (where he talks about the neo-Nazi groups that indeed exist, as in many other countries, in Ukraine): if you want we can talk more in depth about it.

That is comparable to the Right in the US talking about the extreme, radical leftists. I ask them who exactly and they point out 4 members of congress. Four out of 538.

This is why you cannot have meaningful conversations with them. They bleat loudly about the smallest thing(usually framed as an outright lie) making it difficult to talk about anything beyond that. That's why they've tried to frame Biden as an extreme lefttist. The guy is center-right, at best on a good day.


Well-known member
People lose site that some 30% of Ukraine people consider themselves russian...
this is how in crimia a referendum was voted
On and they wanted to stay with russia....
Russia has naval bases in Crimea as it has strategic advantage to the black sea...
it has gas and oil projects aswell as
important Agriculture production. ..
so it was annexed by russia...
Crimea being basically an island surrounded
by salt water,needs fresh water for crops and
some 2.3 million inhabitants....
When Russia owned ukraine..they built the Crimea waterway that supplies fresh water
from the dneiper river that runs thru ukraine
Ukraine was butt hurt about the losing Crimea
And built a dam to prevent water to Crimea
To fuck russia...
Opening the dam was one of the first things
Russia did in their latest campaign into ukraine
since humans cannot go a week without fresh
Water,and crops won't produce without it....
It would only sustain one or two droughts to
Devastate Crimea
Putin views this,with good reason, as an aggression towards
Russia when added attacks from Ukraine
On Russian backed SE section of Ukraine

Bob's your uncle...you gotta war....

fresh water will be worth more than oil or gold
in the not so distant future...who ever controls
it will control life on our planet

It is unexpected and somewhat inconceivable that less than three percent of Earth's water is fresh water. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, most of that three percent is inaccessible. Over 68 percent of the fresh water on Earth is found in icecaps and glaciers, and just over 30 percent is found in ground water

Well, those were certainly words.


Well-known member
What about the fact it was trumps idea? Hahahahah you just spend 2 pages lecturing us on logical fallacies. Hahahahahha

The comment to me stated that Biden botched the withdrawal as if it were his plan. All I did was point out that the plan was created by Trumps admin. I also agreed that it was botched and that Biden very well could have changed it to be more successful, if not for the sake of optics.

Also, please don't attempt to match wits with me. You're way out of your league.


Well-known member
Imagine being able to type a sentence into google and getting answers to your tough questions. Lololol https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cohen-ukraine-commentary-idUSKBN1GV2TY

Imagine not being able to understand that...

1) That's a commentary, also known as an OP-ED
2) We have them all over in the US. Should the same rules apply here, as well?
3) It was asserted as fact by you and your ilk that these so-called nazis were running Ukraine but it seems they're just citizens after all.

Anything else son?


Active member
The comment to me stated that Biden botched the withdrawal as if it were his plan. All I did was point out that the plan was created by Trumps admin. I also agreed that it was botched and that Biden very well could have changed it to be more successful, if not for the sake of optics.

Also, please don't attempt to match wits with me. You're way out of your league.

Lol. Just pointing out your obvious use of whataboutism. Lolol. You seem so smart, I’m intimidated. Lolol.


...como el Son...
¿Qué es el Regimiento 5?😎

Fue un cuerpo de élite del Partido Comunista de España que se integró primero el el Ejército Republicano Español en nuestra Guerra Civil, y posteriormente fueron parte de la élite de choque del Ejército Francés.
Sus miembros se destacaron en el sacrificio que hizo el Ejército Francés en Dunquerque para permitir la evacuación Aliada, y especialmente en la liberación de París: en todos los documentales y fotos de los primeros tanques Aliados (todos con nombres españoles en su honor) entrando a París, estás viendo realmente a estos milicianos.
También fueron claves en tomar y guardar muchas de las fotos históricas de la vida y muerte (fueron usadas en Nuremberg, creo recordar) en los campos nazis.

It was an elite corps of the Communist Party of Spain that was first integrated into the Spanish Republican Army in our Civil War, and later they were part of the shock elite of the French Army.
Its members were prominent in the sacrifice made by the French Army at Dunkirk to allow the Allied evacuation, and especially in the liberation of Paris: in all the documentaries and photos of the first Allied tanks (all with Spanish names in their honor) entering Paris, you are actually seeing these militiamen.
They were also instrumental in taking and saving many of the historic photos of life and death (they were used at Nuremberg, I seem to remember) in the Nazi camps.

Click image for larger version  Name:	Emblema_5º_Regimiento.svg.png Views:	2 Size:	28.4 KB ID:	18087629

Click image for larger version  Name:	Emblema_5º_Regimiento.svg.png Views:	2 Size:	28.4 KB ID:	18087629


Well-known member
Lol. Just pointing out your obvious use of whataboutism. Lolol. You seem so smart, I’m intimidated. Lolol.

And yet I didn't whatabout at all. I merely pointed out the fact that the plan was created by the prior admin in response to a comment that more than implied that it was a Biden plan. The fact that you can't see that says more about you than it does me. Have fun with your head stuck up your ass, tho


Active member
Imagine not being able to understand that...

1) That's a commentary, also known as an OP-ED
2) We have them all over in the US. Should the same rules apply here, as well?
3) It was asserted as fact by you and your ilk that these so-called nazis were running Ukraine but it seems they're just citizens after all.

Anything else son?
Hahahahah google it bro. Ukraine neo nazi Donbass azov regiment.


Active member
Still not running the country is being claimed. We have plenty here in the US and yet, we're not run by them.

I’m sure it’s really easy to get their own neo nazi battalion in the Ukrainian national guard w/o any support from the people running the country.


Active member
And yet I didn't whatabout at all. I merely pointed out the fact that the plan was created by the prior admin in response to a comment that more than implied that it was a Biden plan. The fact that you can't see that says more about you than it does me. Have fun with your head stuck up your ass, tho

That’s the third time you’ve been wrong this morning. Hahahahah. You clearly were applying whataboutism to the Afghan debacle trying to blame trump. Hahahah.

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