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The first serious reconnaissance attacks for the counter-offensive began on June 5. I have listed the Ukrainian losses that the Russian Ministry of Defense has reported since then. Note that these figures relate mainly to the whole front, and not only to the Zaporijia region.

These figures are, as in most reports on the front line, probably too high. But even if you only take them for half or a third, they remain frightening.

Consider that we are five days away and that the Ukrainian forces, despite the use of Leopards and Bradleys, their main forces, have barely crossed the first line of contact. The real Russian lines of defense are still miles away.

YouTube History Legends speaks of a disaster.

I agree.

source : Moon of Alabama


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«American imperialism, which reigns everywhere, has become the enemy of the peoples of the world and is becoming more and more isolated. (…) The wave of anger of the peoples of the world against the American aggressors is irresistible. Their fight against US imperialism and its lackeys will certainly win bigger and bigger victories.". (Mao Tse-tung, Declaration of support for the just patriotic war of the Panamanian people against American imperialism, January 12, 1964)


Well-known member
American imperialism, which reigns everywhere, has become the enemy of the peoples of the world and is becoming more and more isolated. (…) The wave of anger of the peoples of the world against the American aggressors is irresistible. Their fight against US imperialism and its lackeys will certainly win bigger and bigger victories.". (Mao Tse-tung, Declaration of support for the just patriotic war of the Panamanian people against American imperialism, January 12, 1964)"

this is hilarious, roms, do you realize you've just used a 59-year-old quote that has absolutely failed to develop?

here's some current news for you.



Active member

Putin Cops to ‘Significant Losses,’ Inferior Weapons in Stunning War Admission​

The Empire of Lies strikes again. How about ask your CIA handlers to better coordinate your gay american propaganda?

Ukrainian forces have suffered losses in heavy equipment and soldiers as they met greater than expected resistance from Russian forcesin their first attempt to breach Russian lines in the east of the country in recent days, two senior US officials tell CNN.
One US official described the losses – which include US supplied MRAP armored personnel vehicles as “significant.”

And what Putin actually said, turns out he was speaking about massive ukranian losses caused by american incompetence.


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Moscow should no longer hesitate to hit NATO infrastructure​


The aggressive terrorist-type actions carried out by Ukraine, with more or less the support of the West, are increasing. We were entitled to the sabotage of NordStream, the attack on the Crimean Bridge, the bombing of the Zaporijia nuclear power plant, the sending of drones to the Kremlin, assassinations, notably from journalist Daria Douguina near Moscow and blogger Vladlen Tatarsky in Saint Petersburg, the destruction of the Kakhovka dam, shelling in civilian areas in Donetsk, Marioupol and recently in Shebekino to name a few.These operations seek to destabilize power in Russia as well as in the Donbass, by mobilizing an increasingly angry opinion, in the face of what looks like a certain helplessness of the authorities. The more the rout of the Ukrainian counter-offensive increases, the more these acts seek to acquire a symbolic dimension to counterbalance in a very irrational way the military collapse of Ukraine. Hence the desire in Russia to type, and to type hard ... with Russian, in particular on NATO ... The British have already expressed their fears of an attack by submarine cables, which would be a disaster for their economy. Perhaps they are not wrong.

Politologist Georgy Fedorov made the following statement on the radio Komsomolskaya Pravda : Moscow must abandon the passive struggle and begin to openly support opponents of the West around the world, providing them with weapons and helping to organize the sabotage of NATO infrastructure. This is what the PolitNavigator correspondent reported.

Fedorov thus justified his point of view : « So far, we act very selectively. Nord Stream ? We respond with diplomatic methods. The ammonia pipeline exploded ? We also respond with diplomatic methods. The dam broke ? The same thing. And in this regard, as long as the collective West – because of these aggressive actions – will have no more problems than it gives us, it will raise the stakes : it will not stop ».

However, the host noted that choosing a reasonable response is not that easy : « How to answer them so that they feel it in their skin ? You can't bomb Warsaw, you can't start World War III, you can't use tactical nuclear weapons, you can't bomb Kharkov ! », complained about the presenter.

In response, the political scientist suggested, for example, to pay attention to large Western companies, which leave Russia fairly comfortably, taking with them many assets : « There are multiple adequate responses, including in enemy territory. And planes don't necessarily have to fly to bomb Berlin. The same foreign company, for example, leaves here in a rather civilized way: large companies and companies are allowed to withdraw their assets from here, they are allowed to sell certain contracts.

However, the political scientist does not hesitate to go much further

Fedorov thus pursues his argument : « At this stage, we must understand that either the West is an enemy for us, or we must respond adequately on all fronts. For example, by supporting a « national liberation war » somewhere in Iraq or elsewhere against the American imperialists. And trade relations with the enemy, I mean transit through Ukraine to be precise, are also linked to threats to us ».

According to the political scientist, Russia is perceived as too weak : « In reality, the enemy perceives us as weak or as people who, for whatever reason, do not yet respond adequately to all challenges. It is therefore necessary to think strategically, very subtly and with the cold head, of adequate responses. But when I say adequate, it's not just taking the form of a diplomatic note or expressing some kind of worry ... ».

In summary, Fedorov sets a scale of possible responses : « Do they hit our infrastructure ? So we have to find a way to create problems on their own infrastructure. Do they supply arms to Ukraine ? So there is a need to provide weapons to certain national liberation groups around the world ».

Source: https://lecourrierdesstrateges.fr/2...nfrastructures-de-lotan-par-vladimir-gladkov/


Active member
Looks like the Saudi Crown Prince told Biden go suck tranny dick.

The allegation came in a report from the Washington Post newspaper on Thursday based on classified documents released on the videogame-centric Discord messaging app.

Bin Salman made the threat as the Biden administration sought to lower energy prices in a bid to tamp down on rampant inflation that continues to be a thorn in the side of Biden. In essence, the crown prince warned that any consequences would be met with a fundamental overhaul of the US-Saudi bilateral relationship, the Post reported.

The document obtained by the Post says bin Salman said “he will not deal with the U.S. administration anymore," and vowed "major economic consequences for Washington.”



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Why the United States had Nova Kakhovskaya's dam destroyed​

As early as the morning of June 6, Alexandre N had declared me, we remember: “ In fact, the United States is taken by the throat due in particular to the primaries, for the presidential, which are approaching. They absolutely need a false victory or at least enough media turmoil. The use is therefore purely internal American. Purely internal because they know they have lost the news war globally, even Emmanuel Macron has understood this. As a result, they are ready to redo an operation reminiscent of the sabotage of Nordstream. They only seek to save time, to push back the deadline of the inevitable defeat “ Two days later, he sent me the fruit of his analyzes: Alexandre N is one of the best informed men about the ongoing conflict. From the point of view of French interests, it is better to face the current disaster. To find out how to rebuild a defense policy.

The drift in the field

Ukraine is the cemetery for all Western armaments, and allegedly the best. Videos, Russian evidence showing their effective destruction have a surreptitious, but catastrophic effect, among other things, on the stock market price of Western arms: the Raytheon action, for example, lost 10% overnight, and this is just the start, after being destroyed three Patriot systems in Kiev. And the saga continues with the Panzer 2000, the Leopard, lAMX 10 RC, the Iris T ...: don't throw it away ! At the same time, the deadline for announcing a new Wunderwaffe ( “ miracle weapon ” ) and its elimination on Ukrainian ground is dangerously decreasing. As the other would say, « that sucks for the F-16 », whose forced march pilots are formed, including in France it seems. Relaxed by this sinister reality, the Pentagon & Co no longer knows what to do, because the Wunderwaffen reserve is dangerously exhausted : soon it will be necessary to take the stone ax out of the Museum of First Arts to send it to the Ukrainian president.

Tactically, in other words field actions, the drift is just as surreptitious as remarkable: from an army of the classic interarm type, with an estimated value of average to poor and otanized, we are moving to a crumbling of what remains of this army in unity of size circumstances, therefore of reduced capacities, made of odds and ends by force of circumstances, what the French call « modularity », and which now seem to attack anarchically and independently of each other, to be as usual systematically crushed by Russian defenses, not without sometimes having conquered some acres of land, but strictly without interest, and of course at the cost of colossal « losses » and almost immediate withdrawal.

We note that on all the attack directions and in « three days of combat operations, Ukraine lost up to « 3,715 men, 52 tanks and 207 armored combat vehicles, 134 trucks, 48 field artillery guns, as well as five planes, two helicopters and 53 drones ». The deepest advance did not exceed two kilometers. All of these « needle sticks « which seem to be constantly renewed is supposed to « test » the Russian device in order to « find » the optimal axis of attack for an army supposedly « hidden » – one wonders where, but why not – then charged with the famous counterattack. Since stainless hope is a strategy, we already dream of reaching Crimea, or as the propagandist Taras Berezovets claims, who sees the Ukrainian army at the gates of Moscow from « of the breakthrough of Orekhovo-Zuevo ». Even the WaPo ( Washington Post ) would not dare !…

This is perfectly consistent with the words of the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Oleksiy Danilov, who refuses to recognize the start of the Ukrainian counter-offensive. Conclusion: the counter-offensive has become obsessive.

Ukrainian army returns to its primary nature

Another remarkable element lies in a terrorist drift in the use of Ukrainian military units as indicated by the operation against Bielgorod – even if carried out by Polish mercenaries, see the rules of a « Russian army » type « Vlassov ». The terrorist use of military means is not new – confers the bombing of German cities without military interest – , and in fact only consists in attacking unarmed populations – here on Russian territory-, hoping to reach morale and – in this case – to get his command out of his hinges. Conclusion: the Ukrainian army changes in nature, or more precisely returns to its primary nature, the one that made the Ukrainians – after the Latvians however – were the biggest providers of concentration camp guards.This hypothesis is moreover confirmed by « the general of the Bundeswehr Andreas Marlow concerning the Ukrainian soldiers : German instructors who have worked with Ukrainians agree that they are not interested in the training program. They are much more interested in ways to intimidate the enemy, including those who can be classified as war crimes. They praise the punitive operations that the SS troops carried out during the Second World War, glorify the swastika ” It is a German who says it and it is confirmed by British instructors. They are much more interested in ways to intimidate the enemy, including those who can be classified as war crimes. They praise the punitive operations that the SS troops carried out during the Second World War, glorify the swastika ” It is a German who says it and it is confirmed by British instructors. They are much more interested in ways to intimidate the enemy, including those who can be classified as war crimes. They praise the punitive operations that the SS troops carried out during the Second World War, glorify the swastika ” It is a German who says it and it is confirmed by British instructors.

Terrorism is said to be the weapon of the weak, but it is also that of the defeated who refuses to defeat. It is no less effective if it is used against a fearful enemy. Is this the case with the Russians ? In this regard, it should be remembered that they liquidated the terrorists in Syria in 2015 – 16 ( 180,000 according to the Russian Ministry of Defense ), under the frightened gaze of an American army thus seeing its “ protected ” disappear.

In any event, this drift clearly prefigures the CIA's strategy in the event of the elimination of Ukrainian military capabilities, which is to transform Ukraine and part of Russia into a kind of Afghanistan, and to do this by relying on the immense pool of volunteers within the two populations. There is no doubt about it given American practice in this area, just as there is no doubt that the Russian staff is working on the response. This is how he has just destroyed a command center for these operations modestly renamed “ recognition and sabotage ”, which was surprisingly constituted, it seems, by Western services which in fact direct them. Body bags therefore continue to return home secretly. Ditto for the boss of military intelligence ( GUR MOU ) Boudanov,fervent initiator of this neo-terrorism and which has just been liquidated by a Russian missile, not without having previously acquired – unless it is another – a villa of several million in Antibes …

The scheme would be incomplete without mentioning an obvious 6th column of Russian traitors, individuals who act “ anarchically ” by swinging explosive devices. Nothing more classic, however, if we remember Hanoi or Algiers for the French army, Afghanistan or Iraq for the American army, Ulster for the British army ... But in the state, it seems that this must be circumscribed to Ukraine and Russia, because Europeans are afraid of it.

The causes of a drift

They are multiple and combine. Mingle-peel we find the forced otanization of the Ukrainian army, an obvious pledge of the planned failure, if we want to remember the catastrophe for the Americans of the Afghan and Iraqi armies that they thought they could model: we only fight well with our own culture, and not that imposed from the outside. The obvious result was the sacrificial waste of the exceptional fighting spirit of the Ukrainians, who are actually fighting ... like Russians, throwing it into Nivelle-type offensives : the purest military primitivism. This judgment also concerns the European armies ... in the event that some of them are tempted to intervene.

A second cause is the obvious defeat of the field in general and that of Bakhmout in particular, where even the United States secretly admits the out of action of an entire army with tens of thousands of people killed.

But the most important and where the others come from, as Gilbert Doctorow believes, the fact that the Ukrainian army is not led by the generals, but by the public relations department .

The fatal confusion between war and a Hollywood scenario

What does it mean ? First, it is the Americans who lead. Indeed, they are the only ones in the world who imagine that any war is won “ only on TV ”, in other words in the collective spirit as an individual manipulated by opinion. They think at the same time and with the same certainty that they are the only ones to have the philosopher's stone of this manipulation of crowds, on which they have worked for more than a century.

This is not really false when we see that they imperturbably lose all the wars of their “ eternal war ”, but without any of their defeats affecting them or affecting their image as evidenced by the latest one, which is the humiliation they suffered in Kabul.

By what, they conceive all war first and foremost only as a Hollywood film and more precisely as a planetary reality show where the ultimate arbiter is the audience watching it, here world opinion, and within it primarily American opinion, but absolutely not the real situation on the ground. What always, the most important work for them is that of cameramen and presenters, in this case MainStream Media and BigTech, field action boiled down to the simplicity of deploying colossal masses of blindly destructive weapons there, and combined with the intense vice of the blacksmiths deployed by the CIA.

We are obviously not talking here about their motivation which wants American foreign policy to be more than the flea market of the insatiable greed of an American capitalism which is no longer controlled. In this case, the Blackrock pension fund considers itself to be the real owner of a Ukraine that has not been around for a long time.

But for the first time – if we exclude the case of Vietnam - this logic that the Americans thought relentless is failing : they are indeed losing the war of world opinion, it is an obvious fact, for having believed themselves too naively capable of isolating Russia. However, it is themselves that they isolated: unbearable, but above all panicking. It is a matter for them, however, to lose world opinion, which is after all only an opinion, but it would then be fatal for them to lose domestic opinion. For a reason which is part of the purest paradox, this oligarchic tyranny which has become the so-called American democracy, nevertheless wishes above all to preserve the appearance of democratic Kabuki, in other words the total objective complicity of the American electorate.This was previously acquired by the single two-faced party that are Democrats and Republicans, while donors are the same for each other as for the other, and recalling that America is the country of “ one $, one vote ”. And it is because of a now catastrophic internal situation, a re-awake “ cultural revolution, which is bringing out the ultimate myth. And it so happens precisely that the very reckless situation in which they find themselves in Ukraine can only dangerously exacerbate the ferments of this burst.And it is because of a now catastrophic internal situation, a re-awake “ cultural revolution, which is bringing out the ultimate myth. And it so happens precisely that the very reckless situation in which they find themselves in Ukraine can only dangerously exacerbate the ferments of this breakup.And it is because of a now catastrophic internal situation, a re-awake “ cultural revolution, which is bringing out the ultimate myth. And it so happens precisely that the very reckless situation in which they find themselves in Ukraine can only dangerously exacerbate the ferments of this breakup.

Why the United States ordered the destruction of the Nova Kakhovskaya dam

This direction of type “ public relations ” ( thank you Edward Bernays ) and no longer political, then has an obvious consequence: the American system has become a-strategy, that is to say unfit to think of vital interests as soon as these are reduced to the acquests of the richest. When you are rich, you do not think, but you order, and you make fun royally that order is realistic and achievable, as for a whim. Collective reasoning no longer exists in terms of resilience, it is then primitive anthropology that takes over. However, every time America found itself in such a situation, his reaction was always to provoke an event striking enough for American or world opinion to put it back “ in the right way ”: Pearl Harbor, the Tonkin affair, the Kennedy assassination,the 9/11 attack …

And so it was so that they decided to destroy the Nova Kakhovskaya dam, a “ incident ” according to them of sufficient scope to distract the American electorate from the defeat of Bakhmout which has become impossible to hide.

As has been said, this choice is in fact nothing strategic, but purely communication. It is therefore futile to look for which of the belligerents it benefits. And we will eventually see that it is the Russians, because within 15 days, the spilled water will be gone. The very idea was also suggested by the Ukrainians themselves in their terrorist drift. Indeed, on December 29, 2022, the general of the armed forces of Ukraine Kovalchuk, who commanded the fighting in the direction of Kherson, reports in the pages of the Washington Post, the idea of HIMARS strikes on the doors of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, to find out how this would harm Russian supply via the dam. CQFD.

It is therefore a pure diversion operation, part of American domestic concerns, on the eve of the primaries for the – scheduled re-election – of Joe Biden or a clone, which the CIA, the FBI and the DoJ are already working on …

So, is it necessary to continue ?


Well-known member
and another 2.1 billion dollars in anti-air equipment and munitions are on their way to Ukraine.

the Russians blew up the dam. they were in control of the dam and shut the water level control valves 2 weeks before to raise the water level upstream from the dam as much as possible to maximize damage.

the level was 17 ft above normal at the time of the break.

also, in the days immediately preceding the destruction of the dam satellite images show the Russians moving all the heavy equipment out of the flood zone.

tanks, armored personnel carriers, trucks, and other large, expensive pieces were removed from the area.


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A few steps in the labyrinth of the sham​

• A former NATO secretary general, the Danish Rasmussen, transformed into a high-flying influence officer and adviser to Mister Z., talks about the possibility of intervention by Poland bringing together around it a “ coalition of volunteers ” ( the Baltic countries ). • Since we stay between NATO countries, this would mean Ukraine: “ since we refuse to put you in NATO, NATO ( part ) will come to you”. • It is said that we will talk about it at the NATO summit on July 11 in Vilnius, in the presence of Zelenski. • Simulacre in the sham.
Stoltenberg's predecessor, the Danish Rasmussen, having revealed himself as a clever and zealous servant of the West-laxative, followed a golden path, notably in cash and in mood, of an off-framework influence and communication agent. He thus made the ‘think tanks’ the most aggressive and became familiar with the bands of the Ukrainian leadership; first a “ family ” of ex-president Porenko, then, since the beginnings of the war in February 2022, a Zelenski advisor. Rasmussen is a good relay from Washington, department department of state and service neocon, from Brussels-EU and of course from NATO. Everything he says is therefore more or less approved by either of these brilliant authorities.

... Hence the interest of his last statement that a NATO country, or rather a NATO “ group of countries ” could send forces to Ukraine to help us there, we are defenders of the values of Western civilization. Andrew Korybko jump on this case, where the name of “ Poland ”, – one of the favorite acquaintances of this commentator, – is cited :

« Former NATO Secretary General Anders Rasmussen predicted that “ if NATO fails to agree on a clear path for Ukraine, it is quite possible that some countries take individual action ”. He then put forward the following hypothesis: “ I think that the Poles would seriously consider intervening and assembling a coalition of volunteers if Ukraine does not get anything at Vilnius ”. »
Equally browning, Korybko, whose memory is both considerable and infallible, jumps again, this time on the opportunity to highlight a very surprising paradox, – and which will prove to be revealing for the development of one of his theories on the continuation of the war in Ukraine :

« ...As surreal as it may seem, this same forecast scenario has so far been described as “ Russian propaganda ” by official EU entities.
» The East StratCom Task Force ( ESCTF ), which is part of the European External Action Service, has a project called "EUvsDisinfo" in which it demystifies the so-called “ Russian propaganda ”. She has regularly claimed that the specific scenario mentioned by the former NATO Secretary General was a “ recurring pro-Kremlin disinformation account ”, thus implicitly suggesting that Mr. Rasmussen would be a “ Russian puppet ”. The ESCTF did not of course intend to discredit him and should recalibrate his narrative in the light of his last words.
» The fact is that the same scenario that was previously denounced as a “ recurring pro-Kremlin disinformation decit ” is now credited by none other than the former head of the military anti-Russian bloc of United States. This gives reason to the repeated warnings of the head of the Russian foreign intelligence service, Sergei Narichkine, since the start of his country's special operation, according to which Poland prepare military intervention in Ukraine. »
A question therefore arises: what happened, which changed a « recurring pro-Kremlin disinformation story » in a bold and innovative proposal from a former NATO secretary general who became an official agent of influence for the West Corrupt ? The very evidence of situation truth, which one is obliged to accept when it imposes itself on the ground of a war. It is becoming increasingly evident that Ukraine cannot win this war, and that it could clearly lose it... Ukraine is NATO ! The prospect becomes unacceptable and unbearable and the sham begins to take water from all sides, – which is unacceptable and unbearable !

We know that Ukraine and its president, Mister Z. will attend the NATO summit on July 11 in Vilnius, just as if Ukraine were a member of NATO. But it is not, and it will not be, neither by then, nor even during the summit. We must therefore look for something else, such is the idea of Korybko interpreting with finesse that of Rasmussen and some expert and diverse bands of BAO block :

« British Defense Minister Ben Wallace has already declared at the Washington Post in a recent interview: “ We have to be realistic and say that [ Ukraine's accession to NATO ] is not about to happen : [ Ukraine's accession to NATO ] will not be done in Vilnius; it will not happen anytime soon ”, which even Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky reluctantly recognized. This is why French President Emmanuel Macron suggested extending the security guarantees “tangible and credible” to this former Soviet republic at the next summit. »
It’s a bit like the “ South Korean solution ”, in its part of a mutual defense pact signed between South Korea and the USA. But we know Mister Z. and his supporters, especially in the West Compulsive of his many and religious supporters, particularly suspicious of these pacts of the type- “ paper chiffonde ”. Then comes the Polish idea extended to the idea of training around this country, it of a “ coalition of volunteers ” which we can imagine is the three Baltic countries, and all sending forces to Ukraine to lock it all in.

«...Poland, which aspires to become the regional hegemon of central and eastern Europe, could then take the initiative to organize the “ coalition of volunteers ” that Rasmussen predicted in order to de facto extend the NATO nuclear umbrella on Ukraine.
» The official presence of conventional NATO state troops in this country could serve to inspire confidence in the Korean-type mutual defense pacts that EU members may soon propose to Ukraine at next month's summit. In addition, they could also be used to freeze the contact line ( LOC ) by deterring Russian attacks for fear that they would indirectly trigger article 5 if the forces of the alliance are affected as a result actions taken by the Kremlin, including in the event of self-defense. »
Admittedly, everything would then be different, in all possible ways, and from the point of view of the System if things happened in this way ; the sham would be enlarged and we could again speak of “ victory “. Placing himself empatheticly in place of his adversaries, Korybko readily acknowledges that this is an absolutely acceptable and completely bearable maneuver.

« All things considered, it is perfectly logical, from the point of view of the militaro-strategic and narrative interests of the West, that Poland take the head of a “ coalition of volunteers ” in Ukraine during the summer, in particular if the Kiev counter-offensive, supported by NATO, fails to seriously move the “ Contact Line ” ( LOC ). Although it is incredibly dangerous to increase the risk of a hot war between NATO and Russia by miscalculation, these leaders could still choose to throw the dice out of desperation to get something that could be presented as a “ victory ”.
» Russia predicted this scenario over a year ago, but it was only recently that other countries that Poland had an interest in happening. The West qualified these forecasts as “ Russian propaganda ” in order to make its target audience believe that nothing like this was going on, until the former NATO chief today predicts exactly the same thing as Russia. As everything goes very quickly, this prediction could soon come true, but it should not be taken for granted either. »
Indeed and with wisdom, Korybko warns us that this “ prediction ” should not be “ taken for granted ”. Likewise, of course, he exposes here the theory of a possible NATO and USA project, – or the hardest and purest neocon inside NATO, – without mentioning the reactions of Russia. As Russia has been talking about this possibility for at least a year, it is obvious that it is preparing for reactions if this happens. For her , such an operation would amount to a situation perhaps even more dangerous than the entry of Ukraine into NATO and it seems very unthinkable and even completely unrealistic that it lets do without reacting firmly and, let's say, operationally... So the field of possibilities becomes too vast and uncertain for us to hide from predictions from a prediction.

On the other hand, what this episode and this possibility shows, this is how the Western-simulative is trapped in the need for a “ victory ” in the context of a sham of extraordinary complexity compared to the reality that manifests itself of increasingly stubborn on the ground of war. This trap conceals many possibilities of escaping from an uncontrollable situation towards possibilities if not catastrophic for the BAO block, in all cases extraordinarily destructuring for him with a dynamic of second degree destabilization of an already hyper-destabilized situation. If we ignore the possibilities and the effects of such an operation in Ukraine itself, we can be sure that this is a perspective capable of dividing the NATO camp until threatening cohesion,even the existence of NATO and the EU, and to reduce even more, and ever faster, the low credit of the countries of the American-Westernist ensemble in the rest of the world. It is about continuing and accelerating an ever more frantic race toward the collapse.

... Because, like said Mercouris in this regard as in so many others :

« Neocon never back down. If the operation they launched succeeds, they choose to climb. If the operation they launched encounters great difficulties, they choose to climb. »


Well-known member
the Saudis biggest crude oil buyer is China. the US is becoming increasingly independent of foreign oil.

i just filled my truck up at 2.99 US per gallon, which is less than right before the war began.

no shortage of energy here.

lots of cheap oil, gas, and electricity in the US.


Well-known member

Fade in black in Ukraine​


“ After the ouster of Mr. Trump in 2020, this new left-new had exactly what it claimed, a Liberal Democrat in the White House. Given the feeling of imminent disaster that reigns today, it may be hard to remember exactly how much bullshit whining that was used to sell Joe Biden. ” – Rob Urie
Have you noticed that the President of Ukraine ( or the Governor of the fifty-first American state ), Mr. Zelensky, has been traveling the world for weeks: London, Helsinki, Paris, Hiroshima ? It’s one of those months of years, when the world is changing at full speed. He seems to be afraid, a little, trying to stay one step ahead of the change. What seemed like a great idea for a certain clique of so-called neo-conservatives in our country – using Ukraine as a bear trap – rather suddenly revealed the multiple bankruptcies from Europe and America and revolted the rest of the world outside of Western civilization. Oh, wonder and nausea !
Try to imagine the difficult situation in which Mr. Zelensky finds himself. Powerful America and the fearsome Europe defrauded the former actor, making him believe that if he participated in a genius project aimed at ruining Russia and eliminating Vlad Putin from the chessboard his sad country would be transformed into a sort of Ukro-Disneyworld, while he, Mr. Z, would be acclaimed and enriched beyond his wildest hopes. Its safeguard was the greatest hegemonic power the world has ever known. The game was called Let’s You and Him Fight.

The poor schlemielfell into the trap. He let NATO ( that is, the United States ) set up, equip and train the largest army in Europe, including battalions of hard-core Ukrainian Nazis, which had been so useful during the “ color revolution ” in Maidan in 2014, sponsored by the United States. Z followed orders from the US State Department to rain rockets and artillery shells at Russian speakers who lived in its own eastern provinces. He has made an official request to join the NATO club. His country received billions of US dollars without audit control, only asking to be robbed by Ukrainian leaders who, after all, deserved a little something for all these things. What could go wrong ?

This is how Western civilization launched the biggest hot war that Europe has known since the 1940s. In February 2022, Mr. Putin had enough of the antics that were taking place on his “ steps ” and sent a cleaning team. Let's go ! The American neo-conservatives were ready to put countless Ukrainian troops in a meat grinder which, theoretically, would exhaust the will and resources of the execrable bear and produce countless benefits that strengthen our dominant position in the world. Our unfortunate “ NATO partners ” followed the program, although they were asked to commit economic suicide for the greater good of the ( alliance or something like that ). Anyway, they didn't need that dirty Russian natural gas.They went to “ green ” ( Klaus Schwab said it, didn't they? ).

Meanwhile, the citizens of our country have been prepared to perfection by the industrial and propaganda complex of the United States, shouting “ Russia, Russia, Russia ”, on the orders of opinion leader Hillary Clinton, a suitor as president. The media demanded the crucifixion of his adversary, Mr. Trump, who had lazyly launched the odious idea that the United States and Russia could maintain friendly relations, since the bear no longer displayed the red flag. What !!! He really said that !?! The idiot orange who has no idea !

Well, the people who run America – that is, the dozens of unelected bureaucratic satraps that keep their nests through ’Okefenokeeinside the Beltway, in particular the alligator pit known politely as the Information Community – decided to submit M. Trump to an individual version of the exquisite torture for Russia, Russia, Russia: pain, ignominy and ruin. Six years later, they are still at work, because the relentless Mr. Trump will not give up his crusade to take over the White House and defenestrate all those who try to defenestrate it. His enemies have seized all the levers of legal power and yet, surprisingly, they can't invent anything other than the most lousy accusations to drag him to the courts under their control.

This internal political conflict in the United States has driven people completely mad, while he has made our institutions rancid and left us subject to a pathocracy that hides behind a ridiculously false executive leader. After more than a year of applying America's great plan to maintain its world domination, Russia is doing very well, thank you, by building a geoeconomic framework for trade that will not be subject to the jokes of Western civil society led by the United States. Russia is a nation of people who see themselves as men and women, the difficulties linked to the confusion of genres being fortunately absent. Ditto for racial follies. Ditto for the banking Ponzis.

After more than two years of “ Joe Biden ”, our country is going beyond the stage of the banana republic, dissolution and depravity, to quickly sink into a dystopia with Jérôme Bosch, made up of financial, social, psychological and moral ruins. All official statements are lies. Everything is broken or breaking. And apparently, on purpose. The recurring question, of course, is for what purposes.

And why has Mr. Zelensky been going from country to country for a month ? Because the game of struggle between you and him is coming to an end and Mr. Z could find himself fatally unpopular on the inner front. He managed to send over 100,000 young Ukrainians to death in the meat grinder, and perhaps a million others fled to other countries. Ukraine will only have women, children and the elderly, with just enough surviving soldiers to track down the comic that has made Ukraine one of the bad jokes in history.

James Howard Kunstler


Well-known member

Breaking the Kakhovka Dam is a perfect crime​

The rupture of the Nova Kakhovka dam on the Dnieper, in a war-torn Ukraine last Tuesday is without a doubt a colossal catastrophe, a real disaster ecological and human whose consequences could be longer than war itself.

However, what strikes in the reaction of the House Blanche at this event, that of John Kirby, coordinator of the strategic communication to the National Security Council is that it avoided tactfully to confirm the charges brought by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky against the Russians.

Kirby said: “We have read the reports indicating that Russia was responsible ... We do our best to assess these reports. And we work with the Ukrainians to collect more information. But we can't say to conclusively what happened at this point…

Kirby did not want to venture into a field where only fools enter and where the cautious fear to venture. He is interesting to note that his remark goes in the same direction as that of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak: “it is too early to decide definitively“. Sunak, who was traveling to Washington on June 6, said that the British defense intelligence services were going to conduct a “in-depth investigation” to establish who is responsible for the disaster.

Of course, it is entirely conceivable that Great Britain eventually find a way to blame Russia. But for now, she has nothing concrete in hand to vilipend Moscow.

Indeed, what complicates things is that by virtue of the classical Latin canon cui bono ( who benefits from the crime? ) on the identification of suspects of a crime, both Ukraine and Russia can be considered like “winners” or “losers“. This should be explained.

Let’s take Ukraine first. She is a winner because Russia has apparently shot in the foot while destroying the dam, since the topography of the places is such that it is the eastern shore Dnieper's lower in Kherson region, than Russians held, who is most affected by the flood. Secondly, the flood swept away the mines and a large part of the fortifications that the Russians had carefully prepared to prevent a large-scale Ukrainian offensive. One might think that the forces Ukrainian women will now have free rein when the flood will be calmed.

Third, it is a huge propaganda blow for Kiev which, with the help of the Western media, hammers that the Russians have committed a war crime. Zelensky wrote on Facebook: “Terrorists Russian. The destruction of the hydroelectric power station dam Kakhovka only confirms to the world that they must be expelled from all corners of Ukrainian territory. Not a single meter must be left to them because they use every meter to sow the terror. Only the victory of Ukraine will restore the security. And this victory will come. Terrorists will not be able stop Ukraine with water, missiles or anything else.”

This great psychological victory also coincides with the launch of ”spring offensive” planned by Kiev. In addition, Kiev is largely a winner if destruction of the Kakhovka dam affects the cooling system of the reactors at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant ( which would make it a first-rate European crisis ) and / or jeopardizes water supply to the Crimean Peninsula ( which could alienate Russian public opinion. ) Likewise, the Kakhovka dam was a hydroelectric plant, and there could be a shortage of electricity in areas held by Russians.

But the biggest victory for Kiev will be that nothing will prevent its future amphibious assaults in the Kherson strategic region a once the water has gone down, since Russia no longer has the advantage of Kakhovka Dam floods to sweep away the forces of Ukrainian landing on the eastern bank of the Dnieper.

On the other hand, with regard to Russia, the big question which calls for an answer is this: Why would she want to destroy the dam when it was still able to create huge floods to drown Ukrainian deployments by simply opening valves at any time ?

In a rare declaration of this type, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu explained only after having suffered very heavy losses in the two or three first days of the Ukrainian offensive underway in the direction of Donetsk, Kiev urgently needed “redeploy low units and equipmentés at Kherson to his offensive area” in the north and used the terrorist act to flood the region “to prevent offensive actions by Russia“.

This is a logical explanation, but there is a contradiction in the since, by reducing deployment on the Kherson front particular the positions inside the swampy islands of the Dniepr river where force multipliers like repeaters of drones and relays were deployed, Ukrainian forces placed at a disadvantage, the Russian side of which may always take advantage of it once the flood has dissipated.


It is clear that Russia is a winner if it decides to cross the Dnieper in the Kherson Oblast and to liberate the historic region Odessa ( and join immediately with Russian troops isolated in Transnistria, in Moldova ), now that there are no more dam for the Ukrainian side to flood the region and hinder the Russian march west !

Second, the fact that the floods overwhelmed all ammunition depots that the Ukrainians had set up in Kherson in seen from an offensive in the southern region is a net gain. Third, the current floods prevent any amphibious assault Ukrainian forces, which allows the Russian army to divert its attention of the Kherson front and focus instead on the front north, where most of the Ukrainian offensive seems to be developing.

Meanwhile, according to Russian media citing expert advice :

  • The massive evacuation of the city of Novaya Kakhovka due to the destruction of the dam will not be necessary, as most of the population left the city in the fall when the troops from Kherson management ;
  • The water level should return to normal within 72 hours ;
  • The water level in the northern Crimean canal is by no means affected, thanks to the additional tanks that were built in during the period 2014-2022, when Kiev imposed a “water blockade” in Crimea ;
  • The Russian military had anticipated current events at Kherson and had prepared layered defense fortifications behind which the troops are currently positioning themselves.
Russian military expert Colonel Vitaly Kiselyov said on television: “Ours men, our experts, have foreseen the risk that not only the tank Kakhovka, but also that of Kiev and others are subject to explosions and sabotage ... Regarding changes brought to our defensive fortifications, yes, to some extent, they must be moved. But it is not essential. He is not no longer essential that the enemy tries to attack in this area“.

As incredible as it may seem, in a meticulous and insightful “post-mortem analysis” of the rupture of the Kakhovka dam, the famous blogger Simplicius the Thinker offers a new “natural theory, that the dam collapsed by itself“.

It is a dam that has already suffered numerous attacks from the share of the Ukrainian and Russian armies over the past year and which was in very poor condition, satellite photos taken in the days preceding the rupture already showing that he was fleeing massively in his center. The dam, which had experienced glorious days at the time Soviet, maybe couldn't take it anymore. In fact, the breach “looks like a clean break“.

The height is that Kiev, which controls several other dams in upstream – as a hydroelectric power station in the city of Zaporozhye and in the city of Dnipro – had also started playing with water levels and fill the Kakhovka reservoir, thus exerting a immense pressure on this 67-year-old dam. In other words, “the dam collapsed by itself rather than by direct fire or sabotage with explosives, but he was still pushed to collapse by direct action by the Kiev regime“. For more details, read here this masterful analysis.

M.K. Bhadrakumar


Well-known member

What awaits the dollar if the BRICS create their own currency, says an ex-CIA adviser​

by Al manar

As a reserve currency, the dollar is likely to collapse if the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) create their own currency, former CIA adviser James Rickards has estimated.

This announcement could take place within two and a half months, in particular on August 22, during the BRICS summit. On an unprecedented scale, it would be the most significant in international finance since 1971, he wrote in an article published on the Daily Reckoning portal.

For good reason: the BRICS represent a considerable alternative to Western hegemony on all fronts, indicated Rickards, who is also an expert in finance.

Rising BRICS power​

The group already weighs a lot on the international scene. It has four of the seven largest countries in the world by landmass, possessing 30% of the Earth's dry surface and associated natural resources, recalls the former American officer.

Nearly 50% of the world's wheat and rice production as well as 15% of the world's gold reserves are in the BRICS.

Finally, China, India, Brazil and Russia are four of the nine most populous countries on the planet with a combined population of 3,2 billion people or 40% of Earth's population.

In addition, dozens of countries are interested in BRICS, and eight have officially applied to join. This means that the weight of the group will only go up. For example, if Saudi Arabia were admitted, the BRICS share of global GDP would be over 54%, measured in purchasing power parity.

Loss of confidence in the dollar​

According to Rickards, this interest is explained by the fact that Washington abuses the sanctions against certain countries. According to him, the case of Russia suggested to many States that they could suffer the same fate. Especially if their efforts one day displease the United States.

«This fear greatly accelerated the pressure to withdraw completely from the dollar system.He said.

Returning to the warnings he had issued, the former CIA employee argued that this crucial turning point in the world economy could "occur sooner than expected».

These transformations would producea geopolitical shock wave for which the world is not preparedHe concludes.

«This game for global reserve currency status by the BRICS will affect global trade, foreign direct investment and investors' portfolios in dramatic and unforeseen ways.added the finance expert.

Bypassing the dollar​

Some BRICS member countries or their supporters already use their own currencies in trade.

However, Dubai and Beijing have recently concluded an agreement according to which the first will accept the Chinese yuan in payment for its oil exports.

In turn, Dubai can use the yuan to buy semiconductors or manufactured goods from China.

Then China and Brazil recently entered into a bilateral currency agreement where each country accepts the other's currency in trade.

Finally, Russia can pay in rubles for Chinese manufactured goods and other exports, while China pays in yuan for Russian energy, strategic metals and weapons systems.

The issue of creating a common currency should be on the agenda for the next summit, according to Moscow, which has raised it several times. This idea was supported by the Brazilian President, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

source: Al manar


Active member
and another 2.1 billion dollars in anti-air equipment and munitions are on their way to Ukraine.
More american tax dollars to go up in smoke then while your own people sleep in the streets and your infrastructure is falling apart.



Notice how it says 2A6, ODS-SA? Thats right, its the latest, most advanced pieces of nato crap turned into russian scrap metal.