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Corpselover Fat

Active member
Pointing out and naming some Jewish Nazi collaborators isn't saying "the Jews holocausted themselves".

As a reply to "jews didn't murder themselves in holocaust" it kinda is. He even got the old hitler was a jew in there... Like I said: maybe it's a knee jerk reaction to someone critizing Lavrov, but I mean that ain't a good look really, is it?


Well-known member
As a reply to "jews didn't murder themselves in holocaust" it kinda is. He even got the old hitler was a jew in there... Like I said: maybe it's a knee jerk reaction to someone critizing Lavrov, but I mean that ain't a good look really, is it?
It's history. Slander isn't a good look for you.


Well-known member
this article states that, at 2:54 am on the morning of the dam break, seismic recorders in Romania and Norway recorded a single large blast.

and, US satellites recorded a single large explosion at the site at the same time.

the Russians were in control of the dam at the time of the blast.

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Well-known member


I find the idea that Russia destroyed the dam to be very difficult to believe, for the following reasons (in recap):

  1. Flooding disproportionately affected the Russian side of the river and destroyed Russian positions.
  2. The loss of the dam does severe damage to core Russian interests, including Crimean water access and agriculture on the steppe.
  3. The dam, while intact, was a tool which Russia was using to manipulate the water level freely.
  4. Of the two beligerent parties, only Ukraine has openly shot at the dam and talked about breaching it.
We may learn, of course, that there was some accidental failure of some kind, potentially due to the water tug of war being waged between Russia and Ukraine as they try to balance the flow of the river. But in a wartime situation, when a major infrastructure object is destroyed, it is most rational to assume intentional destruction, and in this situation the costs to critical Russian infrastructure and the loss of a valuable tool for controlling the river make it extremely difficult to believe that Russia would blow up its own dam.

Ultimately, perhaps your judgement on the matter simply reflects your larger belief about who is winning the war. Breaching a dam is, after all, rather a desperation move - so maybe the question to ask is: who do you think is more desperate? Whose back is against the wall here - Russia, or Ukraine?
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Well-known member

Kursk 2.0?​

by Mikael Valtersson

Analysis of the Ukrainian counter-offensive

Zaporizhia – Afternoon of June 9

The fierce fighting continues along the Zaporizhia front, without any Ukrainian breakthrough being achieved. Sometimes the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AUF) make small gains, and then the Russian Armed Forces take back the lost territories. But all the fighting still takes place in the gray area in front of the main Russian defense lines.

I won't go into the details of the attacks and counterattacks, but the main combat areas were concentrated around Lobkove to the west and Robotino to the south of Orikhiv. Ukrainian forces captured Lobkove for a short time, but then retreated due to heavy Russian shelling.

At Robotino, the Russian forces retreated to the second line of forward positions, closer to the settlement, then they recaptured the lost positions, and now the Ukrainian forces have recaptured them a second time. But the Ukrainians have still not reached the village of Robotino and are fighting an uphill battle across open ground, through Russian minefields, and may have to fall back a second time to their original positions.

Ukrainian forces do not appear to clear mines prior to the attack. They do this with a few mine-clearing vehicles when they attack, and behind them Ukrainian armor advances in column, making it an easy target for Russian forces. In a way, it resembles Russian armor columns at the start of the war. Columns that suffered catastrophic losses to Ukrainian weapons, a story now repeated by Ukrainians.

Before an offensive, the attacker must ensure air and artillery superiority, in order to be able to protect his minesweeping operations and his troop concentrations. It must also destroy the command structures and logistics centers of the defenders. Finally, when attacking, air and artillery superiority can be used to seriously injure and slow down enemy reserves to secure breakthroughs. This is all the more important if the enemy has significant reserves and defense in depth.

On the Zaporizhia front, the situation is reversed and the Ukrainian forces do not have much choice as to how to act. One method is to create a strategic surprise, as in the Kharkiv offensive last fall. This option does not exist on the Zaporizhia front. Generally speaking, I would say that an attack on an enemy who has all the advantages that the Russian armed forces have on the Zaporizhia front is suicidal.

Ukrainian (and Western) commanders could only have considered the success of such an offensive if

  • Western weapons were far superior to Russian weapons
  • trained western soldiers were far superior to Russian soldiers
  • Russian morale was low.
  • If all these factors were true, the FAU could have had a chance of succeeding, but nothing seems to support these hypotheses.
Many on the Ukrainian and Western side expected stiff initial resistance from the Russian forces, but after 2-3 days of fighting and advances of around 6-8 km, they expected an increasing collapse of Russian morale and real breakthroughs. None of this seems like more than wishful thinking, since the fighting is still taking place in the gray zone and the Russian resistance is unbroken. At the same time, the Ukrainian forces suffer heavy losses in soldiers and vehicles.

The offensive is not over yet and the main Ukrainian point of attack remains with probably more than 600 tanks and as many IFDs around Orikhiv. But the future of the Ukrainian offensive is bleak if its vanguard is destroyed before it reaches the main Russian defense lines. It is highly likely that Ukraine will have to use its main force to break through a few Russian defense lines, then run out of forces to exploit its successes and be forced to withdraw.

In summary, the most likely outcome of the Ukrainian offensive is minor territorial gain at horrendous cost.

As I said before, it seems to be Kursk 2.0.

source: Mikael Valtersson


Well-known member

Russian defense: all Kiev attempts at counterattacks in 24 hours have been thwarted​

By Sputnik

Several attempts at Kiev’s offensive have been postponed for the past 24 hours on the Ukrainian front, according to the daily record of Russian Defense. A MiG-29 Ukrainian fighter was shot down and two Storm Shadow cruise missiles as well as ten HIMARS shells and eight drones were intercepted.
The Ukrainian armed forces have continued, over the past 24 hours, vain offensive attempts on the Donetsk-South and Zaporojié axes as well as near Artiomovsk ( Bakhmout in Ukrainian ), said the Russian Ministry of Defense this Saturday.
During this period, Russian air defense killed a MiG-29 Ukrainian fighter in the Donetsk region. Two Storm Shadow cruise missiles and ten HIMARS multiple rocket launcher shells were intercepted. Eight drones were also destroyed, according to the daily balance sheet of the ministry.
Near the city of Artiomovsk, five attacks from Kiev have been repelled. Two armored vehicles, five other vehicles and two D-30 howitzers were destroyed.

Kiev losses on different axes :​

Koupiansk axis: Russian forces have ended the activities of four Ukrainian sabotage and intelligence groups; they destroyed an armored vehicle, two pick-ups and an American howitzer M777.

Krasny Liman axis: a Ukrainian sabotage and intelligence group has been defused. The Russian army also destroyed an armored personnel carrier, two combat tanks, three other vehicles, self-propelled guns Krab, Gvozdika and Akatsiya, as well as a D-20 howitzer. A stock of ammunition has been razed.

Zaporojié axis: Ukrainian forces lost nine tanks including four Leopard, 11 armored personnel carriers including five Bradley, 14 combat tanks, six vehicles and a French Caesar self-propelled gun.

Kherson axis: Kiev's losses amount to two vehicles and a self-propelled Akatsiya gun. A stockpile of ammunition was also destroyed.


Well-known member
Lessons from Vietnam for Ukraine

01 Aug 2022, by Rick Sterling

In April 1965, U.S. President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) explained why he was escalating US involvement in Vietnam. With an Orwellian touch, LBJ titled the speech “Peace without Conquest” as he announced the beginning of US air attacks on Vietnam. He explained that “We must fight if we are to live in a world where every country can shape its own destiny and only in such a world will our own freedom be secure… we have made a national pledge to help South Vietnam defend its independence and I intend to keep that promise. To dishonor that pledge, to abandon the small and brave nation to its enemies and the terror must follow would be an unforgivable wrong.”

Johnson further explained, “We are also there to strengthen world order… To leave Vietnam to its fate would shake the confidence of all these people in the value of an American commitment and in the value of America’s words.”

Learning no lessons from the failure and mass slaughter of the Korean War in the previous decade, the US military commenced widespread bombing of Vietnam and sent hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

At the time, spring 1965, about 400 US soldiers had died in the conflict. The war was not yet widely unpopular. Americans who protested against the Vietnam War were a small minority. It would be two years before Martin Luther King’s famous denunciation of the war.

Years later, after hundreds of thousands had been drafted into the military with the deaths of tens of thousands, the war became widely unpopular. Ultimately, over 58,000 Americans and three million Vietnamese civilians and soldiers died in the war. The cost in human lives and wasted resources was immense. The “Great Society” that LBJ hoped to build was stopped by the diversion of human lives, energy and resources into the Vietnam War.

There are similarities today with the US and NATO pouring tens of BILLIONS of dollars in weapons into Ukraine to counter the Russian military intervention. The US and western allies are providing additional support in intelligence and military advice. While there are not yet official US troops (as there were not in Vietnam for the first years), there are special operations and much other military support.

President Biden and administration leaders sound similar to LBJ in the early stage of the Vietnam War. In his remarks to Congress asking for additional funding for Ukraine, Biden said, “We need this bill to support Ukraine in its fight for freedom…. The cost of this fight is not cheap, but caving to aggression is going to be more costly if we allow it to happen.” Making clear that the US goal is not just the “freedom” of Ukraine, Biden continues, “Investing in Ukraine’s freedom and security is a small price to pay to punish Russian aggression, to lessen the risk of future conflicts.”

In both Vietnam and Ukraine, the US installed or promoted pro-US governments to counter “adversary” nations. In the 1950’s, the US prevented a nation-wide referendum in Vietnam which would have united the country without a war. In 2014, the US was instrumental in promoting the Ukraine coup which overthrew a democratically elected government leading to the secession of Crimea and civil war in eastern Ukraine. While most in the West think the Ukraine conflict began in February this year, it actually began in February 2014. The 2016 documentary “Ukraine on Fire”, banned by YouTube, describes the coup.

Western media portrayed the US and South Vietnam winning the war in South East Asia until the 1968 Tet offensive exposed the lies and reality. Similarly, western media portrays Ukrainians winning the war midst overwhelming Ukrainian public support. In reality, Russia and the secessionist Donetsk Peoples Republic (DPR) and Lugansk Peoples Republic (LPR) have steadily taken control of south east Ukraine. Meanwhile, Ukrainian president Zelensky has overseen the the imprisonment, torture and killing of opponents. The largest opposition party has been banned. Many Ukrainians oppose his policy and continuation of the war. There are rumors of presidential assassination attempts, just as there were in South Vietnam.

Ukrainians have become cannon fodder for the US geopolitical goals, just as the South Vietnamese were.

It is now clear that the LBJ’s escalation in 1965 was a huge and costly mistake. The needless war did immense damage to Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. It is also had enormous negative ramifications in the United States.

Will the US and allies continue to escalate the conflict in Ukraine, to “double down” on an intervention half way around the world with the goal of hurting Russia? Have we learned nothing from Vietnam and subsequent US/Western foreign policy disasters of the past 40 years?

Rick Sterling is an independent journalist based in the SF Bay Area. He can be reached at [email protected]


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor


Well-known member
an interesting feature of a military that is losing is their propaganda increases in volume and urgency
it's a literal tell, bad idea since it informs their opponent of degree of success
kind of like a desperate creature trying to breathe, instinct trumps reason
it's worse than I thought, russian army is cracking under the pressure
much as I would like to celebrate, some sort of deal needs to happen
a cornered rat with nukes needs an escape route


Active member
Vera Vayiman, a member of the humanitarian and monitoring mission of the OSCE in Ukraine between 2019 and 2022, had collected information on underground labs. Here is her testimony on what she personally witnessed and recorded during that time.



Active member
an interesting feature of a military that is losing is their propaganda increases in volume and urgency
it's a literal tell, bad idea since it informs their opponent of degree of success
kind of like a desperate creature trying to breathe, instinct trumps reason
it's worse than I thought, russian army is cracking under the pressure
much as I would like to celebrate, some sort of deal needs to happen
a cornered rat with nukes needs an escape route
This one actually made sense until I realised it talked about the russian army. There will not be any sort of deal only more of this.



Active member
The witness statement is part of a documentary that cover the issue in detail. RT aired the following segment in which organ harvesting is described as standard for the nato war machine.


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