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Well-known member
And without the US coup d’etat there would not have been a conflict in Ukraine to start with, no need for Russia to intervene.
which came first, the chicken or the egg? we could leap-frog and hopscotch our way back through history until the beginning of time and you could never justify the carnage and destruction Russia has inflicted on Ukraine in the last 467 days.


Well-known member

World's largest US aircraft carrier 'disappears' en route to Russia​

by Sputnik Africa

The USS Gerald R. Ford, considered the largest aircraft carrier in the world, vanished in the waters of the Far North after leaving Norway and heading for Russia, according to the Norwegian newspaper High North News.

The American aircraft carrier USS Gerald Ford, which left Oslo in the direction of the Russian Far North, has not made any sign of life for a while, emitting no electronic signal, says the Norwegian newspaper High North News.

«I couldn't find any reports of the movements of the USS Gerald R. Ford. All I know is that it had to pass along the Norwegian coast and the Russian border», Indicates the author of the article.

However, it is a ship 337 meters long, 78 meters wide and 76 meters high with a crew of 4500 people, the newspaper recalls.

«It is very likely that the ship is currently on a military mission», Underlines the high north news.

According to the Norwegian newspaper, aerial exercises Arctic Challenge 2023 has been held since May 29 in the region. They engage the forces of the Nordic countries (Norway, Sweden, Finland) and the United States, whose planes from the USS Gerald R. Ford could participate, the newspaper supposes.

A suspicious message?

A message was broadcast in English and Norwegian on a local radio station, according to the newspaper. It was an announcement of the instructions to follow on June 2 as part of the start of a naval exercise in the Vestfjorden area:

«A naval exercise will take place in the Vestfjorden area in the period beginning June 2, 2023 at 06:00 UTC until further notice. The exercises require high-speed maneuvers. Vessels in the area are encouraged to keep a distance of 1,5 nautical miles from warships. Contact the Norwegian Joint Headquarters for more information. End of post».

In October 2022, the UK Defense Journal announced the presence of the aircraft carrier USS Gerald Ford in Europe in mid-November near Portsmouth.

On May 25, the largest American ship had arrived in Norway.

What scared the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea ?​


State Department Recognized Destroyer Crew USS Donald Cook is severely demoralized since it was flew over the Black Sea by a Russian combat aircraft Sukhoi-24 (Su-24) which carried neither bombs nor missiles but only an electronic warfare device.

On this video, the destroyer USS Donald Cook arrives in the Black Sea to take a position near the territorial waters of Russia
April 10, 2014, destroyer USS Donald Cook arrived in the Black Sea and on April 12 a Russian tactical bomber Su-24 flew over this vessel during the incident which, according to several media, completely demoralized the crew of the US ship, to the point that the Pentagon protested [1].
L ’USS Donald Cook ( DDG-75 ) is a fourth generation missile launcher whose fundamental weapon is cruise missiles Tomahawk, having a maximum range of 2,500 kilometers and being capable of carrying nuclear warheads. As part of a routine mission, l ’USS Donald Cook carries 56 Tomahawk but in attack configuration it is equipped with 96 of these cruise missiles.
This US destroyer is equipped with the latest generation combat system Aegis. It is an integrated system capable of linking together the missile defense means of all the ships where it is embarked, thus creating a large network which would guarantee detection, the pursuit and destruction of hundreds of targets at the same time. L ’USS Donald Cook is also equipped with 4 huge radars, the power of which is comparable to that of several stations. To ensure its protection, it carries more than fifty anti-aircraft missiles of various types.
Gold, the Su-24 Russian who flew over ’USS Donald Cook wore neither bombs nor missiles but only a basket, installed under its fuselage, which, according to Russian publication Rossíyskaya Gazeta [2], contained a Russian electronic warfare device called Jibiny.
When the Russian plane started the approach phase, this electronic warfare device would have neutralized all radars, control circuits, information transmission systems, etc. embarked on board the US destroyer. In other words, the almighty system Aegis, now incorporated – or in the installation phase – into the most modern on-board defense systems of NATO vessels, was simply disconnected like a TV set that was turned off with a remote control.
The Su-24 Russian then simulated a missile attack against ’USS Donald Cook, already literally deaf and blind. As if carrying out a training exercise, the Russian unarmed – – repeated the same missile attack maneuver 12 times before moving away from the fourth generation US destroyer.
After that, l ’USS Donald Cook immediately set sail for a port in Romania.
Since this incident, which remains carefully obscured by the Atlanticist press despite the profusion of comments among defense specialists, the US ship has no longer approached Russian territorial waters.
According to some specialized media, 27 sailors from ’USS Donald Cook would have asked to be relieved of active service.
The director of the electronic war research and assessment center for so-called « visibility reduction » of the Russian Military Aviation Academy, Vladimir Balybine, made the following comment :
« The more complex a radio-electronic system, the easier it becomes to interrupt its operation by the use of electronic means of warfare. »

US system presentation video Aegis. Currently on board the most sophisticated warships of the US Navy and in the process of being incorporated into the panoply of NATO naval forces, this missile defense system would have been completely neutralized in the Black Sea by a Russian electronic warfare system.

Russia blurs orders for Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier and 7th fleet​


n October 27, 2015, a Tupolev 142 multiplied approaches to the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan who carried out maneuvers with the 7th fleet and the South Korean navy east of the peninsula.

Since April 2014, Russian aviation has taken several actions to test its system for jamming NATO communications and controls [1].

This time, the United States Navy took off several of its planes before the Russian aircraft jammed US communications and controls, so they were finally able to move the intruder away. However, the Tupolev approached the aircraft carrier 500 feet without either the aircraft carrier or the 7th fleet being able to react, attesting that Russia is capable of destroying a NATO flagship.

The Russian system for jamming NATO communications and orders is currently being tested in a war situation in Syria where it covers a radius of 300 kilometers around Lattaquié — an area now escaping monitoring the Atlantic Alliance —. It is also deployed on part of the Black Sea and in Kaliningrad.



Well-known member

American lies​

by Dmitry Orlov

On February 24, 2022, in the midst of the launch of the special military operation, Putin dropped a bombshell of truth:

«American politicians, political analysts and journalists themselves write and say that a real empire of lies has been created in the United States in recent years. It's hard not to agree with that, it's true».

The only part of that statement that I might disagree with is “in recent years”. The United States has been fed lies since its inception: the Plymouth Plantation was created by pilgrims rather than colonizers; they celebrated Thanksgiving with the local Algonquins (whose vegetable gardens they plundered and who despised them); the American Revolution was nothing but a tax revolt and the Boston Tea Party was about tea rather than opium; the American Civil War was about slavery rather than industrialization (British versus North American); the Americans preferred slavery to industrialization (British versus North American); that it was the Americans and not the Soviets who won the Second World War; that the Americans have been to the moon five times and not zero… It is possible to continue in this vein practically ad infinitum.

Over the years I've tackled many of these hoaxes one by one, including novelties such as the ozone hoax (which disappeared as soon as the Dupont patent on CFC-free refrigerants expired), the CO2 hoax (which continues pending the collapse of the green energy scam). The gender scam (the idea that normal, healthy mammals can be anything other than male or female) is still a little too hot to handle, although it shows signs of being ready to implode on its own (Bud Lite™…help). Human nature is not something that can be ignored forever and viewing homosexuality as a mental illness is likely to come back into vogue after a while. But it was not these lies that prompted Putin to make his earth-shattering statement, their distant echoes in Russia being about as interesting to the average Russian as the revival of headhunting and cannibalism on the island of Borneo.

What definitely caught Putin's attention was the statement issued by the White House on September 2, 2020, on the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II, part of which reads: : “The American victory of September 2, 1945 marked the end of the most devastating war in history, ensuring peace and freedom throughout the world". What ? Americans won WWII? Who would have believed it ?

In this case, it's pretty easy to prove the Americans are lying (again). The Second World War took place in two major theaters of war: Europe and Asia. In Europe, the war ended when the Red Army entered Berlin and raised the victory flag over the Reichstag on May 1, 1945. In Asia, the war ended when the Red Army drove out the 'Japanese Mainland Kwantung Army and accepted the surrender of General Yamada Otozo on August 16, 1945, one day after Emperor Hirohito's surrender. The idea that American or British participation in either of these conflicts was somehow consequential or decisive is fanciful.

In the east, Hirohito's signing of the "Instrument of Surrender" on September 2, 1945 was pure theater. It was the Soviet blitzkrieg on the mainland, not American island hopping, aerial bombardment, or even the two atomic explosions, that made Japan's surrender inevitable. See the beautiful main event map at the top of the article.

Likewise, in the European theatre. Here, just look at a few dates. The fate of the Third Reich was sealed in Stalingrad on February 2, 1943. After that, the only thing left for the Red Army was to liberate a huge territory. It wasn't until 16 months later, on June 6, 1944, that the United States and Britain saw fit to enter the conflict by staging the invasion of Normandy. As most of the German troops, along with many other Western Europeans who had volunteered to fight for Hitler, were stuck on the Eastern Front, the American and British takeover of everything what was west of Berlin was just a cakewalk. Nevertheless, they took care to bombard a number of German medieval towns, barbaric destruction being one of their calling cards. Here is the situation on the Eastern Front on the day of the Normandy landings: the whole of the USSR is already liberated and the liberation of Warsaw is underway.

There are all kinds of lies, ridicule ("I didn't know there was an assignment, so I didn't do it, then I lost it, then my dog ate it") to the sublime (“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen”). But some lies are existentially important, to the point that no further dialogue, polite or otherwise, is possible, and “Americans won WWII,” if you're Russian, is one such lie.

If you think that something that happened three quarters of a century ago cannot be so important, you are wrong: for Russians it is very important. You might want to think of this as a negotiable point, in an effort to tone down that statement a bit, saying "well, maybe the Soviets had something to do with OUR victory…” But you are mistaken: once this lie has been uttered, all that remains is to moderate the person who uttered it to make this lie disappear.

You might want to find out the truth for yourself, so you can get a clear idea of what really happened. Alas, the vast majority of what you can read in English about WWII is, once again, riddled with lies. If your country, since its inception, has fed on a diet of lies, trying to uncover the truth becomes a kind of foolish enterprise. All that remains is to draw the consequences of this great existential lie.

And the consequences are sure to be terrible. The Russians woke up and woke up, and a whole swath of richly funded American propaganda went up in smoke. All of these American lies, many more than I have listed here, have been exposed, discussed and mocked.

They suddenly remembered that the Americans make pitiful soldiers and they lost the wars in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq consecutively (to Iran) and are currently busy losing their war by proxy in the former Ukraine.

They've realized that the US military (and all of NATO with it) is a hopeless, pathetic, overpriced mess, still capable of causing wanton, dangerous destruction with all of its 'Bang' toys, but totally unable to win the peace.

They have watched with great interest the overwhelming criminality and corruption of the American (and European by the way) ruling class that has come to the surface lately and have taken note of the fact that nothing is being done about it: the Clinton, the Bidens and a whole bunch of crooked Feds are still out of jail!

They remembered that it is the Russians who are the best soldiers in the world, followed by the Ukrainians (since they are also Russians, but they made the big mistake of turning against Russia and most of their best soldiers are now dead). If you have any doubts about this, take a look at this map. It shows the extent of the natural habitat of the Russians. Only the Russians, whose population is smaller than that of Bangladesh, are able to defend such a large area.

Through publicly available documents, they learned what the Americans wanted to do with them: they wanted to break Russia into small, easily digestible pieces. Needless to say, they didn't like the idea. But it gave them an idea they liked: what if the United States was divided into states and counties? Of course, they wouldn't do it, because they're busy with other things. But what if the Americans did it themselves?

And then they noticed, to their surprise, that the Americans seem to be heading in this general direction on their own, without anyone's help: they are ruining themselves by making their dollar toxic and imposing economic sanctions on themselves. ridiculous, they stir up resentment and disunity over stupid issues such as the "genderand they lose friends and influence left and right because of their arrogance, ignorance and deceit. They even offer their enemies teachable moments, such as organizing a G7 meeting in Hiroshima, like a criminal returning to the scene of his crime, while refusing to apologize for the atrocity while utterly useless they have committed in this city.

And then the Russians understood what they had to do to achieve the goal they had set themselves: they had to wait.

Dmitry Orlov

source: Club Orlov


Well-known member

Shoigu makes an urgent report on the preliminary results of the Ukrainian counteroffensive​


Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has issued an urgent report on the preliminary results of the Ukrainian counteroffensive.

Within three days, the Ukrainian regime launched a long-promised offensive in different parts of the front, concentrating large amounts of equipment and manpower for this purpose.

On June 4, the AUF 23rd and 31st Mechanized Brigades attempted a five-direction offensive. The enemy did not succeed in any of them and suffered significant losses: 300 soldiers, 16 tanks, 26 armored fighting vehicles and 14 vehicles.

On June 5, the kyiv regime attempted an offensive in seven directions with five brigades. This was interrupted, suffering even greater losses: more than 1600 soldiers, 28 tanks, including eight Leopards and three AMX-10 wheeled tanks, 136 other military equipment, including 79 foreign vehicles.

The offensive attempt was foiled, the enemy was stopped, and the Russian soldiers and officers showed courage and heroism in the fighting.

Once again the enemy failed to achieve their objectives and suffered great and incomparable casualties.

Units of the 433rd Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 127th Motorized Rifle Division, the 37th and 60th Motorized Rifle Brigades distinguished themselves during the battle, showing tenacity and fortitude.

The 3rd company of the 37th motorized rifle brigade, under the command of Second Lieutenant Zhelanov Yury Yurievich, and the commander of the 1st battalion of the same brigade, Major Pozhentsev Vladimir Vladimirovich, showed particular heroism.

These units, which were in the direction of the main attack, firmly defended the positions they held and inflicted significant losses on the numerically superior forces of the enemy's 37th Marine Brigade. Under the threat of encirclement, the wounded Lieutenant Zhelanov led his company to an already equipped defensive position, where he managed to halt the advance of the enemy units.

Special mention should be given to the skillful actions of our tactical, attack and army aviation. They used 50 anti-tank guided missiles. Result: 5 tanks and 29 other armored fighting vehicles were destroyed.

In just three days of combat operations on all fronts, the Ukrainian Armed Forces suffered losses of up to 3715 soldiers, 52 tanks, 207 armored combat vehicles, 134 vehicles, 5 planes, 2 helicopters, 48 guns field artillery and 53 unmanned aerial vehicles.

Unfortunately, our soldiers were not spared. A total of 71 soldiers died and 210 were injured during the repelling of the enemy offensive within the Multinational Force Group. Fifteen tanks, nine infantry fighting vehicles, two vehicles and nine guns were shot down.

Last night, the Kiev regime committed a new terrorist crime: the structures of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant exploded, flooding large areas. The objective of these actions would be the following.

Having failed in its offensive operations, the enemy intends to transfer units and equipment from the direction of Kherson to its offensive zone in order to strengthen its potential, thereby significantly weakening its positions in the direction of Kherson. Moreover, the enemy began to build defensive positions on the right bank of the Dnieper, which indicates its intention to switch to defense in this area.

In order to prevent a Russian army offensive in this part of the front, the Kiev regime carried out a subversive, essentially terrorist act, which led to the flooding of important areas and will have serious and lasting environmental consequences.

In addition, the water flow from the Dnipropetrovsk hydropower plant is said to have increased significantly, leading to increased flooding.

This fact is evidence of large-scale sabotage planned in advance by the kyiv regime.

Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Sergei Shoigu

source: Politician


Active member
which came first, the chicken or the egg? we could leap-frog and hopscotch our way back through history until the beginning of time and you could never justify the carnage and destruction Russia has inflicted on Ukraine in the last 467 days.
I don’t have to justify anything, but just so we are clear then you are saying that your government was justified installing a poxy squad in Kiev to start killing russians because of whatever went down in the Garden of Eden, or the Big Bang? Well either way you lost on the battlefields and now you are losing on Twitter, too.


Well-known member

Vladimir Zelensky, a Russian hero...​

By Dmitry Orlov
During his tenure as president of what is left of Ukraine, Zelensky destroyed Ukraine, but accomplished great things for .... Russia ! Here are his main achievements :

- By being elected with the promise to end hostilities, then by immediately escalating the conflict in the east, he deeply compromised what was left of Ukrainian democracy. It further demolished the civic domain of Ukraine by banning all public media, except a government channel, by prohibiting all Russian opposition and sources of information and, in fact, by establishing a totalitarian dictatorship.

- By relentlessly bombing civilians in the Russian regions of Donetsk and Lugansk, then, in the spring of 2022, threatening them with a genocidal assault, he provided Russia with an irrefutable reason to launch the special military operation to save civilian lives. In doing so, he helped expand the Russian territory of four very precious provinces ( Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson ) and paved the way for possible addition, among others, regions of Nikolaev, Odessa, Kharkov and Kiev.

- It squandered $ 150 billion in foreign aid (, part of which was stolen ), spent a huge amount of military equipment and ammunition without results, and killed 350,000 Ukrainian soldiers ( many of whom were Nazi war criminals ),and with about twice as many injured.

- He reduced the population of his country by almost half, some of them settling in Russia, becoming Russian citizens and integrating productively into the Russian population, while the rest were traveling to the European Union, becoming a major burden on the social budgets of EU countries.

- By ordering Ukrainian troops to bomb schools, kindergartens, hospitals and apartment buildings in universally recognized Russian regions such as Belgorod, and launching drone attacks directly on the Kremlin, he said his government was a terrorist organization, excluding any possibility of forcing Russia to negotiate peace, which would not be entirely on its terms.

- He demonstrated the superiority of Russian military weapons and techniques over those of NATO, in particular by destroying one of the Patriot missile batteries supplied by the United States. Almost all of the equipment that the West has been able to supply to Ukrainians has been found to be lower than their Russian equivalents.

- He has given the Russian army many opportunities to perfect its techniques to defeat NATO forces, venturing into the new areas of drone warfare and battlefield surveillance from geostationary satellites. This will undoubtedly be very useful both in opposing NATO and in stimulating future arms sales to non-Western nations wishing to free themselves from the oppression and interference of the West.

- He sold some of the weapons he received from the United States to the Mexican drug cartels, leaving American officials no choice but to close their eyes. Perhaps they will also be forced to close their eyes when these cartels use these weapons to take hold of'an increasing number of American cities ?

- He welcomed many senior Western officials to whom he offered sumptuous gifts during their visit to Kiev, such as suitcases stuffed with money from foreign aid, that he had laundered and that these officials then brought home in their diplomatic bags, thus collecting elements of blackmail on each of them.

- He set an example for other Russian Jews who, unfortunately, had found themselves in Ukraine rather than in Russia, by installing his parents in a chic district of Israel. But he kept his wife by his side, where it has done a good job in demoralizing the Ukrainian population by wasting more money in a single shopping session in Europe than most Ukrainians see in several lives, all paid by the American taxpayer. She also tried to enlighten Western officials by making them accept and repeat ridiculous stories, such as that according to which Russian troops received Viagra to better rape Ukrainian women.

- Zelensky is sometimes reckless; for example, he was caught appointing agents of the Russian Federal Security Service ( former KGB ) to sensitive positions in the Ukrainian Defense Establishment, although it is not certain that what remains of the Ukrainian judicial system is capable of prosecuting it.

- One of his greatest successes has been to place the United States and NATO in a "zugzwang" situation". It is a chess term for a situation in which a player has a choice between several movements, all of which lead to defeat. The United States and NATO can either continue to support Ukraine or stop doing so; in both cases, they will lose.

- Perhaps its greatest success has been to help Russia turn away from its hostile western neighbors and turn to friendly countries in Asia, the Middle East, from Africa and Latin America, by cutting economic, financial and cultural ties with the West and by freeing itself from Western influences. His unwavering support for the Ukrainian Nazis, whose emblems, badges and slogans are inspired by Nazi Germany and whose heroes are Nazi collaborators, associated with the generous support they received from the West, whose leaders chose to turn a blind eye to their fascist inclinations, cemented in the minds of the Russians the vision of the West as their existential enemy: a fascist and racist entity determined to destroy Russia,but too weak and too cowardly to do the job itself.

All of this raises a question: Who is Vladimir Zelensky serving ? The answer seems obvious: Vladimir Zelensky serves Russia. It makes sense since he is, in fact, Russian. More specifically, he is a Russian Jew, but Russian Jews, like all other Russian ethnic groups, are first Russians and then Jews. His mother tongue is Russian and he has not learned on the heap Ukrainian ( as well as English ) only after becoming president. He is culturally Russian and, before becoming president, his comic numbers were very popular among Russians, both in ( former ) Ukraine and in Russia proper. He is not funny at all, both in Ukrainian ( and he speaks fairly ) and in English ( which is still rather written and stuffed ). Obviously it doesn’t'is not where his heart is.

For the heroic acts of Vladimir Zelensky in the service of Russia, I would like to recommend to Vladimir Putin to declare him Hero of the Russian Federation and to give him the highest Russian decoration, the Golden Star ... perhaps posthumously, but it is often the fate of Russian heroes to die heroically in the service of their country.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I don’t have to justify anything, but just so we are clear then you are saying that your government was justified installing a poxy squad in Kiev to start killing russians because of whatever went down in the Garden of Eden, or the Big Bang? Well either way you lost on the battlefields and now you are losing on Twitter, too.

Tucker is certainly an expert in repeating falsehoods until accepted. Dying? Let's glory in the Russian pride of announcing 1600 dead Ukranians (BTW very precise, dontcha think Romy?) As I said before, the Russians will deserve what they ultimately will receive for their aggression. They stand no chance, not even a tiny one (unless China joins them) against the allied forces, should they push the envelope (too much). I really doubt China would rile the beast which provides them so much bling.
My Chinese biz contact cried when I retired from scope sales.


Active member
As I said before, the Russians will deserve what they ultimately will receive for their aggression. They stand no chance, not even a tiny one
You can believe whatever you want, it does not mean that your belief is rooted in reality. Take the demented sanctions war for instance. As predicted not only Germany but the whole of the euro zone is now officially in recession. And as for this so called counter offensive by natos poxy army, it is a complete trainwreck.

When the ukranian kamikaze offensive is done, and that is what it is, then Russia will launch its own offensive and there will not be a Ukraine when they are done. This has already been made official.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
You can believe whatever you want, it does not mean that your belief is rooted in reality. Take the demented sanctions war for instance. As predicted not only Germany but the whole of the euro zone is now officially in recession. And as for this so called counter offensive by natos poxy army, it is a complete trainwreck.

When the ukranian kamikaze offensive is done, and that is what it is, then Russia will launch its own offensive and there will not be a Ukraine when they are done. This has already been made official.
Left the rest out
"They stand no chance, not even a tiny one (unless China joins them) against the allied forces, should they push the envelope (too much). I really doubt China would rile the beast which provides them so much bling.
My Chinese biz contact cried when I retired from scope sales."

but okay.


Well-known member
And as for this so called counter offensive by natos poxy army, it is a complete trainwreck.

Putin Cops to ‘Significant Losses,’ Inferior Weapons in Stunning War Admission​


In a rare admission, Russian President Vladimir Putin acknowledged Friday that Russia is sustaining “significant losses” in the war on Ukraine.

“In recent days, we have seen significant losses in Ukraine, they exceed the classical figure,” he said, according to the Kremlin.
The Russian president also confessed that Russian forces were dealing with artillery problems, adding in his remarks that “Yes, we still do not have enough of these modern weapons, but the defense industry, the country's military-industrial complex is developing rapidly.”
“It can be stated that all counteroffensive attempts made so far have failed, but the offensive potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has still been preserved,” Putin said.