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See the world through a puff of smoke
That crazy fool erdowan traded his F-35s for Putins S-400s, and now he is pissing off Putinagain. Turkey is supposedly in NATO.

Trump wanted to leave NATO. The election Russia hoax is what the NWO did to make NATO relevant.

The MIC is good business, and those MIC stawks were what kept the American stawk market from crashing today.

The S550 missiles Putin has are capable to shoot satellites out of the sky.The S400 Erdowan has, is already upgraded, but not the ones Erdowan has.Soon here in the west we will be looking for a typewriter since everything electric is disabled.Fakebook will be gone too and finally we can see the stars at night.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
You've got this absolutely wrong. Eastern Ukraine is the territory held by Russian separatists. Western Ukraine is the Deep State ?Nazi controlled region and this is the way it was going back all the way to WW2. The fact that Germany is going to, once again be arming western Ukrain (Nazi) against Russia again (first time since ww2) is an amazing sign.



Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Sure wish I was smart enough to be an epidemiologist one week and a foreign policy expert the next.

mojave green

rockin in the free world


Well-known member
The S550 missiles Putin has are capable to shoot satellites out of the sky.The S400 Erdowan has, is already upgraded, but not the ones Erdowan has.Soon here in the west we will be looking for a typewriter since everything electric is disabled.Fakebook will be gone too and finally we can see the stars at night.




...como el Son...
Nina Kosta interviewed independent journalist Dean O’Brian about the conflict for the Communist Party of Great Britain. Here is a recent article:

Kiev junta facing defeat as Russia roots out fascist militias from Ukraine

The present denazification operation is the result of 30 years of slow-motion war by Nato against Russia.


Ja, ja ja ja ja... Te dije que me hablaras de un Partido Comunista importante e histórico, y me pones a un grupúsculo británico de iluminados, fundado en 2004...

Ya te he comentado la posición anti-Putin de un Partido Comunista con cojones de verdad, con monumentos a sus mártires en países europeos que los presidentes de Francia, Alemania o Polonia, visitan para dejar flores. Te hablo de un Partido Comunista que tuvo que ponerse a liderar militarmente las invasiones nazi y musoliniana conjuntas, antes de la 2 Guerra Mundial. De uno cuyos miembros tenían su propio signo idintificativo en los campos de exterminio nazis.

Y si quieres hablar de grupúsculos pro-Rusia, al menos ponme gente con cojones y que, pese a nuestra dirisima confrontación politica en España con otros marxistas como yo, al menos son realmente consecuentes con su
Ya te he comentado la posición anti-Putin de un Partido Comunista con cojones de verdad, con monumentos a sus mártires en países europeos que los presidentes de Francia, Alemania o Austria, visitan para dejar flores. Te hablo de un Partido Comunista que tuvo que ponerse a liderar militarmente las invasiones nazi y musoliniana conjuntas, antes de la 2 Guerra Mundial.

Y si quieres hablar de grupúsculos pro-Rusia, al menos ponme gente con cojones y que, pese a nuestra dirisima confrontación politica en España con otros marxistas como yo, al menos son realmente consecuentes con su ideología, y mandan a sus milicianos a luchar allí. (Del mismo modo que milicianos de ambas ramas comunistas españolas lucharon juntas contra DAESH en Siria o Irak)
Ya te puse la larga entrevista que le hicieron a su regreso a España a alguno de esos milicianos (donde habla de los grupos neonazis que efectivamente existen, como en muchos otros paises, en Ucrania): si quieres hablamos más en profundidad sobre el tema.

ha ha ha ha ha ha... I told you to tell me about an important and historical Communist Party, and you give me a British groucuspole of enlightened people, born in 2004?

I have already told you about the anti-Putin position of a Communist Party with real balls, with monuments to its martyrs in European countries that the presidents of France, Germany or Poland visit to leave flowers. I am talking about a Communist Party that had to take the lead militarily in the joint Nazi and Mussolini invasions before World War II. Of one whose members had their own idintifying sign in the Nazi extermination camps.

And if you want to talk about pro-Russia groups, at least give me some people with balls and who, in spite of our direct political confrontation in Spain with other Marxists like me, at least are really consistent with their
I have already told you about the anti-Putin position of a Communist Party with real balls, with monuments to its martyrs in European countries that the presidents of France, Germany or Austria (nevermind ideology) visit to leave flowers. I am talking about a Communist Party that had to take the lead militarily in the joint Nazi and Mussolini invasions before World War II.

And if you want to talk about pro-Russia groups, at least give me some people with balls and that, despite our political confrontation in Spain with other Marxists like me, at least they are really consistent with their ideology, and send their militiamen to fight there (in the same way that militiamen of both Spanish communist branches fought together against DAESH in Syria or Iraq).
I already gave you a long interview with one of those militiamen after his return to Spain (where he talks about the neo-Nazi groups that indeed exist, as in many other countries, in Ukraine): if you want we can talk more in depth about it.


Active member
People lose site that some 30% of Ukraine people consider themselves russian...
this is how in crimia a referendum was voted
On and they wanted to stay with russia....
Russia has naval bases in Crimea as it has strategic advantage to the black sea...
it has gas and oil projects aswell as
important Agriculture production. ..
so it was annexed by russia...
Crimea being basically an island surrounded
by salt water,needs fresh water for crops and
some 2.3 million inhabitants....
When Russia owned ukraine..they built the Crimea waterway that supplies fresh water
from the dneiper river that runs thru ukraine
Ukraine was butt hurt about the losing Crimea
And built a dam to prevent water to Crimea
To fuck russia...
Opening the dam was one of the first things
Russia did in their latest campaign into ukraine
since humans cannot go a week without fresh
Water,and crops won't produce without it....
It would only sustain one or two droughts to
Devastate Crimea
Putin views this,with good reason, as an aggression towards
Russia when added attacks from Ukraine
On Russian backed SE section of Ukraine

Bob's your uncle...you gotta war....

fresh water will be worth more than oil or gold
in the not so distant future...who ever controls
it will control life on our planet

It is unexpected and somewhat inconceivable that less than three percent of Earth's water is fresh water. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, most of that three percent is inaccessible. Over 68 percent of the fresh water on Earth is found in icecaps and glaciers, and just over 30 percent is found in ground water


Active member
You mean following the exact plan that the Trump administration created? Sure Biden could have and should have modified but for you to say what you did is incredibly disingenuous and so very typical.

What about the fact it was trumps idea? Hahahahah you just spend 2 pages lecturing us on logical fallacies. Hahahahahha


Active member
If Hillary, Klas Schwab, and George soros are all on one side, Im definitely on the other side.


Well-known member
Some tools to help you stop falling for these fakes:


Unless of course you already know they’re fakes and your intention is to spread them.

Keep in mind, anything you do to try and dislodge someone from a cult mentality is only going to push them deeper into it. That said, I just troll the shit out of them now and shove their collective noses in their shit. It's way more gratifying.


Well-known member
he's in "good company" tonight. ex-Fox host Bill O'Reilly now slamming his former network (on his podcast) for allowing Russian cheerleaders air time without pointing out their blatant lies.... he DID praise Fox interviewer Jennifer Griffin for calling out guest Douglas McGregor for claiming that Russia "was entitled to annex " the Crimean Peninsula, but had harsh words for the majority of his former network, claiming that they were doing the American people "a disservice" for airing and amplifying pro-Russian propaganda.

Riding the tiger has consequences. Sweet, sweet, delicious ones.


Well-known member
I did not make these, I only stole them, so dont @ me, Karen. If you dont find them funny just move along, they're not for you.

Thanks Karen!!

Sorry, I just had to😈

But seriously folks, these memes are for simple-minded people who think the world's problems can be solved, well, simply. They have no ability for introspection, cannot see nuance or context and are perpetual victims.


Well-known member
My point exactly. I’m not wrong - you are:

… exists only in your head. You have obviously never been to Ukraine. The areas you believe to be inhabited by Nazi’s are ethnic russian. Your beloved Nazi’s are fascists from the western Ukraine and abroad. Putin stepped in when the DPR called for help, as they faced imminent attack after NATO sent massive amounts of lethal aid to the Nazi militias. Meet the people of Donbass and learn what they have been through since Euromaidan coup.



Any day now someone will provide proof of all of these nazis in Ukraine the same way Trump will be reinstated as president.

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