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The day the American air defense lost the duel against the Russian Kinjal in Kyiv​

During a massive Russian missile attack on kyiv, the Patriot air defense system was destroyed. According to experts, this caused serious damage to the air defense system created by NATO countries in Ukraine, which was considered one of the most advanced systems in the world with powerful radars and controls. It is a military, political and image victory for Russia over NATO. How did the Russian hypersonic missile Kinjal (“Dagger” in Russian) manage to win this duel?

On Tuesday evening, Russia launched a missile attack on kyiv. As reported by the Russian Defense Ministry, the strike was carried out with concentrated, high-precision long-range air and sea weapons at the deployment points of Ukrainian units, at places of ammunition storage, at weapons and western military equipment. Russia reported that the objective of the strike was achieved, all designated objects were hit.

The Kinjal high-precision hypersonic missile system hit the American Patriot anti-aircraft missile system. In one of the videos filmed by eyewitnesses in Kiev, the Kinjal, the newest Russian system with hypersonic missiles launched from specially equipped MiG-31K interceptors, was seen as it overcame the firing of a Patriot air defense system before hitting it.

This weapon was first used by Russia during the conflict in Ukraine. The missile has low radar visibility and high maneuverability, and is designed to destroy land and sea targets. Ukraine, in turn, received at least two Patriot systems, one from the United States and one from Germany, to improve its air defense system, but the exact number of systems transferred to Kiev remains unknown.

According to experts, several conclusions emerge from the events of the night of May 16 in Kyiv. First, despite all the problems and difficulties, Russian military intelligence has proven its effectiveness in this matter. Before destroying an object, especially such an important object as a long-range air defense system, it must be detected. An experienced adversary, who is advised by the best NATO experts, is fighting against Russia. And yet they could not hide the Patriot system from Russian military intelligence.

The Patriot system should not be underestimated. It is one of the most advanced air defense systems in the world. It is equipped with excellent radar and control systems. It is possible that the crews of the Patriot are also made up of Western specialists. Nevertheless, the Russian Kinjal missiles and the crews of the MiG-31K aircraft won this confrontation.

The price of this victory is not only high from a purely military and symbolic point of view. This duel also has a very material dimension. The Patriot system fired, according to the video, around 4 rockets – each costing $5-16 million. A Patriot air defense battery (in this case, launchers) costs about half a billion dollars. So, on the night of May 700, Russian missiles destroyed Ukrainian military property worth about $XNUMX million.

Special thanks should go to the bloggers who posted the video. The extremely high density of missile launches is typical of this air defense system. It should also be noted that the anti-aircraft missiles are mounted almost vertically upwards. This serves as further evidence to assert that Kinjals (in the extreme case, Iskanders) bombed the Patriot system. After all, these hypersonic missiles, at the final stage of the trajectory, dive on the target exactly almost vertically. The Patriot system fought back desperately. But in the end, he was powerless against the Kinjal.

Kinjal, of course, is not the first time used in a special operation. But, this is the first time in such a direct duel. Previously, Russian Aerospace Forces used Kinjals to destroy fortified bunkers, buried command posts, weapons depots, and other similar targets. And, now, for the first time, the modern western air defense complex, handed over to the Kiev regime, certified as an invincible weapon, has been destroyed as Kiev claims to have been the “ winner of the Kinjal missile » announcing having destroyed six. But, the facts show the real winner.

The success of Russian scientists with their missiles shows, once again, that any air defense system can be destroyed. The only question is the necessary equipment in terms of forces and means. The attack on the Patriot system was successful because this attack was precisely timed. Apparently, the Russian army used both decoys and different types of missiles, the task of which was to hit the target at the same time. And, of course, a Patriot system (even a battery) in the field is not invulnerable. It must protect itself, unlike the Russian S-300s which are protected by the Pantsir-S1 air defense system.

The destruction of the Patriot system is an achievement of the Russian complex. The Patriot system is incapable of operating on this type of Russian missile. In the latest modification of the PAC-3 Patriot, the US system can only see the Kinjal, but not destroy it. It all depends on how fast the missile is going.

Experts explain that the Kinjal's speed is so high that no air defense or missile defense system has time to react. Also, the experts contemplate with humor the assertion of Ukraine according to which it would have succeeded in intercepting the Kinjal. As CNN le reports, this was stated not only by the kyiv authorities, but also by the Pentagon. However, later a source from the Russian Defense Ministry denied this information, and on the night of May 16 the world received eloquent proof of the victory of Russian weapons in a duel with American air defense systems thanks to videos posted by Kyiv residents.

The Patriot air defense system is a priority target for the Kinjal for two reasons. Firstly, because of the colossal cost of American systems, and secondly, because the Patriot system has been assigned almost the main role in the enemy's integrated air defense system that is being built by the countries of the NATO.

Now the Pentagon and its European allies may have to rethink their plans. It should be noted that in the West, the nightly drama around the Patriot system in kyiv was perceived with great concern. Only a few Patriot batteries were handed over to Ukraine, and export value of each of them reaches a billion dollars. Besides Forbes called this shipment to Ukraine " as symbolic, but as not being able to change the deal. »

Particular criticism is heard about the overly active use of expensive air defense missiles. " Using $3 million interceptors to take out drones that cost less is questionable » notes The National Interest especially that " drones can use their terrain-appropriate maneuverability and flight patterns to avoid detection by Patriot System radars ". 20-30 pieces of Patriot missiles were launched in response to a Russian missile strike. Each of these missiles costs up to five million dollars, and obviously few of them have been delivered to Ukraine. Military experts in the United States have long maintained that Patriot systems will not work well on the Ukrainian front. The National Interest title " Patriot missiles will not save Ukraine ».

Forbes announced than " Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia would destroy the MIM-104 Patriot air defense missile system that the United States is delivering to Ukraine » and that « could give Putin a major propaganda hit ". It's a signal that Russian technology can neutralize one of the most advanced air defense systems the United States has developed. Mission won for Moscow.

In a report from the US Congress of January 2023, it was noted that “ the Patriot system and its interceptors are both expensive and limited in supply ". The number of missiles for the Patriot system remains limited even for the US military. Last year, the Pentagon ordered only 252 of these missiles. In total, before the start of the Ukrainian conflict, Lockheed Martin produced 300-350 missiles per year. Today, production has been extended to 500 missiles per year. According to observers, at this rate, " Ukraine could spend as many missiles overnight as the United States manages to produce in an entire month. »

Olivier Renault

source: Observatory Continental
this is a complete fantasy. it originates and only occurs on this site. the site is owned by a russian.

contact: Inforos Co., Ltd
address: Alex Kouchnir
address: 13-2 Krzhizhanovskogo st.
address: 117218 Moscow
country: RU
phone: +7.4957188411

and why is putler charging the 3 scientist with treason?


Corpselover Fat

Active member
I always wondered why Prigozin chose the name Wagner. I mean I don't think he is nice person, but he doesn't really emanate that strong of a nazi vibe. I never looked into it, but today I found out he isn't the one who founded Wagner...

This dude is the founder :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


Dmitry Utkin
Last edited:


Well-known member
In spite of sanctions Russia has the lowest inflation in Europe. All while Britain entered a perpetual cost of living crisis and Germany has fallen into a recession that they will not recover from, thanks to anti-russian sanctions and a US terrorist attack on Nord Stream.

Ukranian agitprop is a joke. Here is your famous patriot system.

how do you inflate zero?


Active member
A new report details how americans have killed four and a half million people and displaced up toward sixty million people in their wars since 2001. Now they want the same against the russians, ”best money ever spent”.

This report reviews the latest research to examine the causal pathways that have led to an estimated 3.6-3.7 million indirect deaths in post-9/11 war zones, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. The total death toll in these war zones could be at least 4.5-4.6 million and counting, though the precise mortality figure remains unknown. Some people were killed in the fighting, but far more, especially children, have been killed by the reverberating effects of war, such as the spread of disease.



Active member
utterly ludicrous to think that Russia & Great Britain would be going at it mano a mano with nuclear weapons. if Great Britain is attacked, then it will be a NATO-wide retaliatory strike, not just Great Britain. i'm sure that Russia wishes NATO did not exist so they could continue to pick on smaller countries. but an attack on one is an attack on all...enjoy!
Pick on smaller countries, like americans lol. Russia is not the United States dude. Furthermore article 5 of nato is not the trigger mechanism for military retaliation that you believe it to be. As for Britain, it has not been great for decades and militarily they are mostly like a chihuahua, a small dog that bark alot in loud pitch.

Speaking of the british, this report details how they have sent their military to summarily execute people in countries like Nigeria, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine and on it goes with at least 19 countries affected. In Afghanistan british military conducted nightly raids in which they seperated men from their families and murdered them.



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Claim from the Kremlin: Vladimir Putin no longer makes decisions​

Insider sources say that no one else dares to do them either.

Lev Kaldik, a Russian who currently works as a foreign correspondent for Latvian Delf in Riga , has written for the Estonian Laupäävelehti on anonymous Kremlin insider sources about Vladimir Putin's inability to make decisions.

Before his exile, Kaldik was the head of the domestic news department of the Russian business newspaper Kommersant . In addition to various companies, he has also worked in the academic world as deputy director of the communications department of the Moscow School of Economics.

His sources in Moscow say that the problem of the Russian administration is currently caused by Putin, who has withdrawn from his own duties since the beginning of the year.

"Organize and report"​

According to the sources, signs of Putin's withdrawal could already be seen earlier. In the last three to four years, Putin has started delegating economic issues to his subordinates.

The written orders no longer contain concrete instructions, but are limited to, for example, the instructions given to Prime Minister Mihail Mishustin : "To Mishustin. Organize the matter and report". This creates difficulties in a leader-centered dictatorship.

- After such a decision, it is impossible to get anything done. Putin accepts all of Mishustin's recommendations, which are usually negative. And the repeated appeals to his close associates no longer help either, complains a source to Laupäälehti.

In addition to fulfilling the wishes of those close to him, decisions regarding power and politics are also not made, when Putin just writes "Sort things out and report" on all the papers that come to his desk.

- Officials don't understand Putin's wishes, and they don't want to interpret them either, because they understand that Putin will retire before them and then they will have to explain their decisions again. Instead of making decisions, all authorities defer responsibility to each other.

For example, this situation was reflected in the slow reaction of the authorities to the events in Belgorod, which have now started again. The problem is also affected by the fact that all administrative levels embellish the information passed on.

- The army did not know what was happening for a long time, because the FSB is responsible for border control. And Putin could only get the information that a couple of bad saboteurs crossed the Ukrainian border, so it wasn't a military operation, but some kind of provincial activity, the source says.

The civil service is preparing - "Putin will disappear, but the state will remain"​

The middle-level civil service management of the Kremlin and the government have suddenly started to treat their previously ignored long-term illnesses.

- Since dismissal from office is almost impossible, for example staying in treatment for three months is a good opportunity to avoid the current nervous atmosphere, said one source, whose several civil servants have unexpectedly applied to hospitals.

According to another source, the increased number of civil servants seeking treatment is due to the fact that some civil servants fear that they will lose their privileges in the future, such as high-level healthcare.

A retired high official who is a source for Laupäävelehti is still in the know about the state administration's situation due to his good relationships.

According to him, civil servants who are still in service have started to restore their relations with their former colleagues who had previously lost their jobs because of anti-Putin views or statements. According to the source, officials who are publicly loyal to the state are meeting former colleagues and are suspicious of Putin's line.

Similarly, officials who previously avoided criticizing Putin have begun to emphasize that the homeland is different from "His Excellency". "Putin will disappear, but the state will not," they say. They also don't want to remember previous connections with the FSB and the Ministry of the Interior.

- Ukko [Putin] is no longer functional and everyone understands this. The state apparatus rotates in inertia. No one, including the military, wants to act, says one academic source.

According to the source, only the repressive apparatus continues its active work: the Ministry of the Interior, the FSB, the Ministry of Justice and the courts.

- They start lawsuits against opposition activists and dissolve parties because they have no other option - they are too closely linked to Putin.

For example, the most recent decision was made on May 25, when the Supreme Court decided on the dissolution of the Russian opposition party PARNAS.

"China is no longer ready to talk with Putin"​

According to a Russian diplomatic source, Chinese President Xi Jinping also became convinced of Putin's inability to act. According to the Russian official announcement, Xi invited Putin and Mishustin to visit China. According to the source, the invitation was directed only to Mishustin.

- The Chinese are no longer ready to talk with Putin.

According to the Russian constitution, the office of the president is inherited by the prime minister in a situation where the president is incapacitated or killed. His task is to organize elections within three months. This is also how Putin himself became president.

The Chinese did not agree to meet businessmen and officials under Western sanctions. Instead of Prime Minister Li Qiang, Deputy Prime Minister He Lifeng spoke at the Russia-China Trade Forum in Shanghai .

- China is ready to cooperate with Russia even after Putin, but does not want attention. They don't want to upset Western countries by meeting with oligarchs and officials under sanctions, the source said.

A collapse is expected​

Moscow sources told the Baltic news portal Delphi earlier in the spring that the Russian elite is dissatisfied with Putin, but no one is ready to do anything to oust him.

This time, a source says it would be possible to oust the leader, but it would require an outside push.

- The attack by the armed forces of Ukraine could be one of the initial impulses that would start the final collapse of the giant standing on clay feet, the Russian state.

Another source estimates that in order to oust Putin, there is not even a need for the complete defeat of the Russian army or the penetration of the Ukrainian armed forces into Russian territory, but a couple or three major defeats experienced on the front are enough.

The third source, on the other hand, compares the possible course of events to the Russian February Revolution, when the supporters of the previous regime went to Emperor Nicholas II's speeches in 1917, demanding that he abdicate. The emperor's "voluntary abdication" was also supported by the army.

- You would be surprised who, in such a situation, would be the ones who would demand that Putin retire, says the source.


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There's no reason for peace talks​

by Dmitry Orlov

We hear more and more Western voices suggesting that peace talks in the former Ukraine might be a good idea, indicating that some people may be past the stage of denial (a few sanctions and Russia will retreat like an umbrella) and anger (throw all your money and guns at the Kiev regime!) and are approaching the bargaining stage (let Russia keep Crimea, but return the rest). As with the previous stages, this attitude is based on a very deep misunderstanding of the current situation. It's not that hard to explain – to those who are ready to process new information – so I'll give it a try.

1. The idea of peace talks presupposes a certain level of trust between the two parties. In this case, the trust simply does not exist, because the West has not kept all its promises. When Russia authorized German reunification, it accepted the promise that NATO would not expand eastward; Yet that is exactly what NATO has done, right up to Russia's borders in Scandinavia and the Baltics, and it continues to nurture the fantasy of absorbing what is left of Ukraine. Instead of allowing the insurgents in Donetsk to quickly defeat the Kiev regime installed by the United States in 2014, Russia accepted the Minsk agreements, which the Kiev regime completely ignored, then the leaders of Germany and of France who signed the agreements admitted that they were just delaying tactics used to buy time in order to arm and train the Ukrainian side. And, for the sake of brevity, let's skip over the many broken promises by the United States. All this has allowed Russia to call Ukraine " non-agreement-capable » (недоговороспособные). The EU and the UN are equally untrustworthy. Take the example of the grain agreement. The deal involved a quid pro quo: Ukrainian grain exports would be unblocked in exchange for allowing some Russian exports. Russia kept its part of the deal, but the rest was ignored. The talks would therefore be in vain, because there can be no peace agreement if there is no trust – and there is no trust.

2. The idea of peace talks presupposes the existence of a war, but there is no war. This is a special military operation against terrorists and war criminals who for eight years bombarded the Russian civilian population, violated the rights of Russians in myriad ways, and then planned an all-out assault on Russia that the Russian army foiled. There has been no declaration of war or severance of diplomatic relations: the Ukrainian embassy in Moscow is still open, as is the Russian embassy in kyiv. Russia allows Ukrainian passport holders visa-free entry and offers them a simplified path to Russian citizenship. Russia considers that Russians and Ukrainians are the same people and have the same rights, but that the Ukrainian state has lost its rights to sovereignty under international law because it has violated the rights of people who identify as Russians, choose to speak Russian and worship in Russian Orthodox cathedrals and churches. The special military operation cannot be considered complete until all terrorists and war criminals in the former Ukraine have been killed or brought to justice and the territory of the former Ukraine has been fully demilitarized, and none of that is negotiable.

3. The idea of peace talks presupposes a reasonable initial proposal. An example of an unreasonable outgoing proposal is one that offers the other side something it does not want, such as the lifting of US and European sanctions which are, in Russia's view, unilateral and therefore illegal and , in any case, do far more harm to the EU than to Russia. Another example of failure is the request made to Russia to cede part of its sovereign territory. According to the Russian Constitution, Crimea, Donetsk People's Republic, Lugansk People's Republic and Zaporizhia and Kherson regions are now all part of the Russian Federation based on their internationally recognized rights of self-determination and results a public referendum, and any public call for their separation is a crime under Russian law. Suggesting that Russian officials are committing treason is not a good way to start negotiations.

4. The idea of peace talks presupposes a modicum of mutual respect between the parties involved in the negotiation. Yet if we take any of the many articles about Russia published in the United States or the European Union, which we simply replace " Russians " and " Russian " by " Jews " and " Jewish and you publish the result, you find yourself in prison fairly quickly for a hate crime. Russophobia, which is rampant in the West, is no different from anti-Semitism or racism in general. Why would the Russian authorities want to grant a hearing to such reprehensible and despicable people?

5. The idea of peace talks presupposes that both parties to the conflict have something to gain. Now, what does Russia have to gain from a premature cessation of hostilities, before having fully achieved the objectives of demilitarization, denazification and neutrality of Ukraine, which are the declared aims of its operation? special military? Moreover, these are not the only objectives that Russia wishes to achieve: a few months before the start of the operation, Russia asked the United States and NATO to keep their promises and to honor their commitments in collective security, including bringing NATO expansion back to its 1997 positions and withdrawing foreign troops and offensive weapons from Eastern Europe. In addition, the special military operation has made it possible to focus the world's attention on essential tasks: dedollarization, the organization of collective security around alternative organizations such as the BRICS and the SCO (whose number of membership is growing rapidly), which revolve around China as an economic force and Russia as the ultimate military power and security provider, and the completion of decolonization in Africa, Latin America, Asia and in the former Soviet republics. All these tasks are still unfinished and require more time.

6. The idea of peace talks assumes that both parties to the conflict are pressed for time. But Russia is in no hurry. It committed between 10 and 15% of its armed forces in the special military operation. It did not institute a call-up in time of war and was content to call up a small fraction of reservists to active service and accept a few volunteers. Its economy is not in a state of war and is doing very well, with growth expected to resume later this year. Russia has used the conflict to test its weapons and tactics in direct confrontation with NATO (which largely commands Ukrainian forces), to update its weapons systems and to develop new weapons and tactics, especially in the field of air defense, drone warfare and radio-electronic warfare. Furthermore, this conflict gave Russia the opportunity to get rid of its internal enemies, many of whom chose to leave Russia voluntarily. Russia has already regained a number of historically Russian territories, and as the special military operation continues, it is expected to gain more, increasing its geopolitical power and economic potential. All in all, for Russia, the advantages of the special military operation greatly exceed the costs and it is far from having finished reaping these advantages.

7. The idea of peace talks presupposes that neither side of the conflict sees a relatively easy and low-risk path to absolute victory, but Russia sees just that path. The collective West has hurt itself badly by imposing thousands and thousands of sanctions on Russia. More importantly, the whole of the EU, and Germany in particular, have destroyed the basis of their economic prosperity, namely the cheap energy supplied by Russia, and have therefore entered a crisis loop. economy from which they will emerge too weak to oppose Russia. On the other side of the ocean, the United States is, from an economic point of view, a dead man. Their last vestige of economic power lies in shale oil, which has peaked and is set to decline rapidly. Both its Treasury and its banking system are on the brink of collapse as the world gradually abandons the US dollar. The country is run by a senile puppet president, whose vice president is a sneering idiot. The country is in the throes of an incipient civil war that is sure to erupt as the financial meltdown continues and economic conditions worsen. Given these developments, the United States may no longer be in contention, US military bases around the world will become non-functional, the EU and NATO will dissolve, and the Europeans and other former vassal nations of the states States will replace their American puppet leaders with patriotic conservatives and restore bilateral relations with Russia. Russia may have known what it wanted at the start of the special military operation, but what it might get in the end might exceed its rulers' wildest dreams.

8. The idea of peace talks presupposes that both sides fear being drawn into a larger conflict and view peace talks as a means of avoiding it and limiting damage. Yet, from Russia's perspective, the special military operation is self-limiting: Apart from sporadic acts of Ukrainian terrorism, the conflict is confined to the 1000 km front line that runs through former eastern Ukraine; the Ukrainian nationalists are being destroyed at a frantic pace, with a thousand men a day and a ratio of losses very favorable to the Russians, of the order of 10 against 1; With its new generation of hypersonic weapons against which NATO and the United States have no countermeasures, Russia completely dominates the escalation, so the commanders of the United States and NATO live in abject fear of having to confront Russia directly.

At this point, the biggest risk for Russia is that the Ukrainian military will simply give up, its Western supporters will shamefully slip away, and only one uk-ruin that the Russians will have to manage alone, ensuring the maintenance of order and feeding a miserable but hostile population. To avoid this scenario, the Russians are engaging in a veritable theater of shame, feigning weakness in order to bolster the morale of the Ukrainian forces and induce them to keep fighting and, ideally, to launch a counter-offensive, because it it will then be much easier for the Russians to decimate them. The recent hysterical video of Evgeny Prigogin in front of dead soldiers complaining about a lack of ammunition is a prime example of this. As the head of Wagner, a private military company, he can behave shamefully in front of the cameras without tarnishing the honor of the Russian military, and Kremlin propagandists take full advantage of this convenient arrangement.

But in the end, Russia will most likely be forced to accept what throughout history has been the default, normal, and expected end to armed conflict: surrender and unconditional surrender. It seems the world is finally running out of fools who want to sign peace treaties with the West.


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Putin to the enemies of Russia: Approaching!​

A good way to determine if you are still alive is to ask yourself if you can still feel wonder and amazement as you watch the changes sweeping through the world. Most of these changes are gradual and difficult to detect in your daily experience. It is therefore useful for an important person to stand in front of you for an hour, as Putin did today in front of the Federal Assembly of Russia, and explain to you exactly what happened and what will happen .

It's also very entertaining: Putin is a naturally irrepressible person who refuses to hold back. His Russian also has a huge dynamic range: at one point he looks like a street urchin from Leningrad, and at another he sounds like a lawyer and an accomplished technocrat, a literary scholar or even a theology student. Well, it's all of these. Love him or hate him (few manage to stay neutral about him), it's hard to ignore. Especially since, as usual, his annual address to the Federal Assembly did not lack what linguists call performatives – statements that do not express an opinion or convey information but transform reality in a specific way. And it is important to know them, especially if you live in one of the countries whose leaders have (very stupidly) decided to be the enemies of Russia, because, in the end, it is your ass that is at stake. You may be in awe of the awesome leader named Vladimir Putin (nothing stopping you) but, more specifically, I believe it is my humanitarian duty to warn you of what is about to happen. pass before someone shouts " Approaching ! ". This way you can formulate a better plan than covering yourself with a white sheet and slowly crawling towards the graveyard (so as not to cause a stampede in which someone could be trampled).

Let's start with the most important: Putin announced that Russia was suspending its participation in the START-3 treaty. It's the " Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, No. 3 ". This treaty dates back to the Soviet era, but on February 3, 2021, the United States and Russia agreed to extend it until February 5, 2026. Mr Putin specified the conditions under which Russia would consider returning to the treaty : this must take into account the strategic offensive capabilities of all NATO countries, not just the United States. Britain and France also have nuclear weapons, although none too new, and Washington tends to send its nuclear weapons wherever it sees fit, including other NATO countries, such as Germany and Turkey, which poses a problem. Putin ridiculed NATO's calls for Russia to allow its experts to inspect Russian military sites; after drones recently carried out a strike on Russian airports that host its strategic aviation, damaging a few planes (using the Ukrainians as brainless proxies), such a request is more than ridiculous. Perhaps Russia should be allowed, out of courtesy, to blow up a number of US strategic bombers, just to even the score before starting negotiations? No ? Oh, well… Putin also pointed out that US strategic weapons are well past their expiration date (he was a bit more polite and circumspect, but that was the point, and those in the know also know that it was factual). Figuratively, when it comes to nuclear weapons, Washington's armory is in a sorry state; the cans are bulging and the burst ones smell really bad and leak vile substances.

Specifically, there are a few technicalities that one can grasp without having to become a top of the class in nukes. The United States has no (that's right, no!) factory capable of manufacturing nuclear weapons. There is some artisanal activity in a handful of labs (Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore, Sandia, and possibly Savannah River). But what they are doing is rather sad: trying to handle plutonium in glove boxes. And we know that plutonium (used by the US to make bombs) degrades over time (it builds up isotopes that cause a bomb to explode during assembly or not explode at all and just make a big mess) and there is no known way to separate the isotopes of plutonium. The complete absence of nuclear weapons factories means that the United States has no means of producing new plutonium. We also know that the United States never developed the capability to enrich uranium for military purposes (the only other option for making detonating nuclear devices), so they just have their old plutonium to play. To meet the uranium enrichment needs of its many old nuclear power plants (they don't seem to know how to build new ones anymore), the United States relies on the Russian state nuclear monopoly Rosatom (sanctions? What sanctions? ) and, to a lesser extent, to the French, who also depend on Rosatom. So much for the United States; as for the rest of NATO, the British rely on the United States for their Trident II ballistic missiles and the French have not tested a nuclear weapon since 1996. But the United States not only plans to maintain their bombs, but also to develop new ones. Given their many limitations and the homemade nature of their nukes efforts in national labs, these would be mini-nukes. The Russians are aware of these plans and it makes some of them laugh, who remember a joke about a certain patented American flea powder. To use it, you have to catch a flea, tell it jokes to make it laugh so that it opens its mouth, and sprinkle the powder in its mouth.

If you have nuclear bombs, like the Americans have, or think they have, even though most of them are decades old and mutant mice are probably nesting inside them (the plutonium is there for the keep warm), you must have transport vectors. The United States has some 400 Minuteman III missiles, and after a series of unsuccessful trials, they have successfully tested one, although we will never know by how much. This missile was chosen at random (of course, of course), transported to a facility, " prepare for the test (all casings replaced, to be sure) and fired in a random direction (or at least there was a trace in the sky shown by the news footage). We don't know if the bomb actually hit anything; there were no images of men in uniform, armed with tape measures, measuring the distance between the bomb craters (supposedly three) and the specified target. Anyway, they are ballistic missiles, which means that once the boost phase is over, they follow a ballistic trajectory that can be calculated based on their initial trajectory. This makes ballistic missiles easy to intercept. There are also a number of submarine-launched Trident II missiles, shared with the British (they don't know how many are still deployable), and these are also ballistic missiles. Finally, there are strategic bombers and cruise missiles. Most cruise missiles are Tomahawks, which fly at 550 mph (a Boeing 777 full of obese tourists can do better) and, based on their use in Syria, they're unreliable (a bunch of between them fell into the sea) and are easy to intercept even with the relatively old air defense systems of the Soviet era, not to mention the new Russian ones. Most strategic bombers are old B-52s that do no better than 500 mph and a handful of B-1B Lancers that are supersonic but are about to be retired from service.

Now let's compare that to Russia's strategic defenses. Today Mr Putin stated bluntly that Russia's strategic forces are now 93% new. The other branches are catching up quickly. I won't bore you with all the technical details, but the basic conclusion is that the US has nothing the Russians can't intercept, while Russia has all sorts of things the Americans absolutely can't intercept. This means that in a nuclear confrontation launched by the United States, the Russians will repel most attacks. A few warheads might land in outlying regions, either because they veered off course or because the target was simply too far away to worry about, and an even smaller number of those warheads would explode as planned, with the rest either making small holes in the ground or a nuclear disaster. And then, in response, Russia would hold the United States at its mercy. The opposite scenario, in which Russia launches a first strike, would be contrary to Russian nuclear doctrine.

But there was also Putin's reading of the anti-riot law: the West has covered itself with a shame that it will never be able to wash away. His use of the Minsk Accords to deceive the world of his peaceful intentions, while rearming the Ukrainian military in preparation for an attack, is the height of hypocrisy. He coddled and abetted Nazis and terrorists, refusing to acknowledge explicit and exhibitionistic acts of genocide – and not just in former Ukraine – just as he had with Nazi Germany in the 1930s. useless campaigns he has launched around the world since the turn of the century have resulted in 38 million refugees (and, I would add, an even greater number of dispossessed and internally displaced people). Moreover, Western rulers pride themselves on their treachery and deceit, thinking it makes them so smart! They never came out of their racist and colonialist heritage, still dividing the world between so-called nations « civilized " and " democratic " And the others. They were the ones who started the hot war in the former Ukraine, arming the Ukrainians and then inciting them to attack the Donbass, and Russia intervened and used force specifically to stop the war. Putin explained why this is a just war against the West, which Russia will win.

To that end, Putin said something that Russia's Estonian neighbors might consider important, although the current, really dumb Estonian rulers led by Kaja Kallas, a world-class jerk, are unlikely to appreciate. Recently, NATO saw fit to install HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems in Estonia. These rockets have a maximum range of 300 km, while Saint Petersburg, Russia's second largest city, is less than 200 km from the Estonian border. Now what Putin said is this: « The longer the range of their weapons, the further we will go from their borders ". Estonians, will you please make a choice: either get rid of these HIMARS launchers or get out. There's a third choice, of course – die in place – but, as you've been warned, that would be a spectacularly stupid choice.

Speaking of stupidity, while these European issues were discussed, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had a hard time keeping his eyes open. This is understandable in two respects. First, Lavrov had just returned from two consecutive whirlwind tours of Africa to help organize the upcoming Russia-Africa summit to be held in Sochi in July. According to the results of his visit, Africa is firmly entrenched in the Russian camp. Africans are tired of European colonialism, post-colonialism and neo-colonialism and they remember that it was the USSR that helped them achieve their national independence. Lavrov was followed, a few steps behind, by representatives of the European Union, who are trying to limit the damage. Second, Europeans are no longer an interesting subject for Lavrov the diplomat, simply because the West has left no room for diplomacy. Defense Secretary Sergei Shoigu, on the other hand, listened intently. The conclusion to be drawn is obvious: diplomacy with the West is over; now it is WAR. They caused it themselves, and now they have to deal with it. Hence this popular t-shirt: " Whoever does not want to talk with Lavrov will talk with Shoigu ". And below are direct quotes from each of them. Lavrov: " Fucking idiots! "Shoigu:" We'll put it where we want. Alas, that moment has finally arrived!

Speaking of idiots, there really isn't anyone in the West that Lavrov or Shoigu can talk to. What happened to the collective West is a bizarre case of the Peter Principle: People in a hierarchy tend to rise to their respective level of incompetence ". Except that all the Western leaders you are interested in have far exceeded their respective level of incompetence. Look at the excellent chief corpse, Emperor Dementius Optimus Maximus. He wouldn't be good at running a shuffleboard tournament in a nursing home – too senile. And while you might think he's surrounded by super sharp, top notch people, they're even worse than him, for agreeing to serve under a demented puppet. This is particularly clear with Vice President Kamala Harris: her skill level was that of a " escort » exotic; how far beyond that level in life! The rest of the White House, from the eternal grinning Blinken to the mop-headed press secretary, is quite on his level.

Looking further, we have Mr. Rickshaw, the new British vice-president, not elected like the others. He looks like a gypsy; can he juggle, dance and sing at the same time? Maybe it's his skill level; that and curry favor with his white masters. Be sure to recount the covers at 10 Downing Street after he leaves! And what about the head of the European Union, Ursula von der Leyen? Her skill level was to bring many children into the world. She surpassed it, first by becoming a gynecologist (you could say she got carried away!), then, by leaps and bounds, in her current position. Or take Josep Borrell, High Representative of I don't know what – certainly not diplomacy, because he's the grossest bastard who ever breathed oxygen. His skill level would be that of a bouncer in a brothel. And then there's the proliferation of fancy ladies and bimbos: the silly Kaja Kallas, from soon-to-be-deserted Estonia, is closely followed, across the Gulf of Finland, by the equally talented Sanna Marin , who organizes stupid sex parties. She is far too dumb to understand that without trade with Russia, Finland has no economy at all – it never had and never will. When idiots tell her to join NATO (which breaks Finland's peace treaty with Russia and automatically puts her back at war with her), she replies: " Can I have another glass of this wine, please? ". Rounding out the list is Olaf Scholz; his skill level is to organize very large perverted orgies. Now, who could Shoigu, let alone Lavrov, talk to in this batch? They would just throw cream pies at him, then slip, fall, and expire in a puddle of their own vomit. So I guess they'll just have to wait for Shoigu" put it where he wants ».

Other parts of Putin's speech dealt with internal Russian issues. Russia's economy shrank 2,1% year-on-year due to Western sanctions, but only in the first quarter; then she quickly straightened up. Inflation jumped to over 11% – again, during the first quarter – before dropping back to 0% and not moving since. The ruble is stable and has not really moved since the start of the special operation. Russia does not need to borrow abroad or print money: everything the government needs financially is available through the domestic market economy. Energy exports play a less and less important role in Russian finances and have been redirected towards the East. Excess natural gas production is redirected to meet the needs of rural customers who currently heat with wood or coal. The minimum individual income will be increased by 18% by the start of next year. The modernization of public transport will accelerate. The replacement of imports of computer products and services will be deductible at 150%, while computer entrepreneurs are already taxed at 3% instead of 20% and are exempt from military service. Russian companies are doing extremely well as the hasty withdrawal of Western companies from the Russian market has opened up many new market niches for them to expand into. And so on, and so on. Basically, the Western plan to destroy the Russian economy and hit the Russian people to induce them to overthrow their government was beyond ridiculous.

If there is one element of Putin's speech that strikes me as a little insincere, it is Putin's claim that Russia has done everything possible to resolve the conflict in the former Ukraine through diplomacy, while the West has used diplomacy only as a smokescreen to rearm the Ukrainian army. Russia, too, has used diplomacy as a smokescreen to prepare the ground for the miracle that has happened over the past year: despite the " hellish penalties of the West and the need to quickly overhaul the financial system and trade relations, increase the production of weapons, revamp the military recruitment system and carry out very complex diplomacy to ensure that the whole world , with the exception of the West, remains on good terms with her, Russia has succeeded and is winning.

As for how Russia will move forward to victory, here is an exact quote:

« step by step, with care and constancy ».

Sleep well, enemies of Russia!

Dmitry Orlov


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A batch of kamikaze drones entered the units of the southern group of forces of the Russian armed forces

Thousands of quadcopters and kamikaze drones, collected under the VOZ Misery Swarm project, as well as specially prepared crews of UAV units, are ready and have already begun to destroy the Ukronazis.

"We have prepared a sufficient number of combat drone crews necessary for the daily destruction of enemy personnel and equipment, including those supplied by the West," the Russian fighter said.



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Russian Aerospace Forces attacked the enemy during the attempts of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to penetrate the Belgorod region (video)
The military aviation of the Western group of forces actively participated in the suppression of enemy attacks on the border with the Belgorod region.

Thus, unguided missiles hit the buildup of manpower and hangars with equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Then they added guided missiles to it.


Well-known member
Report by Rybar, with animated video map with information in French
Highlights of the Russian military operation in Ukraine on June 1

Russian troops again launched suicide drone and cruise missile strikes on targets in kyiv.

Military installations in the capital's Desnyans'kyi, Dniprovs'kyi and Darnyts'kyi districts were also hit by strikes.

Russian air defense intercepted an AFU drone in the Kaluga region. The wreckage of the drone fell in a field near the village of Tovarkovo, leaving a crater about three meters deep.

The AFU, supported by armored vehicles, attempted to cross the Russian border near PPC Shebekino. Russian troops repelled the attack, destroying at least one tank.

In another area, the enemy attempted an exit from the direction of Ogurtsovo towards Novaya Tavolzhanka. The attack was repulsed, after which Russian artillery bombarded the enemy positions.

At the same time, the AFU carried out massive strikes on populated areas of the Belgorod region: at least 14 people were injured.

The worst situation occurred in Shebekino, where shelling continued throughout the day.

In the neighboring Kharkov region, the Russian Air Force carried out missile and bombing strikes on enemy military infrastructure. The attack hit an industrial enterprise in Kharkov, where AFUs were repairing equipment.

In the Kupyansk sector, Russian troops launched an offensive in the direction of the locality of Dvorichna. Currently, heavy fighting continues on the outskirts of the city. Artillery is actively bombarding enemy positions.



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In the past 24 hours, the Russian army has eliminated around 660 Ukrainian soldiers, almost 400 of them on the Donetsk axis, says the Russian Defense. Among the weapons destroyed are a combat aircraft, 17 drones, several howitzers and self-propelled guns, two ammunition depots and 16 rockets from HIMARS, Olkha, Hurricane intercepted.
Russian armed forces shot down Ukrainian Su-25 fighter in the Zaporojié region, reports Russian Defense Ministry on June 1 in its daily report of the special operation.
Unity Akhmat continues his offensive actions on the tactical axis of Maryinka. Fighting continues near Avdeevka in the Donetsk People's Republic ( RPD ).
The observation and command points of an air brigade and another territory of the Kiev army were targeted.

In total, Russian troops have neutralized nearly 660 Ukrainian soldiers in the past 24 hours. Up to 395 of them were on the Donetsk axis.
In addition, Kiev forces also lost nearly 45 of their own on the Koupiansk axis, and up to 120 others in the southern Donetsk and Zaporojié areas. Finally, around 80 men were eliminated on the axis of Krasny Liman and up to twenty on that of Kherson.
Russian forces also defeated four Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups.

Russian air defense also intercepted 16 multiple rocket launcher projectiles HIMARS, Hurricane and Olkha as well as destroyed 17 drones.
Among the artillery pieces decommissioned are an Akatsiya self-propelled gun, as well as another Gvozdika self-propelled gun, two D-20 howitzers, three D-30s and one Msta-B, details the source. A Grad multiple rocket launcher system has also been wiped out.
Russian troops have also successfully razed two ammunition depots from the Ukrainian army.
In total, in 24 hours, the Russian strikes targeted 103 artillery stations as well as personnel and military equipment in 149 zones.

Since the start of the special military operation in Ukraine, the Russian army has shot down 430 planes, 235 helicopters and 4,407 drones. It destroyed 424 surface-to-air defense systems, 9,352 tanks and other armored vehicles, 1,105 multiple rocket launchers, 4,954 pieces of field artillery and mortars, and 10,587 other military equipment.

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