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2023 ? lol





Well-known member
by Dmitry Orlov

I now live in Russia, a happy country where about 90% of the population supports the president and his special operation in the former Ukraine, believes the country is moving in the right direction, and is generally united and patriotic.

It's quite different from the United States, where I used to live and where about half the population absolutely hates the government, which makes any comparison with Russia impossible. What's more, the other half or so of the American population absolutely hates their country, delighting in burning flags and toppling historical monuments. It's a manic, bipolar country, with a hint of schizophrenia.

What makes this situation particularly amusing is that the first half, which hates the government, includes many soldiers, policemen and spooks, old and active, while the second half is made up of all kinds of activists, d anarchists, potential terrorists and marginalized and malcontents in general. Both sides have formed organizations with hundreds of thousands of members, would-be maniacs wielding torches and pitchforks, seemingly ready to launch into waves of murder and mayhem at a moment's notice.

So what keeps this country fiasco in check?

Why hasn't it exploded yet? Infiltration, provocation, surveillance and very long prison sentences for anyone who tries to act rather than talk are the keys to tight control. Every organization is full of agents and informants. Any nascent action is supported by agents experienced in the art of provocation and trapping.

The system is simple and elementary and it is much easier to become an agent than to join, for example, a gang or the mafia. Agents have more money, more free time, and can safely show more initiative than others. If their techniques don't work, the troublemakers can have a little accident and end up under the wheels of a truck, or end up in jail for one reason or another (the laws are such that the average American commits several crimes a day, most of the time without knowing it).

Many of the best-known cases against right-wing and left-wing extremists involve people, almost half of whom are agents. It's sometimes very comical: for example, of the five people who were in the car that was going to try to kidnap the governor of Michigan, three were FBI agents. Dozens of people involved in the January 9 event are not identified by name – because they are agents. And it turned out that the leader of one of the most reviled right-wing organizations – the Proud Boys – is an FBI agent, which hasn't deterred the authorities from charging these white supremacists with every crime imaginable. .

When infiltration doesn't seem worthwhile, there's surveillance. Almost all gatherings, regardless of size, are monitored: churches, mosques, synagogues, clubs, even condominium associations and sewing and knitting circles. Where active surveillance is not considered useful is artificial intelligence. Do you have a Facebook or Twitter account? Do you use WhatsApp? In this case, you can be sure that all your communications are analyzed by an automated agent in search of signs of subversive activity.

But suppose you are a very discreet person and you never share your subversive and revolutionary thoughts with anyone. In this case, there is a technique to attract you: people will try to befriend you, invite you to meetings or involve you in a group of other people who may seem quite harmless and pleasant to you. don't scare yourself. If you let your guard down and voice your disapproval of the government or suggest it needs to change, your name will be put on a list and you will be scrutinized for signs of subversive activity, including your physical movements, your financial transactions and your family members. If you are considered a high enough risk subject, an agent will approach you and offer you compensation for participating in one action or another. You will be kept in the dark about the nature of the action until you are arrested – but good luck proving that in court!

In summary, if you live in the United States, you live in a very advanced and partially robotic police state. He doesn't care about your well-being in the least. Its main function is to protect the centers of power and their infrastructure from the population. Fully understanding that the state is the enemy of the people - and not only of its own people, but of the people in general, it tries to crush the initiative of the people by any means possible and, when this is not possible, to crush the people themselves.

What to do in this situation? The answer is simple: whenever someone approaches you and tries to engage you in a somewhat subversive discussion, just condescendingly laugh, apologize and change places or, better yet , to go away. At the question "What are you waiting for?you can reply that you are waiting for everything to fall apart, but that you will not lift a finger to slow it down or speed it up, because that would be unethical. If someone tries to involve you in any political discussion, there is always my old mantra:The United States is not a democracy and the identity of the president does not matter". Hope this saves you some trouble.

Dmitry Orlov

source: Club Orlov via The Francophone Saker


Well-known member

Putin himself has credited his experience with martial arts—judo especially, but also combat Sambo—a changing his life.

Judo changed my way of thinking, my view of life, and my interactions with other people.

I have lived in Japan for many years, and I have studied Judo, Akiko `Karate, and Shorinji Kenpo (a mix of kung-fu and aiki-jutsu. Every martial art has advantages and disadvantages, as Bruce Lee noted. But as he said, what really mattersis state of mind. Or maybe just “mind”. Your personal “Tao”.

While the US and NATO are nominally much more powerful than Russia, Russia is winning through strategy.

Of course, some will argue that Russia is not so much winning as its enemies are losing —through over -confidence and lack of thought.

If Putin has “genius”, it is his ability to think holistically; not just short-term as in the West— but long term. He connects the dots.



Well-known member
During the last strike in Odessa: On the night of May 30, 4 stages of missile strikes were carried out on the port of Odessa, setting false targets and opening areas of air defense positions with ammunition lying around ( Shaheds)

As a result of the strike, one of three Ukrainian Navy ships that remained afloat, an anti-submarine missile storage depot, AGM 88 Harm missiles, Harpoon UGM-84 launchers and two HIMARS with loading units were affected.

In addition, as a result of a fire in the port, 14 armored trucks and 34 armored vans were completely destroyed. In total, the losses of the Ukrainian armed forces amounted to more than a billion dollars.

The icing on the cake was a direct hit on the Maritime Special Operations Command and Control Center, where at that time there were (estimated) 98 people.

Of the 98 dead, 36 were killed, including 22 British military intelligence officers, 8 BND officers, four Pentagon officials and two French air force officers.

The rest of the army is in serious or critical condition and is being rushed via Chisinau airport to Poland, Germany and Switzerland, according to the “Image of the Future” television channel.



Active member
do you really believe Russia would survive a nuclear war?

putler's nuclear saber-rattling is having zero effect on the west.

the doctrine is known as mutually assured destruction or MAD.
Good day friend,

Did you not know that the doctrine you reference is obsolete, that the United States reserves the right to initiate a pre-emptive nuclear strike, and that this is something Zelensky has called for?

any nuclear weapons used on Ukraine will contaminate Russia within days because of the prevailing wind patterns in Europe.
Like the winds that carried british depleted uranium dust from Khmelnitsky and Ternopil after russians blew munitions depots?

the drone attacks on Moscow are a big embarrassment for putler.

there is no way he can hide them from the public.

it's not going well for Russia.
Actually they are more of an embarrasement for Ukraine and its western puppeteers who are becoming increasingly desperate.

As for Russia, well @Roms already told you that they destroyed the ukranian Maritime Special Operations Command and Control Center just the other day. Also deserving mention in this context is the strike on the ukranian GUR HQ, which is in all likelyhood linked to the earthquake that was reported in Kiev a few days ago.

More british and american officers to be sent home in bodybags.


Well-known member
everybodies gdp went up from 1999 to 2023 so nothing special about Russia's except that the gdp per capita shrank from 2022 to 2023 because of sanctions.

https://www.statista.com/statistics/263777/gross-domestic-product-gdp-per-capita-in-russia/ 14,800 which is lower than 2022.

meanwhile, the US gdp 2023 is
taken from https://www.statista.com/statistics...-product-gdp-per-capita-in-the-united-states/

the kinzhal hypersonic missile is a joke! 7 have been shot down by the Patriot system. Putler has charged the 3 main scientists in the program with treason because they gave overly optimistic information.

and the Russian income per household is pathetically low. most Russians live in abject poverty. Mississippi, the poorest state in the US, has a household median income of 49,000 us dollars. almost 7 times more than the average russian household.

What is the annual income per capita in Russia?

Russia Household Income per Capita, 1992 – 2023 | CEIC Data

Russia Annual Household Income per Capita reached 7,932.623 USD in Dec 2022, compared with the previous value of 6,561.323 USD in Dec 2021. Russia Annual Household Income per Capita data is updated yearly, available from Dec 1992 to Dec 2022, with an averaged value of 5,523.525 USD.


Well-known member
by Dmitry Orlov

I now live in Russia, a happy country where about 90% of the population supports the president and his special operation in the former Ukraine, believes the country is moving in the right direction, and is generally united and patriotic.

It's quite different from the United States, where I used to live and where about half the population absolutely hates the government, which makes any comparison with Russia impossible. What's more, the other half or so of the American population absolutely hates their country, delighting in burning flags and toppling historical monuments. It's a manic, bipolar country, with a hint of schizophrenia.

What makes this situation particularly amusing is that the first half, which hates the government, includes many soldiers, policemen and spooks, old and active, while the second half is made up of all kinds of activists, d anarchists, potential terrorists and marginalized and malcontents in general. Both sides have formed organizations with hundreds of thousands of members, would-be maniacs wielding torches and pitchforks, seemingly ready to launch into waves of murder and mayhem at a moment's notice.

So what keeps this country fiasco in check?

Why hasn't it exploded yet? Infiltration, provocation, surveillance and very long prison sentences for anyone who tries to act rather than talk are the keys to tight control. Every organization is full of agents and informants. Any nascent action is supported by agents experienced in the art of provocation and trapping.

The system is simple and elementary and it is much easier to become an agent than to join, for example, a gang or the mafia. Agents have more money, more free time, and can safely show more initiative than others. If their techniques don't work, the troublemakers can have a little accident and end up under the wheels of a truck, or end up in jail for one reason or another (the laws are such that the average American commits several crimes a day, most of the time without knowing it).

Many of the best-known cases against right-wing and left-wing extremists involve people, almost half of whom are agents. It's sometimes very comical: for example, of the five people who were in the car that was going to try to kidnap the governor of Michigan, three were FBI agents. Dozens of people involved in the January 9 event are not identified by name – because they are agents. And it turned out that the leader of one of the most reviled right-wing organizations – the Proud Boys – is an FBI agent, which hasn't deterred the authorities from charging these white supremacists with every crime imaginable. .

When infiltration doesn't seem worthwhile, there's surveillance. Almost all gatherings, regardless of size, are monitored: churches, mosques, synagogues, clubs, even condominium associations and sewing and knitting circles. Where active surveillance is not considered useful is artificial intelligence. Do you have a Facebook or Twitter account? Do you use WhatsApp? In this case, you can be sure that all your communications are analyzed by an automated agent in search of signs of subversive activity.

But suppose you are a very discreet person and you never share your subversive and revolutionary thoughts with anyone. In this case, there is a technique to attract you: people will try to befriend you, invite you to meetings or involve you in a group of other people who may seem quite harmless and pleasant to you. don't scare yourself. If you let your guard down and voice your disapproval of the government or suggest it needs to change, your name will be put on a list and you will be scrutinized for signs of subversive activity, including your physical movements, your financial transactions and your family members. If you are considered a high enough risk subject, an agent will approach you and offer you compensation for participating in one action or another. You will be kept in the dark about the nature of the action until you are arrested – but good luck proving that in court!

In summary, if you live in the United States, you live in a very advanced and partially robotic police state. He doesn't care about your well-being in the least. Its main function is to protect the centers of power and their infrastructure from the population. Fully understanding that the state is the enemy of the people - and not only of its own people, but of the people in general, it tries to crush the initiative of the people by any means possible and, when this is not possible, to crush the people themselves.

What to do in this situation? The answer is simple: whenever someone approaches you and tries to engage you in a somewhat subversive discussion, just condescendingly laugh, apologize and change places or, better yet , to go away. At the question "What are you waiting for?you can reply that you are waiting for everything to fall apart, but that you will not lift a finger to slow it down or speed it up, because that would be unethical. If someone tries to involve you in any political discussion, there is always my old mantra:The United States is not a democracy and the identity of the president does not matter". Hope this saves you some trouble.

Dmitry Orlov

source: Club Orlov via The Francophone Saker
this is pure fantasy. Russia is being attacked right now by Russians. Russia is a police state where the population is afraid to speak their mind.


Well-known member
Good day friend,

Did you not know that the doctrine you reference is obsolete, that the United States reserves the right to initiate a pre-emptive nuclear strike, and that this is something Zelensky has called for?

Like the winds that carried british depleted uranium dust from Khmelnitsky and Ternopil after russians blew munitions depots?

Actually they are more of an embarrasement for Ukraine and its western puppeteers who are becoming increasingly desperate.

As for Russia, well @Roms already told you that they destroyed the ukranian Maritime Special Operations Command and Control Center just the other day. Also deserving mention in this context is the strike on the ukranian GUR HQ, which is in all likelyhood linked to the earthquake that was reported in Kiev a few days ago.

More british and american officers to be sent home in bodybags.
no, the mad doctrine is not "obsolete" as both Russia and the US have about the same number of warheads.

and yes, just like the winds that carried the depleted uranium dust you speak of. only the radiation from a real nuclear warhead is millions of times more deadly than depleted uranium dust.

you guys seem to have trouble understanding the word "depleted." Russia also uses depleted uranium ammo.

and, i can't find a single reference to the maritime command center strike you speak of. perhaps you have references?


Active member
Britain has been formally put on notice by the Deputy Chair of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, who stated that ”any of its public officials (either military, or civil, who facilitate the war) can be considered as a legitimate military target.”

Would the United States risk nuclear annihilation to save the british? I doubt. The west can talk all they want about their desire to apply a capital punishment to Russia, but they don’t have it in them to achieve the goal. As for Ukraine, well...


Active member
everybodies gdp went up from 1999 to 2023 so nothing special about Russia's except that the gdp per capita shrank from 2022 to 2023 because of sanctions.
In spite of sanctions Russia has the lowest inflation in Europe. All while Britain entered a perpetual cost of living crisis and Germany has fallen into a recession that they will not recover from, thanks to anti-russian sanctions and a US terrorist attack on Nord Stream.
the kinzhal hypersonic missile is a joke! 7 have been shot down by the Patriot system. Putler has charged the 3 main scientists in the program with treason because they gave overly optimistic information.
Ukranian agitprop is a joke. Here is your famous patriot system.



Active member
no, the mad doctrine is not "obsolete" as both Russia and the US have about the same number of warheads.
The doctrine rested on ”no first use”. Welcome to reality.

and yes, just like the winds that carried the depleted uranium dust you speak of. only the radiation from a real nuclear warhead is millions of times more deadly than depleted uranium dust.

you guys seem to have trouble understanding the word "depleted."
Well, lets get to it then: 0,3 percent of depleted uranium remains active. Considering that the United States used 300 tons of depleted uranium munitions in Iraq, this means that americans dumped a full ton of radioactive uranium on Iraq.

In addition, the chemical toxicity of depleted uranium makes it heavily toxic to the environment like other heavy metals such as mercury, lead, etc. Depleted uranium is carcinogenic due to the way it displace vital nutrients in organs, lymph nodes, etc.

In Fallujah, americans poisoned the population to such degree that leukemia increased 38x, brain tumors 13x, lymphoma 10x, cancer in children 10.5x and 15x increase in birth defects in infants.

Tell me more about how I have trouble understanding the word depleted, and how the US is a force of good in the world.


Well-known member

I find this fascinating to say the least. Really interesting to see the difference in opinion from average russians. Generational diffrences are plain to see too.

These interviews were conducted 2 months ago when Finland was not yet a member of NATO. Sweden is still waiting for membership (as they applied same time with Finland) but Hungary's Orban and Turkey's Erdogan (both avid fans and friends of Russia and Putin) are holding back the ratification.

Hope you like the video I linked. Enjoy your weekend...

..In peace.


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The day the American air defense lost the duel against the Russian Kinjal in Kyiv​

During a massive Russian missile attack on kyiv, the Patriot air defense system was destroyed. According to experts, this caused serious damage to the air defense system created by NATO countries in Ukraine, which was considered one of the most advanced systems in the world with powerful radars and controls. It is a military, political and image victory for Russia over NATO. How did the Russian hypersonic missile Kinjal (“Dagger” in Russian) manage to win this duel?

On Tuesday evening, Russia launched a missile attack on kyiv. As reported by the Russian Defense Ministry, the strike was carried out with concentrated, high-precision long-range air and sea weapons at the deployment points of Ukrainian units, at places of ammunition storage, at weapons and western military equipment. Russia reported that the objective of the strike was achieved, all designated objects were hit.

The Kinjal high-precision hypersonic missile system hit the American Patriot anti-aircraft missile system. In one of the videos filmed by eyewitnesses in Kiev, the Kinjal, the newest Russian system with hypersonic missiles launched from specially equipped MiG-31K interceptors, was seen as it overcame the firing of a Patriot air defense system before hitting it.

This weapon was first used by Russia during the conflict in Ukraine. The missile has low radar visibility and high maneuverability, and is designed to destroy land and sea targets. Ukraine, in turn, received at least two Patriot systems, one from the United States and one from Germany, to improve its air defense system, but the exact number of systems transferred to Kiev remains unknown.

According to experts, several conclusions emerge from the events of the night of May 16 in Kyiv. First, despite all the problems and difficulties, Russian military intelligence has proven its effectiveness in this matter. Before destroying an object, especially such an important object as a long-range air defense system, it must be detected. An experienced adversary, who is advised by the best NATO experts, is fighting against Russia. And yet they could not hide the Patriot system from Russian military intelligence.

The Patriot system should not be underestimated. It is one of the most advanced air defense systems in the world. It is equipped with excellent radar and control systems. It is possible that the crews of the Patriot are also made up of Western specialists. Nevertheless, the Russian Kinjal missiles and the crews of the MiG-31K aircraft won this confrontation.

The price of this victory is not only high from a purely military and symbolic point of view. This duel also has a very material dimension. The Patriot system fired, according to the video, around 4 rockets – each costing $5-16 million. A Patriot air defense battery (in this case, launchers) costs about half a billion dollars. So, on the night of May 700, Russian missiles destroyed Ukrainian military property worth about $XNUMX million.

Special thanks should go to the bloggers who posted the video. The extremely high density of missile launches is typical of this air defense system. It should also be noted that the anti-aircraft missiles are mounted almost vertically upwards. This serves as further evidence to assert that Kinjals (in the extreme case, Iskanders) bombed the Patriot system. After all, these hypersonic missiles, at the final stage of the trajectory, dive on the target exactly almost vertically. The Patriot system fought back desperately. But in the end, he was powerless against the Kinjal.

Kinjal, of course, is not the first time used in a special operation. But, this is the first time in such a direct duel. Previously, Russian Aerospace Forces used Kinjals to destroy fortified bunkers, buried command posts, weapons depots, and other similar targets. And, now, for the first time, the modern western air defense complex, handed over to the Kiev regime, certified as an invincible weapon, has been destroyed as Kiev claims to have been the “ winner of the Kinjal missile » announcing having destroyed six. But, the facts show the real winner.

The success of Russian scientists with their missiles shows, once again, that any air defense system can be destroyed. The only question is the necessary equipment in terms of forces and means. The attack on the Patriot system was successful because this attack was precisely timed. Apparently, the Russian army used both decoys and different types of missiles, the task of which was to hit the target at the same time. And, of course, a Patriot system (even a battery) in the field is not invulnerable. It must protect itself, unlike the Russian S-300s which are protected by the Pantsir-S1 air defense system.

The destruction of the Patriot system is an achievement of the Russian complex. The Patriot system is incapable of operating on this type of Russian missile. In the latest modification of the PAC-3 Patriot, the US system can only see the Kinjal, but not destroy it. It all depends on how fast the missile is going.

Experts explain that the Kinjal's speed is so high that no air defense or missile defense system has time to react. Also, the experts contemplate with humor the assertion of Ukraine according to which it would have succeeded in intercepting the Kinjal. As CNN le reports, this was stated not only by the kyiv authorities, but also by the Pentagon. However, later a source from the Russian Defense Ministry denied this information, and on the night of May 16 the world received eloquent proof of the victory of Russian weapons in a duel with American air defense systems thanks to videos posted by Kyiv residents.

The Patriot air defense system is a priority target for the Kinjal for two reasons. Firstly, because of the colossal cost of American systems, and secondly, because the Patriot system has been assigned almost the main role in the enemy's integrated air defense system that is being built by the countries of the NATO.

Now the Pentagon and its European allies may have to rethink their plans. It should be noted that in the West, the nightly drama around the Patriot system in kyiv was perceived with great concern. Only a few Patriot batteries were handed over to Ukraine, and export value of each of them reaches a billion dollars. Besides Forbes called this shipment to Ukraine " as symbolic, but as not being able to change the deal. »

Particular criticism is heard about the overly active use of expensive air defense missiles. " Using $3 million interceptors to take out drones that cost less is questionable » notes The National Interest especially that " drones can use their terrain-appropriate maneuverability and flight patterns to avoid detection by Patriot System radars ". 20-30 pieces of Patriot missiles were launched in response to a Russian missile strike. Each of these missiles costs up to five million dollars, and obviously few of them have been delivered to Ukraine. Military experts in the United States have long maintained that Patriot systems will not work well on the Ukrainian front. The National Interest title " Patriot missiles will not save Ukraine ».

Forbes announced than " Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia would destroy the MIM-104 Patriot air defense missile system that the United States is delivering to Ukraine » and that « could give Putin a major propaganda hit ". It's a signal that Russian technology can neutralize one of the most advanced air defense systems the United States has developed. Mission won for Moscow.

In a report from the US Congress of January 2023, it was noted that “ the Patriot system and its interceptors are both expensive and limited in supply ". The number of missiles for the Patriot system remains limited even for the US military. Last year, the Pentagon ordered only 252 of these missiles. In total, before the start of the Ukrainian conflict, Lockheed Martin produced 300-350 missiles per year. Today, production has been extended to 500 missiles per year. According to observers, at this rate, " Ukraine could spend as many missiles overnight as the United States manages to produce in an entire month. »

Olivier Renault

source: Observatory Continental


Well-known member

Patriot versus Kinjal according to Izvestia​

The Russian armed forces destroyed the American anti-aircraft complex Patriot in kyiv with a hit from a hypersonic missile “Kinjal”.

During the attack, the Ukrainian air defense used several dozen Patriot, SAMP-T, IRIS, NASAMS and S-300 missiles, but failed to prevent the Russian strike.

In addition to the Patriot Division, several positions of other air defense systems were destroyed.

Experts note that the RF armed forces used the tactics for combating American air defense systems, developed in the 90s. After many years, they have proven their effectiveness on the battlefield.

The Patriot System, which was delivered to Ukraine, is one of the first versions transported on tractor-trailers, military expert Alexei Leonkov told Izvestia. – Its peculiarity is that it occupies a certain position area of about two by two kilometers. Another characteristic is that it had eight launchers, although there were usually two or three per battery. We saw a desperate attempt by the Patriot to shoot down the "Kinjal", which was flying towards him. They have used up all their ammunition. 32 missiles flew off, but did not hit their target. As a result, the “Kinjal” destroyed the heart of this Patriot – the radar and the control center. And it became useless.

« I won't go into details, but we forced the Patriot into action. “, he explained. " Thus, the positioning area where the Patriot was located was discovered and a Kinjal attack was launched on it. »

This proves that the Patriot radar was unable to determine the Kinjal's approach. And it was only when it became clear that the Kinjal was already heading towards them, that they started fighting back.

But the Patriot can't take down a Kinjal. 32 missiles is a very large expense. This indicates the complete ineffectiveness of the Patriot compared to the hypersonic complex.

source: Izvestia


Well-known member

Empire of Lies Eager to Receive Mr. Sarmat’s Business Card​

By Pepe Escobar

The only antidote to propaganda dementia is served by sparse voices of reason, which happen to be Russian, thus silenced and/or dismissed.

Especially since the onset of GWOT (Global War on Terror) at the start of the millennium, no one ever lost money betting against the toxic combo of hubris, arrogance and ignorance serially deployed by the Empire of Chaos and Lies.

What passes for “analysis” in the vast intellectual no-fly zone known as U.S. Think Tankland includes wishful thinking babble such as Beijing “believing” that Moscow would play a supporting role in the Chinese century just to see Russia, now, in the geopolitical driver’s seat.

This is a fitting example not only of outright Russophobic/Sinophobic paranoia about the emergence of peer competitors in Eurasia – the primeval Anglo-American nightmare – but also crass ignorance about the finer points of the complex Russia-China comprehensive strategic partnership.

As Operation Z methodically hits Phase 2, the Americans – with a vengeance – have also embarked on their symmetrical Phase 2, which de facto translates as an outright escalation towards Totalen Krieg, from shades of hybrid to incandescent, everything of course by proxy. Notorious Raytheon weapons peddler reconverted into Pentagon head, Lloyd Austin, gave away the game in Kiev:

“We want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine.”

So this is it: the Empire wants to annihilate Russia. Cue to War Inc.’s frenzy of limitless weapon cargos descending on Ukraine, the overwhelming majority on the road to be duly eviscerated by Russian precision strikes. The Americans are sharing intel 24/7 with Kiev not only on Donbass and Crimea but also Russian territory. Totalen Krieg proceeds in parallel to the engineered controlled demolition of the EU’s economy, with the European Commission merrily acting as a sort of P.R. arm of NATO.

Amidst the propaganda dementia cum acute cognitive dissonance overdrive across the whole NATOstan sphere, the only antidote is served by sparse voices of reason, which happen to be Russian, thus silenced and/or dismissed. The West ignores them at their own collective peril.

Patrushev goes Triple-X unplugged

Let’s start with President Putin’s speech to the Council of Legislators in St. Petersburg celebrating the Day of Russian Parliamentarism.

Putin demonstrated how a hardly new “geopolitical weapon” relying on “Russophobia and neo-Nazis”, coupled with efforts of “economic strangulation”, not only failed to smother Russia, but impregnated in the collective unconscious the feeling this an existential conflict: a “Second Great Patriotic War”.

With off the charts hysteria across the spectrum, a message for an Empire that still refuses to listen, and doesn’t even understand the meaning of “indivisibility of security”, had to be inevitable:

“I would like to emphasize once again that if someone intends to interfere in the events taking place from the outside and creates threats of a strategic nature unacceptable to Russia, they should know that our retaliatory strikes will be lightning fast. We have all the tools for this. Such as no one can boast of now. And we won’t brag. We will use them if necessary. And I want everyone to know about it – we have made all the decisions on this matter.”

Translation: non-stop provocations may lead Mr. Kinzhal, Mr. Zircon and Mr. Sarmat to be forced to present their business cards in select Western latitudes, even without an official invitation.

Arguably for the first time since the start of Operation Z, Putin made a distinction between military operations in Donbass and the rest of Ukraine. This directly relates to the integration in progress of Kherson, Zaporozhye and Kharkov, and implies the Russian Armed Forces will keep going and going, establishing sovereignty not only in the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics but also over Kherson, Zaporozhye, and further on down the road from the Sea of Azov to the Black Sea, all the way to establishing full control of Nikolaev and Odessa.

The formula is crystal clear: “Russia cannot allow the creation of anti-Russian territories around the country.”

Now let’s move to an extremely detailed interview by Secretary of the Security Council Nikolai Patrushev to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, where Patrushev sort of went triple-X unplugged.

The key take away may be here: “The collapse of the American-centric world is a reality in which one must live and build an optimal line of behavior.” Russia’s “optimal line of behavior” – much to the wrath of the universalist and unilateralist hegemon – features “sovereignty, cultural and spiritual identity and historical memory.”

Patrushev shows how “tragic scenarios of world crises, both in past years and today, are imposed by Washington in its desire to consolidate its hegemony, resisting the collapse of the unipolar world.” The U.S. goes no holds barred “to ensure that other centers of the multipolar world do not even dare to raise their heads, and our country not only dared, but publicly declared that it would not play by the imposed rules.”

Patrushev could not but stress how War Inc. is literally making a killing in Ukraine: “The American and European military-industrial complex is jubilant, because thanks to the crisis in Ukraine, it has no respite from order. It is not surprising that, unlike Russia, which is interested in the speedy completion of a special military operation and minimizing losses on all sides, the West is determined to delay it at least to the last Ukrainian.”

And that mirrors the psyche of American elites: “You are talking about a country whose elite is not able to appreciate other people’s lives. Americans are used to walking on scorched earth. Since World War II, entire cities have been razed to the ground by bombing, including nuclear bombing. They flooded the Vietnamese jungle with poison, bombed the Serbs with radioactive munitions, burned Iraqis alive with white phosphorus, helped terrorists poison Syrians with chlorine (…) As history shows, NATO has also never been a defensive alliance, only an offensive one.”

Previously, in an interview with the delightfully named The Great Game show on Russian TV, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had once again detailed how the Americans “no longer insist on the implementation of international law, but on respect for the ‘rules-based world order’. These ‘rules’ are not deciphered in any way. They say that now there are few rules. For us, they don’t exist at all. There is international law. We respect it, as does the UN Charter. The key provision, the main principle is the sovereign equality of states. The U.S. flagrantly violates its obligations under the UN Charter when it promotes its ‘rules’”.

Lavrov had to stress, once again, that the current incandescent situation may be compared to the Cuban Missile Crisis: “In those years, there was a channel of communication that both leaders trusted. Now there is no such channel. No one is trying to create it.”

The Empire of Lies, in its current state, does not do diplomacy.

The pace of the game in the new chessboard

In a subtle reference to the work of Sergei Glazyev, as the Minister in Charge of Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasia Economic Union explained in our recent interview, Patrushev hit the heart of the current geoeconomic game, with Russia now actively moving towards a gold standard: “Experts are working on a project proposed by the scientific community to create a two-circuit monetary and financial system. In particular, it is proposed to determine the value of the ruble, which should be secured by both gold and a group of goods that are currency values, to put the ruble exchange rate in line with real purchasing power parity.”

That was inevitable after the outright theft of over $300 billion in Russian foreign reserves. It may have taken a few days for Moscow to be fully certified it was facing Totalen Krieg. The corollary is that the collective West has lost any power to influence Russian decisions. The pace of the game in the new chessboard is being set by Russia.

Earlier in the week, in his meeting with the UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres, Putin went as far as stating that he’d be more than willing to negotiate – with only a few conditions: Ukrainian neutrality and autonomy status for Donbass. Yet now everyone knows it’s too late. For a Washington in Totalen Krieg mode negotiation is anathema – and that has been the case since the aftermath of the Russia-Ukraine meeting in Istanbul in late March.

So far, on Operation Z, the Russian Armed forces have used only 12% of its soldiers,10% of its fighter jets, 7% of its tanks, 5% of its missiles, and 4% of its artillery. The pain dial is set to go substantially up – and with the total liberation of Mariupol and the resolution one way or another of the Donbass cauldron there is nothing the hysteria/propaganda/weaponizing combo deployed by the collective West can do to alter facts on the ground.

That includes desperate gambits such as the one uncovered by SVR – Russian foreign intel, which very rarely makes mistakes. SVR found out that the Empire of Lies/War Inc. axis is pushing not only for a de facto Polish invasion to annex Western Ukraine, under the banner of “historical reunification”, but also for a joint Romanian/Ukrainian invasion of Moldova/Transnistria, with Romanian “peacekeepers” already piling up near the Moldova border.

Washington, as the SVR maintains, has been plotting the Polish gambit for over a month now. It would “lead from behind” (remember Libya?), “encouraging” a “group of countries” to occupy Western Ukraine. So partition is already on the cards. Were that ever to materialize, it will be fascinating to bet on which locations Mr. Sarmat would be inclined to distribute his business card.


Well-known member
The doctrine rested on ”no first use”. Welcome to reality.

Well, lets get to it then: 0,3 percent of depleted uranium remains active. Considering that the United States used 300 tons of depleted uranium munitions in Iraq, this means that americans dumped a full ton of radioactive uranium on Iraq.

In addition, the chemical toxicity of depleted uranium makes it heavily toxic to the environment like other heavy metals such as mercury, lead, etc. Depleted uranium is carcinogenic due to the way it displace vital nutrients in organs, lymph nodes, etc.

In Fallujah, americans poisoned the population to such degree that leukemia increased 38x, brain tumors 13x, lymphoma 10x, cancer in children 10.5x and 15x increase in birth defects in infants.

Tell me more about how I have trouble understanding the word depleted, and how the US is a force of good in the world.
the MAD doctrine is not an agreement or a contract between nations. it has nothing to do with pre-emptive strikes. it is simply a commonly accepted theory of deterrence that both Russia and the US have understood since the end of ww2. if no side can survive a nuclear conflict it would be committing suicide to use them.

both Russia and the US have about 6000 warheads right now. that's 12,000 total. using them all simultaneously would destroy the world. the entire atmosphere would be poisoned by radiation for a long time.

depleted uranium has 30-40% of the radiation found in naturally occurring uranium ore.

"4. Does depleted uranium pose a radiation hazard?​

All isotopes of uranium are radioactive. Both uranium and depleted uranium, and their immediate decay products, emit alpha and beta particles and a small amount of gamma radiation.

Depletion of U-235 during processing leaves DU appreciably less radioactive than naturally occurring isotopic mixtures. It typically contains 30-40 per cent of the concentration of U-235 found in natural uranium, or about 0.2 to 0.3 per cent by weight. This means that the radioactivity of newly produced DU is only about 60 per cent of natural uranium.

DU munitions collected in Kosovo also contained trace amounts of other radioactive elements, but they increase the overall radioactivity by less than one per cent.

All natural uranium isotopes emit alpha particles – positively charged ions identical to the nucleus of a helium atom, with two protons and two neutrons. Their beta and gamma activity is low. Alpha particles are relatively large, and do not penetrate far in tissue – they are stopped by the skin, for example. This means uranium only poses a radiation hazard if it is breathed in, eaten or drunk, or enters part of the body exposed by injury."

you certainly do follow the official party line. Putler is bitching about depleted u-235 rounds Ukraine will be using during the assault at the same time his army is loading them into weapons. russia has been using them for many years. i posted a link to this info earlier in this thread. you must have been on your little forced vacation at the time.


Well-known member
utterly ludicrous to think that Russia & Great Britain would be going at it mano a mano with nuclear weapons. if Great Britain is attacked, then it will be a NATO-wide retaliatory strike, not just Great Britain. i'm sure that Russia wishes NATO did not exist so they could continue to pick on smaller countries. but an attack on one is an attack on all...enjoy!

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