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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Somebody forgot to cancel the auto publish

Brave new world of Putin: An article by the propaganda publication RIA Novosti, which was to be published after the occupation of Ukraine


I heard that when interviewed by a local reporter, the chief editor, Anna Gavrilova at RIA Novosti was quoted as saying "Oops" and has since been unable to be found for any clarifications :D


...como el Son...
I only support the OG russians who walk around in funny commie hats, not spanish commies 4 NATO and Euromaidan criminals.

Déjate de desviar la jugada: me has puesto un video con dos personas (estadounidenses?) que supongo estaban hablando de lo comunistas que eran, y de que apoyaban a Putin... Dime: a que famosísimo e histórico Partido Comunista pertenecen? A alguno que haya llegado varias veces al poder, como el PCE? A alguno cuyas milicias han luchado contra Hitler y Mussolini? A alguno cuyos miembros liderarán la resistencia en el campo nazi de Mauthausen? A alguno cuyos miembros, en tanques con nombres de batallas españolas, fueran los primeros y vanguardia en la liberación de París?...O son dos niñatos como tú?

Aquí sí hay otros grupúsculos comunistas, que en 2015 enviaron a luchar a sus milicianos al Donbas junto a los prorusos: ya puse la entrevista que le hicieron.

Stop diverting the play: you have put me a video with two people (Americans?) who I guess were talking about how communist they were, and that they supported Putin.... Tell me: which famous and historical Communist Party do they belong to? To one that has come to power several times, like the PCE? To one whose militias have fought against Hitler and Mussolini? To one whose members will lead the resistance in the Nazi camp of Mauthausen? To one whose members, in tanks named after Spanish battles, were the first and vanguard in the liberation of Paris... Or are they two children like you?
The communists of the PCE, I.U., or Podemos, are anti NATO, and anti Putin.

Here yes there are other communist groupuscules, who in 2015 sent to fight their militiamen to the Donbas together with the pro-Russians: I already put the interview they did.


Well-known member
If he's not safe there he's not safe anywhere unless he leaves the country but it's kind of hard to ask your citizens to stand and fight if you yourself tuck tail and run to safety outside of the country.

which is why Putin has (allegedly, no way to be sure) sent 400 of his vaunted Wagner group (private army) of mercenaries into Ukraine trying to kill Zelenskyy and about 2 dozen others. he is a figure of resistance to Russian aggression. Putin thinks (perhaps rightly) that if he flees/dies, resistance will collapse. he'd better be careful of what he wishes for. a martyr can be even more dangerous, and cannot be killed twice...🖖
I did not make these, I only stole them, so dont @ me, Karen. If you dont find them funny just move along, they're not for you.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
which is why Putin has (allegedly, no way to be sure) sent 400 of his vaunted Wagner group (private army) of mercenaries into Ukraine trying to kill Zelenskyy and about 2 dozen others. he is a figure of resistance to Russian aggression. Putin thinks (perhaps rightly) that if he flees/dies, resistance will collapse. he'd better be careful of what he wishes for. a martyr can be even more dangerous, and cannot be killed twice...🖖

Yeah, no doubt Putin wants Zelenskyy gone but I'm thinking like you that if he succeeds in taking him out that it will just galvanize the resistance that much more and at that point there are probably anyone of a number of people potentially not on Putin's radar that could steer the resistance after Zelenskyy is gone.

member 505892

it's kind of hard to ask your citizens to stand and fight if you yourself tuck tail and run to safety outside of the country.

This ^^ is EGG-ZACKTLY what David 'Commander Bonespurs' Dennison would do in such a scenario, he basically admitted it when saying he wouldn't know how he'd react in such a situation.

Big, tremendously HUGE stones on that guy. :wtf: :peek:


...como el Son...
Stop diverting the play: you have put me a video with two people (Americans?) who I guess were talking about how communist they were, and that they supported Putin.... Tell me: which famous and historical Communist Party do they belong to? To one that has come to power several times, like the PCE? To one whose militias have fought against Hitler and Mussolini? To one whose members will lead the resistance in the Nazi camp of Mauthausen? To one whose members, in tanks named after Spanish battles, were the first and vanguard in the liberation of Paris... Or are they two children like you?
The communists of the PCE, I.U., or Podemos, are anti NATO, and anti Putin.

Here yes there are other communist groupuscules, who in 2015 sent to fight their militiamen to the Donbas together with the pro-Russians: I already put the interview they did.

Y que Viva el 5 Regimiento !!!



Active member
Wrong that uncorroborated signed statement only covers that one incident at the radio station known as the "The Gleiwitz incident" it never covered all of the various false flag attacks.

My point exactly. I’m not wrong - you are:

Well first off I never said Neo Nazi's didn't exist in Ukraine, oddly enough they're concentrated in the very regions that Russia is recognizing as independent and presumably went into Ukraine to "protect" these areas. So yeah it's a bit of a stretch to suggest you're going into Ukraine to de-nazify it when the Nazi's inhabit the areas you claim to be protecting from the Nazis.

The relevance of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact ...
… exists only in your head. You have obviously never been to Ukraine. The areas you believe to be inhabited by Nazi’s are ethnic russian. Your beloved Nazi’s are fascists from the western Ukraine and abroad. Putin stepped in when the DPR called for help, as they faced imminent attack after NATO sent massive amounts of lethal aid to the Nazi militias. Meet the people of Donbass and learn what they have been through since Euromaidan coup.




Active member
Stop diverting the play: you have put me a video with two people (Americans?) who I guess were talking about how communist they were, and that they supported Putin.... Tell me: which famous and historical Communist Party do they belong to? To one that has come to power several times, like the PCE? To one whose militias have fought against Hitler and Mussolini? To one whose members will lead the resistance in the Nazi camp of Mauthausen? To one whose members, in tanks named after Spanish battles, were the first and vanguard in the liberation of Paris... Or are they two children like you?
The communists of the PCE, I.U., or Podemos, are anti NATO, and anti Putin.

Here yes there are other communist groupuscules, who in 2015 sent to fight their militiamen to the Donbas together with the pro-Russians: I already put the interview they did.
Nina Kosta interviewed independent journalist Dean O’Brian about the conflict for the Communist Party of Great Britain. Here is a recent article:

Kiev junta facing defeat as Russia roots out fascist militias from Ukraine

The present denazification operation is the result of 30 years of slow-motion war by Nato against Russia.



Active member
which is why Putin has (allegedly, no way to be sure) sent 400 of his vaunted Wagner group (private army) of mercenaries into Ukraine trying to kill Zelenskyy and about 2 dozen others. he is a figure of resistance to Russian aggression. Putin thinks (perhaps rightly) that if he flees/dies, resistance will collapse. he'd better be careful of what he wishes for. a martyr can be even more dangerous, and cannot be killed twice...🖖

Zelinsky is a figure of resistance to Russian aggression only in the eyes of the lying western press, and the automatons who take anything they say for granted.

That would be a laugh though: NATONAZIS fighting for the global gay disco, worshipping a martyred jewish comedian :D


Active member
Zelinsky is a figure of resistance to Russian aggression only in the eyes of the lying western press, and the automatons who take anything they say for granted.

That would be a laugh though: NATONAZIS fighting for the global gay disco, worshipping a martyred jewish comedian :D

Whatever.. You haven’t a clue.


Active member

I am not republican :D

I defend Hitler whenever I find it warranted, just as I defend the people you see wearing communist regalia in eastern Ukraine fighting NATONAZIS today.

I would defend republicans as well, or for that matter the Democratic Socialists of America when they call on the US to withdraw from NATO.


Active member
I am not republican :D

I defend Hitler whenever I find it warranted, just as I defend the people you see wearing communist regalia in eastern Ukraine fighting NATONAZIS today.

I would defend republicans as well, or for that matter the Democratic Socialists of America when they call on the US to withdraw from NATO.
