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Well-known member
How many allies and Americans did Biden
abandon in afghanastan?

You mean following the exact plan that the Trump administration created? Sure Biden could have and should have modified but for you to say what you did is incredibly disingenuous and so very typical.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I’d read RT before your corporate american garbage any day, ”unbiased news” lol.

Russian state just let the world know the ’snake island’ heroes are alive and well.


Americanski website "Yahoo" published that the guys on the island were shelled. Another site at the same time showed the shells hitting a remote corner, and the shipleft. Pics took by guys on the island. It took yahoo two days to change their tune on the incorrect story. FAKE NEWS.

So the sides are:

Liberals / xiden lovers / NWO lovers / WEF lovers / news media - Go Ukraine puppet guv

.............................. ...............VS............. .............................. ...............

Freedom lovers / patriots / conservatives / non-robot thinkers - Go Putin and squash the NWO NATO-Nazis


Well-known member
Well Trump was the one who initiated the withdrawl. Biden was the one who seemed to fuck it. Not a supporter of either, but you are the one who called Trump a hero. Sorry, but a hero to me is someone who actually does something heroic.

The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal.

Don't confuse them with facts, it only makes them believe even more in their alternate universe.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Don't forget the EMPs.Just read that Turkey shutsdown the Bosporus for Russian ships.Turkey can say goodbye to 21th century.

That crazy fool erdowan traded his F-35s for Putins S-400s, and now he is pissing off Putinagain. Turkey is supposedly in NATO.

Trump wanted to leave NATO. The election Russia hoax is what the NWO did to make NATO relevant.

The MIC is good business, and those MIC stawks were what kept the American stawk market from crashing today.


Well-known member
Americanski website "Yahoo" published that the guys on the island were shelled. Another site at the same time showed the shells hitting a remote corner, and the shipleft. Pics took by guys on the island. It took yahoo two days to change their tune on the incorrect story. FAKE NEWS.

So the sides are:

Liberals / xiden lovers / NWO lovers / WEF lovers / news media - Go Ukraine ouppet guv


Freedom lovers / patriots / conservatives / non-robot thinkers - Go Putin and squash the NWO NATO-Nazis

Well, those were words


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Seems a bit of a stretch lol, how cute. Israel is one of the countries alongside yours to arm NATONAZI militias in Ukraine! Here is one Nazi dipshit from the Azov Battalion showing off israeli weapons:


Just the other day they opened up with Grad systems on a residential area in Mariupol and placed mines all over the city. Nazi torch marches have been organized by the coup regime all over Ukraine for years:


Explain again the relevance of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of 1939 to your Nazi apologetics for Ukraine 2022.

Well first off I never said Neo Nazi's didn't exist in Ukraine, oddly enough they're concentrated in the very regions that Russia is recognizing as independent and presumably went into Ukraine to "protect" these areas. So yeah it's a bit of a stretch to suggest you're going into Ukraine to de-nazify it when the Nazi's inhabit the areas you claim to be protecting from the Nazis.

The relevance of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact is that it clearly demonstrates that the Soviets and therefore Russians had no real issues with Nazism from a moral perspective, just so long as the German Nazis didn't come after Russian Jews. Once they did all bets were off and they fought and eventually conquered the Germans invading the USSR. If the USSR was as against Nazism as Putin now likes to portray they never would have stood by while the Nazis invaded Poland and either enslave or killed the Jewish population of Poland. or would they have joined the invasion of Poland with the Nazis and then took over the Eastern half of Poland for themselves once Poland surrendered. Clearly when Putin claimed the desire to denazify Ukraine as part of his justification for invading Ukraine he was counting on the world's general knee jerk hatred of Nazis and the knowledge that there was an awareness by the world that Neo-Nazis existed in Ukraine. I can only assume he figured the world was largely ignorant of where these Neo-Nazis existed rather then realizing it was aware that the Neo-Nazis represented the majority of the people in the very regions he was claiming to defend from the Ukranian government.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
My fears are mostly about totally irrational behaviour from a cornered egotist.... what a delusional egotist might do when they are PERSONALLY in danger.
When they are personally humiliated and facing a certain death, and all plans go out the window.

I get that it might be an irrational fear, and very unlikely, but that kind of scenario is my fear.... the type of leaders that require absolute power don't have their heads screwed on properly and don't value human life the same was as most of us do. Everything is viewed through their ego prism.

Well I'd be lying if I tried to say nobody shared your fears. What has me mostly skeptical though is that by everything I've seen and heard the way Putin's ego comes into this whole situation isn't as much of a pure grab for power as it is a vision of securing a legacy of restoring Russia to the former glory once known as the USSR. I mean he's in his 70's now and some think he may have some serious illness such as cancer that will end his life soon and therefore he needs to act now for any chances of establishing this historic legacy of bringing back the once powerful USSR. If however he uses nukes in his attempt to accomplish that goal is he stands a greater chance of going down in the history books as the man that turned Russia into a sheet of radioactive glass and relegated the Russian people to annihilation which to me doesn't seem like that would be satisfactory to his ego. Furthermore since the fighting is mostly on Russia's borders if he uses nukes to achieve victory he'll be harming his own people as much as anyone else, while Nations like the US and those of Western Europe would mostly be unaffected. The only way around that would be if he launched nukes on all the nations he seems to be fighting which would result in multiple retaliatory strikes and then he wouldn't make the history books at all because virtually nobody would be left except maybe cockroaches.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well documented with nothing more than the uncorroborated signed statement of a prisoner.

Wrong that uncorroborated signed statement only covers that one incident at the radio station known as the "The Gleiwitz incident" it never covered all of the various false flag attacks.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What we are seeing is a scenario acted out to draw the world's attention to the insanity of war and nuclear weapons. They don't call it Mutually Assured Destruction for nothing.

And as far as Chernobyl it isn't Putin that wants to blow it up but a dying Deep State who is now cornered in the Ukraine.

The Great Awakening continues.

You have a funny interpretation of "cornered" usually that doesn't include civilian volunteer forces armed with a gun and Molotov Cocktails holding off a much larger, better equipped and supposedly better trained (although given their failures to this point that training is questionable) army.

mojave green

rockin in the free world


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Is this Official......

An easy way to tell from phots is look for a white Z. That's Ukrainian as there is no Z in Russian.

Personally I liked the video game footage of the jet fighter ace and the cardboard guns the soldiers posed with......

How does that prove it's Ukrainian? There's no Z in the Ukrainian alphabet either. I mean if a symbol not being in the Russian alphabet proves it isn't Russian then the same logic should apply to Ukrainians as well.


Well-known member
How does that prove it's Ukrainian? There's no Z in the Ukrainian alphabet either. I mean if a symbol not being in the Russian alphabet proves it isn't Russian then the same logic should apply to Ukrainians as well.

I'd think your mistake was assuming that they use logic at all. You can't really expect more than that from the "I diD My rEseArch" crowd.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What makes you think that Russia is acting "imperialistically," rather than simply tactically defending their nation?

Well for one thing they first declared they were just doing military exercises after nobody bought that then they switched to recognizing two areas as separatists wanting to leave Ukraine and needing their protection. Of course that fell apart when they blew past those areas, and started attacking the capital.


Well-known member
How does that prove it's Ukrainian? There's no Z in the Ukrainian alphabet either. I mean if a symbol not being in the Russian alphabet proves it isn't Russian then the same logic should apply to Ukrainians as well.

What mark is on those vehicles in the 40 mile convoy?

That convoy is decisively Russian, right Berries?

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