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Well-known member
poor phatty lives in a pool of all-consuming, burning hatred! what a horrible way to live. joyless and without love.

he's another maga trumper who's probably at peak fever due to all the shit raining down on the orange one right now.

it's so unfair, isn't it phatty? Trump is being held responsible for just a very small part of the lifetime of criminal activity he's committed.

those dirty jews and the demtards are ruining a chance for America to live in fascism under King Donald the Orange.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
^^^ show us why the Allies in WW2 were not justified. ^^^ i'll wait. i'm retired, got all the time in the world. it IS black and white. you go to war, or you let evil win. there was no gray area in this case.
Hippy, I'm sorry you view the world this way. Again, this is not what I was arguing in any sense. I feel we are viewing this from very different plains of understanding, while I understand your view point very well, you clearly do not get mine. I am ok with this, but there isn't much point continuing this conversation.

I hope you appreciate this video and watch it in full...

Brother Nature

Well-known member
don't you think that maybe this reply from you demonstrates that you, too, may have a little bit of a "unilateral" viewpoint?

as far as populist flow goes, at the time i protested the viet nam war i was living in San Francisco from 1965 to 1970. at that time people against the war were a very small minority of the population.

i've always had sort of an anarchist attitude towards government, Henry David Thoreau's "The government that governs best is the one that governs least".

i was working too hard to do much protesting for iraq so i wasn't involved with any kind of flow regarding it, populist or not.

on Afghanistan, i did not say that there were not a lot of nice people there. but i will stand by my description of their historical nature as a feudal, undeveloped nation of warlords.

"I also oppose any and all types of war, I can't see death and destruction of our fellow man as justified, no matter the spin put on it."

i agree with this statement, i am personally against war but sometimes you have to fight to defend yourself when you have a violent, aggressive attacker on your hands.

what would you have done with afghanistan after they allowed international terrorists to launch attacks on our soil? or when japan attacked pearl harbor.

now, the taliban is fighting the terror groups in afghanistan for us because they don't want us to come back. we are helping to fund the country still.

on my family's history of involvement in wars, one of my grandfathers was a sharecropper in mississippi and his son, my father, was 16 and lied about his age in order to join the navy in ww2. he was an uneducated farm kid when he enlisted but become an officer and captain of two different warships before he retired after 24 years. my brother and sister both served in the navy.

but this is not unusual, every family has relatives that have been in wars or the military.

but, i'm still the only one in the family that has been in close, hand-to-hand combat and i've never been in the military. i've been shot twice and stabbed once.

because of my own history, i try to avoid violence but i carry daily and won't become a victim again.

i lived in oregon from 2013 to 2018. while there i became involved with quite a few vets with ptsd.

i gave away a lot of medicine regularly the whole time.

my wife and i took in a homeless vet with ptsd for 3 months and helped him get a job, and a place to live.

we also bought him a $3500 used pick-up truck as an outright gift with no strings attached.

one of my cousins, who went to vietnam and stepped on a land mine, came home, got married, had two kids, was a high school coach, and at the age of 56, his wife found him swinging from a rope in the garage.

"I myself have never served, but have served time due to the "war" on drugs."

i turned 21 in prison for cannabis sales.

so, we all have these types of stories in our past and i'm just as against war as you but believe that some things are worth fighting for.

"So to me, no war is ok, the events that follow any kind of war never progress humanity. I can't stand by and support that in any way and I will always argue with anyone who believes a war can be justified, the world is never that black and white."

have you argued this point with mr putler? what would you have had the Ukrainian people do when they were invaded by russia? nothing? just quietly and meekly accept the yoke of oppression they have been free of for more than thirty years?

sometimes you must either fight or perish.
Thank you for explaining your view point, I have a lot of respect for that. I understand where you are coming from and appreciate that you have shared some of the same experiences as I.

I don't disagree with fighting for what you love, I just disagree with the way we are fighting, I think we can be better. I truly think we as a society can overcome this, but we need to look at existence differently than we have in the past for change to really happen. I also admit, I don't know how we should look at it, but our outlook right now isn't right and it needs to change for our species to survive. That's what I think we should fight for.

Corpselover Fat

Active member
Another dumb conclusion from you. Did I not write that Stepan Bandera was the architect behind the Holocaust in Ukraine?

So you hate nazis, but don't believe nazis gassed jews in germany. I read on webpage the jews didn't actually starve at the concentration camps, but rather were fed 3000kcal per day. Does that sound right to you?


Active member
all will notice that entropical has repeatedly and stubbornly stuck to the official russian state media line that this invasion is about nazi's.

he won't talk about russian dreams of re-expansion at all.

he keeps trying to redirect the conversation to the nazi theme.
If your country along wih its vassals had not installed and armed this nazi regime that broke the cease fire and escallated attacks against Donbas there would not have been a ”russian invasion”.

Ukraine itself have refused a peace that would have stopped any trend of ”russian re-expansion”, but they decided instead to murder their own negotitor. Yes you defended this action.

You are the one who is obsessing about ”dreams of russian re-expansion”. De-militarization and de-nazification are the directives of the special military observation weather you like it or not.


Active member
So you hate nazis, but don't believe nazis gassed jews in germany. I read on webpage the jews didn't actually starve at the concentration camps, but rather were fed 3000kcal per day. Does that sound right to you?
Until allies bombed german supply lines causing mass starvation and disease, sure. How many calories per day did the US army feed inmates in its Rhein meadow camps?

St. Phatty

Active member
The US hasn't fought a war of self-defense for over a century.

Americans are very righteous about the US revolution - England wanted their Empire, the US fought back against that Empire. "No Taxation without Representation", Yadda Yadda.

But wars like Vietnam were about the US as Empire.

Admiral James Stockdale admits - in writing, and in detail - that the US was not attacked by anything at the Gulf of Tonkin.

McNamara echoed the same exact fact, after he had been out of office a few years.

The Vietnam War was a war of Empire.

If you think the My Lai Massacre was a Righteous Kill, then you are identifying yourself as a Psychopath.

The US murdered 4.5 million Southeast Asian civilians during the Vietnam War.

And - SURPRISE - those Civilians fought back.

Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor was not the start of a war. It was the continuation of a war. The US sided with China to try to get rid of the Japanese Emperor. So they were already fighting Japan - in China- when Japan attacked the US in 1941.

If you root for the humans attacking the Navi in "Avatar", or the Sith Lords in Star Wars - that is like rooting for the US in real life.

It's a tragedy that the 9 young Americans that died in the Blackhawk Down crash, were conned into thinking that working in the US military was the career for them.

But once they began taking orders from the US military - they were functioning as Occupiers & Empire Builders.

Once they crossed that line, they became the terrorists. State sponsored Terror is still Terror.

American schools are part of the Terrorist creation system, since they tell young Americans HUGE Lies to get them to sign up.

Note Officer Stockdale's response to the 2nd attack on Vietnam, on August 5. "Reprisal for what ?"

He was the senior flyer on August 4, ordered to bomb and strafe the South China Sea.
Then when he was ordered to drop 1000 pound bombs on North Vietnam on August 5, in "Reprisal".



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Well-known member
Hippy, I'm sorry you view the world this way. Again, this is not what I was arguing in any sense. I feel we are viewing this from very different plains of understanding, while I understand your view point very well, you clearly do not get mine. I am ok with this, but there isn't much point continuing this conversation.

I hope you appreciate this video and watch it in full...
many wars are justified. not all actions taken in wars can be justified. the ends do NOT justify the means in many cases. as to our planes of understanding, i agree completely that we need to prevent wars from breaking out, and do our best to stop those in progress. but you can't reward the aggressor by punishing the victim and expecting that to stop future aggression because in all of human history it has never worked. (see also Chamberlains appeasement of Hitler prior to WW2) vicious dogs do not respond to "please don't do that!" sometimes you have to kill them to stop an attack. i admire your adherence to pacifism for its non-violence, but deride it for its uselessness in reality. sorry...i don't watch politically bent videos nor do i post them expecting others to be persuaded.


Active member
War can be avoided. World war 2 was the result of a repressed population following a promising leader. Evil as he may have been. It was desperation for most. Their brains weren’t any much different from ours. Just fed with distorted facts.
Our last administration gave putin so much hope that avoidance became more and more difficult. Putin gained confidence and attacked. At that point it was pretty much too late.
Damn good reason to dislike trump.


Well-known member
The US hasn't fought a war of self-defense for over a century.

Americans are very righteous about the US revolution - England wanted their Empire, the US fought back against that Empire. "No Taxation without Representation", Yadda Yadda.

But wars like Vietnam were about the US as Empire.

Admiral James Stockdale admits - in writing, and in detail - that the US was not attacked by anything at the Gulf of Tonkin.

McNamara echoed the same exact fact, after he had been out of office a few years.

The Vietnam War was a war of Empire.

If you think the My Lai Massacre was a Righteous Kill, then you are identifying yourself as a Psychopath.

The US murdered 4.5 million Southeast Asian civilians during the Vietnam War.

And - SURPRISE - those Civilians fought back.

Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor was not the start of a war. It was the continuation of a war. The US sided with China to try to get rid of the Japanese Emperor. So they were already fighting Japan - in China- when Japan attacked the US in 1941.

If you root for the humans attacking the Navi in "Avatar", or the Sith Lords in Star Wars - that is like rooting for the US in real life.

It's a tragedy that the 9 young Americans that died in the Blackhawk Down crash, were conned into thinking that working in the US military was the career for them.

But once they began taking orders from the US military - they were functioning as Occupiers & Empire Builders.

Once they crossed that line, they became the terrorists. State sponsored Terror is still Terror.

American schools are part of the Terrorist creation system, since they tell young Americans HUGE Lies to get them to sign up.

Note Officer Stockdale's response to the 2nd attack on Vietnam, on August 5. "Reprisal for what ?"

He was the senior flyer on August 4, ordered to bomb and strafe the South China Sea.
Then when he was ordered to drop 1000 pound bombs on North Vietnam on August 5, in "Reprisal".

it's the word "celebrate" that makes you mentally ill!


Well-known member
Of course I don't "Celebrate".

You've been Trolled.
by one sick mofo! i hear russia is looking for American turncoats for their ongoing propaganda war. this could be a big opportunity for you to leave the country you hate and enjoy all the comforts of a fascist state.

you don't love your country and you don't love democracy so why are you here?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Babyn Yar was German Nazis.

Ukrainian Nazis are obviously terrible at exterminating Jews if Zelensky's still running the show....

Or they just don't exist and propaganda has sold you a phony bill of goods.


Active member
Babyn Yar was German Nazis.

Ukrainian Nazis are obviously terrible at exterminating Jews if Zelensky's still running the show....

Or they just don't exist and propaganda has sold you a phony bill of goods.
Of course you would try to provide cover..

”I clearly remember it was Banderists and Auxiliary Policemen”
- Mikhail Sydko, witness Babi Yar