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Active member
the nazi card resonates with the people in russia, empire building does not.
Denial of western backed nazism in Ukraine resonate only with western backers of nazism in Ukraine.

When the US ends its military occupations of Syria, Germany etc, then you can complain about Russia invading Ukraine to demilitarize and denazify.


peri alypias
You know entropical, just this morning I saw a documentary movie about Victor Klemperer, I read his diary and also the book LTI, lingua tertii imperii. Like I had read 100s of books about the holocaust, the 3rd Reich, WW2 and about history and history of the last century. I don´t take you seriously, my english is bad, but my knowledge in german is far above your levell.

Have a nice evening :)

LTI – Lingua Tertii Imperii

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Victor Klemperer
LTI – Lingua Tertii Imperii: Notizbuch eines Philologen (1947) is a book by Victor Klemperer, Professor of Literature at the Dresden University of Technology. The title, half in Latin and half in German, translates to "The Language of the Third Reich: A Philologist's Notebook"; the book is published in English translation as The Language of the Third Reich.


Lingua Tertii Imperii studies the way that Nazi propaganda altered the German language to inculcate people with the ideas of Nazism. The book was written in the form of personal notes which Klemperer wrote in his diary, especially from the rise of the Nazi regime in 1933, and even more after 1935, when Klemperer was stripped of his academic title because he was of Jewish descent. His diary became a notebook in which he noted and commented on the linguistic relativity of the German used by Nazi officials, ordinary citizens, and even fellow Jews. Klemperer wrote the book, based on his notes, in 1945–1946.[1]
LTI demonstrates changes in the German language in most of the population. In contrast, the text also emphasizes the idea that resistance to oppression begins by questioning the constant use of buzzwords. Both the book and its author unexpectedly survived the war. LTI was first published in 1947 in Germany.
It underlines odd constructions of words intended to give a "scientific" or neutral aspect to otherwise heavily engaged discourses, as well as significant every-day behaviour.


Klemperer notes that much of the Nazi language involved appropriating old words and adapting their meaning, rather than making new ones.[2] Among the examples he recorded of propagandistic language use were the following.

Recurrent words[edit]​

  • Artfremd ("Alien to the species")
  • Ewig ("Eternal") E.gr.: der ewige Jude (the eternal Jew); das ewige Deutschland (the eternal Germany)
  • fanatisch, Fanatismus (Fanatical / Fanaticism; used in a particularly Orwellian way: strongly positively connoted for the "good" side, and strongly negatively connoted for the "bad" side)
  • Instinkt (instinct)
  • spontan (spontaneous)

Euphemisms (Schleierwörter)[edit]​

  • Evakuierung ("evacuation"): deportation
  • Holen ("pick up"): arrest
  • Konzentrationslager ("concentration camp"): extermination camp
  • Krise ("crisis"): defeat
  • Sonderbehandlung ("special treatment"): murder
  • Verschärfte Vernehmung ("intensified interrogation"): torture[3]

Recurrent expressions and motives[edit]​

  • the war "imposed" onto a peace-loving Führer. (France and the United Kingdom did declare war on Germany, but only after Germany remilitarized the Rhineland, annexed Austria, annexed Czechoslovakia and invaded Poland.)
  • the "incommensurable hate" of the Jews – an example of Orwellian ambiguity: the Jews have an "incommensurable hate" of the Third Reich (aggressive or conspiratorial), but the German people have an "incommensurable hate" of the Jews (spontaneous and legitimate).
  • Examples taken from Victor Klemperer's diaries:[4]
    • January 1, 1935 – language tertii imperii: Lutze's New Year message to the SA...Our "fanatical will" twice in a non-pejorative sense. Emphasis on believing without understanding. (1) "fanatical engagement of the SA," (2) "fanatical sense of commitment."
    • November 24, 1936 – On the language of the Third Reich:...The Fuhrer must be followed blindly, blindly! They do not need to explain anything at all, since they are accountable to no one. Today it occurred to me: Never has the tension between human power and powerlessness, human knowledge and human stupidity been so overwhelmingly great as now.
    • February 19, 1938 - ...the basic principle of the whole language of the Third Reich became apparent to me: a bad conscience; its triad: defending oneself, praising oneself, accusing - never a moment of calm testimony.
    • May 23, 1938 – The aim of education in the Third Reich and of the language of the Third Reich, is to expand the popular stratum in everyone to such an extent that the thinking stratum is suffocated.
    • August 29, 1939 – Lingua...there is no longer any talk of Bolshevists, but instead of the Russian people.
    • December 31, 1940 – language tertii imperii: In Hitler's New Year Order of the Day to the troops again the "victories of unparalleled dimensions," again the American superlative, "The year of 1941 will see the accomplishment of the greatest victory in our history."


  • Groß- ("Great")
  • Volk(s)- ("Volk = people, Volks = of or for the people (prefix)"). Volksgemeinschaft designated the racially pure community of nations. Volkswagen is an example of a term which has outlived the Third Reich.
  • Welt- ("world", as in Weltanschauung, "intuition/view of the world"): this was quite a rare, specific and cultured term before the Third Reich, but became an everyday word. It came to designate the instinctive understanding of complex geo-political problems by the Nazis, which allowed them to openly begin invasions, twist facts or violate human rights, in the name of a higher ideal and in accordance to their theory of the world.


  • arisieren ("to aryanise")
  • aufnorden ("to nordicise up", make more Nordic).
  • entjuden ("to de-Jew"). Conversely, after the war, a strong trend of Entnazifizierung ("denazification") took place.
  • Untermenschentum ("sub-humanity", from Untermensch)

In film[edit]​

  • Language Does Not Lie[5] (La langue ne ment pas), a 2003 documentary film based on Klemperer's book, directed by Stan Neumann

See also[edit]​



Well-known member
Denial of western backed nazism in Ukraine resonate only with western backers of nazism in Ukraine.

When the US ends its military occupations of Syria, Germany etc, then you can complain about Russia invading Ukraine to demilitarize and denazify.
it's not about nazi's! it's about regaining the lands and peoples of the former soviet union only this time with putler as the Tsar.

he likens himself to Peter the Great!

russia has been losing power and prestige on the world stage since the breakup of the soviet union.

it's all so incredibly obvious yet we have denial.

here we see a scared little man begging for help! he did not get weapons, all he got was a handshake and a smile.

the chinese want no part of this war. xi has been pushing putler to end it.

the only mutually beneficial thing to come out of this meeting was an agreement to use the chinese yuan instead of the dollar for energy purchases.

oh yeah, did you hear about that russian blogger getting blown up? in St. Petersburg no less.

looks like lots of trouble brewing at home for putie tang.



Well-known member
and, making more progress in controlling russia, nato has been formally joined by finland.

increasing russia's border with nato by 832 miles and neatly doubling the previous border.

finland joins with 275,000 troops and over 300 tanks and over 100 combat aircraft.

poland, at the beginning of this war had an army of about 50,000.

they now have 300,000 personnel in the army. and a lot more weaponry.

the president of finland, Sauli Niinistö, said, "mr putin, you caused this to happen."


peri alypias
In the moment sowjet material is fighting against sowjet material. The change to western weapons would be a fundamental change. I lost my faith in any russian military surprise. For excample, nobody in Odessa or Kiew is in fear that the russians invade the citys. Their winter offensive is over and brought not much success, now they start to dig in and wait for the ukrainian counter attack. In the whole winter offensive russia made not more ground than 300 square kilometers. The russian propaganda can say what it wants, they can try to threaten with nuclear weapons, but in reality, mitlitary fact is, they failed again. And they bring more and more old material to the front. The only plus on russian side is, that the have got more soldiers.
On the other hand, the ukraine counter offensive is the last chance, or maybe the last great, quick chance for a massive punch that changes all or a lot or is bringing Ukrain in a good position for negotiations. I don´t know, I am very curious, some say, they start anywhere after easter, mid of april and/or may 9th? The russian victory day over nazi germany is the 9th of may, were the have every year their big parade on the red square.

It´s clear, at last I know nothing but maybe it´s a or in parts the scenario?



Active member
You know entropical, just this morning I saw a documentary movie about Victor Klemperer, I read his diary and also the book LTI, lingua tertii imperii. Like I had read 100s of books about the holocaust, the 3rd Reich, WW2 and about history and history of the last century. I don´t take you seriously, my english is bad, but my knowledge in german is far above your levell.

Have a nice evening :)
You don’t have to, a whole industry surround that historical mythology, I know. Of course the third reich had its own language just like nazi jews have their own lingua israelii, in which they themselves are a chosen people and all non-jews are untermenschentum. Not to mention the western so called democracy with its ”gender fluidity”, ”slava ukraine” and ”putler”.

Corpselover Fat

Active member
and, making more progress in controlling russia, nato has been formally joined by finland.

increasing russia's border with nato by 832 miles and neatly doubling the previous border.

finland joins with 275,000 troops and over 300 tanks and over 100 combat aircraft.


the president of finland, Sauli Niinistö, said, "mr putin, you caused this to happen."

Yes, Putin really made it happen. Fi would never have joined the Nato otherwise.

Not only is there a lot of new border, but the border parallels the Kirov railway, which I skillfully painted on the map. It runs 100-150km from the finnish border and it's the only land based route to supply Murmansk, the northern fleet and their nuclear sub bases.



Well-known member
You don’t have to, a whole industry surround that historical mythology, I know. Of course the third reich had its own language just like nazi jews have their own lingua israelii, in which they themselves are a chosen people and all non-jews are untermenschentum. Not to mention the western so called democracy with its ”gender fluidity”, ”slava ukraine” and ”putler”.
so, entropical, do you consider all fascists to be nazi's, or all nazi's to be fascists?

maybe being a nazi is the extreme form of a fascist.

sort of like a socialist is not a communist but communism is the extreme form of socialism?
Last edited:

Corpselover Fat

Active member
Girkin is a piece of shit, but I do enjoy his writing style.

"Tula governor Dyumin turned to Putin on behalf of designers, engineers and technologists with a request to return drafting to schools.

The fact that Dyumin, to put it mildly, is "not very smart" is widely known in narrow circles. There is an opinion that even against the background of the rest of Putin's guards, he stood out and stands out for his "mind and ingenuity" so much that he gained considerable fame for himself in this field.

Therefore, I fully support this initiative of his: it has a deep strategic meaning - since the Russian Federation itself does not produce computers (as well as processors and other electronic filling for this equipment) - in connection with the sanctions, we will soon have to abandon them. And you will have to draw again by hand - as they have been drawing from time immemorial. But Mr. Dyumin forgot that documents are now almost everywhere also printed on printers connected to computers. And since there will be no computers or printers, and the production of typewriters in the Russian Federation is also "a long time ago" - it went to scrap metal - it is urgent to introduce calligraphy lessons in schools in addition to drawing .... while teachers can still (theoretically) be found - they must have time (they are 80 years old + the youngest) to pass on to the youth their advanced innovative import-substituting experience."

Brother Nature

Well-known member
earlier in this thread i stated my view of the United States' actions in history. i will reiterate a few.

i physically protested the vietnam war. i thought we had no valid reason to be there.

i was opposed to bush's invasion of iraq. i felt at the time that GW Bush just wanted to get the guy who tried to kill his daddy. there were no weapons of mass destruction.

i was for the invasion of afghanistan, however, because they let a terrorist group use their country as a launching pad for terror.

i don't think we should have stayed 20 years or stayed at all. we should have gone in and militarily destroyed the taliban, then left immediately with a warning that it will be worse next time.

afghanistan is one of the countries that never left the stone age. it is and was basically a group of feudal warlords who got together to drive out any common enemy but then reverted to internecine tribal warfare just to stay in practice in between invasions.

again, earlier in this same thread, i talked about US meddling in central and south america.

my country is not perfect and has made a lot of historical mistakes. i don't see "the US is placing themselves into this war as the 'white savior" but rather the US as part of a coalition of democratic countries trying to stop a rogue country bent on expansion by coercion, blackmail and physical invasion.

i don't go around calling my country the greatest country in the world. i'm not as "unilateral" as you think, Brother Nature.

but, right now, i'm a little pissed off at putler and company.

the putler designation is so apt here in this context as he is the very definition of a fascist.

Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[2][3]
I get what you're saying, but you sort of proved that you have a unilateral viewpoint with this post. I wasn't saying you were a nationalist or flag waving 'Murica first type. But, everything you presented above is painted with the optics of Uncle Sam. The fact you protested Iraq and Vietnam, but believe in other wars, just shows me you go with the populist flow. No one wanted to go to Vietnam, no one (except Cheney) thought it was a good idea to invade Iraq. I too went to Iraq protests while I was still living in the states. I also oppose any and all types of war, I can't see death and destruction of our fellow man as justified, no matter the spin put on it.

We (the US) had also been in and out of Afghanistan for the past 60 years, not 20. It was even us who taught and armed what later became the taliban, to fight 'the good fight' against communism. I have been to Afghanistan and many other derided places in the middle east and have found them to be the opposite of what you describe, I met some of the warmest, deepest, most incredible people I have come across on that those trips. Some of the best cannabis and hash I ever smoked came from there as well.

I'd also like to reiterate I am not attacking you, just your point of view, trying to frame it from a different perspective. I don't know your history or if you or your family have had anythign to do with any of these wars, but mine have. My great grandfather was interned at Dachau concentration camp for helping to print and distribute a socialist newspaper condemning the occupation. He survived. His son, my mothers father, was killed in service while serving in the NZ SAS. My fathers father, who grew up as a poor sharecropper in North Carolina, was in the Air Force during Vietnam and always imprinted on me that he did that so future generations never had to. I had a lot of friends from high school that joined the forces when we invaded Iraq, 8 out of 9 of them have killed themselves after returning from service. The one who didn't became the sergeant at arms for a well known violent 1% club. He said it was the only way he knew how to live after what he went through. I myself have never served, but have served time due to the "war" on drugs.

So to me, no war is ok, the events that follow any kind of war never progress humanity. I can't stand by and support that in any way and I will always argue with anyone who believes a war can be justified, the world is never that black and white.


Active member
On the other hand, the ukraine counter offensive is the last chance, or maybe the last great, quick chance for a massive punch that changes all or a lot or is bringing Ukrain in a good position for negotiations.
Ukraine will never have a better position than what they had back when they decided to abduct and murder their own negotiator.

so, entropical, do you consider all fascists to be nazi's, or all nazi's to be fascists?

maybe being a nazi is the extreme form of a fascist.

sort of like a socialist is not a communist but communism is the extreme form of socialism?
Mussolini defined fascism as the merger of corporation and state, and nazism in Ukraine is about merging state with US corporations.

Corpselover Fat

Active member

"China does not support Russia in a special operation in Ukraine, and the statement about "boundless friendship" between countries is a rhetorical device, the Chinese ambassador to the EU said before a meeting with the French president and the head of the European Commission.


Fu Cong also said that Beijing does not support a military operation in Ukraine, does not recognize Crimea as Russian — as well as the territories that became part of Russia following the results of referendums last fall — and does not provide military support to Moscow."

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