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Active member
The US is helping Ukraine with arms.

It's because somebody invaded their country and they needed the help.

Russian aggression is nothing new.

You believe that the Ukrainian forces are all Nazis and some are being "imported"?

Do you expect anyone else to believe that?
I don’t believe ukranians who are kidnapped by commisars and taken to the front for cannon fodder are nazis, no.

You are helping shit and aside from bringing nazis to power and arming them for proxy war with Russia, you brought only ruin to Ukraine. The same goes for Syria, Irak and the list goes on.

Corpselover Fat

Active member
I never said german nazis didn’t exterminate jews, they did it together with the ukranian ones. Do you not know of Babi Yar?

Sure, but you are running circles. It's ok and expected. I still have some questions though! So how about those Protocols of the elders of Zion? And what about holodomor?


Well-known member
"Satanic Nazi's!" those guys rock! the opening act are the "Cocaine Clown Strippers!"

but how did a heavy metal band end up running a country?



Active member
I don't know if you're current on the invasion...

It hasn't worked.
Of course you don’t. It is not an invasion, it is a special military operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine. If it hasn’t worked then why are you replacing all that equipment that you sent?


Active member
Yeah sure they say that now. Down the road it will be a whole different story. Just wait until they try to take Taiwan. Russia wont sit on the sidelines for that
Russia don’t need help from the chinese military to demilitarize Ukraine. Most of all military equipment previously sent by the west is already gone, destroyed along with their crews.

If you think about it, Ukraine had built up an army over eight years when Russia entered the conflict last year. That army was destroyed and a new army was built using old Soviet era equipment which is now also gone.

So for a third time an army is built, this time with an assortment of western equipment. It will be destroyed as well.


Well-known member
Yeah sure they say that now. Down the road it will be a whole different story. Just wait until they try to take Taiwan. Russia wont sit on the sidelines for that
i don't think the chinese will ever actually try to invade taiwan. there's a hundred miles of open deepwater sea between them.

the island is a bristling fortress of anti-air and anti-ship missiles. the military has 215,000 active members with another 2,300,000 ex-military in reserve.

the airforce has 400 combat aircraft.

the chinese navy currently does not have enough troop transport-type ships to perform an amphibious assault and it would take years for them to develop the capability.

the communist chinese have never controlled taiwan.

but, i don't trust the commies either!


Well-known member
i don't think the chinese will ever actually try to invade taiwan. there's a hundred miles of open deepwater sea between them.

the island is a bristling fortress of anti-air and anti-ship missiles. the military has 215,000 active members with another 2,300,000 ex-military in reserve.

the airforce has 400 combat aircraft.

the chinese navy currently does not have enough troop transport-type ships to perform an amphibious assault and it would take years for them to develop the capability.

the communist chinese have never controlled taiwan.

but, i don't trust the commies either!
100 miles is nothing for a big military like that but it will be pure hell for them trying to take it. Mostly rocky shores, no beaches for amphibious assault

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