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Well-known member
I will always argue with anyone who believes a war can be justified
so, you would have been okay with allowing Germany to conquer all of Europe, Russia, & Great Britain, and letting Japan subjugate the entirety of Asia ? argue away, Mr. Chamberlain. this should be "enlightening"...

Corpselover Fat

Active member
Girkin on a roll again


Almost missed it. But in time I realized and corrected the error:

I congratulate the entire staff of the presidential administration and the government of the Russian Federation, VIP managers of state corporations, the vast majority of governors and members of both chambers of the "parliament" of the Russian Federation, as well as all the oligarchs without exception - on their professional holiday!

All the best to you in this life and do not try to repent! For below the pans are waiting .... and I'm sure no one will pray for your lost souls"

Brother Nature

Well-known member
so, you would have been okay with allowing Germany to conquer all of Europe, Russia, & Great Britain, and letting Japan subjugate the entirety of Asia ? argue away, Mr. Chamberlain. this should be "enlightening"...
That wasn't what I was saying mate. I wouldn't expect you to understand Hippy, I don't mean that disrespectfully either, we just look at some things very differently. I wish I could think about things in a black and white manner, but I cannot...


Well-known member
I get what you're saying, but you sort of proved that you have a unilateral viewpoint with this post. I wasn't saying you were a nationalist or flag waving 'Murica first type. But, everything you presented above is painted with the optics of Uncle Sam. The fact you protested Iraq and Vietnam, but believe in other wars, just shows me you go with the populist flow. No one wanted to go to Vietnam, no one (except Cheney) thought it was a good idea to invade Iraq. I too went to Iraq protests while I was still living in the states. I also oppose any and all types of war, I can't see death and destruction of our fellow man as justified, no matter the spin put on it.

We (the US) had also been in and out of Afghanistan for the past 60 years, not 20. It was even us who taught and armed what later became the taliban, to fight 'the good fight' against communism. I have been to Afghanistan and many other derided places in the middle east and have found them to be the opposite of what you describe, I met some of the warmest, deepest, most incredible people I have come across on that those trips. Some of the best cannabis and hash I ever smoked came from there as well.

I'd also like to reiterate I am not attacking you, just your point of view, trying to frame it from a different perspective. I don't know your history or if you or your family have had anythign to do with any of these wars, but mine have. My great grandfather was interned at Dachau concentration camp for helping to print and distribute a socialist newspaper condemning the occupation. He survived. His son, my mothers father, was killed in service while serving in the NZ SAS. My fathers father, who grew up as a poor sharecropper in North Carolina, was in the Air Force during Vietnam and always imprinted on me that he did that so future generations never had to. I had a lot of friends from high school that joined the forces when we invaded Iraq, 8 out of 9 of them have killed themselves after returning from service. The one who didn't became the sergeant at arms for a well known violent 1% club. He said it was the only way he knew how to live after what he went through. I myself have never served, but have served time due to the "war" on drugs.

So to me, no war is ok, the events that follow any kind of war never progress humanity. I can't stand by and support that in any way and I will always argue with anyone who believes a war can be justified, the world is never that black and white.
don't you think that maybe this reply from you demonstrates that you, too, may have a little bit of a "unilateral" viewpoint?

as far as populist flow goes, at the time i protested the viet nam war i was living in San Francisco from 1965 to 1970. at that time people against the war were a very small minority of the population.

i've always had sort of an anarchist attitude towards government, Henry David Thoreau's "The government that governs best is the one that governs least".

i was working too hard to do much protesting for iraq so i wasn't involved with any kind of flow regarding it, populist or not.

on Afghanistan, i did not say that there were not a lot of nice people there. but i will stand by my description of their historical nature as a feudal, undeveloped nation of warlords.

"I also oppose any and all types of war, I can't see death and destruction of our fellow man as justified, no matter the spin put on it."

i agree with this statement, i am personally against war but sometimes you have to fight to defend yourself when you have a violent, aggressive attacker on your hands.

what would you have done with afghanistan after they allowed international terrorists to launch attacks on our soil? or when japan attacked pearl harbor.

now, the taliban is fighting the terror groups in afghanistan for us because they don't want us to come back. we are helping to fund the country still.

on my family's history of involvement in wars, one of my grandfathers was a sharecropper in mississippi and his son, my father, was 16 and lied about his age in order to join the navy in ww2. he was an uneducated farm kid when he enlisted but become an officer and captain of two different warships before he retired after 24 years. my brother and sister both served in the navy.

but this is not unusual, every family has relatives that have been in wars or the military.

but, i'm still the only one in the family that has been in close, hand-to-hand combat and i've never been in the military. i've been shot twice and stabbed once.

because of my own history, i try to avoid violence but i carry daily and won't become a victim again.

i lived in oregon from 2013 to 2018. while there i became involved with quite a few vets with ptsd.

i gave away a lot of medicine regularly the whole time.

my wife and i took in a homeless vet with ptsd for 3 months and helped him get a job, and a place to live.

we also bought him a $3500 used pick-up truck as an outright gift with no strings attached.

one of my cousins, who went to vietnam and stepped on a land mine, came home, got married, had two kids, was a high school coach, and at the age of 56, his wife found him swinging from a rope in the garage.

"I myself have never served, but have served time due to the "war" on drugs."

i turned 21 in prison for cannabis sales.

so, we all have these types of stories in our past and i'm just as against war as you but believe that some things are worth fighting for.

"So to me, no war is ok, the events that follow any kind of war never progress humanity. I can't stand by and support that in any way and I will always argue with anyone who believes a war can be justified, the world is never that black and white."

have you argued this point with mr putler? what would you have had the Ukrainian people do when they were invaded by russia? nothing? just quietly and meekly accept the yoke of oppression they have been free of for more than thirty years?

sometimes you must either fight or perish.
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Well-known member
I will always argue with anyone who believes a war can be justified

That wasn't what I was saying mate.
^^^ show us why the Allies in WW2 were not justified. ^^^ i'll wait. i'm retired, got all the time in the world. it IS black and white. you go to war, or you let evil win. there was no gray area in this case.


peri alypias
LOL, it happened in Germany, authoritys in germany are very correct, also in mass murder, there are thousands of documents, lists of the deported jews from where they were, railroad plans with the train numbers, evidences without end and so on, not to speak about pictures, letters and survivors.

People who don´t believe the holocaust are stupid and human trash or believe that the world is flat.
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Active member
People who don´t believe the holocaust are stupid and human trash or believe that the world is flat.
Not only do you deny nazism in Ukraine but you also make solidarity postings to the OUN/UPA and its founder, national hero Stepan Bandera, architect of the Holocaust in Ukraine.

But to be clear then, you consider anyone who do not believe the myth that 6 million jews were killed in gas ovens and turned into human lampshades and soap to be human trash, untermensch.


Well-known member
all will notice that entropical has repeatedly and stubbornly stuck to the official russian state media line that this invasion is about nazi's.

he won't talk about russian dreams of re-expansion at all.

he keeps trying to redirect the conversation to the nazi theme.

i think the elites in russia are well aware of the tsarist dream and are all for it but the poor, uneducated, rural, and working-class russian's just believe what they hear from the top.

and are too afraid to voice dissenting opinions.

the wealthy russian elites know that expansion brings wealth and the opportunity to exploit the resources of all the former soviet states.

putler obviously laments the loss of the land, population, resources, glory, and power of soviet russia.
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Corpselover Fat

Active member
This is a long text by Girkin, but if I understand correctly he is saying that some commanders working together with a bike gang (night wolves) and fsb(?) deliberately had most of a brigade killed to hide stealing [heavy] weaponry. That's quite fucked up even by Russian standards.

"Advertising is now actively spreading on Internet networks not for the "battalion", but for the whole "brigade" "Alexander Nevsky". It is reported that under the leadership of Alexei Vereshchagin (call sign "Emelya"), a whole volunteer brigade has already been deployed, consisting of three "nominal" battalions, numbering in the state - neither more nor less - 1186 "bayonets".

Readers of my page remember that in September last year I was personally involved in the creation of an "advertisement" for this unit as the alleged chief of staff of the battalion (as Vereshchagin assured me - "one big (personally known to me) general gave his word that I would be enrolled and I'll go with the battalion to the front. "Who lied to me - the general or Vereshchagin
- I'm not even interested - "what is the pop - such is the arrival").

And now, faced with the fact that many volunteers consider the Nevsky as a desirable option for their dispatch to the front, and, on the other hand, having information about what is happening with the battalion ALREADY at the front, I am forced not only to disavow my " advertising", but also to make an appeal NOT TO BELIEVE MILITARY CROOKS. In this case, a Kyiv swindler by the name of Vereshchagin with the call sign "Emelya".

The battalion arrived at the front in a state of, at best, a "reinforced company" - without the promised heavy weapons and military equipment - and began to fall apart at the training ground near Tambov, where, apparently, it "sawed money", except for Vereshchagin himself, also his friend "Biker" (son-in-law of the general personally known to me) and, probably, not only him.

Upon arrival, the "battalion" was sent to the battle near Avdiivka, where it did not show itself in anything special (without the commander, who was constantly absent, "conducting negotiations" in large headquarters, however, as well as at the training ground during the preparation period). The battles "didn't go very well" and after the "camp on the sewer pipe" (I won't disclose the details, whoever knows - he will understand) the core of the battalion, consisting of fired soldiers and commanders, simply "five hundred", as the idiotic instructions of the newcomer " brigade commander", who came on such an occasion from the deep rear to "deal" with the rebellious entrusted army right along with General Yevkurov himself, - he was not inspired to exploits, and the incomprehensible status of "volunteers" seems to allow not just walking silently to "meat assaults".

At the moment, the widely advertised "brigade" does not even have one combat-ready company. The commander - instead of commanding a unit - is engaged in political and commercial machinations, together with friends from the Night Wolves biker club and his military patrons from the well-known "three-letter" organization. And people - thanks to wide and thoroughly false advertising - come and fall, "like chickens in a pluck."

I strongly and reasonably suspect (and I'm not the only one) that this unit was created mainly for "making a profit at the expense of dead souls." Since it is listed in it for a thousand people, and in positions - and two hundred were not recruited at the time of entering the battle (now even less). And the "heavy weapons" assigned to the battalion (not to mention the brigade) are absent as such, except for a few SPG-9s and Utyos.

I ask people who "pecked" at the false advertising of Vereshchagin and Co. - take into account my opinion. Which I express solely because (because I know a lot about the same about other similar divisions of the "Redutov's office") that I myself took part in its "promotion".

Corpselover Fat

Active member
^he is also insinuating this wasn't the only time it happened. I don't know if he is right or not. Maybe there just isn't enough heavy weaponry for the troops and he just can't grasp it? Who knows, but that would be much less horrible of a scenario... Neither is great for Russia...


Well-known member
^he is also insinuating this wasn't the only time it happened. I don't know if he is right or not. Maybe there just isn't enough heavy weaponry for the troops and he just can't grasp it? Who knows, but that would be much less horrible of a scenario... Neither is great for Russia...
boy, if that became common knowledge among the combat troops (those that are still alive) Ukraine might find a sudden source of motivated new troops & equipment. then again, Russia -might- just dip their toes into some really nasty civil war scenarios...they have gone there before.


Well-known member
CELEBRATE ! 9 American Terrorists De-commissioned.

CELEBRATE MORE ! 2 Israeli Terrorists De-commissioned.
There's something wrong with you.

Get your brain checked, @St. Phatty


Toxoplasma gondii is a kind of intracellular parasite that parasitizes nucleated cells and can spread throughout the body. According to existing reports, T. gondii infects almost all mammals, including humans and birds (Dubey, 2009). Cats are the most important hosts in the life cycle of T. gondii because of the production of environmentally resistant oocysts (Must et al., 2017).
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