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peri alypias


Well-known member
the nazi dialogue is a smokescreen for russian ambitions for empire.

this is clearly evidenced by several statements and actions by putler himself.

"I would like to emphasise again that Ukraine is not just a neighbouring country for us. It is an inalienable part of our own history, culture and spiritual space. These are our comrades, those dearest to us – not only colleagues, friends and people who once served together, but also relatives, people bound by blood, by family ties.

Since time immemorial, the people living in the southwest of what has historically been Russian land have called themselves Russians and Orthodox Christians."

this is from his speech on feb 21, 2022.

three days later he invades ukraine.

according to the official russian position echoed by the putler sycophants, the invasion was not to occupy ukraine but to "demilitarize and denazify" it.

so they say but then putler announces, on sept 30, 2022, that he is annexing luhansk, donetsk, zaporizhzhia, and kherson oblasts.

into the russian federation. if he had taken all of ukraine in the opening days of the war he would have annexed the entire country.

if he is just demilitarizing and de-Nazifying ukraine why does he annex territory?

it is because his real goal is to re-acquire the lands of the former USSR.

his actions make lies out of his words.
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Well-known member
the nazi card resonates with the people in russia, empire building does not.

so it is very much in putlers interest to obfuscate his real reasons.

like all dictators, he has eliminated any anti-war media and has criminalized making anti-war statements.

putler and his backers are being termed modern "Tsarist" by western think tanks.

they do not believe in democracy but in a "tsarist autocracy".

Corpselover Fat

Active member
I imagine it's weird being far right in europe these days.

You are fiercly patriotic for your country. Putin backs you and you back Putin invading European countries. It's great. You both hate personal freedoms like sexual, religious and thought. You both hate (((bankers))). Yeah! You both think holocaust was fake... No wait! Do you? You hate nazis now... Do you still think there was no holocaust? But why do you actually hate nazis then and wasn't gassing (((bankers))) a good thing anyway? And nazis tried get rid of gays, transsexuals and other deviants just like Putin and you.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
the nazi card resonates with the people in russia, empire building does not.

so it is very much in putlers interest to obfuscate his real reasons.

like all dictators, he has eliminated any anti-war media and has criminalized making anti-war statements.

putler and his backers are being termed modern "Tsarist" by western think tanks.

they do not believe in democracy but in a "tsarist autocracy".
This is a strange post to me. Denigrating those who 'use the Nazi card' then using the Nazi card to denigrate those using the Nazi card... What are these "Western Think Tanks" anyways? A Tsarist autocracy is also nothing different than absolout (see what I did there) monarchy, for that to be real, putin would have to be installing his family and personal religious leaders into positions of power. Putin has not done that, instead he's created a very well oiled Mafia state that's expanding. It's in no way ok, but in no way is different than when the US sacrificed hundreds of thousands of lives to accomplish next to nothing in Iraq because of Afghanistan attacking them. The fact the US is placing themselves into this war as the 'white savior' is also strange when they don't seem to give a fuck about whats going on in Palestine, Yemen, Somalia, Syria, South Africa, Burma, Haiti, El Salvador, Iran, Egypt, Venezuela, etc... Shit speaks volumes without saying a word.

I'm not stating that any war is ok, but it's telling when we're supposed to care about one more than the other.


Well-known member
"Denigrating those who 'use the Nazi card' then using the Nazi card to denigrate those using the Nazi card.."

i don't see where i "used the nazi card to denigrate those using the nazi card" in the above post.

could you please explain how you came to this conclusion?

here are a few of hundreds of articles on russia's path to modern tsardom.

putin clearly sees himself as a modern tsar reuniting historic russia, or his vision of it.


Brother Nature

Well-known member
Putler seems like a 'nazified' version of Putin. My own interpretation, I suppose, but I don't think it's a stretch. Perhaps a 'frodoian' slip (we believe in Frodo over Freud down here in middle earth). I don't disagree with your assessment, I just think you have a.. uhh.. unilateral view point.


Well-known member
Putler seems like a 'nazified' version of Putin. My own interpretation, I suppose, but I don't think it's a stretch. Perhaps a 'frodoian' slip (we believe in Frodo over Freud down here in middle earth). I don't disagree with your assessment, I just think you have a.. uhh.. unilateral view point.
earlier in this thread i stated my view of the United States' actions in history. i will reiterate a few.

i physically protested the vietnam war. i thought we had no valid reason to be there.

i was opposed to bush's invasion of iraq. i felt at the time that GW Bush just wanted to get the guy who tried to kill his daddy. there were no weapons of mass destruction.

i was for the invasion of afghanistan, however, because they let a terrorist group use their country as a launching pad for terror.

i don't think we should have stayed 20 years or stayed at all. we should have gone in and militarily destroyed the taliban, then left immediately with a warning that it will be worse next time.

afghanistan is one of the countries that never left the stone age. it is and was basically a group of feudal warlords who got together to drive out any common enemy but then reverted to internecine tribal warfare just to stay in practice in between invasions.

again, earlier in this same thread, i talked about US meddling in central and south america.

my country is not perfect and has made a lot of historical mistakes. i don't see "the US is placing themselves into this war as the 'white savior" but rather the US as part of a coalition of democratic countries trying to stop a rogue country bent on expansion by coercion, blackmail and physical invasion.

i don't go around calling my country the greatest country in the world. i'm not as "unilateral" as you think, Brother Nature.

but, right now, i'm a little pissed off at putler and company.

the putler designation is so apt here in this context as he is the very definition of a fascist.

Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[2][3]

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