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North Koreans join the armed forces​

North Korean citizens are signing up in droves to join the military. While men are mandatorily required to serve in the army for 10 years and women for 3 years, a wave of voluntary enlistment is being witnessed. According to observers, this phenomenon is occurring both in cities and in rural areas. On 17 March, 800,000 citizens turned up at army recruiting centers.

The 25 million people living in North Korea continue to feel threatened by the United States, 73 years after the aggression against their country began. Technically, the Korean War (1950-1953) has not ended since the warring parties never signed a formal peace treaty.

The United States is currently engaged in major military maneuvers with South Korea, while the latter is sealing an alliance with Japan, the hereditary enemy of all Koreans.

According to the Labor Party, Washington is also trying to prevent North Korea from importing cereals. Last month, a vast food production program was put in place in an effort to forestall another famine like the one in the 1960s, which was intentionally exacerbated by Western powers. ‎



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Nazism, Europe's immune system​



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American mercenary from the Ukrainian army passed to the side of Russia

An excerpt from the interview with John MacIntyre, an American mercenary who entered the ranks of the Ukrainian “Foreign Legion” in March last year, and who crossed over to the Russian side last February. He talks about Nazism in the Ukrainian army.



Well-known member
Population of Mariupol May 2022 = 20,000 inhabitants / March 2023 = 250,000 inhabitants

View attachment 18821674
from wiki. Prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it was the tenth-largest city in the country and the second-largest city in Donetsk Oblast, with an estimated population of 425,681 people in January 2022,[2] however Ukrainian authorities estimate its current population to be approximately 100,000.[3]

so, in january 2022, 425,681

and, by your own words, romsy baby, mariupol only had 20,000 in may 2022.

what the fuck happened to all those people? even if 250,000 are there now, which is debatable, where are the other approx 175,000 people?

you are boasting about a massive, russian caused de-population of the city.


Well-known member

this image originates anonymously on someone's twitter account. no known source.

you guys keep putting up these manufactured propaganda images with no photographer or journalist or any known news agency at all, it's not even in russian media.

you can't expect anyone to take these seriously unless you show the source.

if you can't show the source then it's bullshit.

you are aware that anyone can search for the source by right clicking a fucking mouse.

i guess you are accustomed to addressing a less educated audience.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Back in the mid 70's when America was in the post-Vietnam defeat, off the gold standard (renigged in 1971), and still looking for a way to get the rooskies, China was kind of there but not there. Nixon "played the China card" and visited, thereby trying to make a US / China relationship to counter Russia. 50 years later it was China that emerged much stronger than indebted, hollowed-out America, and the tables have turned on who is "playing the China card".

Putin's letter - published in the official Chinese press.

Edit: I predict the chinese men, of which there are way more than Chinese women because of the one child policy, will be hitting on the beautiful Russian babes.


Well-known member
another thing i found curious about the photo above is that the three flags are all the exact same size, all brand new just out of a package as evidenced by the visible folds in the material.

it's so clumsily and obviously contrived that it's childish. whoever did this assumes that everyone else is as dense as they are.

"duh, hey comrades! why don't we put together a photo with fake nazi's showing some flags?
we can put it on twitter and fool everyone!"

yeah, right!


Well-known member

here is 16 year old danelya tolesheva. she is from the ex-soviet republic of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is supporting ukraine in this war.

she is now living in the US pursuing her musical career.

why are all the ex-soviet countries against russia in this war? are they all nazi's now?


Well-known member
The Russian leader toured Mariupol, the scene of fierce fighting last year


Russian President Vladimir Putin’s surprise visit to the Donbass region was largely “spontaneous” and effectively turned into a full-fledged “working trip,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov revealed on Sunday.

The overnight trip was the first time Putin has visited Donbass since it broke away from Ukraine in 2014. It was eventually incorporated into Russia following referendums last year.

During Putin’s stay in the city of Mariupol, he met locals and visited flats in a newly constructed residential building. The city was the scene of intense fighting early in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and ended up being heavily damaged in the process.

“Initially, the plan was only to visit this residential complex, and, of course, neither meeting the citizens, nor paying them a visit [in their homes] was planned. It was all entirely spontaneous,” Peskov told reporters.

The visit turned into a “full-fledged working trip” for the president, Peskov continued, as Putin was briefed by Deputy PM Marat Khusnullin, who accompanied him during the visit, on the restoration process ongoing in the city. In particular, the Russian leader was told about “the development of the urban economy, roads, the restoration of destroyed buildings, how many people are working, how working conditions are provided, how building materials are delivered,” the spokesman explained.

After his Mariupol visit, Putin proceeded to the city of Rostov-on-Don, where he met with Russia’s top military brass at a command-and-control center in charge of the military operation in Ukraine.

The visit to the command post had not been planned in advance either, Peskov said, adding that the president’s arrival was not an issue given that the facility operates around the clock.

“Neither the presidential administration, nor the Ministry of Defense planned it in advance,” the spokesman stated. During the trip, Putin “heard reports” from a number of top military commanders, including from the chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov and also gave his own “assessments of the situation,” Peskov added.



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Biden's grand plan and its failure​

by Dmitry Orlov

Biden may be a sad, withered shadow of a man, but he is merely a mascot, while his clan certainly has no lack of dastardly ambition. He managed to seize power by stealing the US presidential election through all sorts of slander, tampering and fraud, then worked diligently to perpetually maintain his stranglehold on political power by funneling funds from the US Treasury to election campaigns. through the Biden clan's favorite money laundering machine known as Ukraine.


Aware that America's cookie jar is nearly empty of cookies but overflowing with worthless IOUs, leading to a sharp drop in US living standards, the Biden clan has worked to deprive Russia of its resources. by strangling it politically, economically and militarily. To this end, he once again used his favorite money laundering machine known as Ukraine, diverting some of the laundered funds to military spending, training and equipping Ukrainians to they attack the Donbass, thus giving Russia no choice but to come to its defence, this " naked act of aggression » giving in turn to the whole « civilized world an excuse to strangle him politically, economically and militarily. To ensure that the entire " civilized world would follow that plan with unwavering obedience, the Biden clan held an obedience training exercise it called " the pandemic he unleashed a relatively harmless lab-made virus on the world, then used mind-control tactics to attempt to take complete control of the world's population, forcing them to accept counterproductive containment measures, the wearing unnecessary masks and really harmful (but very profitable) vaccinations.

But wait, that's not all! The plan listed above was only a prelude to securing the ultimate prize – China – which rose from a subjugated workshop economy to a major world power at the level of dislodging the United States from its hegemonic position. The defeat of Russia and the ensuing plunder of its resources would pave the way for the defeat of China, with the pretext of a battle for the independence of Taiwan. And with that, the mighty United States could continue to burn an obscene chunk of the world's remaining natural resources at a completely ridiculous rate for a few more decades rather than collapse this year or perhaps next or next. After.

At first glance, this plan is more than absurd; who do these people think they are? Joe Biden is the most unlikely candidate to rule the universe. This son of a used car salesman has never had an honest job in his entire life. After narrowly passing the bar exam, he soon ran for the US Senate and has since haunted the halls of Washington, achieving totally undeserved notoriety as Barack Obama's white vice president. After Hillary Clinton's political maneuver failed, the Democratic hornet's nest of crooks and criminals clung to Biden in a desperate effort to regain power – which he did. One wonders if Biden really understood what was going on, his natural obscurity having been augmented in recent years by progressive dementia, which made him a particularly good fit for the job. Yet there is something demented about this whole plan, reminiscent of the Latin phrase " Deus quos vult perdere dementat prius (those whom God wants to destroy, he first makes them mad). And the bizarre audacity of their plan brings up another excerpt from school Latin: Si vis Deum facere risum, indica illis tua consilia (if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans). Moving from the noble to the vulgar and the profane, there is also Obama's famous quote: " Don't underestimate Joe's ability to screw it all up ". And he screwed it all up? Damn, he did!

So how did this plan survive contact with reality? Let's take a look.

Politically, the old stratagem " Divide and conquer (divide and conquer) seems to work against Joe's fellow citizens as well as against America's enemies. The United States is a politically segregated country, and in recent years conservatives have moved out of Democratic strongholds infested with Wokes from the northeast and the west coast to take refuge in healthier places, where they still are. This political segregation is further compounded by the ability of the Biden clan to thwart every possible effort to make common cause. To that end, he pursues policies that further alienate and disempower half the electorate while using the threat of ostracism and direct political prosecution to keep the other half in line. Control of federal agencies and the vast majority of the mass media makes it easy to destroy any political competitor that may emerge through an endless series of baseless accusations.

Political campaign coffers overflowing with federal funds funneled through defense contractors and Ukrainian money laundering should, at least in theory, help maintain a stranglehold on electoral politics, although the recent midterm elections have not have not been a resounding success for the Democrats. There are even a few faint voices rising in the House, now in Republican hands, for an investigation into the more than $100 billion that has already been spent on Ukrainian mansions in Switzerland, vacation Ukrainian officials in the Maldives, the black market in Ukrainian arms and… oh yes, the Democratic election campaigns (I almost forgot, sorry!).

Sure, about a third of the funds goes to deliver weapons to the eastern front (where they are quickly destroyed by the Russians) – but where is the rest? Alas, we will never know! Ukraine has become a black hole that endlessly sucks resources from the collective West while yielding absolutely no positive results for anyone but the Russians. It is too early to tell whether the Biden clan's plan to maintain a permanent stranglehold on political power in the United States is doomed; we can be sure it will eventually fail, but in the meantime it seems plausible that the Americans are obediently submitting like lambs to the slaughter, the few faint voices of reason that rise among them being quickly drowned out by the cries of " conspiracy theorist "," russian agent "," transphobic or other even more ridiculous nonsense. It is important to remember that the success of the Biden clan would not have been possible without truly impressive advances in American mind control technologies.

That's almost entirely irrelevant, since it was never part of the Biden clan's wildly audacious plan, but none of these developments are the least bit conducive to achieving the reforms that would be needed if the U.S. project were to continue. The fundamental problem is an already very large and rapidly growing gap in scale between the relatively small size of the US population and its productive potential and the relatively huge share of the products of the world economy that it consumes. In other words, the United States has been living beyond its means for a long time now, and systemic trade deficits with much of the world, spiraling debt, exploding costs of almost everything and falling incomes are all symptoms of this incurable economic disease. To cure it would require a program of rapid and thorough reduction and simplification of living conditions, a lowering of standards and a concentration on necessities to the exclusion of luxuries and extravagances. The Biden clan's plan is to make the party last a little longer by continuing to rob the rest of the world; it's certainly not about trying to subject the country to a drug rehab and fitness program. Such a program would require national unity and solidarity – which does not exist, and so I am sorry to waste your time with such nonsense. In a sense, the Biden clan's plan to strip Russia of its natural resources is more realistic.

But how does it happen? Getting Russia to launch its special military operation in Ukraine was certainly a success. The operation has been going on for a year now. It certainly took a lot of effort to get her started. First, there was the violent overthrow of Ukraine's constitutional government in 2014. At the time, Victoria Nuland of the US State Department boasted that the United States had spent $5 billion to … um… destabilizing and corrupting Ukrainian politics – with some success, by the way. Then, the new government led by Nuland quickly lost Crimea (which was the big draw for the United States, since it was intended to host a new large NATO naval base). He then went out of his way to alienate, offend and provoke the people of his eastern provinces, so much so that many of them began to call for secession and return to Russia.

The Kiev regime then militarily attacked its eastern provinces, triggering a civil war that lasted eight years and resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians and a refugee crisis that affected more than ten million people. Rather than try to resolve this conflict through diplomacy, the United States preferred to exploit it as an opportunity to impose unilateral (and therefore illegal) sanctions on Russia while inflating the Ukrainian military. The US has also built 15 biological warfare labs across Ukraine to conduct advanced biological weapons research, in violation of international agreements. Then, at the Munich Security Conference in February 2022, when the President of Ukraine announced his intention to develop nuclear weapons (in violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty), the United States did not opposites. A few days later the Ukrainians went on the attack and began a massive artillery barrage on civilian areas in the east in preparation for a full scale invasion and Russia had no other choice. than to intervene to stop it.

US officials were quick to call the Russian operation a " outright act of aggression “, but was it really the case? The kyiv regime had been shelling civilian areas in the eastern provinces for eight years already, and these attacks were rapidly escalating. In declaring the special military operation, Russia acted in accordance with the internationally accepted doctrine known as " responsibility to protect ”, or R2P, which the United States had already invoked many times to justify its interventions in Kosovo, Libya, Syria, Sudan and other places, and what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Once again, instead of attempting to use diplomacy to end hostilities and defuse tensions, the United States has used this situation as an excuse to impose more unilateral (and therefore illegal) sanctions on Russia and to to do everything possible to ruin relations between Russia and the European Union, which until then had been its main trading partner. The outcome dreamed by the Biden clan consisted of the ruin of the Russian economy, the overthrow of the Moscow government by angry mobs, the separation of the various Russian regions and their separate demand for peace, and the takeover of sectors of Russia's energy and natural resources by Western energy and mining companies, which would exploit them for their own profit. But the result they got in the real world is a Black Hole.

Meanwhile, Russia won. Commentary abounds on whether Russia might win and what might happen if it does. Some particularly daring commentators even have the courage to say that Russia's victory may be inevitable. But no one has so far acknowledged the fact that Russia has already won. Likewise, there is no shortage of comments about the Russian military being allegedly ill-prepared, its plans poorly conceived and incompetently executed, and so on. Other than some pretty specific issues and one big surprise, I don't believe any of this is true, but that's beside the point. The main question is: what did Russia win? It's easy to make a partial list of Russian victories (so far), and I'm happy to do that.

Russia recovered four of its former provinces: Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson, along with their Russian population. Much of the rest of Ukraine is uninteresting hinterland to Russia, but these four provinces were crown jewels of the Russian Empire, and their return is a sign of a Russian renaissance. Three of these four regions are under partial Ukrainian occupation and are gradually being liberated. It is these occupied areas of what is now the sovereign territory of Russia (according to the Russian constitution) that constitute the Black Hole. By taking over these provinces, Russia created a land bridge to Crimea, which previously could only be accessed by a single long bridge (road and rail) or by ferries. This land bridge significantly shortened the freight route between Moscow and Crimea. The addition of the Kherson region restored the water supply that had been blocked by the Ukrainians, again making it possible to grow Crimean rice, which is an important cash crop. It also helped to restore the power transmission lines destroyed by the Ukrainians, thus solving the problem of the shortage of electricity in the Crimean peninsula.

Russia has succeeded in redirecting its foreign trade from hostile nations – i.e. the collective West – to friendly nations – i.e. the rest of the world, which constitutes the majority of the world's population, including countries as huge and important as the China, India and Brazil. The Russian economy was affected, but only by 4% of GDP, and only in the first quarter of 2022, and it has since started to grow again. THE " hellish penalties imposed by the EU since the start of the special military operation have given new impetus to Russian import substitution programs and, in a short time, it has relocated the production of many components essential for the manufacture of cars, d planes and many other things. At the same time, Russia's non-Western trading partners have been very helpful in helping Russia circumvent Western sanctions whenever necessary. When the EU imposed a price cap of $60 a barrel for Russian oil, Russia reacted by banning all exporters from respecting the price cap. As this meant that an entire fleet of tankers was suddenly left without cargo, tanker prices fell, allowing Russia to quickly buy up a fleet of some 400 tankers. The end result is that Russia continues to sell its oil for well over $60 a barrel to anyone, while the West has to pay extra to buy it through third parties.

Russia has cemented its highly beneficial ties with China, India and other countries, creating a major new magnet that is stealing the show in Washington and Brussels. A host of nations now want to join the international organizations that Russia helped create, such as the BRICS and the SCO. Many countries are shifting their trade away from Western currencies and negotiating currency exchanges with each other, allowing them to trade bilaterally in their own currencies. Saudi Arabia notably plans to use the yuan in its oil exchanges with China, thus replacing the petrodollar. Once Saudi Arabia does this, other countries are likely to follow suit. Many countries in Africa and Latin America are now very receptive to a rapprochement with Russia, which they see as a means of freeing themselves from the clutches of Western neocolonialism. The vast majority of non-Western countries have refused to condemn Russia's special military operation or join Western sanctions against Russia, accepting that Russia justifies it as a just cause to oppose Nazism, terrorism and Western-backed genocide. In turn, by supporting the kyiv regime, the West portrayed itself as a supporter of Nazism, terrorism and genocide. The destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipeline by the United States, with the help of Norway and perhaps other Western countries, reinforced their reputation as international terrorists - for no good reason, by the way, since the gas pipeline had already was more than paid for by rising gas prices for Russia and was not being used anyway.

Internally, the special military operation allowed Russia to get rid of its fifth column without having to resort to large-scale repressive measures: the moral condemnation of these people by the majority of the Russian population was more than enough. Some people, frightened by the risk of a world war breaking out, have fled Russia to neighboring countries; the majority of them have since returned. Public support for the special military operation and the Russian government hovers around 80% and has recently set new records. In the decades following the collapse of the USSR, the West was able to make many inroads into Russian society; most of these influences are now either greatly diminished or completely erased. On the contrary, a reaction to all things Western is steadily growing as the Russian people realize how harmful this influence has been. For example, the education system is returning to its former excellence, recognized worldwide, by eliminating the standards and methods imposed by the West, and will once again produce scientists, engineers and other high-level professionals. , instead of " educated consumers as well as a few narrow specialists who can follow instructions (the stated real purpose of the Western model). Like China, Russia has expelled Western auditors, consultants and rating agencies, and the spy networks associated with them, rendering the economies of these two very large and systemically important countries opaque to prying eyes of Westerners.

More importantly, thanks to the special military operation, Russia was able to create a black hole that now effectively sucks in billions of dollars, weapon systems, enemy personnel, Western political reputations and much more. , while costing Russia relatively little. Russia's absolutely enormous advantage in armaments, especially in artillery and rocket systems, allows Russian troops to smash Ukrainian troops from relatively safe positions and then advance very slowly and carefully to take strategic crossroads and heights, gradually striving to completely frustrate the Ukrainian war effort. The average life expectancy of a Ukrainian soldier at the front has been estimated at only four hours, and the Ukrainians try to recruit everyone they can get their hands on, including invalids, criminals and madmen, but it doesn't help at all. If the Kiev regime opened the borders to men, they would all head straight for the border, because at this point very few of them are stupid enough to want to go to the front and die. The Biden clan, and the Western countries it holds captive, now face a truly miserable choice: keep fueling the black hole, showing nothing, and face the outrage at home, or stop fueling it. and watch the regime in Kiev crumble, its president flee to his mansion in Miami, leaving Russia to pick up the remains of this sad devastated country at leisure. But Russia is in no hurry. The situation as it stands today is stable and entirely satisfactory, with its military crushing dozens of Ukrainian recruits, foreign mercenaries and their weapon systems donated by the West, while suffering minimal losses. Russia could take a few more regions – Nikolaev and Odessa – and what was left of Ukraine would then be landlocked. This would certainly enlarge the black hole and make it even hungrier, but why rush? After all, once the West stops feeding it, it will disappear, and Russia will then add these two regions, as well as a few other historically Russian regions, without having to sacrifice any of its men.

The greatest danger in all of this is that the Biden clan, however deranged, will be unable to see that their proxy war against Russia is already lost, and will continue to mindlessly double down, thus allowing the black hole to expand until it engulfs the entire West. Most likely, mind controlled Americans and Europeans will continue to behave obediently like lambs going to the slaughter until the entire West is politically and economically devastated. But even worse things would happen to them if any of them decided, at some point, to go directly to war against Russia: that their physical existence would continue beyond that point would become rather unlikely. This would make many Russians sad, but it should be borne in mind that while 30 years ago many Russians absolutely loved the West and were ready to follow its example in most areas, the events of the last decade have gradually turned this love into hatred. And there is no emotion more unshakable than love that has turned into hate.

Dmitry Orlov

source: Club Orlov


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
<The fundamental problem is an already very large and rapidly growing gap in scale between the relatively small size of the US population and its productive potential and the relatively huge share of the products of the world economy that it consumes. In other words, the United States has been living beyond its means for a long time now, and systemic trade deficits with much of the world, spiraling debt, exploding costs of almost everything and falling incomes are all symptoms of this incurable economic disease. >

As the takers slide into bankruptcy (moral and economic), they lash out at the emerging powers. War is a real threat, as these people are desperate. They think they are the masters, but the rest of the world does not agree. America has lost her right to tell anyone what is right and what is wrong. Blowing up the gas pipeline making the world's worst release of green house gas 'carbon' in the process just so much collateral damage. They think they were justified in that action, and the Germans are fools for agreeing.

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Well-known member
they're amazing alright! amazingly inept and incompetent.

the western professional military people can't believe the russians are so stupid on the battlefield.

no subtlety, no finesse, just the standard russian tactic of throwing bodies at the enemy en masse.

they pound the terrain in front of them into dust with poorly directed artillery and rocket fire.

then attack in human wave form straight into intense enemy fire.

they get slaughtered, the remnants retreat, and they do it all again the next day.

they are forced to advance over the unrecovered bodies of the previous wave.

what a brilliant strategy!

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