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Well-known member
Hopefully/sadly Putin isn't U.S. and will not vitrify U.S/UK/FR/G, he will just try to save you of the hell that awaits you. Westerners economy suicide btw so lol.

Soon come again Russia win the war and prepare Nuremberg 2 for NATO, full karma in the face!
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peri alypias
Ratio of death Ukro/NATO vs Russian is at least 100 :1 and i'm kind ^^

Again upside down lol you are sadly so brainwashed by NATO propaganda

Interesting pattern, that people like you always call other people brainwashed, nazi/nazi sympatizer and such things.

When i am brainwashed, more from these guys



St. Phatty

Active member
This will be viewed as nuclear terrorism, similar to the use of dirty bombs. The british and american use of depleted uranium munitions show they are terrorist states. In Iraq, Serbia and any other country where they have dusted with their radiation, children are born with horrible birth defects.

The US has about a Million Tons of Depleted Uranium - literally.

Karma is Russia dropping a nuke on the Dirty Targets in the US, e.g. DU storage sites.

This is one of the problems with Nuclear Power - every nuclear reactor becomes full of Cesium and all the other very interesting results of Radioactive Decay.

One non-nuclear bomb (daisy cutter) on a nuclear reactor distributes as much radioactive mess as a very large nuclear (hydrogen) bomb.


Well-known member
"This will be viewed as nuclear terrorism, similar to the use of dirty bombs. The british and american use of depleted uranium munitions show they are terrorist states. In Iraq, Serbia and any other country where they have dusted with their radiation, children are born with horrible birth defects."

well, romsy, it looks like russia and china are "terrorist states" too.



Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I dont want any radiation floating around. The ukes were shelling the nuke power plant trying to blame the Russians, probably on the orders of the dims. Now the brits are introducing DU weapons to the theatre, to contaminate the earth.

The west is bankrupt, morally and fiscally, and only about 1/5 the earth population. They still think 'might makes right', but are a wounded animal. The debt, the bad money, the lack of production capacity, the dumbing down of the children in the indoctrination centers called 'schools', the importation of poor people who expect to be given what they see others in their new lands have, will take a terrible price. They deride 'nationalism', which is when people are proud of and defend their nation and national identity. Whites who are proud of America are called 'White Nationalists' like it is a crime. Blame the media and the propagnda they spew.

Inflation, high taxes, civil unrest, and more war is what remains. Kiss America goodbye. It was a nice experiment, but people are too stoopit and lazy to have the kind of freedom the founders envisioned.


Well-known member
Interesting pattern, that people like you always call other people brainwashed, nazi/nazi sympatizer and such things.

When i am brainwashed, more from these guys

Say your little prayer man! True American will forgive you, or not ^^


With peace pipe as gun under the heart!

How many million in the genocide to permit your fake world ?


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Looking at this video, it looks lie bakmut is not an isolated intersection in the countryside. The American war machine is providing all the arms zelensy needs to reduce the male population of the ukes to 'the last Ukrainian".


St. Phatty

Active member
Say your little prayer man! True American will forgive you, or not ^^

View attachment 18822215
With peace pipe as gun under the heart!
View attachment 18822216

How many million in the genocide to permit your fake world ?

I think the murder of countless Million Buffalo - to starve the Indians - demonstrates the philosophy as much as anything.

The Parasites that control American society are unable to live peacefully.



Well-known member


Active member
"but that guy they sent was too good at negotiating peace so they killed him."

this is ludicrous! not one shred of logic in this statement.

Denis Kirieiev was killed because he was cooperating with the russians. he betrayed his country.
That is what the SBU claimed, of course he was not given a day in court but was simply murdered. Turned out that he was employed by the GUR who stated that the murder victim was a national hero.

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