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Well-known member
here is an interesting interview with russian chess master and supporter of democracy gary kasparov. by the polish public broadcasting network.

i think he sums up putler's real ambitions quite nicely.



peri alypias
Russia never cared about their own soldiers. In WW2,: 8,4 milliions killed in action, 3 million died in german prison camps. Who survived the german prison camp was called a traitor and often deported to sibiria.
Germany had 2,7 million dead soldiers at the eastern front and lost 1,1 million as russian prisoners.

Numbers are from wiki


Well-known member

Not a smart move to put more oil on the fire.
yeah, those depleted uranium rounds go right through heavy armor. pretty awesome, huh?

and it looks like there is going to be a lot more than "oil poured on the fire".

the US air force is retiring its fleet of 281 A-10 warthogs, effective immediately, all still operational. they fire 30mm depleted uranium rounds as well. shreds tanks.

the history of this aircraft is epic. over 8000 sorties with only 5 ever lost in combat. that comes out to .062%.

listen to the gary kasparov interview above and you will understand that not just "the west" or nato wants ukraine to win this war, but also, every democratic nation on the planet.

this is a fundamental battle between democracy and dictatorships or autocracies.

russia is a virtual dictatorship now. you can thank putler for that.

still, today, the only democratically elected leader in russian history is boris yeltsin.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
That stuff burns and releases toxic fumes when it goes into armor. This is chem / dirty bomb warfare and opens up the pandora's box of nukes. It figures the dying empire would pull out the nasties first.



Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Russia never cared about their own soldiers. In WW2,: 8,4 milliions killed in action, 3 million died in german prison camps. Who survived the german prison camp was called a traitor and often deported to sibiria.
Germany had 2,7 million dead soldiers at the eastern front and lost 1,1 million as russian prisoners.

Numbers are from wiki
KIA fighting against the German invaders, and in their custody. They remember quite well, yet they still did business with Germany and fueled her industrial rise. The gas goes to China now. I doubt they forget so easily this time.


peri alypias
KIA fighting against the German invaders, and in their custody. They remember quite well, yet they still did business with Germany and fueled her industrial rise. The gas goes to China now. I doubt they forget so easily this time.

I don´t understand what you mean? I ment the big difference between russian and german deads, and maybe it´s looking close in the moment in ukrain? The numbers are different but the rate is maybe similar?


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Nobody needed to die in Ukraine. The dims installed the stripper and he has been doing their (and the NWO's) work ever since. As long as he gets money and cocaine, he is happy with the deal.

They ignored Putin's warnings, they refused to negotiate after the initial invasion. They keep the ukes from negotiating now. This is biden's war, and the Ukraine people are paying for the covering up of their corruption. An empire dying in front of the world's eyes, with television and internet coverage.

Germany has chosen sides, and I think they went with the wrong one.

Trump's problems with the NWO really intensified after he said it would be nice if America got along with Russia, and that he wanted to get us out of NATO. Both were good ideas IMO.


Active member

Not a smart move to put more oil on the fire.
This will be viewed as nuclear terrorism, similar to the use of dirty bombs. The british and american use of depleted uranium munitions show they are terrorist states. In Iraq, Serbia and any other country where they have dusted with their radiation, children are born with horrible birth defects.


peri alypias
Nobody needed to die in Ukraine. The dims installed the stripper and he has been doing their (and the NWO's) work ever since. As long as he gets money and cocaine, he is happy with the deal.

They ignored Putin's warnings, they refused to negotiate after the initial invasion. They keep the ukes from negotiating now. This is biden's war, and the Ukraine people are paying for the covering up of their corruption. An empire dying in front of the world's eyes, with television and internet coverage.

Germany has chosen sides, and I think they went with the wrong one.

Trump's problems with the NWO really intensified after he said it would be nice if America got along with Russia, and that he wanted to get us out of NATO. Both were good ideas IMO.

I think we agree, not to agree.


Active member
Nobody needed to die in Ukraine.
They could have signed a peace deal but instead murdered their own negotiator, Denis Kirieiev. The SBU grabbed him on the street, put him in a van and an hour and a half later he was found shot in the head. So it’s not that they refused to negotiate, but that guy they sent was too good at negotiating peace so they killed him.


Well-known member
I don´t understand what you mean? I ment the big difference between russian and german deads, and maybe it´s looking close in the moment in ukrain? The numbers are different but the rate is maybe similar?
Theres no way to know how many have died in Ukraine because both sides lie about their losses to boost morale on the ground. I guess you cant blame them. Urban warfare is messy business


Well-known member
This will be viewed as nuclear terrorism, similar to the use of dirty bombs. The british and american use of depleted uranium munitions show they are terrorist states. In Iraq, Serbia and any other country where they have dusted with their radiation, children are born with horrible birth defects.

remember when russian soldiers were forced to dig trenches in the Chernobyl red forest?

those challengers with DU shells are going to tear right through russian tanks

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Well-known member
"but that guy they sent was too good at negotiating peace so they killed him."

this is ludicrous! not one shred of logic in this statement.

Denis Kirieiev was killed because he was cooperating with the russians. he betrayed his country.

what do the russians do to people who betray them?

his idea of negotiating was to give the russians everything they wanted.

Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

putler just stiffened the penalties for russians against the war. you can get up to 15 years now just for criticizing the war. he has shut down all opposition media in russia.

this is what tyrants and dictators do. silence the opposition and lie to your own people about your motives.

he can't tell them the truth, which is that putler is on a mission to regain the lands and resources, glory and power, of the former soviet union.

so he uses the nazi card instead because that is a hot button that resonates with the russian people. russians have a deep, ingrained fear of nazi's.

putler meets every definition of a fascist.

during Xi Jinping's visit, while he was meeting with putler, the ukrainians destroyed a bunch of kaliber missiles that were on a train in crimea. they used a chinese drone they bought on alibaba for 9400 dollars.

all kinds of hardware flowing into ukraine now from everywhere.

there are 65 ukrainian service members in ft sill, oklahoma right now training on the patriot system.

the US army says the Ukrainians will be done training much earlier than expected because they are very fast learners.

the US army was going to build the abrams tanks they were going to send to Ukraine but now, because of critical need, they are sending existing ones instead. these will be available shortly.

putler is trying to do another mobilization of 400,000 men this time. it is predicted that he will seal the borders to prevent men from evading conscription.

the russian demographics do not support another call-up of this size. like hitler, he will be taking old men and boys soon.

he has a major problem with manpower shortages in the officers ranks because they are being killed faster than they can be replaced.

the same goes for critical military specialists and technicians.

so he is replacing experienced, trained men, with inexperienced, untrained men.

another brilliant strategy.

about the radiation level of depleted uranium rounds. They are called depleted for a good reason. depleted of most radioactive materials.

there is some radiation but i don't think the men in the armored vehicles that get hit with one will be worried much about radiation poisoning.

the DU rounds are 68% heavier by mass than lead. they go through steel like a hot knife through butter.

they cause spalling. spalling is when the initial impact shatters the steel and pieces fly around the inside at supersonic speeds ricocheting off the interior and going through anything in their path.

prigozhin is begging the kremlin for supplies and manpower. he is worried that a massive Ukrainian counter-attack is about to happen and he is not prepared for it.

he is right!

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Russia never cared about their own soldiers. In WW2,: 8,4 milliions killed in action, 3 million died in german prison camps. Who survived the german prison camp was called a traitor and often deported to sibiria.
Germany had 2,7 million dead soldiers at the eastern front and lost 1,1 million as russian prisoners.

Numbers are from wiki
That sacrifice of Russian troops did lead to the end of WWII though. It also wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say that about any superpower countries soldiers either. To me that sacrifice is never worth it, I think many mothers, wives, and children in both Russia and Ukraine would agree. The rest of the world doesn't have to face that sacrifice as much as we love to comment on it.
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Brother Nature

Well-known member
Read this today in one of our local papers, have always appreciated this particular journalists view points so thought it relevant to this discussion.

Dates with destiny​

Quite a time for anniversaries. It has been a year since the Russian invasion began in Ukraine, 3 years since the first Covid lockdown,and 20 years since the US invasion of Iraq. A good time to reflect on how Vladimir Putin and George W. Bush are just two sides of the same coin. Both of them launched lawless invasions and left carnage in their wake.

Less than a year ago, George W. Bush accidentally made that point during a speech at his presidential library in Texas. Bush was doing his best to condemn Putin. Instead, he scored a memorable own goal when he denounced “the decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq.” Reportedly, the audience chuckled. Oh Dubya, always the fun side of armed aggression.

The similarities between Putin and Bush are striking. Bush likes to dress up. Remember him arriving in Top Gun uniform on a US aircraft to declare “Mission Accomplished” in Iraq? (For the same macho effect, Putin often prefers to dress down.) To justify his invasion, Bush had argued that the government of Saddam Hussein had no legitimacy, and that it harboured weapons of mass destruction that posed a threat to American security. Putin has argued that the government of Vlodomyr Zelensky has no legitimacy and that it harbours neo-Nazis who pose a threat to Russian security. Spot the difference.

Ultimately, both leaders are responsible for war crimes on a massive scale. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost so that Putin and Bush could score political advantages at home. In the case of Iraq, the US invasion has condemned Iraq to two decades of instability and deprivation. American occupation forces committed war crimes in Fallujah, and in the Abu Ghraib torture facility. The same invasion also enabled extremist groups like Islamic State to exploit the vacuum of power that the Amereicans had created, causing further havoc across Iraq and in Syria.

In sum, this week’s anniversary of the March 19, 2003 invasion of Iraq provides an excellent opportunity to dial back the self-righteous rhetoric coming from Western politicians (and media) with respect to Ukraine. As the Washington Post recently pointed out, the Ukraine war tends to be portrayed in terms of stark moral absolutes:

If Putin can succeed with a war of aggression across his borders, the argument has gone, then a dark agenda of territorial conquest and might making right wins out. President Biden has framed the contest as a clash between “all democracies” and Putin’s authoritarian project. Last November, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin described the collective efforts of Ukraine’s Western allies as a reflection of “how much countries around the world value and respect the rules-based international order.”

Yet to many residents of the Middle East and elsewhere, the legacy of Iraq totally undermines the West’s moral posturing over Ukraine:

For many people in the Middle East and elsewhere in the global South, the U.S. invasion is the most glaring recent episode in a long history of Western meddling and U.S. hypocrisy on the world stage.

Saying this is not to lessen the crimes being committed by Russia against the people of Ukraine. Yet it should mean that Putin is not seen to be some unfathomable figure of unprecedented evil. For the same reason, we should not be incredulous that Putin apparently enjoys wide support at home. As was the case with America’s invasion 20 years ago, most Russians support their leader’s Ukraine offensive, which they see as a defence of the homeland.

No surprise about any of that. Bush has not been shipped off to the International Criminal Court. He has been allowed to live out his days as America’s kindly, befuddled old uncle. He goes to ball games with Ellen DeGeneres. He does paintings. Twenty years ago, Bush satisfied the desire of many Americans to kick someone else around in the aftermath of 9/11. Thousands of Americans may have protested, but their voices were easily drowned out:

The Bush administration faced minimal opposition in Congress and received little meaningful pushback from the mainstream media.

here's a link to the full article for those of you who like to read more than a few sentences..



Well-known member
On the night of March 10, 1945, 334 B-29 strategic bombers took off from airfields in the Mariana Islands and headed for the capital of Japan. Their objective was to annihilate the civilian population, as they only had napalm incendiary bombs on board. Once the bombs were dropped, the resulting firestorm quickly spread to residential areas built mostly of wood. More than 100,000 people perished in the fire, mostly elderly people, women and children.



American losses did not exceed 4% of the bombers involved in the raid. The main cause was the inability of the pilots of the aircraft at the tail of the formation to control the rising air flows generated by the fires of the burning city.

General Curtis LeMay later confessed, "I think if we had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal."

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