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China and Russia « strengthen their cooperation » through large-scale joint naval exercises​


Russia and China announced new large-scale joint naval exercises to be held this week in the East China Sea, at a time when the West continues to be alarmed that relations between Moscow and Beijing have not been affected by the war in Ukraine.

The Russian Ministry of Defense ( MoD ) has announced that the exercises will be held from December 21 to 27, with the aim of « strengthen cooperation between the two marines to maintain peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region. » The exercises will also include a training component in anti-submarine control and missile launching.

« The Russian fleet will be represented by the flagship of the Pacific fleet, the Varyag missile cruiser, the Marshal Shaposhnikov frigate and [ two ] corvettes », continues the press release from the Russian Ministry of Defense.

As part of the « Maritime Cooperation 2022 » exercise, the air forces of the two countries should also continue to patrol the Sea of Japan and the Sea of East China, as they have been lately.

The AP reports, on the basis of statementsofficial, that « the Russian Ministry of Defense has declared that the Varyag missile cruiser, the destroyer Marshal Shaposhnikov and two corvettes of the Russian Pacific fleet would participate in maneuvers in the East China Sea from Wednesday ».

« The ministry said the Chinese navy plans to deploy several surface warships and a submarine for this » exercise, continues the AP. « Russian and Chinese planes will also take part in the exercises, according to the ministry. »

Large groups of warships were observed en route just before the exercises, with a detachment of the Russian Pacific fleet leaving the port of Vladivostok, in the far east of the country.

On the Chinese side, the Japanese defense ministry previously said that it was monitoring at least nine Chinese navy warships entering the Western Pacific in preparation, including the Liaoning aircraft carrier.


The Varyag missile cruiser of the Russian Pacific fleet sailed on December 19, 2022 for a joint naval exercise planned by Russia and China. Russian Ministry of Defense via the AP

« Liaoning was spotted transiting from the East China Sea to the Western Pacific Ocean through the Miyako Strait, between the Japanese islands of Miyako and Okinawa, last Friday », writes on South China Morning Post. « He was escorted by the destroyer Type 055 103 Anshan, the destroyer Type 052D Chengdu, the frigate Type 054A Zaozhuang and the supply ship Type 901 Hulunhu. »

The United States has sought to pressure Beijing to renounce its limitless « partnership with Moscow » as it was declared shortly before the invasion of Ukraine by Russia on February 24 ); however, all signals clearly point in the other direction, that China has not given in and that it is in fact deepening its cooperation, even at the military level.


Well-known member
Russia has some very strong cards. Their Oil Resources, their mineral resources, and the fact that they span 10 or 11 time zones. And their location next to an Arctic with lots more Oil - at a time when Saudi Arabia is scraping the walls of their oil reserves.

Hold on now...

I learned on this very forum that there's a never ending supply of oil being produced inside the earth.

Saudi Arabia running out. You sound like an environmentalist liberal


No Jive Productions
The US has been in Full Time War mode since 1964.

Israel has been in Full Time War mode since 1935.

Putin's moves are 99% self-defense, which in a world with the US & Israel as neighbors means allying with Iran, Syria, and China.

The US never gives up on trying to start a fight with Russia, and the USSR.

When you're dealing with Psychopaths like that, you really do have to be aggressive and pro-active.

Russia has some very strong cards. Their Oil Resources, their mineral resources, and the fact that they span 10 or 11 time zones. And their location next to an Arctic with lots more Oil - at a time when Saudi Arabia is scraping the walls of their oil reserves.
may i help you get the dates correct?

the US has been in full-time war mode since 1941. so has Russia since 1939.

there were times when there was no actual combat going on but still, the economies never came off the wartime mode.

Israel cannot have been in full-time war mode since 1935 when the country was formed in 1948.

i would think that spanning 10-11 times zones across a frozen wasteland is more of a handicap that an advantage.

being a US resident, are you sure that it's a good idea to hope Russia has more powerful nukes?


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Is Russia Preparing To Conduct A Massive New Invasion Of Ukraine From The North?​

Of course from the South too ^^ "Tactical cauldron" for Kiev! :rtfo:
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No Jive Productions

Is Russia Preparing To Conduct A Massive New Invasion Of Ukraine From The North?​

Of course from the South too ^^ "Tactical cauldron" for Kiev! :rtfo:
i put this story up earlier from a different source. you must have missed it.

thank you for helping to confirm it!

do the little musical emojis you show mean you are jubilant about the prospect of more blood?

you come across as a big peace and love guy in your threads.


No Jive Productions

this is the author of your version of the story.

white Christian nationalist, which is a code phrase for nazis here.

hard-core maga trump supporter.

he has little credibility with non-trump folks.

remember the rally in Charlottesville i showed earlier?

he is their kind of person.

if you really hate nazis i wouldn't use him for source material as you know how that shit rubs off on people.


No Jive Productions
i will apologize for using the word nazi, it's really an out-of-date term relating to Hitler's regime.

fascist and fascism are probably the right terms to use.

earlier somebody called Zelensky a nazi jew. to the west that doesn't even make sense as the two are diametrically opposed.

but, if you had said Benjamin Netanyahu was a fascist jew i would have agreed with you.

from Wikipedia but agrees with all dictionaries.

Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultra-nationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

without mentioning any more names or countries i ask you all to quietly examine this statement. it actually fits a lot of people and a lot of governments.

i personally believe becoming a fascist is not a conscious process. maybe there is a certain percentage of people in every population that subconsciously long for the strong father figure type to just run everything for them.

basically, the uneducated and ignorant lower class in every culture seeks a strong leader to look out for them.

sometimes he helps them but most of the time he uses them.


No Jive Productions
not confirmed but it looks like Putin's visit to Belarus resulted in an agreement to have the Belarusian military train the newly mobilized group that Putin is assembling using Belarusian facilities and bases.

all in preparation for another attack from the north.

Lukashenko did not agree to involve his troops in actual combat.

don't you think it's kind of ironic that Belarus won't commit to the fight?
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Well-known member
i put this story up earlier from a different source. you must have missed it.

thank you for helping to confirm it!

This operation move already took place few months ago from the North of Kiev, like test, then Russian troupes returned back to their border defense positions, classic scout tactic to see what happens ;) The effective true next one offensive soon! Few months later with less Ukro neo-nazi defense, Russian losses will simply be fewer. This represents the whole Russian philosophy which wishes to preserve as many human lives as possible! Quite the opposite of neo-nazi NATO, which voluntarily sends well-paid young volunteers to the massacre! (2000/3000 euros salary). And in recent weeks they have had more and more difficulty recruiting, even foreign mercenaries are now refusing. Inevitably they are tired of being killed like pigeons!

Also knowing that Putin wanna preserve civilians and limit unfortunate collateral damage, again at the exact opposite of NATO Ukro false flag who deliberately bombs civilians since 8 years in Donbass!!!!!!

We live an eschatological war of good against evil ya know!

do the little musical emojis you show mean you are jubilant about the prospect of more blood?

you come across as a big peace and love guy in your threads.

Indeed i'm big peace maker but my degree of goodness is just as powerful as my anger in the face of the evil and injustice, I have no fear in sacrificing myself for the good of all, the Walhalla knows me since longtime!
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Well-known member
don't you think it's kind of ironic that Belarus won't commit to the fight?

Exactly opposite i think, Belarus like Chechen can't wait to clean up Kyiv! They will be rewarded with a good chunk of Ukro territory and resources. For 2024 i think Ukraine will be 95% smaller and will regain its original position as a small province on the Polish border, even smaller than Transnistria lol!
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Well-known member
Wake up and turn off your fucking tv full of lies! Go inform yourself with true investigative journalists who risks their lives every day near the fighting!!!!!!!

Information warfare also does a lot of damage, brainwashing for cannon fodder sadely.

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