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No Jive Productions
that trump card stuff is beyond belief. it's all digital. he has absolutely nothing invested in it but a web designer fee.

you don't get anything physical to hold or touch like those fake "collector" coins. clad in 14 milligrams of pure .999 % gold.

the thinnest of gold plating on zinc, what a deal!

look at the images, surely it has to be some kind of joke!

he must be getting quite desperate! only $99 each, wow, what a deal!


No Jive Productions
here's a pie chart that might help some folks visualize reality.


  • Global_Military_Spending.webp.png
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Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Haven’t seen much of this guy lately, but you can bet he is listening when the western media talks about killing Putin and long range strikes… he and Trump walked across the DMZ together.

Here he is working his Travolta bad guy look.



Well-known member
it looks to me that putin is murdering more ethnic russians than anyone else!

again referring to putin's statement that ukraine is russia!
news today says that two of his tank commanders got into an argument over tactics, and one of them had his tanks open fire on the other unit! damn...sounds like they are as disorganized as the GOP...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
The biden administration is disarming the American military by sending it all to Ukraine. From there the arms are scattered around the world. the stash biden left in Afghanistan was pretty big also.

Arming the world, disarming America. Nice job joe.

Our military is unarmed because of a few shipments?

Where did the trillions of dollars go?
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News of the meat grinder imposed by NATOistan​

by Pepe Escobar

Somewhere in her private pantheon, Pallas Athena, goddess of geopolitics, greatly enjoys the spectacle.

No one has ever lost money capitalizing on the boundless nonsense spouted by the collective of deer caught in the headlights, also known as mainstream Western media, and awarding the Person of the Year award to a megalomaniacal and cocaine-addicted actor who poses as a warlord.

The non-stop trash parade of Western military analysts is now "assessing" that the first targets of a joint Russian-Belarusian attack on the 404 black hole known as Ukraine will be Lviv, Lutsk, Rivne, Zhytomyr, and why not kyiv in the mix straight out of a second axis.

The Russian General Staff is closely following all these actions and could even follow the advice of these "analysts".

And then, it's total panic, the Ministry of Defense having announced that the strategic missile forces have loaded two ICBM Yars in the silos provided for this purpose. We then hear cries of horror such as “Russia is preparing a nuclear missile capable of striking the United States deeply”.

Some facts, however, never change. The first is that NATO is a figment of the – extremely flawed – imagination of the collective West. If things were to go wrong – as the Straussian and Neocon parlor warriors hope and wish – Russia could easily defeat the whole of NATO, because there is practically nothing “over there”.

This would, of course, require a massive mobilization of Russia. As it stands, Russia may look weak in some quarters, as it has activated 100 troops at best against perhaps a million Ukrainian troops. It's as if Moscow isn't exactly enamored with the idea of “winning” – which it might be, in a rather twisted way.

Even today, Moscow has not mobilized enough troops to occupy Ukraine – which, in theory, would be imperative to fully “denazify” kyiv's racketeering. The operational concept is however “in theory”. In fact, Moscow is busy demonstrating a whole new theory – regardless of the fact that a few hotheads have been peddling that Putin should be replaced by FSB's Alexander Bortnikov.

“There will be nothing left of the enemy”​

With its panoply of hypersonic missiles, Russia can put out of harm's way, in a few hours, all NATO bridges, ports, airports as well as power stations, oil and natural gas storage facilities, oil and gas companies in Rotterdam. All of the NATO country's power generation equipment would be destroyed. Europe would be cut off from its natural resources. A bewildered and confused Empire would be unable to send troops, any troops, to Europe.

And the provocations continue unabated. The recent attack by Ukrainian Tu-141 drones on the Engels-2 airbase was blamed by Moscow on Kyiv – which, predictably, denied responsibility. Yet what really matters is Moscow's strategic message to the United States and NATO, with Putin flirting with the idea that sooner or later the response could be stepped up a notch in case the weapons supplied by the United States and NATO to Kyiv were being used to strike deeply at the sensitive territory of the Russian Federation.

Current Russian doctrine even allows Moscow to respond with nuclear strikes; after all, Engels-2 Air Base is home to nuclear-capable bombers, prime strategic assets.

The drones were certainly launched by agents infiltrating inside Russian territory. If they came from outside Russia and were interpreted as nuclear missiles, it could have triggered hundreds of Russian nuclear missiles to be launched against NATO.

Putin himself made it clear – grimly – at the Eurasia Economic Council summit in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan a week ago:

« I assure you that after the early warning system receives the signal of a missile attack, hundreds of our missiles will be in the air (…) It is impossible to stop them (…) There will be nothing left from the enemy, because it is impossible to intercept a hundred missiles. This, of course, is a deterrent – a serious deterrent ».

Not, of course, for the gang of Straussians and neocons who currently direct American foreign “policy”.

It is no wonder that reliable Russian intelligence sources have established that the missiles that hit Engels-2 were launched locally, although the kyiv regime would like to believe otherwise.

And that turns the whole charade into a Dadaist farce – with a dazed and confused Empire still tied to a Kyiv maniac who still believes the Ukrainian S-300 that hit Poland came from Russia. The whole world – not just Washington – is held hostage to a maniacal “person of the year” who has the – virtual – power to provoke a global nuclear war.

Napoleon red in the square

Meanwhile, on the ground, Russia has adopted a strategy of deep, large-scale operations. In several places of the vast front line, they attack the points most likely to bring out the poor Ukrainian reserves which hide in the second line of defense. When the reserves come out through arid, muddy lands and terrible roads to come to the aid of the front line units, whole battalions are slaughtered.

The Russians never go deep into the third line – where command and control can be located. What is at stake is attrition warfare within the framework of deep operations strategy, straight out of the manual of the legendary “Red Napoleon”, Field Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky.

Russia saves soldiers, personnel and equipment. The set works wonders in difficult terrain where vehicles get stuck on rainy roads. This rinse-and-repeat tactic, day after day, for months, resulted in (at least) 400 Ukrainian casualties. This is the epitome of the war of attrition.

Historians will rejoice that the scenario resembles the battle of Agincourt, where successive waves of French knights (playing the role of today's Ukrainians and Polish and NATO mercenaries) continued to race towards up the hill against English archers and knights who stood still and let them come, hitting the second line again and again.

The difference, of course, is that the Russians have been employing attrition warfare tactics day after day for six months now, when Agincourt was just a one-day battle. When this meat grinder is finished, an entire generation of Ukrainians and Poles will have joined its destiny.

The collective West's myth of a Ukrainian “victory” over the Russian war of attrition cannot even be called a cosmic delusion. It's a lousy, deadly joke. The only way out would be to sit down at the negotiating table now, before the hammer (the next Russian offensive) hits the anvil (the existing front line).

But NATO, of course, as Stoltenberg constantly reminds the world, doesn't do negotiations.

Which, in a way, can be a blessing, because NATO could end up shattered into myriad pieces, utterly humiliated on the ground despite all its elaborate warmongering plans.

Andrei Martyanov has no equal to track the economic, moral, intellectual – and above all military – degradation of the collective West, all steeped in lies, poor PR spins and “ staggering incompetence in all areas ».

All this while Russia prepares” to another “defeat”, like taking back all of Donbass and then… who knows what will happen next. A quick victory for Russia would be a loss because NATO would still exist. No, Russia must pace this in such a way as to suck NATO into the grinder ».

Somewhere in her private pantheon, Pallas Athena, goddess of geopolitics, is enjoying the show immensely. Oh wait, she's actually reincarnated, and her name is Maria Zakharova.


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Russia's plan in Ukraine is working: The second stage has begun​

by Valentin Vasilescu

The intelligence services of NATO states and even General Valery Zalujnii, Chief of the General Staff of the Ukrainian army, have declared that a major ground offensive by the Russian army is imminent. But their statements do not correspond to the plan of Russian General Sergey Surovikin. Especially since the most elementary logic in the army recommends not tying your shoelaces before putting on your shoes (in other words, in good French, not putting the cart before the horse).

Russia's new plan began in October, with cruise missile and Geran drone strikes that heavily damaged Ukraine's critical infrastructure. One of the objectives was to neutralize the transport capacity of the energy system. This created great difficulties, even blocked for a time, electric rail transport. The blocking of rail transport prevents the movement of Western weapons, parts and transformers needed to replace those that have been destroyed, as well as the fuel needed to run diesel and gasoline generators, from Ukraine's borders to at the front line.

But simply blocking these Western-supplied goods en route to western and southwestern Ukraine is only the first step in preventing the Ukrainian military from using them at the front. The Russian military is now proceeding in parallel with the second stage, which consists of destroying the temporary storage sites for NATO and EU supplies.

Instead of a land offensive, the Russians will pursue the plan imposed by General Sergey Surovikin. These are strikes on Ukraine's critical infrastructure, combined with a two-stage hunt for Western weapons crossing Ukraine's borders and the creation of security corridors for Russian fighter-bombers and bombers. These secure corridors mean the destruction of Ukrainian medium-range AA missile batteries in the Kherson, Nikolaiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Donetsk and Kharkov regions.


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Putin's Conundrum


The primary purpose of the Nuclear Posture Review(NPR) is to deceptively “rebrand” the offensive use of nuclear weapons as a justifiable act of defense. The new criteria for using these lethal WMD has been deliberately maligned with the clear intention of providing Washington with a green light for their use and proliferation. Accordingly, US foreign policy warhawks have established the institutional and ideological framework needed launch a nuclear war without fear of legal reprisal. These arduous preparations were carried out with one objective in mind, to preserve America’s steadily-eroding position in the global order through the application of extreme violence.

Vladimir Putin is worried. Very worried.

In a recent press conference, the Russian President expressed his concern that the United States might be planning a nuclear strike on Russia. Naturally, Putin did not state the matter in such crude terms, but his comments left little doubt that that’s what he was talking about. Here’s part of what he said:

The United States has a theory of a ‘preventive strike’…Now they are developing a system for a ‘disarming strike’. What does that mean? It means striking at control centres with modern high-tech weapons to destroy the opponent’s ability to counterattack.”
Why would Putin waste time on the various theories circulating among foreign policy wonks in the United States if he wasn’t concerned that these ideas were actionable?

The only explanation is that Putin is worried, and the reason he is worried is because he knows that these ideas (preemption and ‘disarming strike’) hold-sway among the elite cadres of powerbrokers who decide these matters in Washington. Putin probably realizes that there is a sizable constituency in Washington that support the use of nuclear weapons and who believe they are essential to preserving the “rules-based order”. In short, Putin believes these ideas are “actionable” which is why he expressed concern.

So, let’s think about the point Putin is trying to make. He’s saying that the US tacitly supports a preemptive “first strike” policy, that is, if the US feels sufficiently threatened, then it claims the right to launch nuclear missiles at an enemy whether that enemy has attacked the United States or not.

Does that sound reasonable to you?

And what about Russia; does Russia support the same policy?

No, it doesn’t. Russia’s Nuclear Doctrine explicitly precludes the first use of nukes. Russia will not launch a first strike. Period. Russia will only use Nuclear weapons in retaliation and only in the event that the nation faces an ‘existential threat’. In other words, Russia will only use nuclear weapons as a last resort.

US Nuclear Doctrine is the polar opposite of Russia’s because the US will not abandon its support for a first strike.
And what’s more troubling, is that US Doctrine has been so grossly expanded that could be construed to include almost anything. For example, according to the recently-released Nuclear Posture Review(NPR), nuclear weapons can be used: “in extreme circumstances to defend the vital interests of the United States or its allies and partners.”

Chew on that for a minute. That could include anything from a serious threat to national security to the sudden emergence of economic rival. Are we going to nuke Beijing because their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is projected to be bigger than America’s within the decade?

We can’t answer that, but it certainly meets the NPR’s grossly expanded criteria.

Can you see why Putin might be concerned about all this? Can you see why Biden’s unwillingness to jettison the “first strike” policy might make Washington’s adversaries a bit nervous? Can you see why these new watered-down standards for the use of nuclear weapons might send up red flags in Capitols around the world?

Putin wants people to know what’s going on. That’s why he’s speaking-out at public venues. He wants everyone to know that the United States no longer regards its nuclear arsenal as purely defensive. It is now seen as an essential instrument for preserving the “rules-based order”. Can you see that?

And this is just part of what Putin said in a very short press conference. He also said this:

Now they (the US) are developing a system for a ‘disarming strike’. What does that mean? It means striking at control centres with modern high-tech weapons to destroy the opponent’s ability to counterattack.”
The “disarming strike” meme is all the rage among Washington’s foreign policy warhawks. It is based on the idea that the US can knock-out enough of Russia’s decision-centers and hardened missile sites to eliminate the threat of massive nuclear retaliation. And while it’s true that the idea could wind up reducing a large part of the world to smoldering rubble; it’s also true that the theory is supported by a powerful constituency that is determined to see their theories on low-yield “usable” nukes put into play. Like I said earlier, there are powerful actors in the political establishment and deep state who would like to see the taboo on nuclear weapons lifted so they can be used in more situations and with greater frequency. This is from the World Socialist Web Site:

The Nuclear Posture Review, a department official stated, “establishes a strategy that relies on nuclear weapons to deter all forms of strategic attack. This includes nuclear employment of any scale, and it includes high-consequence attacks of a strategic nature that use non-nuclear means.
(Note: So the US can use nukes on enemies that don’t have nuclear weapons.)

The publication of the document was rapidly condemned by arms control experts. “The Biden administration’s unclassified Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) is, at heart, a terrifying document,” wrote the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS).
“It not only keeps the world on a path of increasing nuclear risk, in many ways it increases that risk,” the UCS argued, by claiming that “the only viable U.S. response is to rebuild the entire U.S. nuclear arsenal, maintain an array of dangerous Cold War-era nuclear policies, and threaten the first use of nuclear weapons in a variety of scenarios.”
(Note: This is the path ‘we are already on.’)

This marks a significant development from Trump’s 2018 National Defense Strategy, which largely referred to the use of military force to secure economic interests in the negative—asserting that it was China that was doing so. While this was the clear implication of the 2018 document, the definition of “national interests” advanced by the Pentagon’s 2022 document to include “economic prosperity” constitutes an even more open step toward advocating the doctrine that war is an acceptable means to secure economic aims.”
(Note: So, I was right, we are going to nuke China for growing their economy!)

A section of the 2022 National Defense Strategy:
These documents, which were not seriously discussed in the US media, make clear the fundamental falsehood that the massive US military buildup this year is a response to “Russian aggression.” In reality, in the thinking of the White House and Pentagon war planners, the massive increases in military spending and plans for war with China are created by “dramatic changes in geopolitics, technology, economics, and our environment.”
These documents make clear that the United States sees the economic rise of China as an existential threat, to be responded to with the threat of military force
. The United States sees the subjugation of Russia as a critical stepping stone toward the conflict with China.” (“Pentagon national strategy document targets China”, Andre Damon, World Socialist Web Site)
Repeat: “These documents make clear that the United States sees the economic rise of China as an existential threat, to be responded to with the threat of military force.”

This fact—and it is a fact—should be fairly obvious to anyone that hasn’t been living under a rock for the last decade. What it tells us is that the United States is no longer competitive. Western elites have run up $31 trillion in National Debt, hollowed out America’s industrial base, savaged their own Capital markets with endless debt-generating Ponzi-scams, and balanced the entire crooked system on a currency that is crumbling before our very eyes.

So how do western elites intend to preserve their grip on global power when the economy is built on a foundation of pure quicksand?

They’re going use raw military force, relentless propaganda, and Mafia-like coercion
. That’s what they’re going to do. They’re are going to skip the diplomatic niceties and impose their will with an iron fist. Is there any doubt about that? Here’s more from Putin:

The United States has a…concept of a preventive strike…We do not. Our Strategy talks about a retaliatory strike…. But if a potential adversary believes it is possible to use the preventive strike theory…this still makes us think about the threat that such ideas…pose to us.
“If [a country] doesn’t use [nukes] first under any circumstances, it means that it won’t be the second to use it either
, because the possibility of using it in case of a nuclear strike on our territory will be sharply limited,” Putin said.
This sounds vaguer than it is. What Putin means is that ‘if the US launches a massive nuclear attack on Russia, then Russia’s ability to retaliate could be greatly compromised. That is why Putin added this: “Perhaps we should think about using…their ideas about how to ensure their own security.” In other words, if “preemption” and “disarming strikes” are the only way to defend one’s national security, then maybe Russia should follow Washington’s example. Putin was being sardonic, but his point is clear: ‘If defending our own security requires that we engage in reckless and destabilizing behavior then, perhaps, that’s what we should do.’

In any event, you can understand Putin’s dilemma. He does NOT support preemptive nuclear attacks, but—at the same time—he realizes that if he doesn’t act preemptively, he might not be able to respond in the future. This is the conundrum he faces.

In my opinion, the reason Putin has discussed this issue on two occasions in the last week, is because he really didn’t think there was the remotest possibility that the US would attack a country that has the biggest nuclear arsenal in the world. He believed that US actions would be shaped by obsolete theories of Deterrence and Mutually Assured Destruction. But now, he is beginning to realize that we have entered a Brave New World where calculations are based on more proactive theories that ignore the threat of retaliation because the perpetrators believe they can effectively “disarm” their adversary.

And so, Putin is worried; he’s genuinely worried. And his confused response (“Perhaps we should think about using…their ideas about how to ensure their own security.”) suggests that he has not yet figured out what to do.

So the question is: What do you do? How can you defend your country when a nuclear-armed superpower has decided that you are an obstacle that must be removed to achieve their own geopolitical ambitions? How do you stave off a civilization-ending attack when your enemy wholeheartedly believes that nuclear war is the only way he can preserve his dominant position in the global order?

It’s a conundrum
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Hell is called Artemovsk​

by Erwan Castel

On the northern front of the People's Republic of Donetsk, the industrial city of Artemovsk (Bakhmut) has crystallized all the energy and attention since mid-November when the fighting for control of this ukro-Atlantic bastion located to the east of the major cities of Kramatorsk and Slaviansk (where the headquarters of the Ukrainian battle corps of Donbass) and which is the keystone of its eastern front line.

Thousands of men are throwing themselves daily into the battle for Artemovsk, which the banderists renamed Bakhmut in 2016, and hundreds are leaving this ruined city in body bags or bloody stretchers.

Aerial view of Artemovsk (Bakhmut)

Just north of Artemovsk

Soledar is a small industrial town located north of Artemovsk serving as a shield in this direction.

For a few days the ukro-Atlanticist defense of this sector has collapsed:

The 93rd Ukrainian Brigade evacuated from Soledar because of its excessive losses suffered as during the counterattack attempted on December 8 against the positions of Wagner and the 6th Cossack of Lugansk (Knauf factory sector).

For 6 months the total losses of this 93rd brigade amount to 3000 men. Some of its units have been 90% renewed. Soledar therefore only has the 24th brigade, and various units (nationalists, mercenaries, etc.)

2. Faced with the risk of losing Soledar, the defense of Artemovsk (Bakhmut) rearticulates its northern system by withdrawing to the urban edges of the city and destroying its access bridges.

The Ukro-Atlantic forces have already destroyed 2 railway bridges and 1 road bridge, mined roads, confirming the likely withdrawal of the last Soledar units.

On the outskirts of Artemovsk

Heavy fighting continued in the eastern and southern urban fabric of Artemovsk, with Wagner forces advancing house by house towards the city center from the east.

Western periphery (Knauff factory sector)

Two blocks along Maksimenko Street have already been liberated, and further south in this area the Wagner groups are advancing along Pervomaysky Street to Dobrolubova Street.

The defense line of the 71st Ukrainian Mountain Brigade was therefore breached.

In orange the zone of the Russian progressions

Other important tactical successes concern the village of Opitnoe located at the southeastern entrance to the city (not to be confused with Opitnoe north of Donetsk):

This suburb of Artemovsk is now 90% controlled by Russian forces who blocked several enemy groups in buildings on Shkolnaya Street.

The South-East sector of Artemovsk

As in every urban conquest, particular effort is made to cut off enemy supply routes and maximize economy of one's own forces.

A Ukro-Atlantic haemorrhage

The ukro-Atlanticist forces are drowning in their blood. The already apocalyptic figures of Ukrainian losses (100 to 150 daily killed) reached during the battle of Severodonetsk last April are greatly exceeded in this urban battle that many observers call a “meat grinder”.

After the 93rd brigade evacuated from Soledar for lack of able-bodied combatants, it was the turn of the 25th Ukrainian brigade, completely bled by the fighting, to evacuate Artemovsk.

The Ukrainian general staff continues to blow up the bridges to delay the Russian advances that the pro-kyiv maps, while continuing to minimize them, are obliged to recognize.

The losses suffered are very significant recognized, on the chain TSN, S. Cherevaty, a Ukrainian officer from the "East" (Donbass) staff, adding:

« The main task, which the Russians, unfortunately, seriously carry out, is to weaken our defense. They hope they will reach a critical point when our defense is exhausted, and that they can find a breach and break through this portcullis ».

And the ukrops officer describes the attrition tactics of the Russian assault groups, carrying out violent but punctual and cautious actions.

Ukrainian prisoners

Behind the Artemovsk front, Ukrainian relief is completely saturated. Dozens of doctors were sent there as reinforcements. Hospitals and morgues are overflowing and the dead and wounded are now being evacuated to Kharkov.

The medical service in Ukraine suspends surgical programming (document below) to put all its resources into taking care of the tidal wave of the wounded.

Even the French-speaking media, champions of pro-Ukrainian debilitation, are beginning to recognize that it stinks on the side of Artemovsk while arguing that it is the Russians who are suffering abysmal losses and that this city ultimately has "no strategic importance" for kyiv. !

As if a vital crossroads for the logistics of a front could disappear overnight!

Such stupidity insults not only the public but also the 10 Ukrainians killed and injured in Artemovsk who are supposed to be supported by these right-thinking watchdogs.

On December 14, in front of this "meat grinder" of Artemovsk in which hundreds of killed, wounded and prisoners belonging to the strategic reserves of the Ukrainian battle corps disappear daily, the Chief of Staff, General Zajoulny to ask Zelensky authorization to abandon Artemovsk and Soledar and to reconstitute a line of defense 10 km further west.

The last time such a situation occurred was during the battle of Severodonetsk/Lisichansk. But then it took another hundred killed for the NATO advisers whispering in the ear of the Kievan puppet to accept the evidence.

Politically and militarily the abandonment of Artemovsk by the ukro-Atlanticist forces would mean a bitter failure in a battle for which thousands of soldiers have died since May, when the Russian forces arrived in sight of this bastion of the Northern front .

I think that here again fanaticism will prevail over reason and the Artemovsk garrison will have to stay until its total destruction.

Meanwhile, on the ground, fighting and destruction progress towards the center of a ghost town.

Ukrainian soldiers killed and left on the ground near Artemovsk. Future "disappeared"

On the side of the French media, the mantra of the moment is to say that the Russian forces are massacring the civilians of Artemovsk, turning this city into a field of ruins.

That civilians die or are injured in the fighting for Artemovsk is unfortunately a reality, because what these lackeys forget to mention is that the ukro-Atlanticist forces are in the city and are resisting from the residential areas where a few dozen families remained.

Two examples:

A Ukrainian "Grad" in battery next to a residential building in Artemovsk

A Ukrainian sniper in position in a stairwell of an apartment building in Artemovsk

The reality is that any city that becomes a battlefield sees all belligerents using all possible infrastructure and therefore becoming targets for the adversary.

The only responsibility incumbent on the defenders is to evacuate the civilians before the carnage.

The strategic stake of Artemovsk

Until September-October, the city of Artemovsk was certainly the ideal southern entry point for a potential encirclement of Slaviansk-Kramatorsk whose ukro-Atlanticist forces were then fixed primarily opposite Izioum and Krasni Liman.

But since the strategic setback suffered by the Russian forces in the wake of the enemy breakthrough on Balaklaïa (September 7) the kyiv staff has been able to reinforce this front line located to the east of Slaviansk/Kramatorsk. With as main support points Seversk in the North and Artemovsk in the South.

However, Artemovsk remains a major strategic objective for the Russian general staff; its control would weaken this entire eastern shield at the heart of the Ukrainian-Atlantic battlefield in the Donbass.

Moreover, if an encirclement of Slaviansk from Artemovsk seems complicated since the loss of Izioum and Krasni Liman, on the other hand a turning movement towards the South is possible. Shortest towards Toresk, which would take the pressure off Gorlovka, or furthest towards Avdeevka, which would accelerate the collapse of the vice that has been bombarding Donetsk for 8 years.

In the meantime, it is above all the political stakes and the strategy of reciprocal attrition which appear in the foreground of the battle for Artemovsk.

Moscow needs a Victory and kyiv hopes to be able to bog it down in an attrition in front of Artemovsk, even if it means losing more men in this hell where more than 60% of the losses recorded on the front are currently concentrated.

The battle of Artemovsk, in its urban development, has only just begun.
