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member 505892

For anyone who hasn't figured it out yet, the threat of putting Russia's deterrence forces is just talk, it's a scare tactic for the weak minded. I mean just look at his justification “aggressive statements regarding our country” of course there are aggressive statements, Russia and Ukraine are at war. Besides, both Russia and the US if not other countries have been on a high stake of alert with their nuclear weapons for years. Both countries have and have had nuclear armed submarines on constant patrol.

Does anyone seriously believe he'll launch a nuke which will guarantee a retaliatory strike on Russia just because someone made an aggressive statement? Especially given that less than a year ago, Putin and Biden issued a statement at their Geneva summit saying, “Nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.”

My fears are mostly about totally irrational behaviour from a cornered egotist.... what a delusional egotist might do when they are PERSONALLY in danger.
When they are personally humiliated and facing a certain death, and all plans go out the window.

I get that it might be an irrational fear, and very unlikely, but that kind of scenario is my fear.... the type of leaders that require absolute power don't have their heads screwed on properly and don't value human life the same was as most of us do. Everything is viewed through their ego prism.


Active member
border incursions are one think, all-out cross border assaults/invasions &a mp;a mp;a mp;a mp;a mp;a mp;a m p; using the Luftwaffe on cities are a whole 'nother critter. the "propaganda construct" is BS...who invaded who? all you need to know, right there. same thing going on in Ukraine right now. i'm sure all Russian citizens were sitting at home quaking in their shoes for fear the "massive" Ukrainian military would roll right over them any day now... grow up...
Sure the scenarios are similar then and now. In both cases you have a significant part of one nation living across the border in hostile territory that are subjected to increasing hostility, aggression by paramilitaries committing atrocities. 44 acts of cross border polish aggression in the six days and nights before the german response. Yeah Germany invaded after Poland opened fire on them and proceeded to massacre ethnic germans living across the border, go figure.

Special operations in Ukraine was the only way to prevent genocide. If it was you, seeing your people being slaughtered, you would have done nothing.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Sure the scenarios are similar then and now. In both cases you have a significant part of one nation living across the border in hostile territory that are subjected to increasing hostility, aggression by paramilitaries committing atrocities. 44 acts of cross border polish aggression in the six days and nights before the german response. Yeah Germany invaded after Poland opened fire on them and proceeded to massacre ethnic germans living across the border, go figure.

Special operations in Ukraine was the only way to prevent genocide. If it was you, seeing your people being slaughtered, you would have done nothing.

Except the fact it's been well documented that those "44 acts of cross border Polish aggression" was the SS staging false flag operations to justify rolling across Poland.

If you actually knew history instead of parroting talking points you gleaned from Twitter you might know that.


Active member
I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic Russia has long been trying to frame Ukraine as a Nazi influenced nation even though they've never been able to produce evidence of such claims and it ignores the fact that Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky is Jewish. Seems a bit of a stretch to paint a country run by a President that is Jewish would engage in Nazi like behavior. It's also worth noting that the USSR had no problem with the Nazi's until Hitler broke the secret treaty they had with Hitler to split up Czechoslovakia and Poland, later after he felt the USSR was no longer a threat. It was only after that betrayal that the USSR went on the offensive against Hitler's Nazi forces. It's also interesting to note that Putin more recently made it a jailable offense for anyone in Russia to research or report this less then appealing aspect of Russia's role in WWII or to mention any of the many other less then admirable behaviors the Soviet forces engaged in while cooperating with Germany.

Seems a bit of a stretch lol, how cute. Israel is one of the countries alongside yours to arm NATONAZI militias in Ukraine! Here is one Nazi dipshit from the Azov Battalion showing off israeli weapons:


Just the other day they opened up with Grad systems on a residential area in Mariupol and placed mines all over the city. Nazi torch marches have been organized by the coup regime all over Ukraine for years:


Explain again the relevance of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of 1939 to your Nazi apologetics for Ukraine 2022.


Active member
Except the fact it's been well documented that those "44 acts of cross border Polish aggression" was the SS staging false flag operations to justify rolling across Poland.

If you actually knew history instead of parroting talking points you gleaned from Twitter you might know that.

Well documented with nothing more than the uncorroborated signed statement of a prisoner.

Three Berries

Active member
What we are seeing is a scenario acted out to draw the world's attention to the insanity of war and nuclear weapons. They don't call it Mutually Assured Destruction for nothing.

And as far as Chernobyl it isn't Putin that wants to blow it up but a dying Deep State who is now cornered in the Ukraine.

The Great Awakening continues.


Well-known member


mojave green

rockin in the free world
What we are seeing is a scenario acted out to draw the world's attention to the insanity of war and nuclear weapons. They don't call it Mutually Assured Destruction for nothing.

And as far as Chernobyl it isn't Putin that wants to blow it up but a dying Deep State who is now cornered in the Ukraine.

The Great Awakening continues.



Well-known member
Is this Official......

An easy way to tell from phots is look for a white Z. That's Ukrainian as there is no Z in Russian.

Personally I liked the video game footage of the jet fighter ace and the cardboard guns the soldiers posed with......


I'm sure you do prefer the video game footage.

There's plenty of footage of dead Russians if you care to view reality.

Back to your Call of Duty video games with you...


Comfortably numb!
Except the fact it's been well documented that those "44 acts of cross border Polish aggression" was the SS staging false flag operations to justify rolling across Poland.

If you actually knew history instead of parroting talking points you gleaned from Twitter you might know that.

^^ What he said ^^. The war started because he printed his own money. Just like when they bounced Qaddafi for wanting to return to the gold std. Man doesn't rule this planet, money does. Money and horns will make man do things they wouldn't normally do!


Well-known member
Sure the scenarios are similar then and now. In both cases you have a significant part of one nation living across the border in hostile territory that are subjected to increasing hostility, aggression by paramilitaries committing atrocities. 44 acts of cross border polish aggression in the six days and nights before the german response. Yeah Germany invaded after Poland opened fire on them and proceeded to massacre ethnic germans living across the border, go figure.

Special operations in Ukraine was the only way to prevent genocide. If it was you, seeing your people being slaughtered, you would have done nothing.

Tell me you're a nazi sympathizer without telling me...


Its hard for the little kgb man, all the real glory from the past is gone and democrathy is comming closer and closer.
