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Well-known member
So I googled Ukraine biolabs. It came up with several articles stating it was Russian propaganda and that we have no labs at all in Ukraine. And a few articles about how Q is saying it is true.

Some people only believe Russian propaganda.


Well-known member
European first. We have collectively decided to fund a war that's not ours. Money and weapons. While individual countries have gone further. However, I can't loose sight of their capitol being surrounded, and as such unable to receive much of this aid in a timely manner. Russia must go in tonight, or leave.


Active member
Are we at the Precipice yet?

I hear the Chernobyl ruins is being guarded by both sides currently.

A Russian hyper sonic ICBM with a nuclear warhead
travels 2 miles a sec..

Putin stated...anyone interfering with his
physco ops will be vaped.....
He is becoming a cornered animal globally speaking
with fewer and fewer off ramps...

I say shop early....beat the crowds

Three Berries

Active member
A Russian hyper sonic ICBM with a nuclear warhead
travels 2 miles a sec..

Putin stated...anyone interfering with his
physco ops will be vaped.....
He is becoming a cornered animal globally speaking
with fewer and fewer off ramps...

I say shop early....beat the crowds

Putin is guarding it from someone doing just that. No way does he want the worlds largest dirty bomb going off in his backyard.


Active member
Putin is guarding it from someone doing just that. No way does he want the worlds largest dirty bomb going off in his backyard.

My guess is he is bluffing on the nuke threat
to keep anyone from interfering at this juncture...
He has been softening the target taken infrastructure out and securing routes into Kiev....and now has an unchallenged armored division stream lining towards the city
Its gonna get real ugly


Well-known member
A Russian hyper sonic ICBM with a nuclear warhead
travels 2 miles a sec..

Putin stated...anyone interfering with his
physco ops will be vaped.....
He is becoming a cornered animal globally speaking
with fewer and fewer off ramps...

I say shop early....beat the crowds

How many of his own nuclear specialists were killed the last time he tested that hypersonic weapon?

I forget the number...


Well-known member
I don't think putins bothered about nukes/radiation,he's lived in the shadow of chernobyl for years,probably lost all fear and respect for it,only takes 1 crazy to set off a bomb,big bawjawz or Vic should publicly ask him for a square go,1 on 1,shame him into it,then do him,go Ukraine! 76


Well-known member
I am sincerely concerned that in a war with Russia Republicans would take up arms in support of Russia

only the Chumpanzees... real Republicans on the way to the exits...if not sucking the salt off of The Chumps balls makes me a RINO, then that is what i am, and proudly so!


Well-known member
You know, it still astonishes me that I can watch grown-ass adults be so gullible. When all you have are logical fallacies and this bizarre belief that rights come with no responsibilities(That's called childhood, btw), I suppose it really shouldn't surprise me.

But hey, you do you, you glorious bastards. Never change.


Boreal Curing
Chernobyl is a Huge deal in terms of history, but not in terms of this conflict.

Nobody is going to bomb the actual nuclear reactors.

Take over the country and don't sleep when the wind changes northward in the spring.

As for threatening to nuke.... that's inviting a preemptive smack down if there's a hickup on the board. Not good for anyone.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I believe we're taking a bit of a gamble with the sanctions, especially kicking the Russian banks out of SWIFT. China has the CIPS program in place that does the same thing, though on a smaller scale (for now). Russia also has it's own version, but mostly for the domestic banks.

I'm guessing that's why Biden tried to avoid cutting Russia off from SWIFT at first, when a reporter asked he said something along the lines of that the sanctions he put in place were effectively like cutting them off from SWIFT. He was also thinking of certain allies that might be negatively impacted if they did that. Then the next day all those allies decided to cut Russia off from SWIFT and so at that point there was no more harm to be had by him joining in on that sanction. From what I've heard from that sanction though it's not a complete cut off just certain banks so I read that as they're trying to make it painful but not totally screw things up for all of Russia. Seems like he's just trying to target the Kremlin and the Oligarchs?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I did not say that Stalin would have attacked Hitler first.
What I do say, and without any "perhaps" because it is a historical fact, is that Stalin already confronted Hitler and Mussolini before WW II, during the Spanish War.

And that both Hitler and Stalin knew the inconsistency of any pact between them: in fact Hitler had crushed and annulled the German socialists and communists, who had been serious rivals in his assault on power.

Anything that happened between Hitler and Stalin before the pact was made null and void when they entered into that pact and as such and previous conflict is irrelevant. If this were not true then Stalin would not have been in denial about Hitler turning on him and would not have been caught off guard as he was when Hitler did come after him. All of which is also historical fact and it's critical to Putin's mindset with regards to Nazi's Putin was born about 7 years after the end of WWII and grew up only knowing of the positive role the USSR played in defeating Germany. This is why he made it a crime for anyone to talk about or do research on the USSR's behavior prior to that change in relations between Hitler and Stalin. I mean one of the main reasons for forming NATO was to stop the kind of Soviet Expansionism the USSR engaged in when it absorbed the Balkan nations during the time the agreement between Hitler and Stalin was intact. Given that behavior and the severely weakened state of pretty much all of Europe there was little confidence any of the European nations would have been able to stop the USSR from taking advantage of Europe's weakened state without America and it's newly developed nuclear capabilities to keep the USSR in check.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
For anyone who hasn't figured it out yet, the threat of putting Russia's deterrence forces is just talk, it's a scare tactic for the weak minded. I mean just look at his justification “aggressive statements regarding our country” of course there are aggressive statements, Russia and Ukraine are at war. Besides, both Russia and the US if not other countries have been on a high stake of alert with their nuclear weapons for years. Both countries have and have had nuclear armed submarines on constant patrol.

Does anyone seriously believe he'll launch a nuke which will guarantee a retaliatory strike on Russia just because someone made an aggressive statement? Especially given that less than a year ago, Putin and Biden issued a statement at their Geneva summit saying, “Nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.”


Well-known member
hasn't been long since Putin said in a speech RE nuclear war & first strikes - (i've gotta paraphrase here, don't remember word for word ) "if Russia is to be destroyed, why would i worry about a world without Russia in it..." if he's going down, he wants to take everyone else with him . in a sane world, someone he trusts (China, maybe?) would put a bullet (metaphorically) into the back of his head for the rest of the worlds sake. "let me win, or i'll turn the table over..."