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Well-known member
the Dutch & the US are funding a deal with the Czechs for 90 "spare tanks they had just lying around": it would seem. T-72s, i think, made in mid-80s. with Russia running short of shit to shoot, these elderly warriors might come in handy. esp if you take into account that the engines have been replaced with larger/new ones, cannons updated for today, vastly superior sighting systems, thicker armor etc etc... who keeps 90 spare fully operational main-line battle tanks jus' hanging out...? huh...:chin:




Well-known member
Where I am wondering about is, in a weed forum, that nobody is writing something about the US basketball woman which is for 8 years in prison in russia?
we DO bring her up from time to time. mostly to point out that WE have folks in jail HERE for longer sentences for weed than Griner got from Russian "justice". whining about her being in jail there just makes the US look like even bigger hypocrites than normal...:dunno: "remove the log from thine own eye before complaining about the mote in thy brothers eye, then thou can see more clearly" not an exact quote, but close...:shucks:


Well-known member
Where I am wondering about is, in a weed forum, that nobody is writing something about the US basketball woman which is for 8 years in prison in russia.
That is an interesting and lamentable observation.
I believe what happened to the woman is transparently political and disgusting.
Most people understand she was targeted, and look at what is happening
as wrong- and understand she is being used as pawn.

Conditions being what they are, I fear that chances of a deal resulting in her release
are thin at this point. I would quite enjoy being wrong about this.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
^^^ What you got against Nick Cage?

One thing I've noticed recently, in all this talk of Ukraine, Russia, gas, etc..., there's nothing being spoken about Semion Mogilevich. His departure from the FBI's most wanted list in 2015 was always viewed pretty cynically, interesting that he's now back on it shortly after the Russian invasion.


Peri alypias
I´ve got nothing against Nic Cage, it was a joke. As an actor his role in "Lord of War" was based of the real Wiktor But. Sometimes in the papers they write they change the baskeball woman against him.


Active member
When someone moves from our country to another, they’re subject to the laws of that country. It was her choice. Moved to a foreign country and broke their law. What did she expect?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Putins puppet leader in Kherson was killed today,,,,,
apparently Brits and Polish SFs,,,,
no proof again,,,,
No proof provided again after releasing statements that it was the U.K. who blew the Nordic gas pipe up ,, attacked the Navel fleet and blew the bridge up,,,,,,
load of bollocks as it could have been any SFs from at least 10 other countries but keep blaming those pesky Anglo Saxons,,,s2

St. Phatty

Active member
^^^ What you got against Nick Cage?

One thing I've noticed recently, in all this talk of Ukraine, Russia, gas, etc..., there's nothing being spoken about Semion Mogilevich. His departure from the FBI's most wanted list in 2015 was always viewed pretty cynically, interesting that he's now back on it shortly after the Russian invasion.

Does that refer to a Nicholas Cage movie ?


Peri alypias
I never be sure if the russians playing tricks, but that they leave Cherson is one more punch against russia. There is always a little doubt, but isn´t strange how weak the russian army is? At last the whole invasion is a bloody fail, they reached not one goal, except the land passage to the krim.

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