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March 25, 2022 Jiddah, Saudi Arabia


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We sold the Saudis a bunch of weapons already back when Trump was in office right?

Or was this from then? Or again? I know we've done business with them plenty but I am just a little foggy.

It sucks to see us still so dependent on oil.

I thought we would at least have hydrogen figured out by now.

Saudi Arabia has been killing Houthis in Yemen with US weapons for years.

Iran arms the Houthis and now the russians

Maybe Saudi Arabia can buy Iranian drones from russia?

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Russia has nothing for the Saudis. Russia is buying from North Korea and Iran. The second we stop providing patriot missiles and the Houthis start firing rockets, the Saudi's will find out. It's easy to forget who actually protects that oil they sell.
Russia and Saudi are the oil price fixing group known as opec. They have agreed there is no point selling lots of oil when demand is so high. They will sell less oil. The demand for which will make them just as much profit. They don't feel the need to pump lots more to you. They are not your friend. You are just money to them. They are pushing up prices, rather than production. As Russia and Saudi are such big players, they work together on this, so as not to undercut the other. It doesn't make them friends either. It's just monopolising the market at a time nobody can stop them.

Neither are your friends. They just want money. To leverage them, you need to withhold everything they need in return. What do your government sell them, that they actually want. That is where the weapons come into this. It's just a commodity.
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Well-known member
Russia has nothing for the Saudis. Russia is buying from North Korea and Iran.
at the moment, you are correct. Russia does not have enough for their own use much less anything on the shelves for sale. historically, however, they ship quick and have easy credit for countries in the middle east. it's not in our interests to allow Houthi missiles to damage Saudi oil facilities... cutting off ones nose to spite your face is never a good idea.


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Nixon opening them up to our markets (and vice versa) looked like a good idea, fiscally. we should have been more careful what we sold them though. and virtually ALL of their "exchange students" in college here are active duty military working for the CCP. industrial/military espionage on a massive scale... we give them trade/military secrets, we get cheap plastic shit sold at Wal Mart. not much of a deal to my eyes...


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at the moment, you are correct. Russia does not have enough for their own use much less anything on the shelves for sale. historically, however, they ship quick and have easy credit for countries in the middle east. it's not in our interests to allow Houthi missiles to damage Saudi oil facilities... cutting off ones nose to spite your face is never a good idea.
I didn't know about this threat.
So you are saying to Saudi "stop reducing production, before somebody really reduces it"

While Saudi are oil guys and Russia gas, they are both fuel products. Both countries want more money for it, so must not under-cut the other on pricing.

I missed the mark on opec. They control 80% of the oil. Russian gas is an alternative where fuel is concerned.


Well-known member
So you are saying to Saudi "stop reducing production, before somebody really reduces it"
yes, basically. it is in the best interests of the industrialized nations that fuel is flowing smoothly, since damn near all economies rely on it. we've been selling the Saudis what they need to protect themselves (and a lot more). they -could- buy these things elsewhere, but would get lower quality, and no US marines out there someplace to help if need be. if they cut supply to support Russia, exactly what other tools do we have at hand ? the Saudis want/need a Russia or China as a potential partner to counter-balance our influence. if seen as controlled by the US by the Muslim world, they will become targets. tis a difficult situation to be in for both parties in reality.


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We do a bit more than defend their oil.

We also provide intelligence, training and technical support on weapons systems, along with refuelling war planes carrying out air strikes. And of course, the weapons they use to fight Iran through Yemen.

The defensive/offensive differentiation was always a bit fuzzy and more a game of semantics


Well-known member
Last time the us taught the saudis to fly jets didn’t turn out so well….
their govt already has pilots. they would have to refuel to fly from there to here. let's make them do that instead of taking off from air bases in THIS country where they are training. and those were private flight schools that showed the 9/11 attackers only how to steer, but not land or anything else. there is no absolute protection from a suicidal commercial/military pilot.


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Remember how Nazi fanboys in this thread only a week into the special military operation claimed that the russians had ran out of diesel, and had essentially already lost thanks to the ”Ghost of Kiev” and what not?

Over this weekend we saw the long awaited ukranian counter offensive botched. Same goes for the commando raids against the Zaporozhe nuclear plant that Nazi Ukraine have been shelling for weeks. Total and complete failue. In Kherson the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade was eliminated. Gone. And not a peep in the lying press. Transcarpathia issued a day of mourning while Zelensky powdered his nose as usual, thinking ”Liz Truss can still win it, she promised to fire the nukes”.


128th has been doing a lot of damage for being eliminated. Gone.


Well-known member
The Ukraine seem to be loosing again. The only advances are from the russians, who have about surrounded Bakhmut.
Without a game changer, I'm not sure they can do much. Russia bomb them, they don't bomb Russia. It doesn't take a computer simulation to see the outcome.
UK defense minister cancelled his defense meeting in the UK today, as his plans unexpectedly took him to Washington
There are growing monetary reasons the Ukraine should win now, and they have a lot of untapped gas the US want access to. Contracts are being drawn up. The Ukraine are meant to win this.

Small attacks over the boarder into Russian staging areas have been gaining pace. This has not over stepped any line in the sand drawn by Russia. It's now a part of the theater, and I feel some new actors are due to join.

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