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Well-known member
There is growing interest in Alexei. A group is forming, but each member has no name. No associations that risk other members. However, such a group is delicate at best. With such anonymity, anyone could join. So any plans are leaked as they hatch.

A dozen Iranian drones went at the capital yesterday. Half hit. It seems some interest in the Iranian situation, would help the Ukraine situation. Still... who and how. A neighbouring country? As internally, nobody can really do anything. They have like 3 armies, so even one of them can't take over. The people would take just about any new leadership though. They see the money coming in, since the internet started educating them. Then they see how they live. The many many wars they have paid towards. They are not happy.

One recent expenditure was helping another country squash an uprising. Where the people were set to overturn the government. This tells the people, yet another army will come, if they really get out of control. The people get shot like they are worthless there. There is little doubt a large gathering is a nice target to get the message across with weapons. They are fucked, and really need some help. Yet can't think of what help they could use.

I have a friend who got out, but visits. So have a reasonable grasp of the situation. The protests have no real direction, but they are willing to face jail to be heard for just a moment. It's really shit.


Well-known member
They are fucked, and really need some help. Yet can't think of what help they could use.
can't imagine what living in a situation that could explode any moment must be like. they damn sure don't need the US to try to assist them. every time we try to "help" a nation in the middle east, it turns into a clusterfuck of biblical proportions. we kicked Iraq out of Kuwait (which needed doing), then fell into a disastrous attempt at "nation building". most of the world envies our freedoms, but not our govt. i'm not too damn fond of them myself sometimes.


Well-known member
It is at least 'our' government. They don't enslave us how it's done in some other countries. We can vote for another party, or even start a party. While in some other countries, the people are simply slaves. With no say in who controls things. There is really no comparison. No matter how much the free claim they are not.


See the world through a puff of smoke


Well-known member
Pipeline explosion was interesting. It had to go, in order to stop using it. We don't want to buy their product now, but public opinion could shift when the heating goes off in winter. Rather than face any such civil unrest over buying 'just a bit' we are now unable. This is politically useful.

Two unrelated stories in that area, on that day. One, the pipes go boom. The other, we are there. The UK, US, Spain and some other EU nations are having war games over two days. The games were the usual fly about aiming at each other. With a new twist, that Spain are targeting from the ground. So all eyes are on the sky, as planes try and evade both aerial and ground attacks. Which was over the sea, so I'm guessing the Spanish were on boats. While we had a lot of control over movements in the area. That's not the kind of day for civilian traffic coming through, or a foreign sub to be hiding out. That sea was under tight monitoring for the day.

That is opportunity.

If it wasn't us, then them explosives had been there for some time. While other stories for a limited supply were being spun. Which wouldn't of been needed, had they just blown it up sooner. It's unlikely.