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Corpselover Fat

Active member
The Ukraine situation is pretty easy to figure out.

Do we want the gas and oil in Ukraine controlled by Russia or Europe.

It's an easy answer. Europe of course. Not sure why anyone here would think Putin/Russia controlling those natural resources would be better for us or Europe.

Cheering for Putin is like cheering for a girl to kick you in the dick.

It's actually even more simple: Russia invaded Ukraine. Should they be allowed to invade countries and claim their territories?



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ICMag Donor
Something interesting I had not realised is that this puts Europe back firmly in its place as a client state to the USA. With the absence of the cold war the EU had begun to expand into a threat to US hegemony.
They are no longer talking about EU armies for example.

The end of the pipeline makes them dependant on USA to ship over liquid fuel, however Germany doesn't have the correct ports to take this fuel, only the UK, which now has distribution over said fuel. Perhaps UK can use this to stop the flow of daily people boats coming from Europe that the US uses to weaken Europe.


See the world through a puff of smoke
You buy from who controls it silly. Don't bite the hand to feed ya until the supply is large enough to make the change.

Was that really that hard to figure out?
Russia has plenty of oil & gas of its own, for that it doesn't need Ukraine.LNG from the US or Qatar is more expensive for Europe than oil or gas from Russia.
With the pipelines severe damaged due the explosions, there is a bigger chance that the car industry in Germany will move elsewhere out of Germany.
So who is gonna win this fuel war, certainly not Europe.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The what now?
As world hegemonic power the global American empire must crush any sort of threat to American democratic capitalism, this is the wolfowitz doctrine, any underhanded tactic may be used to retain power essentially.
I think that's what we're seeing here. All clients state eventually rise up to challenge and must be put back in their place. This is happening with China too.
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Corpselover Fat

Active member
As world hegemonic power the global American empire must crush any sort of uprising against American democratic capitalism, this is the wolfowitz doctrine, any underhanded tactic may be used to retain power essentially.
I think that's what we're seeing here. All clients state eventually rise up to challenge and must be put back in their place. This is happening with China too.

Did you just quote me by accident or was that an answer?


Active member
The end of the pipeline makes them dependant on USA to ship over liquid fuel, however Germany doesn't have the correct ports to take this fuel, only the UK, which now has distribution over said fuel. Perhaps UK can use this to stop the flow of daily people boats coming from Europe that the US uses to weaken Europe.

France wants to build floating LNG terminal at Le Havre - https://www.reuters.com/article/france-energy-lng-idUKL2N2VT06Z
PARIS, March 26 (Reuters) - The French government is in talks with energy company TotalEnergies to build a floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in the northern port of Le Havre, Les Echos newspaper reported on Saturday, without citing sources.

European nations have been scrambling to find ways to reduce their reliance on Russian natural gas and ease an energy market crunch that has been worsened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Saturday’s newspaper report said the proposed LNG terminal would serve networks run by French gas utility Engie, increasing the country’s import capacity.

TotalEnergies, the French government and Engie did not immediately respond to requests for comment on Saturday.

Washington and the European Union said on Friday that the United States would supply 15 billion cubic metres of LNG to the bloc this year to help wean it off Russian energy supplies.
But I think it's bad for U.S.A.because their oil pollutes too much, and if they find some in a city, they make everyone move! The beautiful lands are massacred by oil extraction !

peace ! ☮️


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Reading a pro Russian blogger voicing government sources that the reason the Ukraine is having so much success retaking ground is because the Russians are fighting the U.K. and USA forces and not Ukraine forces,,,
A put down to the skill and bravery of the Ukraine fighters and the other many countries helping cause chaos along the borders but a strange thing to say kinda like “ we don’t mind having our arses kicked by the Brits and the Americans as long as it’s not the Ukraine,,,peculiar !
I think it’s only going to end when they end Putin,,,


Active member
Why the French Caesar Cannon Is Making Immediate Impact For Ukraine http://www.thelowdownblog.com/2022/06/why-french-caesar-cannon-is-making.html

American and British artillery have garnered more attention, but the mobile French Caesar 155mm howitzer is mounted on a truck, enabling greater maneuverability.

It is also renowned for the accuracy of its targeting system. It's use has already been so successful against the Russians that Ukraine requested - and France has agreed to provide more of them, which, not coincidentally is excellent advertising for French arms sales.


The Caesar is a 155mm howitzer mounted on a six-wheeled truck chassis, capable of firing shells at ranges of more than 40 kilometres (25 miles). The heavy artillery system highly prized for its accuracy is part of the new arsenal of modern weaponry provided to Ukraine by multiple countries. "This system is very manoeuvrable and mobile."The soldier said the weapons will allow Ukrainian troops to "gain a lot of time, so that the enemy cannot attack us and fire back".

Russian-backed separatists have claimed this month that Kyiv is using weaponry with 155-mm ammunition -- standard for NATO artillery -- to fire on the large city of Donetsk, which they control, and other nearby towns.

This is Guernica every day in Ukraine !


See the world through a puff of smoke
I don't speak german, but yeah. Russia planned it for a long time and started the war in 2014... You could say they started it much earlier, but that's a very apparent start for the war.
That is the Dutch language, but doesn't matter.
When Janucovich was set aside after the Maidan coup (CIA), you can say that the pre war in the east started yeah.