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Well-known member
Yup, Russian puppet was removed and Russia started a war they are incapable of finishing.
Putin is like The Chump. he only has a "forward" gear, his ego will push him right into either being thrown out of office, or he'll order a nuclear attack, which will result in his being "removed from office". there is no path to victory now, only disaster...i expect him to lash out, trying to cause as much damage as he can as he heads for the door. see first sentence again.


Well-known member
Seems similar to the Slovak Zuzana. Neither are as cool as the Swedish Archer. It's very fast. This vid shows it firing a salvo and moving out in 70 seconds... Just before the first round lands.

BAE...figures. surprised they even have to stop to shoot. bet they're working on that. it should be simpler than the bomb sights they put in planes during WW2, esp given the computers they have to work with.


Peri alypias
The Ukrainians are standing 15-20 Miles before Cherson. :)

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Well-known member
Somebody bought themself a yacht instead
makes sense. when you think you have the biggest/meanest military on the planet & are positive that everyone will just back away when you act like your shit don't stink, why would you need winter uniforms ? you'd get some use out of the yacht, while uniforms just get eaten by moths. :dunno:


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St. Phatty

Active member

When Hurricane Michael visited Tyndall Air Force Base in October 2018,
they lost 22x F22's - because they couldn't fly.

That's with 10+ days to prepare for an incoming storm,
and the entire resources of the US military to move airplanes to safety.

And they cost $330 Million each.

I worked on it, as a "Fixer" - fixing problems left behind my sometimes moronic engineers.

I saw them lay off Bob, a Senior Quality Control guy, Digital Test engineer, in August 1998, after he told them their design was not test-able as designed.

They couldn't fly them in 2018 because the avionics software was too buggy, not because of a missing duct hose or engine part.

AND the US military personnel involved had their way greased into Lockheed, should they ever want a private sector job. The company that got the $330 Million per sort-of fighter jet.

With the F35, they took system integration away from Northrop Grumman, who fucked up the F22, and gave it to L3 Harris.

The F35 is probably more reliable than the F22.

With these airplanes where they are sort of pushing the limits of American style military tech, reliability is ignorred yet still very important.

If China or Russia do best the US in a military conflict, there is a very good chance that the "victory" will be related to equipment reliability.

SHORT VERSION: The whole experience with F22, F35 etc. makes me wish I had the cartooning ability of Doonesbury or Far Side or Dilbert.
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Well-known member
When Hurricane Michael visited Tyndall Air Force Base in October 2018,
they lost 22x F22's - because they couldn't fly.

That's with 10+ days to prepare for an incoming storm,
and the entire resources of the US military to move airplanes to safety.

And they cost $330 Million each.

I worked on it, as a "Fixer" - fixing problems left behind my sometimes moronic engineers.

I saw them lay off Bob, a Senior Quality Control guy, Digital Test engineer, in August 1998, after he told them their design was not test-able as designed.

They couldn't fly them in 2018 because the avionics software was too buggy, not because of a missing duct hose or engine part.

AND the US military personnel involved had their way greased into Lockheed, should they ever want a private sector job. The company that got the $330 Million per sort-of fighter jet.

With the F35, they took system integration away from Northrop Grumman, who fucked up the F22, and gave it to L3 Harris.

The F35 is probably more reliable than the F22.

With these airplanes where they are sort of pushing the limits of American style military tech, reliability is ignorred yet still very important.

If China or Russia do best the US in a military conflict, there is a very good chance that the "victory" will be related to equipment reliability.

SHORT VERSION: The whole experience with F22, F35 etc. makes me wish I had the cartooning ability of Doonesbury or Far Side or Dilbert.

Didn't you say back in like... March that we were out of weapons?



Well-known member
What do we think to Musks idea?

The Crimea war was lost 8 years ago. Just accepting that, is enough for Putin to withdraw and show he gained something. Something very little, after all this fighting. Yet it's a way out he will take.

The Ukraine leader is now talking about his warriors. Refusing any talks with Putin. Looking at taking the Crimea back before it's over.

Now It would be nice if Putin lost the Crimea back to the Ukraine, as a sort of 'you should not of done it' punishment. It is mostly Russians live there though, and 68 years ago it was Russia. The place has changed ownership so many times, that the average life expectancy can't be lived out there without a change of ownership. It's ownership isn't really ingrained into any families that live there. Most of which are Russian.

It's difficult, but it's been under Russian control for a few year now. If just accepting that can end the war, I'm not sure it's a bad idea. We need stability globally. Russia has a steady supply of drones that can keep hitting the Ukraine capital, even if they are pushed out the country. Putin can hold them down for years. While any attack on Russia really does cross the red line. Which we can't be involved in, or we are no better than them. The boarder is the boarder.


Well-known member
68 years ago, a LOT of Europe was "Russia". that's no reason to let him take any of it again by force. Putin does not have years. he is already in his seventies in a world where most don't live much past that, and his own people are turning against him, so...


Well-known member
Is giving Russia the Crimea, not making things like they were a year ago. Like all this never happened. Except for some paperwork, and the Ukraine joining NATO. The very thing Puntin didn't want. Along with other countries, which turn more of his boarder into NATO lands.

The war crimes wouldn't be forgotten. They are quite separate.

Attacking the Crimea seems like something I personally shouldn't get involved with. In 2014 yes. That was the right time. Now it's over 7 years, even my tax man accepts it's too late. It's somewhere they could hold a vote though. Truly let the people decide. East or West. Forget what Russia and the Ukraine want, and send in the UN to poll the people.

England let Scotland vote in or out. We don't stop them. We know that kids want change and adults want stability. We even let underage people vote. Government should represent the people, not own them.

They lost it in 2014. If accepting that will end the war, then that seems like a consideration. Stop getting into huge debt, and start rebuilding.

Me, I need the Ukraine whole again. Signed into NATO. Fixed up. Exporting grains. Like 12 months ago.
I don't need them to have Crimea back. I do need war crimes addressing.

The UN should really be polling where Russia did. Though we would have to ask people that evacuated also. The result would need some refining. Such as why the average person left. To avoid war, or being Russian. It seems most towns emptied, so the people that need polling are not there now. Just one's that stayed, for many reasons. Including wanting to be Russian.
The lack of such polling is itself a little surprising.


Well-known member
68 years ago, a LOT of Europe was "Russia". that's no reason to let him take any of it again by force. Putin does not have years. he is already in his seventies in a world where most don't live much past that, and his own people are turning against him, so...

I have spent months waiting for someone to move against him. However the successors all look as bad. It's like Iran. We know it needs fixing, but there is nobody their to back. Creating someone is meddling.

He surrounds himself with people that agree with him. Jails those that don't. Keeps his movements secret. He knows the risk.


Well-known member
"moving" against someone like Putin will require somebody suicidal, or so desperate and fearful for his country & its people that they are willing to die in an attempt at saving them from him. if his inner circle decides that they don't want to go down with the captain as the ship sinks, he wouldn't have much of a choice then. they would prob let him "retire" to one of his numerous dachas rather than just kill his ass & toss him overboard, which is likely what he deserves looking at all of the lives he has wasted on his "dream". Alexei Navalny is the most likely winner if an truly fair election was held there. i know, fat f'ing chance of that...