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Well-known member
Marx theory was genius in his time, but what the people made out of it in 20th century was not working and a crime. Another century later, it is just a legitimation for dictatorships.
even the very best ideas turn into shit when implemented by corrupt people intent upon their own desires for power... "all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others". - the pigs (naturally) in "animal farm" by George Orwell.


Peri alypias
Hi AOH, it´s generations ago, but some of my ancestors were working in one of the the "Silicon Valleys" of it´s time. In the factory of Friedrich Engels sen., the father of the Friedrich Engels jun. the friend of Marx. In the area of Barmen, today Wuppertal. One hotspot in Germany/Europe where the industrial revolution started.

I know it from my Grandfather, born 1898. History is interesting.


Active member
I know a lot about Kommunismus and Sozialismus and it´s just bullshit. As I was a stupid teenager, I thought that´s the right thing and it was fashionable to like it, but today I am more the guy which is digging tunnels under the Berlin wall, to help the eastern Berliners to crawl to freedom.

Marx theory was genius in his time, but what the people made out of it in 20th century was not working and a crime. Another century later, it is just a legitimation for dictatorships.
I don't want to fight ! but for example in France when you need medecine you have it even with no money they cure you : this is " sécurité Sociale " and this is socialist being but you can be capitalist in France but Health is public !

after the 2nd war and nazi crimes , we have a socialist politic from the resistant ( against nazi ! ) call " les jours heureux " = the happy days .

Bernie Sanders is a socialist and Philip K. Dick explained why ! :alien:



  • Quotation-Bernie-Sanders-A-nation-will-not-survive-morally-or-economically-when-so-120-63-71.jpg
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Active member
It’s comparative. I have all that I need while Bernie has much more than me while others have less. Bernie is a figurehead for the upper middle class with guilt trips over not being as clever as their rich friends.


Active member
Abbie Hofmann said don’t trust anybody under 30. Then he said not to trust anybody over 30. Then he killed himself.
Jerry Rubin went to Wall Street.
Bernie became a cult leader.
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Well-known member
Abbie Hofmann said don’t trust anybody under 30. Then he said not to trust anybody under 30. Then he killed himself.
Jerry Rubin went to Wall Street.
Bernie became a cult leader.
Abbie Hoffman said, "Don't trust anybody over 30." I am not to be trusted but i needed to correct the IC Mag record.


Well-known member
Estonia has given 0.8% of their GDP per person.
Poland 0.3%
UK and USA 0.1%
Canada 0.06%
Germany 0.03%
France 0.01%

What are Germany playing at.
France... well about as expected.
When the UK prime minister was asked if Macron (france) was friend of foe, they replied his actions would define that.
Yet still the USA won't get into trade deals with the UK due to our Brexit. I think it's time Biden examined his expectations. Germany has the highest GDP per person by about a 20% margin. They are near the Ukraine like Poland and Estonia. They, like france, are one of the big 3 euro countries. So where is the support they keep promising but not delivering.
france.. well little Estonia are giving 80 times more per person. france are probably going to strike until they get some of it.
Biden needs to wake up to what a good partner looks like.

On topic. Russia is playing it's B game now. Moving in Russian ballot boxes, to rig a vote by the people, to say they want to be Russia. Then they can actually call these areas Russia. Making the war exist on Russian soil. It won't be a special mission, it will be a war on their soil. Reason to redirect the war, to one where they can say they are being attacked on sovereign land. They can say they didn't start this next phase. Reason to use whatever measures are needed to protect their country from foreign invasion. A real table turner. However, the planned talk to the nation some 8 hours ago was cancelled for a day. I think he knows nobody will respect this annexation based on a vote by the invading force. Only the Ukrainians can let the Ukrainian people vote. Whatever weapons he brings to the table, the UK and USA will match as a proportionate response. Next up is long range missiles. Not the 50 mile ones, but one's that could hit Moscow or into the Crimea. Cruise stuff (that can be redirected in flight) not just the ballistic stuff Russia uses, and misses by a Km.
The real fear at the next level, is Russia getting more accurate missiles. Which would need a trading partner like China who has advanced electronics facilities. I think China is watching Russia exhaust itself though. Having no plans to help them win. Just sell them enough to keep going. We see if from all contributors. Ending the war isn't as profitable as keeping it going. Not when your role is just a supplier.


Well-known member
is China bleeding Russia as they currently are an attempt to bring them to heel? if seen as Xi's lapdog, Putin is finished....in Russia. he may have already passed a tipping point of sorts, squandering their personnel and throwing billions of rubles into a growing dumpster fire of a war... being exposed, not as a paper tiger, but an absolute fraud of a military power can't be easy to swallow.


Well-known member
China could really help Putin. Instead they have kept out of it. Not siding with him over the war. Instead saying they don't understand or like the situation. China has an electronics industry that can make phones. They are in the cruise missile game, with gps accuracy. Russia are more ballistic. Just see where it lands type of thing. We would quickly see if Russia got proper Chinese support.

Most certainly, China have no desire to give Putin a leg up. That doesn't help China pull ahead, Nor is their any love lost by not helping in such a war. Nobody has attacked China's associate, Putin. It's all his own doing.
I was looking at how densely populated the Donbas is. Compared with Russia just beside them. Russia is desolate. Looking like towns spread apart, while the Donbas is cities close together. That region has infrastructure supporting people, mining, life. Russia is a backwaters beside them. They are trying to steal the Donbas, an area they can't create, so likely can't run. It's becoming more and more obvious that Russia is just run by assholes. Yes they are a nuclear power, but there is nothing new about that tech.

I'm starting to wonder why other countries can't bomb within the Ukraine, while it's still the Ukraine. Russia seem to think these fake poles will make it Russia, but right now they are just invaders as we would be if we joined in on Ukraine soil. As yet, based on what Russia say about these poles, They have as much right be to their as us. We need to stop these poles ideally. Give the Ukraine what they need to do so. Keep the fight off Russian soil though. So by association, Russia keep the fight away from anywhere else. It's this whole equivalence thing. If we free a Ukraine city, what equivalent act can Russia perform against us? Get the city back? He can't hit out at another country for actions in the Ukraine. That is why he wants the votes to call it Russia.
I know it's not our war, but where will it end if we can't support them properly. Russia will just keep advancing and annexing, so we may as well save our money and let it happen, if this is our idea of help. It's the Crimea all over again.
The Ukraine have not sent a single missile into Russia. I'm guessing we won't support that. Which is a great gain to the Russian effort. All advances into the Ukraine are about as far as they can blanket from the Russian boarder. About 50 miles of Ukraine that the Ukraine don't want to destroy, then Russia they don't want to hit. What war can the Ukraine allow themselves. Only Russians on their soil, and it has to be well targeted. While Russia indiscriminately shell 50 miles in. Russia can amass all they want on the boarder, and fire 50 miles (well 43) in, with no resistance. The Russian people should be confident, shooting fish in a barrel. That is probably the news we don't see. Russia not getting attacked themselves, as they move to take a region much better developed then they could ever manage.

China have little interest in helping Russia take such an area. It's not in their interest. Russia is too big to help get bigger. An aggressor on your boarder isn't wanted. Though the cheap fuel is nice.


Active member
macron is a donkey

He is nothing ! Poutine laugh at him .

Shame on France !

edit : Macron made this picture too win election like Margareth Thatcher did with Malouine war ! :violin:
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Well-known member
Russia isn't trying to get bigger.

They're trying to expel the CIA / NATO from near the borders, and to maintain their access to the Black Sea.
You can't believe that? Just where are they trying to expel NATO from, and which port was under threat?

Nowhere and non.

What have they achieved?
Neighbours joining NATO that were not before. They have taken contol of ports that were not theirs. Nobody has tried to take theirs, but now they have started up the Crimea war again, they could loose the whole peninsula.

So what was their problem that needed sorting out, and what has the needless action bought about.



Active member
While China isn’t directly supporting Russia, they support NK meaning they support Russia by proxy.