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Three Berries

Active member
Here is America's strongman in action surrounded by his devoted followers;

Trump is indeed an egotistical showman. He knows very well how to wring as much publicity as he can to promote himself. And it doesn't have to be 'good' coverage. As long as you are talking about him Trump has hit his mark. The guy is a genius and his security and investigation operations rival what most countries can do.

But you will note that other than an odd tweet or two he is not involved in what is going on now. Trump has left protocols in place related to his and previous emergency declarations that Bidan cannot change. The only way they can be gotten around is for Bidan to declare the emergencies over.



...como el Son...
Italia​ ​​​y Alemania, la Europa tibia con Moscú:
El presidente Zelenski arremete contra Mario Draghi, frustrado por su posición y la de Alemania, Hungría y Chipre contra medidas punitivas más agresivas:

Italy and Germany, Europe lukewarm towards Moscow.
President Zelenski lashes out at Mario Draghi, frustrated by his position and that of Germany, Hungary and Cyprus against more aggressive punitive measures:


The German government is beginning to change its timid stance towards Putin by finally approving the shipment of 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 Stinger missiles to Ukraine.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Putin didn't attack Ukraine under Trump, but apparently he feels he can get away with it while Biden is in office. I know you are to partisan to understand what im getting at, perhaps if you could get Trump off your mind for once it would make sense.

Ever heard of the Kerch Stright confrontation? You know, where Russians fired upon 3 Ukrainian boats in international waters, wounded 3-6 sailors, and held those 3 boats hostage for over a year? Guess what year it happened? 2018, when your boy Donny was in charge.

Oops. Wrong again.


Well-known member
Putin’s worst mistake would be winning. Trying to keep control would not only be costly, it would be a political nightmare.

It's already becoming a political nightmare as Putin's own people are against war, not to mention the cost.

Let's hope he doesn't get too heavy-handed when things don't go his way. :grouphug:

Why Putin's '£15BILLION-a-day' invasion ISN'T going to plan | Daily Mail OnlineWhy Putin's '£15BILLION-a-day' invasion ISN'T going to plan | Daily Mail OnlineWhy Putin's '£15BILLION-a-day' invasion ISN'T going to plan | Daily Mail Online

Why Putin's '£15BILLION-a-day' invasion ISN'T going to plan: MI6 chief warns war is 'unwinnable' and ex-defence chief says Russia will run out of cash and arms if Kyiv holds out for 10 days as Moscow send in superweapons after Ukraine OBLITERATED convoy
  • Vladimir Putin's invasion with Ukraine is not going to plan due to Kremlin 'overconfidence' about war aims
  • MI6 chief endorsed an article on Saturday saying Russia's war is 'unwinnable' because of Ukraine's resilience
  • Ukrainian intelligence has claimed that Russia is running out of money, weapons and resources fast
  • If Kyiv can hold off the Russian advance on Kyiv for 10 days, the Kremlin may have to enter negotiations
  • Dramatic video shows a destroyed Russian convoy with Z-markings near Kherson in southern Ukraine
  • Two Russian military transport planes 'carrying paratroopers', a fighter jet and helicopter were downed
.......and this:

Cargo ship thought to belong to one of the companies hit by sanctions is SEIZED in English Channel | Daily Mail Online
Cargo ship 'belonging to Russian bank that is pivotal' to country's defence sector and among those targeted by UK government sanctions against Moscow is SEIZED in the English Channel
  • 416ft commercial ship bound for St. Petersburg intercepted in English Channel
  • Baltic Leader intercepted by French sea police and seized for further inspection
  • Boat, which was filled with cars, impounded in Boulogne-sur-Mer on Saturday
  • French authorities said the ship was suspected of violating EU trade sanctions


Well-known member
So you agree Obama was a strong leader. The planning predates 2010. This is Putin’s bucket list. He is once again afraid of a strong America. Trumpers are still kissing his ass , looking for favors.

Obama was stronger than Biden.


Well-known member
Ever heard of the Kerch Stright confrontation? You know, where Russians fired upon 3 Ukrainian boats in international waters, wounded 3-6 sailors, and held those 3 boats hostage for over a year? Guess what year it happened? 2018, when your boy Donny was in charge.

Oops. Wrong again.

Trump also bombed Russian troops in the middle east, perhaps on accident. You are comparing apples to oranges, it's full on war in Ukraine.


Well-known member
Putin didn't attack Ukraine under Trump, but apparently he feels he can get away with it while Biden is in office. I know you are to partisan to understand what im getting at, perhaps if you could get Trump off your mind for once it would make sense.

did i say he attacked while The Chump was in office? no, i did not. keep YOUR words in YOUR mouth. Biden is not all that Putin has to worry about, unlike YOU. two of Chinas largest banks have reportedly cut Russia off, and it looks increasingly likely that they will soon be unable to use SWIFT international banking system as well. why WOULD Putin attack Ukraine while The Chump was in office, doing his dirty work for him & trying his best to destroy NATO & leave Europe ripe for the picking? Putin & The Chump had a deal, i believe, and if so, and if it is proven, Chumpie will spend the rest of his miserable life in a federal prison if not be executed for treason.


Well-known member
latest news from Fox has a retired US General, Keith Kellogg, saying that he believes Putins has fatally overreached & already, for practical purposes, lost this war. Ukraine is putting up a much tougher fight than Russia or anyone else anticipated. he is facing increased resistance at home, China (his only "friend" left) is telling him to negotiate, and Ukraines air force is faring better than expected. toss in the missiles & anti tank weapons that Germany is sending them, & Afghanistan might look like a Sunday walk in the park compared to what Ukraine may turn into. people take their cues from their leaders, and Zelenskyy, when offered an evacuation by the US, reportedly said "I need ammunition, not a ride..."
"I need ammunition, not a ride"
😆 As someone who spent 20 years working in tv, film and theatre, this made me both lol and smfh at the same time 🙈😆😂

Javier Bardem can play him in the movie, Daniel Craig can play Putin 🎥 .. But I'm torn between casting Elmo or Grover from Sesame street as Joe. 🎥😆😂


Well-known member
did i say he attacked while The Chump was in office? no, i did not. keep YOUR words in YOUR mouth. Biden is not all that Putin has to worry about, unlike YOU. two of Chinas largest banks have reportedly cut Russia off, and it looks increasingly likely that they will soon be unable to use SWIFT international banking system as well. why WOULD Putin attack Ukraine while The Chump was in office, doing his dirty work for him & trying his best to destroy NATO & leave Europe ripe for the picking? Putin & The Chump had a deal, i believe, and if so, and if it is proven, Chumpie will spend the rest of his miserable life in a federal prison if not be executed for treason.

You really belong on the short bus dude


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
All Putin wants is Ukraine NOT to join NATO and be a weapons depot for the west. If they stop him and then get really stoopit and join NATO, watch out. I think he will make things worse until they see the light, and quit being the globalist's puppets.

Xiden went on vacation. Now that's leadership.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Gracias por la opinión e información: Pero el echo físico de la retirada como tal fue gestionado por Biden, no? Y como podemos justificar como fue esa retirada, con gente cayendo del exterior de nuestros aviones militares de transporte, el atentado a los civiles por los extremistas, o los civiles muertos por drones estadounidenses?
Acaso no contaba con el apoyo incondicional británico, francés, italiano y español para prolongar unos días más la evacuación de civiles afganos?

Thanks for the opinion and information: But the physical fact of the withdrawal as such was managed by Biden, wasn't it? And how can we justify how that withdrawal went, with people falling from the outside of our military transport planes, the attack on civilians by Islamist fundamentalist extremists or civilians killed by US drones?
Did he not count on the unconditional British, French, Italian and Spanish support to prolong the evacuation of Afghan civilians for a few more days?

To be honest, with me being just an average citizen I have no idea what thoughts he might have had with regards to support from allies. What I do know was that he was starting to get intense pressure from the Taliban who had already allowed him to prolong things quite a while from the date Trump had set up when he negotiated the withdrawal. I also remember that in spite of the word being put out to American citizens as early as June to get out of the country many continued to linger right up to the last minute which helped to complicate the evacuation of people. Another complicating factor was that Trump left the State department grossly understaffed which had the effect of slowing down the process of processing applications from Afghan citizens wishing to leave and that helped to create the panic that led to people trying to climb on to the plane as it was trying to take off. They were acting like that plane was the last flight leaving the country which it wasn't. Anyone that had been admitted inside the fence surrounding the airport would have been evacuated since to get in there you had to show proof that you were eligible for refugee status. The only people who had reason to panic were the crowds of people outside the fence surrounding the airport as they were the ones potentially facing a threat from the Taliban and they were the ones who either waited until the last second to decide to leave or that were still waiting for approval as refugees because the State department was so behind on processing applications. It's also worth noting that while the blame usually falls on the President because he's the Commander in Chief he really isn't as directly involved as some might think. He depends on people in the State Department and the Defense Department to present a viable plan and then carry out that plan and report back on their progress. It's also important to note that all along his military commanders were assuring him he had several weeks to several months before the Capital and the airport would fall to Taliban control. Nobody expected the Taliban to take control as quickly as they did. So even though the blame fell on him because he was the commander in chief it was really many of the people he trusted to get things done that were responsible for how badly the withdrawal went. I seriously doubt that Trump would have done any better had he won the election. Although given his approach to things like refugees he would likely have made things easier by just ordering the state department to refuse all applications for refugee status which would have been unconscionable since most of them had helped the Americans when they occupied Afghanistan and as such were facing execution by the Taliban for being traitors.


Well-known member
All Putin wants is Ukraine NOT to join NATO and be a weapons depot for the west. If they stop him and then get really stoopit and join NATO, watch out. I think he will make things worse until they see the light, and quit being the globalist's puppets.

Xiden went on vacation. Now that's leadership.

it's not up to him what other countries do. only reason they have weapons is because of the asshole next door that keeps threatening them. puppets? like you and The Chump? better get back to licking boots, you're falling further behind. POTUS is POTUS no matter where he is. still in contact with the folks that need his attention, i'd bet. the guy with the football is right there with him if the need arises, just like always. you don't know fuck about "leadership" obviously...being a Chumpanzee & all.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Lo resaltado en negrita no es correcto, sino un tópico histórico: Stalin solo firmó el pacto con Hitler para ganar tiempo, pues sabía que tarde o temprano Hitler le atacaría (pero se equivocó al creer que Hitler tardaría mucho más). La prueba la tienes en la Guerra Civil Española que hizo de ensayo y antesala a la IIGM: Stalin intentó militarmente que Hitler se desgastara todo lo que pudiese en su apoyo militar a los golpistas fascistas, apoyando el mismo militarmente al gobierno legítimo y democrático de la II República Española (a pesar de todo lo que Stalin odiaba a la democracia, o a los partidos socialistas/comunistas que abogaban por conquistar democráticamente el poder).
De echo, mi abuelo materno luchó junto a los tanques T-26 rusos con la cobertura de los Polykarpov I-16 y Tupolev SB, contra el bando de mi otro abuelo, que era apoyado por los Panzer I nazis y la Luftwaffe.

What is highlighted in bold is not correct, but a historical cliché: Stalin only signed the pact with Hitler to gain time, because he knew that sooner or later Hitler would attack him (but he was wrong in believing that Hitler would take much longer). The proof is in the Spanish Civil War that was a rehearsal and prelude to WWII: Stalin tried militarily to make Hitler wear out as much as he could in his military support to the fascist coup plotters, supporting himself militarily the legitimate and democratic government of the II Spanish Republic (in spite of all that Stalin hated democracy, or the socialist/communist parties that advocated the democratic conquest of power).
In fact, my maternal grandfather fought alongside the T-26 tanks with the cover of Polykarpov I-16s and Tupolev SBs of Soviet Red Army, against my other grandfather's side, which was supported by the Panzer I and the Luftwaffe of German Nazi Army.

Okay perhaps you are right and Stalin would have turned on Hitler first if Hitler was sufficiently weakened before he started going after the USSR. As it turned out though, by the end of 1940, Hitler had issued Führer Directive 21, an order for Germany’s planned invasion of the Soviet Union. Codenamed Operation Barbarossa—after the nickname of the powerful Medieval Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I (1122-1190)—the invasion called for German troops to advance along a line running north-south from the port of Archangel to the port of Astrakhan on the Volga River, near the Caspian Sea. Hitler hoped to repeat the success of the blitzkrieg in Western Europe and win a quick victory over the massive nation he viewed as Germany’s sworn enemy. On June 22, 1941, more than 3 million German and Axis troops invaded the Soviet Union along an 1,800-mile-long front, launching Operation Barbarossa. It was Germany’s largest invasion force of the war, representing some 80 percent of the Wehrmacht, the German armed forces, and one of the most powerful invasion forces in history. Despite repeated warnings, Stalin refused to believe that Hitler was planning an attack, and the German invasion caught the Red Army unprepared. With a three-pronged attack toward Leningrad in the north, Moscow in the center and Ukraine in the south, German panzer (tank) divisions and Luftwaffe (air force) helped Germany gain an early advantage against the numerous but poorly trained Soviet troops. On the first day of the attack alone, the Luftwaffe managed to shoot down more than 1,000 Soviet aircraft. German forces initially moved quickly along the vast front, taking millions of Soviet soldiers as prisoners. The Einsatzgruppen, or armed SS death squads, followed in the army’s wake, seeking out and killing many civilians, especially Soviet Jews. Hitler’s directives for the invasion included the Commissar Order, which authorized the immediate execution of all captured enemy officers. Many Soviet prisoners of war (POWs) were also killed immediately upon capture, another practice that violated international war protocols. While they made territorial gains, German forces also sustained heavy casualties, as the Soviets’ numerical advantage and the strength of their resistance proved greater than expected. By the end of August, with German panzer divisions just 220 miles from the Soviet capital, Hitler ordered—over the protests of his generals—that the drive against Moscow be delayed in favor of focusing on Ukraine to the south. Kiev fell to the Wehrmacht by the end of September. In the north, Germans managed (with aid of Finnish allies) to cut Leningrad off from the rest of Russia, but they weren’t strong enough to take the city itself. Instead, Hitler ordered his forces to starve Leningrad into submission, beginning a siege that would end up lasting some 872 days. In early October, Hitler ordered the launch of Operation Typhoon, the German offensive against Moscow. The delay had given the Soviets time to strengthen the defense of their capital with some 1 million troops and 1,000 new T-34 tanks. After a successful initial assault, the muddy roads of autumn—known as Rasputitsa, or quagmire season—literally stalled the German offensive outside Moscow, where they ran into the improved Russian defenses. In mid-November, panzer divisions attempted a final attempt to encircle Moscow, getting within 12 miles of the city. But reinforcements from Siberia helped the Red Army beat back the attack, halting the German offensive for good as the brutal winter weather arrived. Soviet forces mounted a surprise counterattack in early December, putting the Germans on the defensive and forcing them into retreat. Despite its territorial gains and the damage inflicted on the Red Army, Operation Barbarossa failed in its primary objective: to force the Soviet Union to capitulate. Though Hitler blamed the winter weather for the failure of the Moscow offensive, the entire operation had suffered from a lack of long-term strategic planning. Counting on a quick victory, the Germans had failed to set up adequate supply lines to deal with the vast distances and the harsh terrain. They had also underestimated the strength of the Soviet resistance, which Stalin skillfully encouraged with his calls to defend “Mother Russia.” Hitler’s Commissar Order and other ruthless behavior on the part of the Germans also served to solidify the Red Army’s determination to fight until the end. Fighting was far from over on the Eastern Front, and Hitler ordered another major strategic offensive against the Soviet Union in June 1942. Thanks to similar obstacles, it eventually met with failure as well, with the Battle of Stalingrad in 1943 helping turn the tide decisively toward the Allied Powers in World War II.

Source: https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/operation-barbarossa


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
All Putin wants is Ukraine NOT to join NATO and be a weapons depot for the west. If they stop him and then get really stoopit and join NATO, watch out. I think he will make things worse until they see the light, and quit being the globalist's puppets.

Xiden went on vacation. Now that's leadership.

You make it sound like he flew down to Cancun or something, he's just an hour or so away by car over in Delaware and even less time by Marine 1 and as such he's been involved daily steadily increasing sanctions, sending financial aid and weapons. Putin has seriously miscalculated and when he loses this war the sanctions won't be lifted as long as he's in power. Effectively all he has accomplished is the complete collapse of his economy and the set back of his military and space program by several decades. With the way things are going for him now the only smart move when he loses will be to resign office and fade into history as the leader that brought Russia back to the days of people standing in long lines for hours just to get a loaf of bread.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
You make it sound like he flew down to Cancun or something, he's just an hour or so away by car over in Delaware and even less time by Marine 1 and as such he's been involved daily steadily increasing sanctions, sending financial aid and weapons. Putin has seriously miscalculated and when he loses this war the sanctions won't be lifted as long as he's in power. Effectively all he has accomplished is the complete collapse of his economy and the set back of his military and space program by several decades. With the way things are going for him now the only smart move when he loses will be to resign office and fade into history as the leader that brought Russia back to the days of people standing in long lines for hours just to get a loaf of bread.

I believe we're taking a bit of a gamble with the sanctions, especially kicking the Russian banks out of SWIFT. China has the CIPS program in place that does the same thing, though on a smaller scale (for now). Russia also has it's own version, but mostly for the domestic banks.

China’s SWIFT alternative may undercut US sanctions

China’s Cross-Border International Payments System could give Russia a lifeline and accelerate de-dollarization

Washington’s new sanctions against Russia were no match for President Biden’s rhetoric, leaving out the most obvious measure that the United States might take to hurt Moscow, namely exclusion from the SWIFT international payments system.
Banks conduct virtually all hard-currency transactions via SWIFT, or the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. But a new Chinese alternative might allow Russia to conduct most of its trade in yuan rather than dollars.
China’s Cross-Border International Payments System (CIPS), founded in 2015, is still under development and includes only 80 foreign banks. But there is no reason in principle that CIPS can’t substitute for SWIFT. And if Russia successfully shifts its trade payments out of the dollar system, the blow to American prestige and power would be enormous.

De-dollarization of trade is under debate in Western Europe. Germany’s Manager Magazine wrote on February 14, “Exclusion from the international payment system SWIFT is considered the sharpest sword that the West could wield as an economic sanction against Russia.
“However, it is a double-edged sword: the economic consequences would not only be serious in Russia, but also in Western Europe. In addition, the decoupling of Russia and China from the US dollar would be accelerated. Both countries are already working on competing payment systems.”
Russia also has developed an interbank messaging system, which now covers about 20% of domestic financial payments.
China’s yuan has advantages and disadvantages as a dollar substitute. It has gained about 8% against the US dollar since the Covid recession began in early 2020.
China’s consumer inflation rate stands around 1% year-on-year vs. 7.5% in the US, and the yuan to some extent has acted as a hedge against dollar inflation, as I wrote on February 17.

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