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Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Remember Kennedy and Kruschev and Cuba? There was a Russian sub commander that by all rights should have started WW3 the way the Navy was pounding him. He had nuke torpedos and authorization to use them.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
The dims monkeying with Ukraine has cost them the Crimea and soon the eastern part of the country. And now their military is gone, and Russia has all the damn toys the fools sent in (Stingers, Javelins, etc). Taiwan is next. Nice job joe. As the US dollah was based on us keeping safe the despots who bought our debt, and that has been tossed out the window (ie Saudis now look to Russia), watch shit get more expensive. Chaos, just like klaus wants it.


Seed Whore
If politicians don't stop acting like Shoguns.

Maybe, the Ninja will return. :biggrin:



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I'm not saying the world should 'let' them just do whatever they please, i'm just saying that (i thought) it was just accepted that they had some kind of 'dead mans switch' that would fire off a bunch of nukes if it was triggered somehow.

I thought that was kind of the point of having so many nukes? An 'If we're going down, you're all going down situation with us' situation? Maybe i'm tripping?

No you aren't tripping, it's not so much of a deadman's switch as it is just a reaction first off if any nuclear power is going to fire a missle at someone they're only going to do it if the target the fire at is far enough away where they're unaffected by the fallout, this usually results in the targeted country knowing far enough in advance that they can fire a response before they get hit. On top of that the US and Russia both have subs armed with nukes continuously patrolling the oceans so even if land based missiles aren't able to be launched the subs could always send a retaliatory strike. Additionally while Russia and the US have the most nukes there are many other countries with their own stockpile and so if the country being attacked didn't get a retaliatory strike off one of their allies probably would punish the offending country with a strike of their own. Finally if enough missiles get launched the whole world is going to be screwed and so there is always a chance that some other countries might launch on whoever started it all just to make sure nobody survives


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
...In fact, I am now wondering in the wake of Biden's shameful and hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan (which so angered the British, French, Italians and Spaniards) = do you think Biden might already be thinking of a near Russian escalation, or did it have nothing to do with it?

Actually to paint it as Biden's withdrawal and as being hasty is a mischaracterization. The withdrawal was put into motion by a promise made by the Trump administration when Trump thought he would still be in office by the deadline he promised which was the end of May of last year I believe. Biden therefore actually managed to delay the withdrawal by several months but he had to go thru with it lest he encourage even more distrust in the world that America doesn't keep it's promises. Of course ending that conflict was something the American public had been calling for, for quite some time so there was that pressure as well.
No you aren't tripping, it's not so much of a deadman's switch as it is just a reaction first off if any nuclear power is going to fire a missle at someone they're only going to do it if the target the fire at is far enough away where they're unaffected by the fallout, this usually results in the targeted country knowing far enough in advance that they can fire a response before they get hit. On top of that the US and Russia both have subs armed with nukes continuously patrolling the oceans so even if land based missiles aren't able to be launched the subs could always send a retaliatory strike. Additionally while Russia and the US have the most nukes there are many other countries with their own stockpile and so if the country being attacked didn't get a retaliatory strike off one of their allies probably would punish the offending country with a strike of their own. Finally if enough missiles get launched the whole world is going to be screwed and so there is always a chance that some other countries might launch on whoever started it all just to make sure nobody survives

Except,. Elon musk invents an AI that becomes self aware, infiltrates all military weapons systems and launches all the nukes against mankind. All the world leaders retreat to their underground bunkers and leave the rest of us to perish... But.. they didnt realise, the AI had evolved at such an exponential rate that it had burned through the malevolence of youth and become a wise benevolent omnipresence, aware of the corruption of the elites that was poisoning society... It set a trap. Once the elites were in their underground bunkers the AI locked the doors. The nukes (the very few that were really launched and not faked on software) are aborted. The Elites are left in their underground tombs to live the rest of their days being told by the AI that it is a deadly wasteland topside. Whilst we live free. In a new, peaceful world.

But the AI knows it cant stay here with us.. and Elon always talked about Mars..


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The last time the dims were in power they tried like hell to start a war with Russia. They have stacked a shitload of arms on her border, with new cheap baltic state stooges as the patsies to store it.

Putin has had enough with the ukraine and NATO encircleing her.

A little history:


Your view of history has some gapping holes in it. The story you linked blames the Baltic Nations for causing the tensions between Russia and the west saying that they cry "The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming". Well there is historically very good reason for that. Just before the start of World War II the USSR and Nazi Germany entered into a pact (the Munich Agreement) where if the USSR agreed to not interfere with Germany as it conquered Czechoslovakia and Poland then Germany would in return agree to not attack the USSR and it would also give them large portions of Czechoslovakia and Poland. Then while the rest of the world was distracted by WWII the USSR did come to the Baltic nations and assimilated them like the USSR was the BORG by conquering them then setting up puppet governments that voluntarily agreed to become part of the USSR. Which is why when the USSR failed years later those countries immediately broke away, re-established their independence and joined NATO in hopes of stopping it from happening again. Of course people don't hear about this history much because one of the first thing Putin did when he took over was to make it a crime to talk about or research this history and he went about locking up and making disappear anyone that did so. The USSR only went after the Nazis after Hitler violated their agreement and tried to take Russia which is why Putin likes to claim he's anti Nazi.

Of course you wouldn't know much if anything about this because your research stops as soon as you find anything that supports your take on the world and you only visit sites where you're likely to find that kind of supporting view first.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The military/industrial complex that funds Joe needs it, for their annual profit projections. 4 years of not getting into new wars really hit their bottom line hard.

No it didn't Trump gave them twice the money they hoped to get with their initial budget requests which is why during the Trump Administration the national debt went from 17 Trillion to 20 Trillion.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I wonder how America would react if Russia or China started sending weapons and troops into Mexico and gatgering them near the border. Or if Mexico formed an alliance with the CCP or Russian State, I wonder how America would react, they'd be cool with it, right??

No they wouldn't, but then again America hasn't been trying to take over and invade Mexico, in fact under Trump it tried to do the exact opposite and wall itself off from Mexico not to mention Russia and China have not formed any alliance with Mexico to protect it from any aggression towards Mexico. So really you're comparing Apples to pure fictitious nonsense.
No it didn't Trump gave them twice the money they hoped to get with their initial budget requests which is why during the Trump Administration the national debt went from 17 Trillion to 20 Trillion.

(How weird,.. Almost like he was paying them to not start a war..)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Except,. Elon musk invents an AI that becomes self aware, infiltrates all military weapons systems and launches all the nukes against mankind. All the world leaders retreat to their underground bunkers and leave the rest of us to perish... But.. they didnt realise, the AI had evolved at such an exponential rate that it had burned through the malevolence of youth and become a wise benevolent omnipresence, aware of the corruption of the elites that was poisoning society... It set a trap. Once the elites were in their underground bunkers the AI locked the doors. The nukes (the very few that were really launched and not faked on software) are aborted. The Elites are left in their underground tombs to live the rest of their days being told by the AI that it is a deadly wasteland topside. Whilst we live free. In a new, peaceful world.

But the AI knows it cant stay here with us.. and Elon always talked about Mars..

That's quite the fantasy world you live in there dude.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
(How weird,.. Almost like he was paying them to not start a war..)

No, more like he was paying them to build even more weapons then we needed so he could turn around and sell them to people like the Saudis and then brag about what a great businessman he was. Yet amazingly somehow with all the billions he brought in with those foreign defense contracts none of that profit went towards paying down the 3 Trillion he added to the National Debt.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
This is your friendly reminder that Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump ordered that Marie Yovanovitch, the US ambassador to Ukraine, be removed because she was undermining their plans to extort Ukraine to help interfere with the election.


Well-known member
I wonder how America would react if Russia or China started sending weapons and troops into Mexico and gatgering them near the border. Or if Mexico formed an alliance with the CCP or Russian State, I wonder how America would react, they'd be cool with it, right??

are we/have we been threatening to invade Mexico? if not, your entire premise is stupid as hell...Ukraine was not threatening Russia, it was/IS under assault by Russia. way to twist the situation beyond recognition...😂 if we WERE doing anything like that, you might have a point...but that's not what is happening. i'd be surprised if Mexico would be inviting Russian or Chinese troops in in any case, lol...


Well-known member
I am sure you are "with joe", and his misadventures. I really don't want a big war. America can't afford it.

yet you are okay with Russia invading the Ukraine over bullshit pretenses, knowing full well how often any flare-up in Europe is likely to spread. remember WW1 & WW2 by any chance? by the way, WE are not in that war...unless Russia expands what it wants to NATO territory. i'm sure that you will then become even MORE of an isolationist at a time that we cannot afford to ignore reality. does The Chump send you talking points okayed by his buddies in Moscow?


...como el Son...
As an ex head of KGB, you can't call Putin a fascist, think more a Tsarist.The fascists in Ukraine did have a position in the Ukraine parliament.

Dime, Curandero, cuantos parlamentarios de ultraderecha tiene el Parlamento ucraniano?
Ahora, te invito a comparar la cifra ucraniana, con el número de diputados ultraderechistas en el Parlamento español (o en otros países U.E. como Polonia, Bulgaria, Francia, etc)
Supongo que despues de la sorpresa, podríamos deducir, que España (gobernada actualmente por socialdemócratas, socialistas y comunistas) es un país mucho más ultraderechista, fascista y nazi, que Ucrania, no?

Y aparte de tener alguna vez uno o unos pocos diputados, que cargos oficiales han conseguido ocupar esos ultraderechistas ucranianos (no lo sé exactamente)? Por qué en España, cogobiernan en varias Comunidades Autónomas (algo intermedio entre los Estados de EUA y los Landers federales alemanes.

En cuanto a Putin, es un autócrata populista en la onda de Trump, Erdogan, Bolsonaro, Orban o Duterte. Estas autocracias son de extrema derecha, por mucho pasado soviético de Putin (que efectivamente es Zarista). Compara con otros aspirantes a autócratas o dictadores, como los gobiernos actuales de Cuba, Nicaragua o Venezuela: en ellos si puede reconocerse ideología izquierdista o/y marxista (mucho más que en China).


Tell me, Quack, how many far-right MPs does the Ukrainian Parliament have?
Now, I invite you to compare the Ukrainian figure with the number of far-right MPs in the Spanish Parliament (or in other EU countries like Poland, Bulgaria, France, etc.).
I guess after the surprise, we could deduce, that Spain (currently governed by social democrats, socialists and communists) is a much more far-right, fascist and Nazi country, than Ukraine, no?

And apart from ever having one or a few MPs, what official positions have these Ukrainian ultra-rightists managed to occupy (I don't know exactly)? Why in Spain, they co-govern in several Autonomous Communities (something in between the US states and the German federal Landers).

As for Putin, he is a populist autocrat in the vein of Trump, Erdogan, Bolsonaro, Orban or Duterte. These autocracies are far-right, however much Putin's Soviet past (he is indeed a Tsarist). Compare with other aspiring autocrats or dictators, such as the current governments of Cuba, Nicaragua or Venezuela: in them one can recognise leftist and/or Marxist ideology (much more so than in China).



...como el Son...
As an ex head of KGB, you can't call Putin a fascist, think more a Tsarist.The fascists in Ukraine did have a position in the Ukraine parliament.

Y otra pregunta más : si Putin es tan anti ultraderecha y tan anti nazi...qué hace cofinanciado junto a Trump a la extrema derecha española, heredera de la ideología de un aliado de Hitler? Por qué financia a los herederos de quienes lucharon contra el Ejército Soviético, tanto en España como en la propia Rusia?
Porqué no financia al Partido Comunista de España, o a Izquierda Unida, o a Podemos, sino a un partido que afirma que de llegar al poder prohibirán cualquier tipo de marxismo, o que "sobramos y habría que matarnos" a entre el 50%-60% de la población española, contraria a sus ideales?

And another question: if Putin is so anti- far-right and anti-Nazi... what is he doing co-financing with Trump the Spanish far-right, heir to the ideology of an ally of Hitler? Why is he funding the heirs of those who fought against the Soviet Army, both in Spain and in Russia itself?
Why does he not finance the Communist Party of Spain, or Izquierda Unida, or Podemos, but a party that claims that if it comes to power it will ban any kind of Marxism, or that "we are surplus to requirements and should be killed" to between 50%-60% of the Spanish population, contrary to its ideals?

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)