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Well-known member
does The Chump send you talking points okayed by his buddies in Moscow?

Putin didn't attack Ukraine under Trump, but apparently he feels he can get away with it while Biden is in office. I know you are to partisan to understand what im getting at, perhaps if you could get Trump off your mind for once it would make sense.


...como el Son...
NATO should not be trying to expand. The only reason to do so would be to start the biggest war ever. It is not a peaceful goal.

Understand that if one NATO country is attacked, then the mutual defense treaty kicks in and we have to go to war together. So the more expansion = more chance for conflict. More regime change= more chance for conflict = greater chance for WW3. NATO is acting like a bully and is repeating almost exactly what the Nazis were trying to achieve with their expansion. Russia has legitimate cause for concern. NATO is hostile and desperate to enter into another "war to end all wars."

Creo que mi ideología marxista anti-OTAN y anti-Gringoland Empire está más que clara : Pero que derecho tengo yo a imponer mi visión al resto de los españoles, suecos o fineses, si hay mayoría que prefiera está opción, en lugar de la "neutralidad" o "no alineación"? : Ninguna; y aún así más que Putin, que no es ni ciudadano de la UE.

Y matizaciones, por qué "todo es matizable" : Cuantos aliados OTAN declararon la guerra a Argentina y acudieron a ayudar al R.U. cuando Argentina invadio las Islas Malvinas? Cuantos aliados OTAN declararon la guerra a Marruecos acudieron a ayudar a España cuando Marruecos invadió Isla Perejil?...
Y por contra y como ya le ha comunicado el gobierno español a Putin : cree Putin que porqué no sea de la OTAN un país de la UE como Suecia o Finlandia, los demás miembros de la UE va a consentir que Rusia lo amenace?

I think my Marxist anti-NATO and anti-Gringoland Empire ideology is more than clear : But what right do I have to impose my vision on the rest of Spaniards, Swedes or Finns, if there is a majority who prefer this option, rather than "neutrality" or "non-alignment" ? None; and even more so than Putin, who is not even an EU citizen.

And nuance, because "everything is nuanced" : How many NATO allies declared war on Argentina and came to the UK's aid when Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands? How many NATO allies declared war on Morocco and came to Spain's aid when Morocco invaded the Perejil Island?
And on the other hand, as the Spanish government has already communicated to Putin: does Putin believe that because an EU country like Sweden or Finland is not a NATO member, the other EU members will allow Russia to threaten them?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
The dims monkeying with Ukraine has cost them the Crimea and soon the eastern part of the country. And now their military is gone, and Russia has all the damn toys the fools sent in (Stingers, Javelins, etc). Taiwan is next. Nice job joe. As the US dollah was based on us keeping safe the despots who bought our debt, and that has been tossed out the window (ie Saudis now look to Russia), watch shit get more expensive. Chaos, just like klaus wants it.

What if the some of the weapons left behind have new technology and the Russians take it back to their labs for engineers to reverse configure?. Naturally they will send some to China, their new ally. What if it is really a Trojan horse which releases a deadly virus made to effect only certain DNA types? Is that a good one Trempy?


Active member
Putin didn't attack Ukraine under Trump, but apparently he feels he can get away with it while Biden is in office. I know you are to partisan to understand what im getting at, perhaps if you could get Trump off your mind for once it would make sense.

Seems more along the lines of this was Putin's plan all along, going back 20+ years. You know, the long game.

What difference do you really think it makes, who the US president is?

Not one bit.

I am proud of the US Military, and the real-time information it is providing to Ukraine's armed forces. That does seem to be making a big difference, and Putin isn't waltzing in the way he fantasized. Let's all hope and pray this is the beginning of HIS end, one way or another.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
This is your friendly reminder that Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump ordered that Marie Yovanovitch, the US ambassador to Ukraine, be removed because she was undermining their plans to extort Ukraine to help interfere with the election.

Ah yes, the famous American short term memory.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Putin didn't attack Ukraine under Trump, but apparently he feels he can get away with it while Biden is in office. I know you are to partisan to understand what im getting at, perhaps if you could get Trump off your mind for once it would make sense.

For those who believe that this action was not being planned as far back as 2020 (2019), you know little of the construct of such.


Well-known member
For those who believe that this action was not being planned as far back as 2020 (2019), you know little of the construct of such.

For those who believe Putin wouldn't wait for a weak commander and chief, you know little of the construct of such.


...como el Son...
I wonder how America would react if Russia or China started sending weapons and troops into Mexico and gatgering them near the border. Or if Mexico formed an alliance with the CCP or Russian State, I wonder how America would react, they'd be cool with it, right??

Jodido está el mundo si en lugar de criticar y luchar contra ambos imperialismos, preferimos justificarlos y aceptarlos.
Eso sí, Donald Trump no necesita que México cambie su estatus de aliado de EUA actual, ni entre en románticos escarceos con Rusia o China, para declarar que si el estuviera ahora en el poder, haría con México lo mismo que Putin con Ucrania.

The world is fucked if instead of criticizing and fighting against both imperialisms, we prefer to justify and accept them.
Of course, Donald Trump does not need Mexico to change its status as a current US ally, nor enter into romantic dalliances with Russia or China, to declare that if he were now in power, he would do the same with Mexico as Putin did with Ukraine.


...como el Son...
Actually to paint it as Biden's withdrawal and as being hasty is a mischaracterization. The withdrawal was put into motion by a promise made by the Trump administration when Trump thought he would still be in office by the deadline he promised which was the end of May of last year I believe. Biden therefore actually managed to delay the withdrawal by several months but he had to go thru with it lest he encourage even more distrust in the world that America doesn't keep it's promises. Of course ending that conflict was something the American public had been calling for, for quite some time so there was that pressure as well.

Gracias por la opinión e información: Pero el echo físico de la retirada como tal fue gestionado por Biden, no? Y como podemos justificar como fue esa retirada, con gente cayendo del exterior de nuestros aviones militares de transporte, el atentado a los civiles por los extremistas, o los civiles muertos por drones estadounidenses?
Acaso no contaba con el apoyo incondicional británico, francés, italiano y español para prolongar unos días más la evacuación de civiles afganos?

Thanks for the opinion and information: But the physical fact of the withdrawal as such was managed by Biden, wasn't it? And how can we justify how that withdrawal went, with people falling from the outside of our military transport planes, the attack on civilians by Islamist fundamentalist extremists or civilians killed by US drones?
Did he not count on the unconditional British, French, Italian and Spanish support to prolong the evacuation of Afghan civilians for a few more days?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
For those who believe Putin wouldn't wait for a weak commander and chief, you know little of the construct of such.

Quite possible. However that implies he anticipated a weak commander and chief. Do you really believe Trump is strong?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Jodido está el mundo si en lugar de criticar y luchar contra ambos imperialismos, preferimos justificarlos y aceptarlos.
Eso sí, Donald Trump no necesita que México cambie su estatus de aliado de EUA actual, ni entre en románticos escarceos con Rusia o China, para declarar que si el estuviera ahora en el poder, haría con México lo mismo que Putin con Ucrania.

The world is fucked if instead of criticizing and fighting against both imperialisms, we prefer to justify and accept them.
Of course, Donald Trump does not need Mexico to change its status as a current US ally, nor enter into romantic dalliances with Russia or China, to declare that if he were now in power, he would do the same with Mexico as Putin did with Ukraine.

One thing of note; China virtually owns the major seaports in Mexico. Unloading is much cheaper there to mainline the American market. The paradox is that, although cheap, transported through Mexico to the US, the Mexican government imposes high tariffs, import regulations and expensive licensing on its own citizens, making it difficult to take advantage of these goods.


Active member
For those who believe Putin wouldn't wait for a weak commander and chief, you know little of the construct of such.

So you agree Obama was a strong leader. The planning predates 2010. This is Putin’s bucket list. He is once again afraid of a strong America. Trumpers are still kissing his ass , looking for favors.


...como el Son...
(...) The USSR only went after the Nazis after Hitler violated their agreement and tried to take Russia (...)

Lo resaltado en negrita no es correcto, sino un tópico histórico: Stalin solo firmó el pacto con Hitler para ganar tiempo, pues sabía que tarde o temprano Hitler le atacaría (pero se equivocó al creer que Hitler tardaría mucho más). La prueba la tienes en la Guerra Civil Española que hizo de ensayo y antesala a la IIGM: Stalin intentó militarmente que Hitler se desgastara todo lo que pudiese en su apoyo militar a los golpistas fascistas, apoyando el mismo militarmente al gobierno legítimo y democrático de la II República Española (a pesar de todo lo que Stalin odiaba a la democracia, o a los partidos socialistas/comunistas que abogaban por conquistar democráticamente el poder).
De echo, mi abuelo materno luchó junto a los tanques T-26 rusos con la cobertura de los Polykarpov I-16 y Tupolev SB, contra el bando de mi otro abuelo, que era apoyado por los Panzer I nazis y la Luftwaffe.

What is highlighted in bold is not correct, but a historical cliché: Stalin only signed the pact with Hitler to gain time, because he knew that sooner or later Hitler would attack him (but he was wrong in believing that Hitler would take much longer). The proof is in the Spanish Civil War that was a rehearsal and prelude to WWII: Stalin tried militarily to make Hitler wear out as much as he could in his military support to the fascist coup plotters, supporting himself militarily the legitimate and democratic government of the II Spanish Republic (in spite of all that Stalin hated democracy, or the socialist/communist parties that advocated the democratic conquest of power).
In fact, my maternal grandfather fought alongside the T-26 tanks with the cover of Polykarpov I-16s and Tupolev SBs of Soviet Red Army, against my other grandfather's side, which was supported by the Panzer I and the Luftwaffe of German Nazi Army.


Active member

Seems more along the lines of this was Putin's plan all along, going back 20+ years. You know, the long game.

What difference do you really think it makes, who the US president is?

Not one bit.

I am proud of the US Military, and the real-time information it is providing to Ukraine's armed forces. That does seem to be making a big difference, and Putin isn't waltzing in the way he fantasized. Let's all hope and pray this is the beginning of HIS end, one way or another.

Putin’s worst mistake would be winning. Trying to keep control would not only be costly, it would be a political nightmare.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
Ah yes, the famous American short term memory.

:thank you:



...como el Son...
One thing of note; China virtually owns the major seaports in Mexico. Unloading is much cheaper there to mainline the American market. The paradox is that, although cheap, transported through Mexico to the US, the Mexican government imposes high tariffs, import regulations and expensive licensing on its own citizens, making it difficult to take advantage of these goods.

China también posee algunos de los mayores puertos de países de la UE integrados en la OTAN (verdad, italianos?).
China a conseguido modificar la Constitución y la Ley de Justicia Universal de un país de la UE y la OTAN como España (Ni siquiera EUA, su principal aliado internacional, que tenía a varios militares en busca y captura por la justicia española, había logrado eso con sus presiones)

Ya sabemos que China está comprando se todo el planeta, sin reparar en ideologías sociopolíticas.

China also has some of the largest ports in NATO member countries of the EU (right, Italians?).
China has managed to modify the Constitution and the Universal Justice Law of an EU and NATO country like Spain (Not even the USA, its main international ally, which had several military men wanted for murder in Iraq by the Spanish justice system, had achieved that with its pressures).

We already know that China is buying the whole planet, regardless of socio-political ideologies.


...como el Son...
The French government offers to take the Ukrainian into exile. At the same time, the Ukrainian government urgently asks the British for heavy weapons for what remains of its army (it seems that the UK will continue to support them; they have been its main supporter), and to the Spanish government asks for light infantry weapons to be able to arm its civilian population.

Al menos en sus declaraciones públicas que difunde los informativos en España, el gobierno francés ofrece al ucraniano 300 millones de euros, así como su disponibilidad a enviarles material defensivo. El britanico ofrece "armas defensivas y material no letal". Así mismo, la Ministra de Defensa española dice que su gobierno aceptará la petición de armamento ligero de infanteria, más 20 toneladas de ayuda humanitaria, ya en camino.
At least in its public statements broadcast by the news in Spain, the French government is now offering the Ukrainian government 300 million euros, as well as its readiness to send them defensive material. The British government offers "defensive weapons and non-lethal material". Likewise, the Spanish Minister of Defense says that her government will accept the request for light infantry weapons, plus 20 tons of humanitarian aid, already on its way.


...como el Son...
Italia​ ​​​y Alemania, la Europa tibia con Moscú:
El presidente Zelenski arremete contra Mario Draghi, frustrado por su posición y la de Alemania, Hungría y Chipre contra medidas punitivas más agresivas:

Italy and Germany, Europe lukewarm towards Moscow.
President Zelenski lashes out at Mario Draghi, frustrated by his position and that of Germany, Hungary and Cyprus against more aggressive punitive measures:



...como el Son...
I think my Marxist anti-NATO and anti-Gringoland Empire ideology is more than clear : But what right do I have to impose my vision on the rest of Spaniards, Swedes or Finns, if there is a majority who prefer this option, rather than "neutrality" or "non-alignment" ? None; and even more so than Putin, who is not even an EU citizen.

And nuance, because "everything is nuanced" : How many NATO allies declared war on Argentina and came to the UK's aid when Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands? How many NATO allies declared war on Morocco and came to Spain's aid when Morocco invaded the Perejil Islet?
And on the other hand, as the Spanish government has already communicated to Putin: does Putin believe that because an EU country like Sweden or Finland is not a NATO member, the other EU members will allow Russia to threaten them?

By the way, and in case anyone tells me that the Falkland Islands are south of the Tropic of Cancer (because here there is a higher geopolitical level than in Rollo It Up, heh, heh, heh):
Argentina tried to blow up Gibraltar with a spy commando, whose terrorist operation was aborted by Spain and the Argentine commando was arrested (despite Spanish support Argentina), and Gibraltar is British European territory North of the Tropic of Cancer.
( Gypsy Nirvana I think if you will know this episode of the Falklands/Malvinas War: you were in British territory during the war?
​​​I was a child: my father worked welding ships for the Argentines).
Likewise, all Spanish islands, whether European or African (such as the Islet of Perejil), are north of the Tropic of Cancer...

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