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...como el Son...
I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic Russia has long been trying to frame Ukraine as a Nazi influenced nation even though they've never been able to produce evidence of such claims and it ignores the fact that Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky is Jewish. Seems a bit of a stretch to paint a country run by a President that is Jewish would engage in Nazi like behavior. It's also worth noting that the USSR had no problem with the Nazi's until Hitler broke the secret treaty they had with Hitler to split up Czechoslovakia and Poland, later after he felt the USSR was no longer a threat. It was only after that betrayal that the USSR went on the offensive against Hitler's Nazi forces. It's also interesting to note that Putin more recently made it a jailable offense for anyone in Russia to research or report this less then appealing aspect of Russia's role in WWII or to mention any of the many other less then admirable behaviors the Soviet forces engaged in while cooperating with Germany.

It is just populist rhetoric in the face of the Russian population and troops to dehumanise the enemy.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
In times like this, I ask myself, what would trump do? Whose ass would he kiss?

Nothing just like he did nothing in 2018 when Russia and Ukraine also engaged in combat following an incident now known as "Kerch Strait incident" where Russian FSB forces captured 3 Ukrainian Naval ships injuring 6 Ukrainian sailors. They then confiscated the three naval vessels and took 24 sailors (including 3 of the injured that were hospitalized) and held them hostage for 60 days.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i'm sure all Russian citizens were sitting at home quaking in their shoes for fear the "massive" Ukrainian military would roll right over them any day now... grow up...

Well at least the 1000 or so Anti War Protestors the Russian police arrested today in front of the Kremlin.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
no news media saying that. i'm sure you believe it. "Putin calls for submission" would be far more accurate...as would "entropical awarded highest Russian honor for going above & beyond in his support of Russian aggression". Putin will probably invite you to Moscow so you can lick the blood from his boots...

Well you're right about the Ukranian Air defenses being neutralised but as for the Denazification thing there is this




and this


but they also explain how and why it's "fake news" although I'm sure there is some Russian Media Sources who paint it more the way entropical is trying to paint it.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I think everybody knows that if Russia gets attacked there's a guaranteed mutual destruction for the rest of us (or most of us).

It depends on how he's attacked and if we pursue him into Russia if we are able to push him out of whatever NATO country he might invade. If we stop at the Russian border then guaranteed mutual destruction is highly unlikely but if it does happen keep in mind that Russia will be part of that mutual destruction. Of course if we do stop at the Russian Border but leave Putin in power he'll likely just try again after we leave.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Bonaparte & Hitler were the only two i can come up with at the moment that actually ATTACKED Russia. Japan & Russia had a bit of a tiff way back, but i'm not up to date on who started it. but you can't let them just "annex" whatever the fuck they want for fear they won't like it when you say "no"....their economy is knee-deep in shit except for oil & gas exports, so economic sanctions may work...eventually. the prices for those commodities is rising, but who is going to want to buy from them since THEY are the reason the price is going up? they don't have the money for a long war, nor can they afford prolonged sanctions. they obviously don't care to lose soldiers, but their wallet is their weak spot. like in boxing, you don't have to knock them out to win, enough hard body shots & they just quit. JMHO

The sanctions and the war are already having a significant impact the Russian stock market plunged by an average of 45% representing a couple hundred billion in lost value and similarly the Russian Ruble has lost 45% of it's value and since the US and NATO countries have cut off the avenues by which Russians can exchange their Rubles for dollars or sterling the Oligarchs must be feeling the pinch.


...como el Son...
By the way and as an observation to the American public= I don't know if Biden has made any changes in US Intelligence, but it seems that they are doing a much better job in this war than in Afghanistan or Iraq...

member 505892

Bonaparte & Hitler were the only two i can come up with at the moment that actually ATTACKED Russia. Japan & Russia had a bit of a tiff way back, but i'm not up to date on who started it. but you can't let them just "annex" whatever the fuck they want for fear they won't like it when you say "no"....their economy is knee-deep in shit except for oil & gas exports, so economic sanctions may work...eventually. the prices for those commodities is rising, but who is going to want to buy from them since THEY are the reason the price is going up? they don't have the money for a long war, nor can they afford prolonged sanctions. they obviously don't care to lose soldiers, but their wallet is their weak spot. like in boxing, you don't have to knock them out to win, enough hard body shots & they just quit. JMHO

I'm not saying the world should 'let' them just do whatever they please, i'm just saying that (i thought) it was just accepted that they had some kind of 'dead mans switch' that would fire off a bunch of nukes if it was triggered somehow.

I thought that was kind of the point of having so many nukes? An 'If we're going down, you're all going down situation with us' situation? Maybe i'm tripping?


...como el Son...
Remember that in the Cold War, the US achieved victory, and the collapse of the USSR, by economics, not by direct military clash. It caused the Soviet economy to collapse, as military growth was the main Soviet response in its confrontation with the US.


...como el Son...
By the way and as an observation to the American public= I don't know if Biden has made any changes in US Intelligence, but it seems that they are doing a much better job in this war than in Afghanistan or Iraq...

...In fact, I am now wondering in the wake of Biden's shameful and hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan (which so angered the British, French, Italians and Spaniards) = do you think Biden might already be thinking of a near Russian escalation, or did it have nothing to do with it?


Active member
...In fact, I am now wondering in the wake of Biden's shameful and hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan (which so angered the British, French, Italians and Spaniards) = do you think Biden might already be thinking of a near Russian escalation, or did it have nothing to do with it?

The withdrawal was already planned when Biden took office.


Active member
- Not so long ago - the western alliance went into Iraq (claiming falsely that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction) - as Putin is now going into Ukraine - lobbing hundreds of missiles into their country - then invading with many thousands of troops/tanks/planes/helicopters etc - bloody warmongers - creating so many deaths of innocent non-combatants - and creating millions of refugee's too - these people have no respect or empathy for humanity - they are nothing more than mass murderers - whether you wish to call them communists or fascists - its all the same to me -

The neocons pushing the WMD story were the same neocons supplying Hussein with weaponry. Perhaps they had first hand knowledge. They were eager to take him out. America was wanting revenge. They would have accepted any story. They would have gone without any story. We wanted to kill something. Hussein needed taking out. Bush wanted a second term.


...como el Son...
The French government offers to take the Ukrainian into exile. At the same time, the Ukrainian government urgently asks the British for heavy weapons for what remains of its army (it seems that the UK will continue to support them; they have been its main supporter), and to the Spanish government asks for light infantry weapons to be able to arm its civilian population.

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