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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
At some point, enough is enough. He calls me a nazi sympathizer, I call him a piece of shit. In my book, he's getting off way too easy. If someone ever said that to my face, it would be the very last thing they ever did. No joking.

And you have such a peaceful sounding name. Seriously, half the people posting don't even know what a Nazi is. They would use Commie in the same way. I agree it is infuriating but really speakers corner is best thought of as entertainment, or leave it to the true nutters. It will eventually eat itself.


Well-known member
It's interesting the English are putting hats on. When you read Spain use non, but that non is 8.7%, The English are not using much. Boris's numbers hold up little better with a degree saving 7% and another degree another 7%, but still it all matters. If we can save enough for Europe to get some of our spare, that's a good thing.
The UK and a couple of USA teams are crowd funding I think. They want to boil water for making fuel, but not with coal or nuclear. They want to dig down deep to near the lava. It's always been the obvious choice, but our drills no good. They have a fricken laser beam, for want of a better description.

Volcanna It's a good few days since the Ukraine said they would quit with the NATO idea. Russia said that was just one of their demands, and they must all be met. NATO representatives said that would probably be for now, as it takes ages to join anyway.

I feel it's almost over. Russia have spent a month probing our moves. We ain't going to do shit. In that time they have shown they can hit things all over the Ukraine. A country like Russia likely has a lot of missiles. They probably can cut out Kiev once the month mark is reached. Claiming they tried.

Hard to believe we are sending Russia 700 million a day for fuel.
Thanks for the collection of info Montuno


Well-known member
Yeah, I hear ya man, I really do. I ignored him a few times when he called me what he did, I just couldn't this time.

FYI, you don't freebase the baby brains. You gotta chop 'em up and snort them!

waste of good brains. scramble good farm-fresh eggs, & mix the brains into scrapple to top the plate off. buttered toast too, of course...


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The only thing Q has said about JFKjr is that he is dead, was asked and answered directly. Anything else is some form of media hype.

Another thing Q has said many times is 'symbolism will be their downfall'. The Qanon hype in the media is nothing but the Lefts caricature of their LARP enemy. Don Quixote tilting at windmills....

Qanon is nothing but an internet handle.

We've already established you're an idiot and you more or less advised against listening to idiots so....


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Lol. It’s definitely proof that breakthroughs aren’t rare. Try to make concise point and not to ramble so much.

It's nothing of the sort, a graph lower on the same page shows nearly a flat line up to the month that Omicron emerged, clear evidence that it was rare up until Omicron. The sharpest spike in cases happened once Omicron started spreading. So the graph clearly shows that it was rare until Omicron which is what I've been saying all along. Again though you are too ignorant to see this. All you saw was a set of numbers that's not much lower then a different set of numbers and said, "Ah ha, proof" not being smart enough to realize don't say what you think they say because it doesn't indicate exactly when those numbers were taken. For all you know all of the cases of vaccinated people being infected happened around Oct. 2021 when there was a strain that was allowing breakthrough infections. I've been making concise points all along, try to get an education so you can recognize concise points or how to read graphs for that matter.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Wrong. The second line refers to jabbed people. Timeline is not necessarily relevant, here.

Actually the second line refers to people not yet protected by the vaccine which since the place that before partially vaccinated they see it as being less the partially vaccinated. Since the point of Volcanna's failed argument is to make the case that people protected by the vaccine still get infected then for all intents and purposes not yet protected by the vaccine = not vaccinated at least as far as it applies to Volcanna's argument. Timeline is completely relevant from the beginning of the vaccine program all the way up to last October when Omicron became active the line representing infections was almost flat then suddenly last October thru the holidays there was a huge spike in new infections. Since nothing indicates when the infections occurred in the data Volcanna presented it's very possible that all of the breakthrough cases happened at that time. Will all the unvaccinated or not yet protected could have been occurring the whole time.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Then NATO has lots of explaining to do for their actions over the last several decades.

No they don't, they never invaded Russia, in fact the only country NATO was never invited into was Iraq as that is the only time that artical 5 was ever put into play. Now the reason for that invasion did appear to be false but in one of your previous posts you tried to make the case Russia had the right to invade just on the belief that WMD (biological weapons) existed and might be soon used against Russia. Funny how when Putin does it you see it as perfectly legitimate but if anyone else does it then they need to be held accountable.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
It rapidly becomes a vicious cycle. They're committed to their beliefs now. It's too embarrassing for them to say they were wrong, so they double down. Look at how Trump acted, even in the face of being provably wrong, he simpy claimed that he was always right and had never made a mistake.

It's a cult and all cults end in some spectacular fashion.

Well giving Three Berries the benefit of the doubt he claims that Q denied that he ever said JFKjr was coming back to life (funny how three berries specified Jr when all along I only said JFK I mean where did he get the Jr from if not Q) Anyway obviously after his prediction failed Q saw the wisedom in saying he never said what we all know he said. I mean only a moron like Trump would cling to such an obviously blatant lie.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Speaking of Dear Leader, we got this little word salad gem from him regarding how the US should deal with Ukraine -

"Well what I would do, is I would, we would, we have tremendous military capability and what we can do without planes, to be honest with you, without 44 year old jets, what we can do is enormous, and we should be doing it and we should helping them to survive and they're doing an amazing job."

Such genius. Much 4d chess.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

Here’s a current article. If the NYT is writing about it... I’d post the article but there is a stupid paywall.

Yeah it sucks when the source you think proves your point has a paywall. Gee maybe the NY Times is trying to cash in on all the people who want to believe the Hunter Biden Laptop scam...I mean scandle is real? Like the article I linked say, the repairman who admitted he was a Trump supporter and that he was hoping the Laptop could help Trump with the impeachment for pressuring Ukraine for dirt on Biden, might some how clear Trump. How that repairman instead of calling Biden to see if he was going to pick up his laptop called Rudy Giuliani instead and gives the laptop to one of his representatives. Which looks even more suspicious when in an early interview he said they normally call owners who haven't picked things up, changed his story when asked in a later interviewed if he ever called Biden to which he replied "customers leave stuff behind all the time" It's also rather suspicious that during all that time Giuliani was trying to dig up dirt on Biden he had this laptop that supposedly had the smoking gun he needed but months later he suddenly starts promoting these suspicious emails as the smoking gun, after having more then enough time to plant them on Biden's laptop. Now I'm sure the NY Times has confirmed it was Biden's laptop since Biden having a laptop he left at a repair shop was never in question and never retrieved by Biden. I'll even go as far as to say that the laptop has suspicious emails that look bad for Biden. I will however stop at believing the NY Times ws able to determine the authenticity of said emails when multiple investigations by the corrupt Ukrainian AG, the AG that replaced him and our own AG who was Trumps AG and our intelligence services all investigated this scandle with Burisma and China and found nothing but lo and behold now the NY Times does what nobody else was able to do. I also find it funny you're so willing to accept this story from the NY Times knowing that you and all the other Trump Loving/ Biden Hating people have called the NY Times fake news when you didn't like the story they were selling.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Antifa are Nazis.

Nazi's are Fascist.

Antifa are anti Fascist.

The Nazis were a far-right fascist political party which arose during the social and financial upheavals that occurred following the end of World War I.[SUP][175] [/SUP]
Wiki, because it presents it so you can understand.
Last edited:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Explosion of a residential building in Magnitogorsk (2018)
On Monday, December 31, 2018 at 6:02 am local time, household gas exploded on the second floor in apartment 315 of a ten-story residential building No. 164 on Karl Marx Avenue.
As a result of the explosion, entrance No. 7 partially collapsed and 39 people were killed.
An investigation is underway, a preliminary version of the causes of the explosion is an explosion of household gas.

Accept the building above is in Ukraine and has been seen on live tv with reporters from all over the world in Ukraine. The residential building in Magnitogorsk that you mention was in Russia and here is a picture of it that does not even remotely look the same



Active member
Nazi's are Fascist.

Antifa are anti Fascist.

The Nazis were a far-right fascist political party which arose during the social and financial upheavals that occurred following the end of World War I.[SUP][175] [/SUP]
Wiki, because it presents it so you can understand.

So Antifa are anti-fascist fascists is what you are saying, I just call them Nazis.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You must live in a confusing world. A childs response. :gaga:

Yeah, he is, I'm just waiting for him to start using the good old "I know you are but what am I" defense aka IKYABWAI and of course the even older classic I'm rubber your glue....


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
It's being reported that the Ukraine has liberated Makariv.

If Mariupol can hold out until reinforcements arrive...