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....WAKE & BAKE....


Closer to the sun and far from the moon
ICMag Donor
up early, knee is really hurting.. its times like these im glad i keep some sensi star around. best pain/sleep meds i have.

:smoke out:


Puff puff, sorry to hear about the knee crack, the sensi sounds like it has you in good hands.

Deciding on whether to head home tonight or wait till the morning, it'll be good seeing family/eating a ridiculous amount of food, I can't wait for the stuffing. Plenty of friends to see too, probably will end up not having enough time to see half. Getting really excited though, Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday.

As for today I will be baking, starting to run low, only smoking outta my pipe now to conserve. Should be getting some new tomorrow, pretty excited, we'll see what comes in. Have a great day everybody, stay safe/stay medicated -basket


Enjoying the ride
ICMag Donor
Morning WnB crew. Getting up on some mob/blue hp with a generous sprinkle of dry sift from the DSD.
Enjoy your day everyone. Looks like it's gonna start snowing here.


my first wake n bake post...even though its pretty much a routine. nice glass bat full of cured bud...and choc mint coffee. life is good indeed. looks like we're gonna get some decent snowfall tomorrow...I may have to reschedule some of my appts today so I can stay home and work during the storm. really looking forward to the long weekend off!
what's everyone's plans for thanksgiving? I plan on strapping on the feedbag! Enjoy the day!


in the thick of it
Good morning folks! Fog rolling in this chilly morn' and clouds of smoke rolling out. What a day today will be.


*Stoned User*
Good morning eveyrone!
Woke up to some frigid temps here. The cold is here to stay so bring on the SNOW! :) A nice, long hike in the snow wiht a joint is my favorite smoking environment. Something about smoking in the snow makes me giddy. :jump:
Smoke a bowl of purple maui this morning with my coffee. Nice and energized now... looking forward to the day.

BB... that OkSt/ ISU game was ridiculous. Never thought they stood a chance in hell but they came to play. It was a bad weekend for okst. :badday:

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I will be getting up at 5 am to cook the bird and sides. Hope everyone has a great day and is able to spend it with loved ones. :ying:

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
Greetings from the kitchen, my brothers and sisters. The place smells great as I'm roasting up sweet potatoes nice n caramelly with which to make sweet potato pie :pie: yum. It's better than pumpkin pie. The logic being it starts with a vegetable you want to eat. hehehe
cook homemade food. It's good.
If you don't cook, might I recommend Alice's Restaurant?
much love and an early happy Thanksgiving to you all. Be thankful for the good things, yall.

puffin one for Moth.



Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
howdy everyone! got gifted some hash and said to hell with a job for now. I can wait a little longer to start my clean out (a little more aka monday, haha)

nice and stoned right now - gonna do some hardcore cleaning in the office today. think i might actually build my computer lab ive been wanting

have a nice pre-thanksgiving day friends!


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
wake and blueberry diesel yummmm. cant sleep all i smell is the slow roasting turkey o soo nice by the time dinner comes ill be full from the smell


Active member
Good morning, had another one of those mornings waking up with a clear head thinking not gonna start off the day by baking.
But then I walked pass my volcano and accidentally click it on again..

Oh well, another day starting with some uplifting Colombian Haze! :greenstars:


Happy thanksgiving everyone!!! Its finally here yeahhhhh! Hope everyone has a full table with delicious foods, im ready for stuffing. Ah I can't believe its finally here. I love thanksgiving, its a perfect holiday.

Football later today, a KU loss last night, can't get much better than this. The baking will commence soon both in the kitchen and in my head. Have a great day everyone!!!! Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


*Stoned User*
Good Morning and Happy Thanksgiving!

Turkeys in the oven baking slow while Im getting baked quickly with some headband. :D Soo thankful for my herb.

BB... saw that ku/duke game last night... back and forth, back and forth. Really fun game to watch... especially when duke finally twisted the dagger with that 3pt heave at the end. hahaha

Morning to ya paulo, AG, and suspect!
Everyone have a wonderful and warm Thursday/Thanksgiving!!!


our good buddy moth has passe will my wake and bake brothers and sisters
pray for my buddy's surviving family


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
That is a damn shame to hear about Moth. Sorry AZEZ =(

Hope your all doing well, got stupidly baked with my buddy yesterday watching the Iron Bowl. Watched it with an Auburn fan and an Alabama fan - needless to say it was an eventful afternoon, lol.

Hope you all have a good Sunday - its raining so I think im gonna get some laundry done and get some school work started. Cant wait for this damn semester to be over (2 1/2 more weeks!)

See you all soon


Well-known member
morning every1 ...

wake n bake on a few bubblers of Extrema ...
NICE ...

peacce everybody and hope u all have a great day too ...


gdp, og, iss, the white....bubble and edibles......

and thats just the start of the day for me....cup today, my boy is entering 11 varieties so by the end of the day my judging duties are going to be beyond full

may have to enlist the help of a good friend to help with testing..

630 in the bay watching the sun rise...amazing......

more fire everytime!!!!!!!!


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