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....WAKE & BAKE....


Good luck Soulfly, hope the project goes smoothly. I got my papers, projects, and tests done for the semester, just got a few finals now. The last few weeks have been brutal but I got through em. Just coasting till finals in a couple weeks.

Stikky, still hanging in there? Lol

Trich, bubble bubble indeed, I just bought one for the first time in a while a couple weeks ago. My last one was a custom blown all clear piece that was all curvy, but had red glass highlights throughout it, kinda hard to explain, had a glass on glass pull bowl. Amazing for oil rips, just tiny little pinch bowl. Bought a dome for it too but broke it before I could use it.

wang, jusdoit- hello hello, wecome to the WnB morning session

Oh shit forgot to mention, Im getting a new puppy! I miss my chocolate lab more than anything it breaks my heart, but we cant have him and itd be mean to try and keep him in an apartment. Anyways found the most amazing boston terrier at the local animal shelter. Shes amazing, anyways I think Im gonna have to blackfriday this shit and campout because they said alot of people have been wanting her but shes not available for a couple days because she just was spade. AHHHHH I don't even go out for blackfriday, I hate people, I love dogs, I love dogs a hellava lot more than people. Anyway shes amazing, cute as hell, and doesn't bark at all. Only gonna be in the apt 6 more months maybe so after that our next adoption will be a shepard or pit, I have seen such beautiful pits in the shelter it breaks my heart.

Alright guys Im fully baked, have a great day everybody!!! Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Thanks bud - we are having our introduction meeting today for the senior project course in the spring. hopefully I get on a good team and get a good project that wont make me want to shoot myself in the temple. Your lucky to be done with coursework - each teacher of mine is handing out assignments that are due up to next Thursday with finals starting next Friday. Being a tech student fucking sucks sometimes!

hope everyone has a good Friday and a good weekend. Havent baked in almost a week so the journey to pre-employment testing sobriety has officially begun =( the only positive I can take away from this is when I do get to smoke again next year I will have a super lower tolerance again! WOOOT! lol

see you all around


Soulfly, tolerance breaks are nice every now and then, and they're a helluva lot easier when it's for something like a job where you kinda don't have a choice.... enjoy it for what it is!
Info technology and info systems, cool! Good luck with that! I'm sure having both degrees will give you an edge over everyone else who just has one or the other!

Budbasket, Boston Terriers are AWESOME! Post pics when you get her :)

Everyone have a great day, here in New England the sun is shining and I think I'm gonna spend some time outside today... you should too! (If the weather is decent!)


yeah up and hope all is well. been waking up earlier and back pain is fucking with me. so light sleep all night...good thing got some nice meds here, rolling wiht some og x sd thats the fire, also been finalizing the judging, only a few i havent gotten too yet. So far the ones standing out are ecsd, gobzilla, and a few others...gonna take the best 3 of the bunch and sit down with all 3 and just test them one by one to see which rises above if you will lol I still have to test the edibles....

k wishing you all the best

glad you found a nice dog bro, have fun
soulfly your gonna get ripped hahah come next year youll be red eyed
justdoit have fun outside, im going out for a walk today too, then off to the town xmas party, only time they let the drunks roam the streets...but i ask..what about the herbalists??


Remember kids, llamas are larger than frogs; have fun and be safe :D



blazed for a few hours yesterday at a local club, but the medibles kicked in an put me our early.
coffee and a bowl of lvpk should start me off
peace everyone


good Sunday morning to everyone! I slept too late (was out too late, haha) this morning to get baked, I've got some work related calls to make and an appointment with a client in a couple hours, so I'll just wait to really start my day 'til after that. Played laser tag for the first time last night at one of those giant indoor arenas, what a blast!

Well, it's another sunny and beautiful day here (though COLD), hope everyone has an enjoyable day!


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
morning everyone. was up late last night watching Oklahoma State beat the crap out of Oklahoma. I normally dont care about Big 12 but with OSU winning it should put Alabama out of the BCS Championship and THAT couldnt make me happier. I live around way to may dumbass 'Bama fans and to see their dreams smashed brought a smile to my face.

hope you all have a good Sunday, gonna go tackle some homework so I can enjoy this afternoon's football! See ya!


Soulfly- amazing game lol, loved every minute of it.

Don't know what Im smoking on but its really really good. I think some sort of widow, thats what it reminds me of. Though it doesn't have that fruity/flowery smell more of garlic and sage. Got a nice jar of it plus clones saved so might need to keep her around. It was mystery beans I had found in this really calming homegrown stuff, not so much get you high but just make you happy, feel good all over. Figured there'd be keepers so saved some, year or 2 later finally had the proper chance to give em a chance and they didn't let me down. I was really nervous running mystery stuff because I didn't know if it was from a open pollination or hermi but it looks like it was a cross of something.

Ended up getting a pair of sister shih-tzu mix or something, really goddamn cute dogs. I can tell they were just left in a room somewhere so far because there basically wild animals. Eh give me something to do with training, there like rag dolls just lay anywhere, cuddle, and sleep. Its pretty awesome waking up and having these two fur-balls on each side of me watching tv. Can't complain.

Anyways on to the pregame, stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Well-known member
morning ya'll ...

today we smoked on a blunt of some jackthe ripper,extrema and cheese all mixed together ...

gotta lotta work to do 2day in the garden ...

good day everybody ...


Stikky, soulfly, azez, trich, hops, pete,just, nick, ksp, AND anyone else who I have left out, Good morning, good morning, good morning, I hope you all have a wonderful day.

vape vape vape, got really drunk with my neighbor last night lol played tiger woods pga on wii in honor of his first victory on almost 2 years, woot woot way to go tiger.

Class will be rough today but just gotta sit and take notes, not too bad.

The girls are doing amazing, im staying on top of taking em out every hour or so, still accidents, which i expect for a while. There doing better with leashes and also with playing fetch and coming when you call em. Fuck kids, I just want a bunch of dogs on a farm, couple more years and Ill be there.

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Closer to the sun and far from the moon
ICMag Donor
morning everyone :wave:

burning some Joe rogan X Zombie virus.. then gonna burn some sweetest cindy99 :)

blaze on!
:smoke out:

joe rogan X zombie virus
