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....WAKE & BAKE....


puff, puff, puff, well vape. Hops, trich, stikky, soul, azez, expert, sneak, and kind....good morning and good day to you all.

Starting to feel better emotionally, kinda get depressed for a week or 2 at a time. One day I'll be fine, then everything feels like its going to shit. After a while it feels like I can't stand it anymore, I wake up one day and am perfectly back to normal and feel great. It's a distinctly better feeling(almost a natural high) than how I have felt the past week or so. It takes a lot less for me to medicate too. Crazy.

I have a feeling today's gonna be a good day. Hope everyone's feeling as good as I am this morning! Stay safe/stay medicated-basket
Hey budbasket and all other friends, been a little while since I stopped in here. Took a nap earlier this evening, woke up a little earlier, hit the bong a couple of times. Cold weather is settling in, not too fond of the wintertime. Ah well. Hope you all are doing great.


morning! Its Friday!!!!!!! Finally sitting on my personnel, ranges from og, to some headband still left, purple nepal a few nugs still, and orange crush. Gonna be picking up a pack of papers after class and having a nice tasty session this afternoon. Till the meantime, vaping some c99 since I don't have coffee this morning. Might need to make a run to starbucks.

Conn-great hearing from you buddy, its been too long, make sure to keep in touch. Hope everythings going great. Getting cold here too, I like the snow but hate the cold. Winters here arn't very fun, not alot to do, and half the time its just an ice storm not snow thats come through. Summers arn't much better, blistering heat, and suffocating temps. Only in the midwest are 140 deg temp swings average for a normal year.


Lover of Life
morning wake n bake crew...I love Fridays.

I waked n baked with some lemon skunk today..that stuff is tasty and pretty potent too.

here's to a great weekend :)


Morning my fellow bakers! I am still on old time, up pretty early right now. No plans except for homework today, gonna need to go get some coffee again. I think maybe a nap this afternoon after the game will be in order.

Not really much else to say, hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Stay safe/stay medicated- basket
Yesterday was my first wake and bake in a long time. I woke up around 4:00 AM and smoked some of the bud from my first grow, Northern Lights. While it was great to smoke my own, growing my own was the best part. I will start my second grow very soon! :)


I'm on the edge. Of what I'm not sure.
When ya wake stiff and aching ya know it's time to be medicating....

Heres hoping my spirits rise like the sun on this chilly midwest morning....:freezing:


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
morning everyone

up and drinking my coffee before heading over to campus. how is everyone doing this fine Saturday?

see you all soon!


well today is gonna be interesting......wish me luck

hope all are well, bless


wake n bake sunday super silver haze:)


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Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
howdy gentlemen - hope you all had a good weekend. about to go tackle some homework. see you all soon


Morning all, got a presentation to do in a little bit. Shouldn't be awful, lol, vaping right now. Enjoying some coffee. Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


*Stoned User*
Good morning everyone!

Taking a few hits off some Sour Bubble at daybreak. Got a lot of things to do today so not too much sb tho. :) I need more satties in my life I think. These indicas sometimes get me stuck in the morning but until then I gotta stick with these hard hitters.

Hey bb... good luck with the presentation. Public speaking was always my downfall... hate getting up in front of people and talking about things that neither I or they want to hear about. Anyways good luck and be sure to learn them sumthin.


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
kinda low on the kind....

packed one of my last few bowls of K-Haze into a chillum took 3 puffs... going to save the rest for later...!!

nice and stoney though... so tastey as well.... :D


Vape, vape, vape. Trich- thanks buddy, I did pretty good, public speakings just never been a problem for me. Im not very boisterous or loud personality wise, pretty reserved actually, but if I have to get up and talk in front of people it doesn't bother me, just never has.

Tres mas dias. Im am very ready for Thanksgiving break. Enjoy the day, pretty chilly here. Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


decisions decisions....
mandala, sweetestcindy, oger 99 perhaps?
I like mandala in the morning, it gets me going!


Lover of Life
morning crew...self, bud, ksp, stickky, milo and trich :)

Lately, I've been getting a few days off, so I've been waking n baking good with a few different strains and playing tons of MW3.

today I have to work though, so I'm headed out the door..

have a good day smokers

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