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VaporTek Optimum 4000



It's funny, it requires a leap of faith that the air from the hut to the chimney will not have a noticeable:canabis: smell because of the treated incoming air to the hut. Kinda like believing in ghosts. Which I do. :yoinks: haha The people that know though have made it as clear as they can and that is good enough for me. Boy, no carbon filter.. Who'd a thought? I'm going for it!


Active member
when i first turned mine on .. last week . i set it on .5 . i was gagging in the other room . now a week latter , i have it on 1 and i think the basement smells like cleaner. cant really notice it upstairs , just a faint smell . NOW on the other hand , my wife says she smells skunk as soon as she walks in the house . i think shes crazy , but she has never smoked a thing in her life and has a good sniffer. mind you also i have nothing in flower right now , just a crazy stinky strain in veg . so i have turned it to 1.5 lets see what it does .. also i dont have it in the veg room . just sitting open in the basement i might put it by the intake of the veg room and see what thst does.


No noticable air movement really.fallenangel you dont have plants flowering and you wife can smell skunk when she enters the house?Sounds to me like she just doesnt want you growin bro,I find it to be a lot more effective than that.I guess it comes down to one thing.When you open the door to the flowering room,do you care if there is a faint MJ odor in the room but none outside of the room?If so the optimum 4000 is for you,if not maybe its not the thing for you.Personally,I just dont want the smell outside of my house,I really dont even care if you can smell it in the living room which you cant.It's effective enough for my tastes another words


Active member
ballastman, i had the thing set on 1,, well just under 1 when you could smell them ,, no their not in flower ,, they are some very ,very skunky plants ,, i could smell them myself when i went in the basement .. so i know SHE could smell them elswhere . now when i turned it to 1.5 it was a little to strong . so now at just over 1 (like 1.2 lol) all is cool . remember guys these things go to 10 ,, that would make me gag and or puke.


New member
I must say the Optimum 4000 is a piece of shit... even with the high output cartridges. It did not work for me.


Active member
Beev said:
I must say the Optimum 4000 is a piece of shit... even with the high output cartridges. It did not work for me.

That's because....you're a jackass. :D

Waz' that rude?


New member
How are you using your 4000 REZ?

Mine was in a sealed room.... and it did NOT work...

EDIT: I guess you did see my post then...
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Active member
No offence to anyone but I use the Vaportech 3x industrial cartridges

No offence to anyone but I use the Vaportech 3x industrial cartridges

They pack more bang for the buck (of the same product) and can be purchased at many a janitorial supply store. If you have an active ventilation system allready there is no real need (although a convenience) for the unit.


seal your room, then use it in the area OUTSIDE of the sealed room, its not meant to cover a room full of plants, thats what a carbon scruber is for. I suggest you go back reading into this thread and use it like Rez has been explaining.


New member
I tried it in every possible configuration... and with 5 flowering plants, and air cooled lights, It did not cover up the smell.


Thats funny,I have it in a sealed room with 25 4 ft flowering blockhead ice GF WW,and I can leave my front door wide open and often do.I didnt read how rez used his but I sure do thank him!EDIT I should add the one negative about vaportek that I've discovered,I've gone through 2 120 day carts in 2 grows,about 120 days.Another words I'M only getting around 60 -70 days for a 120 day cart.I dont care though it puts my mind at ease which is priceless
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Update,vaportronic optimum 4000 being totally overpowered by 4 ft nearly finished plants,when set on nine the smell still seeps out of the room but I'll be dmaned if you can smell anything outside at all.This isnt the answer though,my very first grow with it was with flowering plants half this size and it did much better but in the long run it must me an addition not your main odor control.I was happy for a short time though.


Wow this is bull shit. I wish I would have known about this before I bought my damn carbon filter...I'm gonna get one for my next grow and hopefully able to grow some stinky shit with no problems :).


sparkjumper was adamant about it's effectiveness,a couple weeks later smilin bob's unit was faltering under 25 5ft flowering plants,I know them both well excellent growers I might add lol.The consensus is somewhere in the middle,I got through the grow without any odor ever escaping the house.I havent changed anything and will continue to use it.That grow was an experiment to see if 2 lbs per 1K is doable in soil and I wont be doing it again any time soon lol.I'm sticking with both vaportek optimum for the flowering room and the wall mount vaportronic for the hanging room.Be aware the 120 cart will only get you through one good 60-70 day cycle and a fraction maybe of another.


I just purchased a vaportek to throw in my 10'x6' sealed room to replace the carbon scrubber i was using. Since I am changing around the room a bit, I have a quick question to ask. I live in a decent sized house with neighbors relatively close by. I am growing in my basement and the only place to me to exhaust my string of 3-600w lamps is out a small basement window which faces my neighbors house. Since the room is sealed and the string of lights is sealed also, i technically dont really need any odor protection of the air being exhausted out, however; i want to be safe. I am pulling air through the string of lights and i was thinking i can either put an Ona disk in the duct or I can run an inline carbon strubber, or both. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


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