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VaporTek Optimum 4000


Mr. Nevermind

I just ordered the Vapatronic wall unit , its supposed to treat up to 10,000 cu ft. I also got the EZ twist as well which is good for 1000 cu feet. IM putting the wall unit in my room to take care of odor. And puttin gthe ez twist out in living area to catch any stray odor just in case. I will update once i get em


Mr. Nevermind

so i received my vaportronic wall unit and EZ twist today . I have vapatronic in my flower room and after about 10 minutes of it being on I am 100% odor free. My girl even got home and was surpirsed how well it works. I havent even hooked up the ez twist yet since so far there is no need for it with the wall unit. Best money i spent in a while!



Active member
Hey Mr. Nevermind, Thanks for the info. I'd like to order a Vaportronic also. I just wondered how powerful that unit is. You say it's strong enough to cleanse a flower room? I plan on using it to eliminate any odor in the rest of the house. Let me know if those ez twists are enough for the bedroom of a smoker.

Mr. Nevermind

Heya Smokey, how you been bro!

The unit is strogner than i thought. it is supposed to be able to treat a 10,000 cu ft. area. I put it in my room today andin abotu 10 minutes all i smelled was bubblegum. I have 5 ready to chop in there ( strawberr d X deep chunk and a few others) that stink pretty bad and i cant smell a thing. I have another 5-20 or so floweirng as well and couldnt smell em.

I havent even used the EZ twist yet as so far there is no need for it. I read some peopel use 2 disks in vapatronic but i would think thaat would be strong!!! i have one in and it hurt my eyes when i first walked into room. I turned the fan down though and its better, not as strong but still cant smell pot. for the money and effectiveness i dotn think it can be beat. I have a sour D IBL in there also and cant smell it, so that should tell ya something!

i think the EZ twist is good for a bedroom and since you said it i many put mine in there. the housing for ez twist is like $2.60 and uses the same disks as vapatronic. So for another $3 you can treat up to 1000 cu ft. more than worth it to me. if you order the vapatronic what is another $3 for peace of mind. plus maybe $4 a month for new disks if needed. Not bad for odor control



Active member
Thanks for the info. I have a vaporteck 4000 in the flower room. I'll use the vaportronic for the first floor living areas. and the ez twists in the bedrooms and bathroom. House will not reek now.

Edit: I can't believe that it works so well with only one disk. those things can hold up to five. I expected to use at least three.
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Mr. Nevermind

I had read that most people use 2 disks in the vapatronic but had to turn it down somewhat. I just started out with one disk and wanted to see how it was with just one. The factory setting on wall unit is for fan on 1 min the off one minute which is fo rmaximum odor control. they say you should treat room with factory settings for a day then turn fan down as needed. So the first day its overpowering but next day its not that bad. I turned it down last night and wnent in room this morning when lights came on. As i walked into room all i smelled was vaportek. once lights came on and i opened th eplace up i thought it would be bad. But still i smell nothing but the vaportek. Im very pleased with it

for $36 for the unit and $2 a disk i dont think it can be beat. Spend maybe $4 a month tops on new disks isnt much for odor control. Plus you dont have some big ass scrubber or have to lug bags of carbon up.



Active member
Mr. Nevermind, your help has been invaluable. Ever since Rudedude got busted over odor problems. I decided to go whole hog to combat it myself. I have the vaporteck 4000 going strong in the flower room but wanted more for the rest of the house. Another vt4000 would be overkill and expensive to maintain for the house. Your info in the vaportronic gaves me confidence to order one of those for up stairs. And ez twists for bedrooms. Odor problems are arrested and not me.

Mr. Nevermind

SmokeyPufmaster said:
Mr. Nevermind, your help has been invaluable. Ever since Rudedude got busted over odor problems. I decided to go whole hog to combat it myself. I have the vaporteck 4000 going strong in the flower room but wanted more for the rest of the house. Another vt4000 would be overkill and expensive to maintain for the house. Your info in the vaportronic gaves me confidence to order one of those for up stairs. And ez twists for bedrooms. Odor problems are arrested and not me.

I feel ya! When i read about rude dude i called the place i ordered and told em to hurry the hell up and send the damn thing. Odor is a bitch with diesels and i couldnt imagine using no odor control for em. I feel bad for him, but he should have known a bit better. i wish him the best though. But i think fo rthe cost and the size of area they treat it is more than worth it. Plus the fact that the ez twists use the same disks as vapatronic it only makes sense to get an ez twist or 2. Im still on the fence about the ez twist to be honest with you. I notice em but they arent very strong. Good for a room where you jsut smoke though. I wouldnt use em to cover the smell of gorwoing plants though.

Im glad i could be of help, just as the others in this thread were a huge help to me. Thats just being part of the community, helping each other when and where we can.



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ICMag Donor
alright so here is what i was thinking, let me know what you think. i will have two hydrohut tents that are exhausted into carbon scrubbers, this air will be sucked out of my chimney to the outside. i will also throw down and get one of the optimum 4000s to be sure there is no smell. should i need anything else?


I can flower 30-40 3 ft plants in an 8 by 8 room with no ventilation and the smell never goes much past the outside of the door,my only gripe is with many plants you need a high setting and a 120 cart is only good for maybe 60 days.


Active member
ft100, try your scrubbers. If your using more than one you should be good now. I'd only get a vaportek if you plan to stop using your carbon scrubbers or if you want some smell protection for the rest of the house. That being the case the vaportronic should fit your bill.

American your at the point of needing two vaportecks. You can then run them both at a lower setting but your costs to run them will still be the same. As they will then go back to the 100 day usage.

Another point to make not at any one personally. If you can smell the Vaporteck you have it turned up too high. The way vaporteck works is that you should't smell anything. Not the plants, not vaporteck, nothing. I have stood right in the middle of big flower rooms and haven't smelt a thing. That's when I asked, What the hell are you using for odor control? I was hooked. So dial your vaporteck carefully and your cartages will last longer.


Active member
ICMag Donor
thanks for the tips. I will get the vaportek just to ease my mind that much more and for the rest of the house. I want to overprotect so i am ready for anything.

Mr. Nevermind

ft100 said:
thanks for the tips. I will get the vaportek just to ease my mind that much more and for the rest of the house. I want to overprotect so i am ready for anything.

Best price i found for the 4000 is around $170, and it treats and area the size of 20,000 cu ft. If it was me, i would get 3-4 vapatronics for $36 each ( $108-$144) and treat 40,000 cu ft for a few bucks less. Plus you can put on vapatronic in flower room, one in veg room and one in room you smoke and still have one left over to play with. If you are gonna spend the money and want to make sure odor is controlled why not control the most space you can for the money? for $170 you get 1 unit and treat 10,000 cu feet. For $144 you get 4 units and treat 40,000 cu feet. Makes sense to me



I have a vaportronic in my 8 by 8 "hangroom" and it works well.Possibly full of discs I could have gotten by with it in my 8 by 8 flower room,thats a toughie though..Yea its only around 900 cu ft but fullo chronic it may as well be 9000.


Active member
ICMag Donor
thank you very much for the tip. i will look into this friend.

edit- i looked into the vaportronic and they do not deal with smoke that well according to their homepage. I do not know what I will do, but i think the optimum 4000 will take care of my basement, and maybe a couple vaportronics for my upstairs?

Mr. Nevermind said:
Best price i found for the 4000 is around $170, and it treats and area the size of 20,000 cu ft. If it was me, i would get 3-4 vapatronics for $36 each ( $108-$144) and treat 40,000 cu ft for a few bucks less. Plus you can put on vapatronic in flower room, one in veg room and one in room you smoke and still have one left over to play with. If you are gonna spend the money and want to make sure odor is controlled why not control the most space you can for the money? for $170 you get 1 unit and treat 10,000 cu feet. For $144 you get 4 units and treat 40,000 cu feet. Makes sense to me

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I was recommended to get the Vaportek optimum 4000 a couple months ago. I'm growing Diesels and could smell em over my carbon scrubber...hooked up the Vaportek and no more problem whatsoever...love it.:yes:

Edit: I think I'll pick up one of the Vaportronics soon too as a backup...better safe than sorry.

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i just scored a 4000 for $215 CDN. the price tag said $315. turns out it was on the shelf since 2000! the schedule on the back with reminders ends in 2004! lol. there was another one sitting there as well as the resonator. unfortunaltely there was no cartridge so ill have to wait for them to get one in for me.
now a question: anybody know what to do with my old carbon? i dont want to dump it in the landfill becuase it costs big bucks to dump here. i have 100lbs from an old canfilter and more to come


vaportek 4000??

vaportek 4000??


i am looking for a vaportek 4000 in canada where is the best site to order from
or if anyone know where in the ottawa area to get one



Active member
Mr. Nevermind said:
I had read that most people use 2 disks in the vapatronic but had to turn it down somewhat. I just started out with one disk and wanted to see how it was with just one. The factory setting on wall unit is for fan on 1 min the off one minute which is fo rmaximum odor control. they say you should treat room with factory settings for a day then turn fan down as needed. So the first day its overpowering but next day its not that bad. I turned it down last night and wnent in room this morning when lights came on. As i walked into room all i smelled was vaportek. once lights came on and i opened th eplace up i thought it would be bad. But still i smell nothing but the vaportek. Im very pleased with it

for $36 for the unit and $2 a disk i dont think it can be beat. Spend maybe $4 a month tops on new disks isnt much for odor control. Plus you dont have some big ass scrubber or have to lug bags of carbon up.


Yup the vaportronic works real good. When I first set up my hydrohut mimi I bought a odorsok ( what a piece of shit that thing is)ended up going back to my can 33 but it took up to much room. I dumped that for a vaportronic about 9 mo ago and have never had a problem with smell since. 2 cartridges set at low and all is good. They have other scents but don't waste your money. Only the neutral will cover up mj