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VaporTek Optimum 4000


VaporTek Owners!

VaporTek Owners!

I don't know if any of you can answer my question but if I put this thing inside of my cab how well would it work? Would it be better to put one the the room I vent to? Would one of these really remove my need for a stupid carbon scrubber? If I could take my scrubber off and use the VaporTek it sure would boost air flow. Thanks for the help.
Here is a pic of my blower/venting/utility section of my cab. I would like to just put one in here.


Another question about sticking these suckers in flower rooms - if these things are putting out atomized/evaporated essential oil particles, won't some of that cling to the plants as well? I'd sure be fuggin' bummed if I blazed the first bowl of a harvest only to have it taste vaguely like hospital hallway...


These things do no work at all if you're growing more than 1 light of some super stank. I wasted my cash on two of em. You're better off with a small can fan and filter combo just scrubbing the air in your room (if you're not exhausting with your filter). At least the filter will continually scrub the air and provide a negative pressure in your room(s) to keep the smell from leaking.


S4vvy said:
These things do no work at all if you're growing more than 1 light of some super stank

I would like a clarification:

1 light means what exactly... like 1 light despite wattage? Because I have a 250... I could do (again) without any smell control if I really wanted to, I think the vaportek in my room would be very beneficial. Also what are you running? If you got 2-3 1000 watters with 40 diesels stuck under them in late flowering I think it is obvious something else may be in order.


Active member

Me$$: A VTek 400 is perfect for you.
All good.

To Whom It May/May Not Concern:

Read the whole fucking thread and make a sound decision.

Simple enough?

. . . .
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Active member
Look into the Vaportronic. It's a smaller scale version and can still handle quite a bit of odor. The Vtek 4000 will handle up to 20,000sf and the Vaportronic will handle up to 10,000sf with 5 discs installed. 1 or 2 disks would probably suffice for a small grow. Here's a thread on it where I posted some stuff and pics:


It's been working great so far but I'm only 3 weeks into flower so the real test will be in about a month.



Me$$iah said:
I would like a clarification:

1 light means what exactly... like 1 light despite wattage? Because I have a 250... I could do (again) without any smell control if I really wanted to, I think the vaportek in my room would be very beneficial. Also what are you running? If you got 2-3 1000 watters with 40 diesels stuck under them in late flowering I think it is obvious something else may be in order.

My bad, i meant 1000w bulbs. With a 250 you just may be all good, i'd still go with a canfilter set up. But that also depends on your strain...


I use one and have to say it works great for me,and I use 1k's and grow blockhead among other smelly diddies lol


REZDOG said:

Me$$: A VTek 400 is perfect for you.
All good.

All I really needed to hear. When odor control advice is given from the actual breeder of the smelliest damned plants on the planet and says it's all good...

...tis all good.

Thanks! :joint:


Read the whole fucking thread and make a sound decision.

Simple enough?

Rez I know you have like 2000 post's here and all but I still must say!
Thanks smart guy, what the hell is his problem. If you can help answer a question fine but that comment better not be directed towards me. Uncalled for. Most people do read the entire thread, and would only post a ?? if it could not be answered with previous posts. Sometimes I don't unerstand the need to be a dick from some people. Where the hell else am I going to go to ask a question about this VaporTek relating to my grow and get any answers.
Sure wish OG was around, All the most badass growers in one place. I never had to post on OG just read all the great threads! this forum is on it's way.

I'm using this right now but I have got to find a way to hide it.
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I think vaportek are onto us:



what placement would you choose for the 4000 if used with a hydrohut mini (3x3x6.5)? The hut will be in a closed room of a basement and will extract outside. Would it be able to control odor inside and what ends up exhausting? If I was planning on a carbon filter attached to a Stanley blower and then exhausting out of the hut would you recommend sticking with the Stanley and being able to run that on a lower speed?

I am going to become a first timer and could really use advice through experience. As everyone else feels the same I'm sure, I would be fucked if odor was a problem for even a short time.


If I pull through the hood and out via a Stanley fan and have the 4000 bungeed up at the top for example look at this pic of the Hydro Hut and where they have the carbon filter, I would have the 4000. Should the 4000 face one way or the other to optimize the tight space? Would the fast moving air in there cause the 4000 to be less effective in that setup?



I wouldnt bother with the 4000 in that small space,the vaportronic should work well for you


Active member
Wanna save a few bux?

Wanna save a few bux?

use the vaportek 3x industrial stand alone cartridges. You really don't need the machine if you already have ventilation :chin:


From others posts about how potent it can be would that be overwhelming? I guess I will never know till I try BUT if I could have a 4000 in the basement room that will house the hut and a veg cab and then be able to cure in that room and finally exhaust from the flower hut to the chimney and have all the air be de-stinkified, that would be the ultimate shitnitzzlenizzy.

Can I ask you guys that know how it works if that is a fair consideration or not. The treated air would be pulled into the hut and moved on out. Would that take care of the air leaving the flowering hut so, by itself, could a 4000 be my single odor control unit?

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya jj :wave:
That is how I have mine setup. My 4000 sits on top of my cab on the same side as the air intake. It's supposed to be up high because what it emits is a bit heavier than air. Not only does it deodorize the cabinet but the rest of the basement area as well.


It wont be overwhelming,especially if put on 1 or 2.I have mine in an 8 by 8 room turned on 3 and its not too much

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