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U.F.O.'s...(Fact or Fiction?) Unidentified Flying Objects

Well, i'm no chimney myself, but lets say i try.. :joint: :chin:

I'm currently smoking Mr Nice Critical Mass, def one of my favourite creeper mouth stinker, and you, what's 'the stuff' you're on?

Hope you don't say drops or powders or pills, because i don't do any chems.. :pointlaug

well, one can't please them all...
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bush@crackhouse said:
Hope you don't say drops or powders or pills, because i don't do any chems.. :pointlaug

well, one can't please them all...

I'm glad you added that last sentence, as with my health problems & the chronic pain I'm constantly in, I had to go with another sort of plant entirely.
Just like cannabis, this is also a plant -- the poppy plant -- 1 more organic piece of vegetation put on this Earth by God.
Everything we need in the way of medicine comes from nature...& the poppy plant is just 1 more to help us deal with our chronic pain. I'm not thrilled about having to be prescribed such medicine, but if I wasn't, my quality of life would be confined to bed. :badday: :sasmokin:


Active member
bush@crackhouse- i don't even think you understand what you read plus you babble way to much and think your always right....with all the different opinions on this thread i'm glad atleast everyone agrees your a doushbag.
bush@crackhouse- i don't even think you understand what you read plus you babble way to much and think your always right....with all the different opinions on this thread i'm glad atleast everyone agrees your a doushbag.
Time2Unite, i get the feeling everytime you imagine what i say being true, you crap your pants... :chin:

Wether you like it or not my friend, i'll stand up for my opinion to the end, i'm not changing it just because you can't conceive it in your little mind and can't even argue back so you decide to insult me, desperately trying to get support from others...
Can't you stand up for yourself?

I'm all alone here, and do you see me scared?
You bet your ass i'm not and to me, you kinda sound more like a single child spoiled brat,
[on a thin voice]
"Oh momma, that kid hit me, do something!"
No, you do something!!

And look, it's not just you, even my friends outside or most of the people i know don't agree with me, but anyway, most of them don't even believe UFOS exist, and you've seen one, right??
One flying thing that could never have been built by humans or driven by humans, right???

But if you go talk with non-believers about you saw, YOU'LL BE THE DOUCHBAG wich no one agrees with........
The point is, will you abandon your opinion just because no one agrees with you??
I won't, no matter how hard you cry..

Ufos are man made machines, and have always been, for more that 70 years.
Do you want me to sign underneath? :chin:

If you can't cope with this view, better just shove your head inside of a government- hoaxed-grey-alien shit-filled bucket going live on your local mind numbing media - yeah, Osama and Alqaeda did 911, and Mcveigh did Oaklahoma federal building.....

:fsu: :fsu:

Hey, i have an idea, want to spice things up a bit? :bat:
This will turn more interesting...

Get yourself a non biased open minded inteligent GRADUATE physicist, and i'll point you the materials to supply him, we'll wait for his answer and we'll see who's right and who's a douchbag... What do you say?

You see, i've already done this, i'm not scared of being ridiculed although you clearly seem to be, if up untill now you we're so sure of yourself don't back down now!!!!!!

i'm waiting for your answer :wave:
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Bush, man, we get it dude. You think UFOs are man-made & we don't & neither 1 is going to change the minds of the others.

Now, let's move on...Time, that laying out in the desert at night, getting all smoked-up, watching the sky & talking about the different civilizations out there...that would definitely be cool. I love the desert & the night sky out there's amazing.


Active member
yeah i'd love to even go to the desert period...never even seen a desert...where i come from it's all hills and valleys...but it's always fun to get 4-8 people and head up to the hills and find a nice grassy opening and sit back and get stoned and maybe have a few drinks while staring at the sky on a nice clear night.



Time2Unite said:
yeah i'd love to even go to the desert period...never even seen a desert...where i come from it's all hills and valleys...but it's always fun to get 4-8 people and head up to the hills and find a nice grassy opening and sit back and get stoned and maybe have a few drinks while staring at the sky on a nice clear night.


Man, I can definitely dig that. I'm living in the country in the Southeast US & we've got no industry or factories, etc to thicken-up the air, so we get a pretty nice view of the night sky too.
Only thing is, the humidity is brutal. I hate it, but I'm stuck here 3 more yrs & then my son's outta HS. Thinking about moving to NV :chin: :yoinks: ....I'm somewhat of a night-owl & I like that idea of anything/ anytime 24/7 :woohoo: People over 21 can make up their own minds to gambling, drinking & broads [except Clark County -- LV]. No state income tax, but bad weed laws. :badday:


Active member
head up north man....mn,wis,mich, area....tons of wildlife, lakes, hunting,fishing, nice blend of every season....i guess it depends what your into though for hobbies.



Time2Unite said:
head up north man....mn,wis,mich, area....tons of wildlife, lakes, hunting,fishing, nice blend of every season....i guess it depends what your into though for hobbies.


Appreciate the info, Time, but I used to live in Chicago, then Tucson, then Denver, now NC. I love the winters here, but the summer is like an Amazon jungle.
Still to this day, Tucson & the desert is my favorite. If I never see another snowflake, that's OK by me. I may choose AZ, as I think they have the same deal as Calif. -- medical marijuana Rx's.
Only thing is, being a night-owl & a gambler, I'm sure leaning towards NV still. Or Mexico. Keep all your $$$ in investments in the USA & just have my social security checks mailed to a PO Box & my investments dividends & IRAs the same.
I think the Pacific side of Mexico is beautiful...[I haven't been there in over 30 yrs, but I'm sure the weed is still killer]...& wouldn't mind Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan or even the Baja to live. :chin: :wave:
Im glad that, at least, we can all agree in two basic things:

- UFOS are real, what was really the point of this thread

- and everyone is entitled to their opinion and others must respect it.

It's just that i've had the very same opinion you do on this subject and i kinda look at what you are saying and i see myself some years/pdfs/books ago, in my opinion, competely blindfolded.

You see, just like most of the people that have enough frontality and personal coherence to really admit that they exist [because of things they have seen wich are impossible to forget/forge/explain, or through relying on other people's thousands avaiable testomonies or proof, being them video shots, photos or simply text] i too since the beggining became completely absorbed on this and shared for a long long time the commonly spread opinion, ufos exist and are from extraterrestrial origin.

But now i don't think like that anymore, because to me it no longer makes sense that way, i believe they are HUMAN BUILT AND PILOTED CRAFT runnning on undisclosed technology and i feel like we could be living in a pefect organized uthopy free of pollution and war and aren't because some greedy selfish sons of bitches play with our lives just to get zillionaires..

I mean, be honest, what's your purpose on this living, how do they teach you to survive?
Work 8 to 5, pay the bills, pay the house at 40's, have three beatifull college graduate kids, buy the third car sports car at 38, feel up the tank, house in the field?

Face it, we are just work labor - mindless drones on a system that could run virtually out of 'nothing' [read vaccum], and that instead runs on sweat and tears and a blood just to fatten the pockets on a few sons of bitches who have been staging what we call 'reality' to their own gain, and thickening the strings with wich they have been controling us for such a long time, from the deceiving education on our schools to the lies on tv news primetime, all day everyday.

Mk ultra is really more than a strain you know..
:fsu: :fsu:

Sorry if i sounded arrogant on my previous posts, that i know i did, but try to fully understand my point of view, if you shared my opinion you'd sound pissed off like me, very difficult to put up with, the true ufos believer nightmare:

- no grey et's for you my friend, just black op technology that could save the world but is 'national security state secret' for more than 70 years instead
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Zoltron, i really think the whole UFO subject is something very serious and don't find it is funny at all.

That and "out of this world"..

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UFOS ARE HUMAN, i told you, look at these pics!!!

Ufos are built by Disney! :yoinks:

everything that is serious, can be funny too.. :joint: :chin:
i don't have to be sorry for having my opinion, although i confess sometimes i blow up

..just to make you think :bat:


bush@crackhouse said:
Zoltron, i really think the whole UFO subject is something very serious and don't find it is funny at all.

You sound like a really fun guy to hang out with... :bigeye: :jerkit: :confused: :pointlaug :abduct: :muahaha:


bush@crackhouse said:
UFOS ARE HUMAN, i told you, look at these pics!!!

Ufos are built by Disney! :yoinks:

everything that is serious, can be funny too.. :joint: :chin:
i don't have to be sorry for having my opinion, although i confess sometimes i blow up

..just to make you think :bat:

I made you a flag for your funny farm....


pieceofmyheart said:
I wanna go to the funny farm....I am pretty funny!

I love you Zolty :wave:

I doubt if you'd wanna be at the same funny farm as that bush@crackhouse is. That's more of a 'looney bin' than a 'fun farm'.

You need to be with all of us actual UFO believers...the peeps from other planets. Just look at what they have to offer........

Btw, I love you too, darlin'...... :yummy:

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I doubt if you'd wanna be at the same funny farm as that bush@crackhouse is. That's more of a 'looney bin' than a 'fun farm'.

i'd rather be in a looney bin alone, than in a fun farm full of funny 'regular joes'

You need to be with all of us actual UFO believers...

Now that you mention tell me, have you seen anything?
You see, time2unite says what he had already seen although he doesn't believe their human but he saw some strange things to base his judgement on, and i said what i had seen too, as much as a lot of people on this thread, but i don't hear no reports from you..

What, you gonna tell me that you believe in something you've never seen??
and i'm the looney....

If you can't digest my thoughts, don't chew them.
Just don't say i'm on the loonie bin.
As far as i'm concerned it's you that's in the bin, not me.