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U.F.O.'s...(Fact or Fiction?) Unidentified Flying Objects

Verite, your irony is surplus here, take your HID brilliant offuscating humor and diss some 911 threads

But, if you're really into this, state some of those laws of physics you're so eager to talk about....


My little pony.. my little pony
bush@crackhouse said:

Now, it's not fine and dandy because you understood SHIT of what i wrote.

Ahhh I see we are getting closer to the point.

The entire world around you is just so misunderstanding to all your views. :yoinks:

And I see you completely dodged the question once again on just how some human is supposed to ignore physical laws like g-force, etc when they are flying their spaceship?

Your tesla spinning top theory seems to be lacking in all aspects of physical science? Where do you go now?
Ahhh I see we are getting closer to the point.

The entire world around you is just so misunderstanding to all your views.

Look jackass.
If you haven't yet understood i'm gonna repeat it for the 5th time, maybe it's gonna sound a bit familiar, kinda like a deja'read, maybe at the fifth time you finnaly get a *click inside your head - IM NOT A PHYSICIST and fuck neither are you to the look of it.
How the hell do you expect me to technically explain someone like you how it all works ad infinitum?

Even with all the equations, laws and theorems that support what i am saying, even if i knew them as well as Tesla's or any ether expert [it's ether yes not other..] even if i knew all this i couldn't make you understand could i?
Specially if you weren't an expert yourself could i???
Specially when it goes against the last 100 years of a Science called Physics, and states that 100 year old Relativism has been wrong from it's birth, pre 1900!!!

So why don't you spare my time and temper and this thread's usefull space, and instead of dissing me with random questions to find flaws on my DEFINATELY-NOT-AN-EXPERT answers and go ahead and read the fucking book i keep quoting?

I think that you have noticed that i've been quoting from somewhere, i defend my point of view by supplying my sources but you look like a spoiled child, you just keep on yelling - i just don't have patience or time to search for answers for your troubled little mind, because you see i have my opinion well formed and that's enough for me, and as you already know, i couldn't care less for yours, so if you want to know something, don't ask, search and investigate for yourself, maybe you'll learn one thing or two, who knows..

And I see you completely dodged the question once again on just how some human is supposed to ignore physical laws like g-force, etc when they are flying their spaceship?

And once again i'll have to answer your fearfull doubts, if you payed more attention you would already know the answer as i've posted it before in the previous page.
For the second time,

"It is believed that this system not only creates instant momentum in the direction of the D.C. brush, but eliminates the problem of inertia in the direction of the A.C. high frequency current, so that the rate of acceleration is virtually unlimited, and the destructive effect of acceleration is eliminated, since all parts of the ship and its contents accelerate at the same rate, without inertia. This also applies to instant turns, in which the force of acceleration acts on all parts of the ship and its contents, to re-orient the force of momentum on each atom and molecule, in the new direction, eliminating centrifugal force." from Occult Ether Physics by William Lyne

Your tesla spinning top theory seems to be lacking in all aspects of physical science? Where do you go now?

What we know today as "Physical Science" has it's core foundations on Relativism wich is incompatible with Tesla's ZPR (zero point radiation) also called ether theory, and as no one agreed with him and his claims, he was dissed and ridiculed by the scientific community, Relativism was adopted and Tesla forgotten.

My friend you said it yourself, it's not mine, it's Tesla's, and i don't have to say anything or go anywhere or prove anything, realise that that's your problem.

You can search and verify what i'm saying or you can keep on dissing like a spoiled brat till im fed up up with you and start ignoring you, or more, you can assume i'm lying and the author is lying and this way you can get some sleep as this particular subject seems to trouble you, you seem to want me to be wrong, as if you're not sure and as i'm not the best person to show you are indeed wrong..

well, you can always ask god...
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Active member
do you have a point? all i said is blah blah blah about the government and what about the normal people that see things that we know people can't make or be apart of flying in because of physics.

i said my opinion now you try to rip on me for not agreeing with your endless writing of nonsense that you claim as facts? how do you know what i understand? to say i don't understand shit i just read means your pretty weak, sounds like your the salty one just because i don't agree with you.

who gives you the right to say how i'm acting? your opinion? looks to me like u like to push it off as you know all the facts and everyone should listen to you.

tv fed belief system? i don't believe nothing i see on t.v......i've seen many things about u.f.o's and aliens that i laugh at....others i believe have a good chance of being real.

my arguments and opinions are based on real life facts and what i seen with my own eyes....i'm not gullible and i don't over react or exaggerate.....i like how you avoid any questions to you but expect everyone else to answer yours.....your arguments are based on info you dig up online and from books, then u claim them as the all truth facts and everyone should just get it....i'm glad you solved the trillion year mystery by doing a few hours of research on the internet...... the funniest part of all is you believe the government....that i find to be real funny.

have u ever seen a u.f.o ?

bush@crackhouse said:
First of all, i'm stating my point of view, everyone is entitled to one, supported by wich facts everyone thinks are fit.
Second, you don't have to agree with me, as i don't have to agree with you.

Now, it's not fine and dandy because you understood SHIT of what i wrote.
You're just too rooted in your tv fed 'belief system' as i was to even put this in question.....

And just look at yourself, you're reacting as if i was insulting you and all i'm saying is in my opinion, ufos are man made machines based on free energy technologies!!!
Get it? That's what they want, people that stand up for their lies, being them NASA astrophysicists, scientists or TV NEWS reporters or the ordinary joe!!

Another thing, i gladly read every thing you write, please take time to read what i write, it's a discussion afterall, everyone gets to say what they think.
Please come up with some arguments to back up your ideas/opinions.

I posted this a few posts ago..........

Get it?


My little pony.. my little pony
Um just how nuckin futs do you need to be to sit there and contemplate the thought of doing something absurd and having it " eliminate one of the laws of physics "?

Does a bird flapping its wings eliminate the force of gravity? Does one need to be a physicist to understand that?

bush@crackhouse said:
But, if you're really into this, state some of those laws of physics you're so eager to talk about....

Seems you asked and I provided ... too bad your response was just a fret about not being a scientist. I guess theres actually some sort of rigorous screening program before you can call yourself one of those unlike being a lunatic where the only requirement is an extremely loose grip on reality.

And not to totally blow your world but have you ever considered the possibility that these astronomically fast craft arent piloted by anything more than a computer? Seems kinda logical if you were going to observe a potential hostile that you would send in a sensor drone from a safe distance? No?
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Does a bird flapping its wings eliminate the force of gravity? Does one need to be a physicist to understand that?

What the fuck do you want me to answer Verite?
That a bird flapping his wings cannot use the all existent ZeroPointRadiation that is negated by the Einsteinian Relativism, in order to create a electromagnetic field around him and use the Tesla's 'tubes of force' to generate momentum out of nothing???
Spare me, and read Vassilatos, Peter Lindeman, Edwin Gray, Tesla and William Lyne.

Or don't read, you don't have to loose your precisous time, and you can keep your opinion the same, but fuck, don't make me waste mine, i'm trying to answer questions to someone that will never even consider this hypothesis, i'm wasting my time, and being insulted on the proccess...

Give me the benefit of doubt and read a bit, read "The Free Energy Secrets Of Cold Electricity (2000)" from Peter A. Lindeman [all of you] and it doesn't have a single fucking alien mentioned, olny technology developments, inventions and patents by 1900's Nikola Tesla and 1970's Edwin Gray.
It's the best book there is to understand what Tesla's life work was all about.

Well as you pointed out with your insistent questions, i can't proove i'm right.
But then again, neither can you prove i'm wrong, see?

And not to totally blow your world but have you ever considered the possibility that these astronomically fast craft arent piloted by anything more than a computer? Seems kinda logical if you were going to observe a potential hostile that you would send in a sensor drone from a safe distance? No?

First, why do you suppose they're from other planet on the first place???
Is that programmed?

And concerning you scifi vision of the future: there's a law that states that the potential of a computer duplicates every 18 months, not only in performance but in size too - double the potential in a smaller package.
If you think a bit, in a vast future we will have super powerfull nano computers - and next comes the biological computers, computer living 'organisms', or dust clouds of particles that reorganize the way you want - read Michiu Kaku ..

And as for you time2unite, look:

No need to be that pissed off on me, i should be one pissed off here because i'm listening to everybody and trying to answer every single question that pops up, skeptically biased or not, but you're not listening to me!!
This is a two way discussion, you talk, i listen, i talk, you listen, and this last is not happening.

I'm gonna explain myself:

I said you understood shit of what i wrote because all i'm saying goes in the direction that, like you said, "regular ordinary people" KNOWING FOR SURE that a UFO CANNOT be built by human hands, and this, to me is completely false!!!

Explain me, how can a civillian like you and me be so sure of himself, tell me??
It's a civillian, listen to what you're saying, what the hell does the pawn know afterall???

Tell me, since when does the regular joe have a super stellar national security clearance to know such secrets, that as they say in FOIA (freedom of information anct), "can compromise national security"??



who gives you the right to say how i'm acting? your opinion? looks to me like u like to push it off as you know all the facts and everyone should listen to you.

No, No, NO, NO!!!!
Understand that i don't want you to think like me and these authors i quote, you're entitled to your opinion - BUT PLEASE BACK IT UP, IT HAS TO MAKE SENSE!!
And what you said didn't make any!!!

For example it would be completely impossible for me to have this MAN MADE UFO opinion, if, for example, alien abductions couln't be possible to forge, that would be a very good argument, see where i'm getting at?
If it we're impossible to deceive one's memory, this would be the final hitting argument, there are aliens, because people have been abdcuted by them for the last 50 years and can remember details of the abductions!!

And neither is what you said, how the fuck can a civillian know for sure that what they've just seen cannot be made by humans, tell me!?!?!

UFOLOGY is a media branch of the government - you're either with them or against.
There are thousands of supposed ufologists, but they are all biased with this alien crap, William Lyne is the ONLY AUTHOR with this UFOS-MAN-MADE OPINION and he defends it to the bone, and i agree with him, it's the most logical explanation!

Maybe some "truth-seeking" UFOLOGISTS even mention all human built Tesla's ufo or base theories, or even Paperclip Op. and Von Brauns german rocket scientists going to the US, or nazi ufos, but NONE OF THEM STATES THAT THERE'S NO ALIENS, NO GREYS NO ABDUCTIONS, THAT IT'S ALL HUMAN FABRICATION, ONLY WILLIAM LYNE!
That's why i take it so seriously, i've been a deceived alien ufo enthusiast for more than a decade!! And it's all a bucnh of bullshit!!


Now, if you're going to disagree with me, please fell free to do it, but back up your opinion with logical statements, don't say the regular joe knows for sure that a ufo cannot be built by humans........

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Active member
sorry man but i'm not pissed...i don't know where u get that from....i've listened to everything u said...just because i don't say wow man u know everything about all ufo's doesn't mean i didn't see what you wrote.

i never once said ufo's can't be built by human hands....but what i seen couldn't of been built by a human....and forsure a human could not of been inside moving at that speed.....they would of exploded....we can't even move fast up and down from deep sea depths and people feel wierd and have their ears pop when slowly landing a plane.
how could humans be in 5-6 ufos that go from being a mile in the sky hovering to blasting out of the earth in 3 seconds flat leaving rainbow colored lazer lights behind it?
thats how an everyday joe civilian like me knows for a fact that what i seen was not any way shape or form human related....it's just impossible....if u were with me you'd say the same...but you weren't so u better check your books.

good for you that you agree with a logical explanation, thats what most people do when they don't understand something or have a closed mind....there's plenty things in life that aren't logical.....scientists and doctors ect come up with many "facts" about marijuana so you must believe and feed right into that to huh? after all it must seem logical?

seriously what part don't you understand? i am disagreeing with you with the facts that i know what i seen...period....your facts are ramblings u dug up from books and internet....how are your "facts" any better then mine? atleast my facts are my facts...your facts are someone elses "facts" that you read about.

now i'll ask you for the 5th time......have u ever seen a ufo?
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Active member
another thing...all your claims that these shows and what not are all biased and everyone that's weak minded believe what they see on t.v.....but every single ufo show i've ever seen has a few people that tell their side that believe in the ufo's and the other people telling their side that doesn't.....they pretty much leave the decision up to the viewer on what they want to believe....because face it....it is a mystery that no one knows the truth for sure....if people knew we wouldn't have this discussion.....but when it comes down to things like this i'm gonna believe what i seen with my own eyes before i'm gonna believe "facts" from your books, internet or t.v.


intellectual talk.. i'll stay out...
i believe in "aliens".. you know what i mean in saying that.
but i don't think we should flatter ourselves with the prospect that something from another planet, another galaxy, another plane of existance would bother with us.. or even be remotely interested...
even if they are, what would make you think ANY of our 6 senses can comprehend what they are, or that they're there, whats on earth can't be the only formula that works... is it that we're so cocky EVERY single alien "thing" we see in the movies has some sort of human characteristic, be it breathing, body structure, eating, waste disposal, hearing, vision..etc.?
or is it that this is the only thing we know for sure (sortof) that works?

another thing is.. how the hell will we be able to establish what is extra terrestrial life and what isnt... they arent bound to our definitions of what is living, and what is existance...whats common to us, in this world might be COMPLETELT different in another.
it may be impossible for us to recognize life on other planets until we dramatically change our definition of life, living, existance.
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is it that we're so cocky EVERY single alien "thing" we see in the movies has some sort of human characteristic, be it breathing, body structure, eating, waste disposal, hearing, vision..etc.?

Cannable very well said, loved this part! :thumbs up:

Time2Unite, i never saw what you claim you've seen, but i can describe you what i saw last year's summer, it was basically what triggered my sudden hardcore re-interest for this matter and even led me to radically change my opinion on the subject.
Note that everything i saw was at night, never had a day sighting and i always had someone with me, 2 up to 7 people, tottally skeptic might i add, but that could never supply a logic answer for what they had just seen..

The most common strange thing is the typical moving stars that move with a constant speed on a straight line trajectory, and i know for sure that they aren't satelites as i've once seen a satelite and they are completely black, they don't glow like stars, they have no light source whatsoever.
This type of sighting is the most common as several interested and non-interested friends of mine have stated they've seen before, being lying on the beach at night or out in the wilderness, also at night.

Once i saw one white light pop out of nowhere in the black night sky, gain a shine 30 times the regular star shine, starting to move very slowly to the right while giving me plenty of time to call everyone, and then misteriously vanish, just like that, even about a week ago i saw one one of these while i was smoking one on the window with my neighbour but except it didn't glow that much but still, it faded away and it wasn't there anymore.

Once i saw as if it was a falling star, those typical meteors that enter the earth's atmosphere and start glowing because they are burning, but this one decided to stop its rushy straight line movement, and stay that position for some time until it's glow started decreasing until it vanished - on the falling stars cathegory i've seen one while looking forward into the horizon, going up in a diagonal instead of going down!

Once i saw for short time not the typical bright light, but one that changed colors, just like the ones Lyne mentions in his books with a colourfull corona around it.
One small note: this here is all true, i wouldn't be lying to you but to myself, wich is way worse.

Even before reading about Tesla or Lyne, or any free energy material, i had present in my mind that fallen craft episodes like Roswell classical HOAX, could well lead to reverse engineered human craft - it sounded possible, and there's a whole mass of Ufologists that defend this, naively or consciously - and it made perfect sense to me.

But it's exactly in this epic situation that everyone is completely influenced, there's no turning back from here:

-You either believe it was a baloon from the Montauk Project, to spy the russians, and there's no aliens or ufos

-Or, you are forced to believe that it was actually an alien space ship that crashed, leaving alien dead bodies behind, and that it was all covered up.

If you think a bit on this episode, this is the perfect scapegoat to cover up ufos existence and man origin - this is the fountain from where all the brainwashing pours..
Look, in my opinion i really don't think that tv documents aren't biased, even most ufo "independent" documentaries are biased, although they seem to leave up to you and to defend both sides, but they really shove us with the same alien crap the government spooks do, aka abducting greys, aka chupacabras, aka mj12, aka dark side of the moon bases, that's all bullshit, that's giving good people bad arguments, that's CIA's 'poisoning the well' technique - to mix proof with rubbish so that you can't think straight and argue straight and look like a looney when you talk.

One thing you can be sure - none, but none states openly there's no aliens, i bet my right hand on this as i've seen quite some, got 6 dvds full with material, and counting

Take late Peter Jennings: UFOS Seeing is Believing that went on national tv ABC, primetime - that's more biased than History Channel for god* sake!!

And as you know, there's a mass of dumb ass people that believe everything that goes on tv- take the ~30% of people on the US that voted last elections, only a small percentage of these voted because of the ideology and the ideas of the candidate, all the others voted because of the image of the candidate!

*read whatever you want, god, unknown, energy


Did you see that?



This stuff scares the shit outta me, really. Always have. I believe in it absolutly, thats why it scares me so much. I think id rather die than meet an alien. :petting:


sorry aliens :(

Man im freaked out now, glad i already fed the horses, i cant go outside. or go to a room by myself :|

after more thought, i think its the idea of that something, that scares me.
Like these people that are so sure something has happened to them, that fear, makes u wonder. I dotn especially believe in abduction and all of that.
I agree with the government secrets tho.
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Active member
bush- so you've only seen the things that everyone sees and just says oh that was wierd....i probably wouldn't believe in ufo's if thats all i seen....i don't even believe in the roswell incident personally....people see wierd stuff in the sky all the time but that doesn't mean they are ufos....i can go lay on my deck right now for an hour and see them star looking things move across the sky that people think are satellites. i can go out on a cloudy night and see a big huge white light thats the lights of a plane coming at you but looks like it's sitting still but goes behind a heavy cloud and disappears, i can see shooting stars, and meteors.....i would never claim any of them being ufo's because i've seen all them many times.....but what i seen them 2 times were ufo's....i'd give you the benefit of the doubt and say maybe the 1 i seen in broad daylight could of been some human/government project if we are that advanced....but never ever was what me and 5-6 of my friends seen that night anything human related...period......without that guarenteed sighting i'd be equal in my opinion....but with the sighting my opinion can never be changed.

there's alot of wierd things in the sky and many gullible people or easy persauded people would instantly think they seen a ufo, this is not the case....people that have seen them forsure know what i mean.

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