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U.F.O.'s...(Fact or Fiction?) Unidentified Flying Objects



Time2Unite said:
noooooooooooooo this thread is back, get back to the bat cave and shut your pie hole bush lol

The bat cave won't save him....he's right next to Dreamland 51. :yoinks:



free your SELF
Crop circles and ufos are merely the reflections back into time of the trancendental object which lies in our future at 12.21.2012.


New member
:biglaugh: Theehee, that's some funny shit right there.

Flying saucer?
The first UFO sighting was by a man named Kenneth Arnold Mt. Rainier, who descriped the nine flying objects with such words as boomerang and/or disk. He didn't say the ufo's actually looked like saucers; he said they skipped through the sky like flying saucers. People got hyped because of this and suddenly the newspapers were full of ufo reports. And it's stupid how people still keep calling them flying saucers although it's quite clear that it was simply a misunderstanding.

There're numerous cave paintings with ufo's, and obviously, these paintings are much much more older than the first flying saucer -impact during the 50's and the 60's. What's intresting is that most of the paintings really look like your average ufo-cliche-sighting. Check it out:


This stone is 12 000 years old and the whole idea gives me the creeps.


And like you know some people claim they got :abduct: :ed. They usually descripe the ships with various similiarities.
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some of you fellas bashing the possibilty of UFOs should start using your brains

look at how much money is thrown at projects like SETI etc., look at the prominent scientists, institutions and establishement figures who have professed not just a belief in UFOs, but in their being piloted by intelligent extra-terrestial life

as I say, I've spoken in person to this guy Nick Pope whose job it was at the MOD (Ministry of Defence) to pursue and document sightings of UFOs by the British militrary - including pilots, ground staff etc. - all trained military obsevers

Pope had the combined resources of NATO at his disposal, and after many years doing the job came to his own unforced conclusions - just as have former heads of NASA, the CIA etc.

the terrestrial technology explanations struggle to hold water in many instances, though are almost certainly part of the story

likewise the usefulness of such myths to the establishment during the Cold War

but check out some of the more prominent accounts of major sightings in Europe for exactly why it is not possible to explain these sightings away

also watch for the newer files emerging under the 50 year rules


crop circles are a crock of shit!

as are most abduction stories, and misreadings of ancient artifacts

just stick with airforce accounts, pilot and radar sightings - that is quite enough!
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Man, I'm with you 100% on the possibility of other civilizations being on other planets, worlds, stars....whatever you want to call them, UFOs are from somewhere else with way more technology & way farther-advanced knowledge than human beings have. Or 'they' could be just like us, but are using a higher % of their brain.
I heard that people used about 10% of their brains. Maybe these dudes use like 75-80% & have thought up shit like time-travel & molecular-structure. Physics shit that I have no idea about. :chin:

We can't be the 1:1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 etc. to only sustain intelligent :confused: life. :joint:


namkha said:
crop circles are a crock of shit!

as are most abduction stories, and misreadings of ancient artifacts

just stick with airforce accounts, pilot and radar sightings - that is quite enough!

I think the pics on the ancient artifacts are true & that was the only way to get a picture of the 'visitors' was chisel it out in rock...or something that would hold its time.
The abductions are probably 10-20% accurate.

But I definitely agree with you 100% on just speaking with airline pilots, fighter-jet pilots, no doubt astronauts [in fact, I think 1 or 2 have come forward] & other assorted flyers & pilots.


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
The UFO's are time machines we created and its our future explorers doing research on there own past.


Artie Lange

so we eventually can produce 1.21 jiggawatts, enough to get the delorean up to 88 mph, and send us....back to the future, great scott!! **gunna go back in time, gunna go back in time**



My cousin and I were hanging around in a Salem, OR suberb one night at about 11pm and noticed a set of lights red blue and green hovering about 300 ft away over a street or city block of houses.

I knew of silent rotar technology at the time and immediately dissmissed it as unlikely since I knew that even silent rotar could be heard in that range with rl experience well after the event.

Well we watched this craft hover and drift to the left of our perspective with NO change in altitude and NO change in sound which was imperceptable to begin with.

We watched it and knew something was quite wrong with this scene.

It flew 50ft to the left and then one by one each light dissapeared and all we could describe it by then was worm hole technology since it was quite unlike anything else we had ever seen or imagined.

This is a simple true account of what we saw and I am sure there are many examples of such things throughout human history.

I disscussed this with a former NASA engineer and he was quick to tell me that all my theories and in fact my and my cousins entire observation was indeed false.

What a moron.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
namkha said:
check out some of the more prominent accounts of major sightings in Europe for exactly why it is not possible to explain these sightings away

Or all over the world for that matter. But yes, take a look at the very convincing material collected during the Belgian UFO wave in the early 90's. What happened there was that the Belgian military -that recorded much of the sightings - actually co-operated with the media, and then a whole new picture grew:


I believe that from a scientific point of view, you will have to be rather naive to totally ignore the build-up of anomalies in the skies. It is not the scientist's task to explain away phenomenons he conciders too fantastic, but to record them and put them in a scientific context. When a phenomenon does not correspond with known facts, you will have to rethink your concepts. The UFO phenomenon is real IMO, but what it is is yet to be discovered.


Wow!! :yoinks: That's certainly an intelligent post....I just wish I knew what you said :confused: :chin: .... :wave: ....[j/k Rosy].

All I know is with all the galaxies, universes, planets, stars, etc...plus all the moons...how can there NOT be another civilization? Whadda ya think the odds would be on that? :chin: :lurk:

Close? :yoinks: :deadhorse :abduct: :fight: :dance: :alien: :nono:
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I disscussed this with a former NASA engineer and he was quick to tell me that all my theories and in fact my and my cousins entire observation was indeed false.
What were you expecting, that's his job..
Nazia is a governmental opinion distortion tool wich also acts as fund raiser, exactly like SETI although seti has way less mobility of action.

They exist to make every american and every citizen of the world, including you and me, think that all this archaic 1800 industrial revolution technology - burning fossil fuels - is the best and only way to put our men up there, that we can't do any better, when that is completely false. :yoinks:

Their true technologic developments are kept away from the public eye, cloaked behind that massive propaganda machine, cloaked behind the space shuttles that still work on fossil fuel, cloaked behind the limited Eisteinian Relativism ideas that still supports the notion of free energy being IMPOSSIBLE - you can't get out of a system more that you put in.
Eisntein, this is for you :moon:

They don't tell you about anti-gravity technology, or about engines running out of nothing, vaccuum literally, it's not even air - but they show you the size of those fuel tanks on cape canaveral space rockets and then you know that only a tenth of that massive machine is NOT fuel...

I'm not sure if i posted it here, but i remember finding an article where a british hacker was recetly caught snooping in the nasa servers, and he stated for a BBC interview that he found very strange things like antigravity tech clear evidence, for example he found a person's desktop with lots of space pictures with ufos where the person's task was to photoshop the pictures and ERASE them......... for public safety.
I can search the link if any of you wants.

So yes, the conclusion is that we, as a race, already have free energy technology, but it is so directly connected with the ufo phenomenon that they had to keep it a secret and literally started a worldwide disinformation campaign to confuse/distract people of the real subject with all that greys/bases on the moon/flying saucers madeup parafernalia.

For more than 70 years, the solution for all the wars and all the famine in the world already exists can you believe it?
The thing is they remain in the hands of greedy fascist men wich are the same ones leading us to believe that fuel is so vital to the point that we have to have wars and kill people for it, wars have always been for resources.

So support american military machine, fill up your car tank...
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so shit hit the fan

Hacker fears 'UFO cover-up'

In 2002, Gary McKinnon was arrested by the UK's national high-tech crime unit, after being accused of hacking into Nasa and the US military computer networks.
He says he spent two years looking for photographic evidence of alien spacecraft and advanced power technology.

America now wants to put him on trial, and if tried there he could face 60 years behind bars.

Banned from using the internet, Gary spoke to Click presenter Spencer Kelly to tell his side of the story, ahead of his extradition hearing on Wednesday, 10 May. You can read what he had to say here.

Spencer Kelly: Here's your list of charges: you hacked into the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Department of Defense, and Nasa, amongst other things. Why?

Gary McKinnon: I was in search of suppressed technology, laughingly referred to as UFO technology. I think it's the biggest kept secret in the world because of its comic value, but it's a very important thing.

Old-age pensioners can't pay their fuel bills, countries are invaded to award oil contracts to the West, and meanwhile secretive parts of the secret government are sitting on suppressed technology for free energy.

SK: What did you find inside Nasa?

GM: One of these people was a Nasa photographic expert, and she said that in building eight of Johnson Space Centre they regularly airbrushed out images of UFOs from the high-resolution satellite imaging. What she said was there was there: there were folders called "filtered" and "unfiltered", "processed" and "raw", something like that.

I got one picture out of the folder, and bearing in mind this is a 56k dial-up, so a very slow internet connection, in dial-up days, using the remote control programme I turned the colour down to 4bit colour and the screen resolution really, really low, and even then the picture was still juddering as it came onto the screen.

But what came on to the screen was amazing. It was a culmination of all my efforts. It was a picture of something that definitely wasn't man-made.

It was above the Earth's hemisphere. It kind of looked like a satellite. It was cigar-shaped and had geodesic domes above, below, to the left, the right and both ends of it, and although it was a low-resolution picture it was very close up.

This thing was hanging in space, the earth's hemisphere visible below it, and no rivets, no seams, none of the stuff associated with normal man-made manufacturing.

taken from

watch this video interview
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/help/3681938.stm [/quote]

Gary Mckinnon suport site

and he's a fellow stoner too :woohoo:

He told me that the most exciting thing he had found during his late-night hacking escapades was "a list of officers' names, under the heading Non-Terrestrial Officers". I looked it up, and it's nowhere. It doesn't mean little green men. What I think it means is not Earth-based. And I found a list of "fleet-to-fleet transfers", and a list of ship names. I looked them up, too. They weren't US navy ships. What I saw made me believe that they have some kind of spaceship, off-planet."

"A secret space ship?" I said. "Some kind of other Mir that nobody knows about?"
"I guess so," said Gary.
"What were the ship names?" I asked.
"I can't remember," said Gary. "I was smoking a lot of dope at the time.
Not good for the intellect."
now heres someone i would love to smoke a few with
:chin: :joint: :wave:
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