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U.F.O.'s...(Fact or Fiction?) Unidentified Flying Objects



bush@crackhouse said:
i'd rather be in a looney bin alone, than in a fun farm full of funny 'regular joes'

Now that you mention tell me, have you seen anything?
You see, time2unite says what he had already seen although he doesn't believe their human but he saw some strange things to base his judgement on, and i said what i had seen too, as much as a lot of people on this thread, but i don't hear no reports from you..

What, you gonna tell me that you believe in something you've never seen??
and i'm the looney....

If you can't digest my thoughts, don't chew them.
Just don't say i'm on the loonie bin.
As far as i'm concerned it's you that's in the bin, not me.

It's nice to know that you'd rather be alone than partying with us 'regular joes'. That gives us much relief.
Yes, I saw 1 & watched it for 20 minutes [felt like hours]. This was 1963 & watched it with my mom. She has since gone to Heaven & has found out the Truth behind these other civilizations. Same with my dad.
I'll try to keep you updated, since "you don't hear no reports from me". :nono: Maybe you can learn me some English. :jerkit:
I have tried to "digest your thoughts", but I keep regurgitating. I really could care less what goes thru your brain...I've just 'bin' wondering how you come up with these ridiculous posts, but it hurts my head too much. :confused:
It's nice to know that you'd rather be alone than partying with us 'regular joes'.
First of all, i called you an ordinary joe, because you're just another head in the crowd, you share the same mainstream mind bending Fox News broadcasted idea that ET's ride UFOS, you can search but you won't find any 'think-tank ufologist' saying their ALL HUMAN - howcome?

And now, who the hell was talking about partying, what have we been discussing till now, SICILLIAN PIZZAS??
You said i belonged to the loonie bin because of having this opinion, and i answered that i prefered to be alone with my opinion instead of sharing the most mainstream opinion that they're out of this world along the majority - why are you changing the subject, can't you argue straight?
and i'm the foreigner who can't write properly..

You seem pretty offended, but i ask you does having a particular opinion on this subject make me/you a better person?
I don't judge people for their beliefs, i judge them for the way they stand up for them, and when i think they're wrong i try to provide them more facts to base their judgement on, just as i like to be shown these same facts when i'm the one who's wrong, but with your insults youre not making any point worth listening..

If you're a nice person that's enough for me, most of the people i know don't agree with me on just about everything, they prefer to swallow whole chunks of media garbage your country fabricates and disseminates everyday, but hey are they not my friends for that, wouldn't i party with them because of that?? wtf..

It's not their fault, it's called "socialization" -» go shopping, go to atm, pay bills, believe tv news -» Osama did 911 and Mcveigh Oaklahoma federal building :moon: CNN ABC NBC

I'm sorry my opinion seems to offend so many, but i won't change it because of that.

Y'all think et's ride ufo's, ok fine..

I don't, can i breathe?


Damn dude, thicken-up that skin [or are YOU an alien?], b@c, I'm not offended by your opinions or remarks. I couldn't give a fuck what you think.
Keep it light, Martian man, it's all good.:D


Active member
i still dont get the need for all the darn anal probing? i mean come on allians why must ya keep doing this! its really starting to suck! :abduct: :yoinks:
some more brain drilling.. :bat:
this goes out to all you skeptics, its a bit long but give it a look

PowerPedia:Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity
From PESWiki
The following is alternative information pertaining to the Dynamic Theory of
Gravity published at Wikipedia

This Dynamic Theory of Gravity neither appears nor is mentioned anywhere in standard Tesla informative sites and is still classified, with literally thousands
and thousands of other pages he wrote.
Luckily, through his collected articles and lectures one can still catch his references to his mainstream work and dream, which was, contrary to what many believe, the development of an ultimate flying machine (check "My Inventions").
The typical misinformation is that his flying machine was an aerodynamic one, due to a patent on a VTOL aircraft he presented ("method of aerial transportation Jan 3, 1928") which even if unique and first of it's kind, was not his real "Flivver".
The "veritable rope of air" he refers to in one of his interviews was a direct analogy to the ether carriers bringing in "tubes of force" to maintain his flying machine exactly where he wanted it or to move it in any direction at incredible speed and incredible acceleration. It is imperative to understand Tesla's life as a "whole", not only study his work. He was continuously busy with further developing his theories and bringing them into practice and would not be satisfied until he reached a practical status.
His rotating magnetic field or "alternator" coupled with his bladeless turbine and his high voltage coils were all developed for this purpose.
He said himself, while he was at college that he conceived of this flying machine, but had not yet discovered a way to power and propel it (a "prime mover of sufficiently great activity").
He took his first step with his rotating magnetic field and understood intuitively that the laws of electromagnetics were somehow connected to gravity: the passage from Goethe's Faust clearly spells it out. On that occasion, he not only solved his alternating magnetic field problem, but took the first step into understanding "nature's wheelwork".
Amazingly, when he arrived in the U.S.---after being robbed of his money and suitcase---he still had in his possession, tightly kept under his arm, his drawings not only of his AC motor (which he had built and tested in Paris prior to his departure), but most importantly drawings and plans for his flying machine.

Tesla said he had fully developed his Dynamic Theory of Gravity and "worked it out in all its details" in 1893-94.
This ether-based theory explained gravity and directly linked it to electromagnetic phenomena, explaining also that the sun and all stars emit "primary solar rays" (which produce secondary radiations).

Tesla demonstrated that all bodies have electrical content and as such, are all moving charges as our earth hurls through space at incredible speed (hence 'dynamic').
He demonstrated, through the use of his particular evacuated tubes and high voltage coils powered by special HF alternators, how earth emanates "microwaves" and how it behaves as a charged sphere. Based on these discoveries and their confirmation at Colorado Springs, he developed and tested his first electromagnetic flying machine that could fly "devoid of 4 sustaining wings, propellers or gas bags".

It is important to understand Tesla's ether concept which was unique.
Tesla's ether is in fact a medium, "a perfect fluid" that wets everything in which are immersed "independent carriers".
It behaves as a solid to light (high frequency) and is transparent to matter. Tesla demonstrated how this ether could be "polarized" and made "rigid" through a particular HF alternator and single terminal coil (ex. 1892 lecture in London) and 2 metal plates which he "suspended" in the air making the space between them rigid "privately" on one another.
In 1894 he invented a special bulb which augmented this technology to created what he called "veritable ropes of air" which were "tubes of force" which could suspend or accelerated his ship in any direction.
Another important Tesla concept connected to his ether theory and DToG are his "primary solar rays".
Grossolaneously, the sun acts as a "generator" for our solar system.
It emits enormous amounts of radiation which Tesla calls primary solar rays.
These rays in turn, hit various particles in space which give rise to secondary radiation which is much weaker.
The primary solar rays reach the various planets imparting momentum to them which are constantly at right angles in respect to their trajectory from the sun (this explains why planets revolve around stars, a theory later proven by Hannes Alfven).
Tesla often repeated that nothing in the universe is standing still (this is why he called his theory "dynamic") because if it were, all matter would "decay" back to the ether (we are hurling through space at incredible speed sitting on our planet). In fact, Tesla stated that if we could shield any radioactive element from these rays, it would cease to be radioactive.

This in turn underlines one of his major discoveries that put him in direct
contrast with the re-emerging Relativity theory
, which is that energy does not directly originate from matter or vice versa, but that matter behaves as a medium for forces to act upon or to act through, and that without matter there is no Energy (nor Force) and vice versa (he said a body without force is like a body without a mind).

All this energy (more modernly viewed as "ZPE") comes from the environment (through ether) and reverts back to the environment giving life to matter, a "closed circuit" in one way or the other (more efficiently or less). It is omnipresent, day or night, and is "re-emitted" by every star in our universe (which naturally includes our sun).
Tesla knew every "body" had an electrical content, and as such, interacted with the surrounding ether.
The earth is like a charged sphere hurling through space (thus a current, hence magnetic field), around the sun, powered by it's primary rays (and giant electric currents along "frozen magnetic lines of force", according to the works of Alfven mentioned in "The Big Bang Never
Happened" by Lehrner).

We can observe the effects of solar flares through earth's magnetic field and
auroras at the poles and we experience high voltage distribution overloads in
certain areas due to high energy/radiation "bursts".
While we rotate and revolve around our sun at great speed, a portion of the ether is polarized (is "rigidified" by "rapidly varying electrostatic forces" emitted by the earth) and carried along by the electric field of the earth which decreases with the inverse square of the distance from the earth. Tesla measured these electrostatic emissions with a special tube.

Here come into play the "tubes of force" (Faraday, Lord Kelvin, Maxwell, J.J.
Thomson) that---due to our independent charge ratio depending on our density and electrical content---are absorbed by our bodies and impart a downward momentum creating the sensation of a "gravity field".
It is the interaction between the electrical content of every "dynamic" body with ether carriers (comprising tubes of force) that results in momentum being imparted to a body (an electromagnetic to mechanical interconversion). It is an endless "circuit loop" that continuously keeps everything in motion in our universe (Tesla's "Wheelwork of Nature") which if understood can give us the ability to achieve "any desired result".

This "carrier exchange" is constant, but can be artificially manipulated using
HV DC and HV HF AC potentials in order to block or reduce it (Tesla's Flying
Machine[1] (http://www.pritchardschool.com/Teslas_Flying_Machine.pdf)).
Every moving body in our universe transverses this omni-directional radiation and interacts with the ether since all bodies have electrical content.
The most important fact of all is that we can use the ether to convert the weaker, mechanical force, to the much stronger electromagnetic one (2*10E40 times stronger). This holds the key to doing much more "work" in the same period of time. This exchange is constantly occurring in our universe and is it's unlimited "prime mover".

Tesla never referred to "space-time".
He considered time as a mere man-made "measure" of the rate at which events occur such as a distance travelled (in miles or kms) in a certain period of time, for a frame of reference. He considered the "curving" of space to be absurd (putting it in gentle terms) saying humorously that a if a moving body curved space the "equal and opposite" reaction of space on the body would "straighten space back out". One must keep in mind that Einstein was "playing around" with the ether theories of the time (he had access to patents and documentation as he worked as a library clerk at the Swiss patent office since 1902) and certainly gave a good look at them, before the Relativistic theory popped up for the second time (this theory dates back to R. Boscovich, 1711-1787).

Einstein himself said "The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources". He has been "caught" more than once (even recently) plagiarizing other's people work without giving any credit.
Ether is the "ultimate" medium (Tesla often interchanged the term "medium"
with "ether") - being a perfect fluid and transporting independent carriers. Tesla said that electromagnetic radiation was propagated "like sound waves in the ether".

I will continue to update this page until I feel that my expose' sufficiently
resembles Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity based on my research.
I thank William Lyne for his major efforts in uncovering Nikola Tesla's major
achievement through his two books Pentagon Aliens and Occult Ether Physics
which provide a vast amount of information on this subject and for helping me
in editing this document.
:fsu: :fsu:
taken from "Teslas Dynamic Theory of Gravity.PDF"

Everybody's car could be running for free, and it isn't.
The next war with Iran is comming so expect about the doubling of gas prices, like in the 70's, and as we all know, when gas rises, bank interests rise too.

So who's truly winning with the war, no matter how you put it?
bg fucking banks..

Did you know for example that the only common 'threat' of the 'dangerous nations' is that none permits international bankers running their central bank?
It's not wmds or dictators how they want you to think through everyday primetime national news....
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From what I can comprehend in that, UFOs are from other planets & not man-made.

I'm glad you've come around to the actual facts & are a big enough person to say, "Ya know, you guys have been right all along!!"

I commend you for your ability to know when to say, "I'm wrong & youze guys are correct!!":D


from the mists and the shadows .... there you wil
BigToke said:
When folks ask me about life out there in space wither I believe or not, I say, well if God didn’t put life out there it just seems like a whole lot of wasted space…………..soooo yea I believe.

I agree ....
Micro-organisms ..... entirely different to life on this planet .... YES they could exist.....

but the whole UFO thing .....erm k then

(they've been visiting here for years... They're technologically advanced ...)


Delta9THCV I really believe there is extra terrestrial life out there in the Universe, both in the form of microorganisms or highly developed races, physical or not, but no i don't believe that they're the 'visitors'.

It's just human craft, powered by undisclosed human technology existent for more than 70 years, plain and simple.

The whole 'greys/dracoreptilians/bases on the moon' mind parafernalia that exist inherent to the UFO subject is false propaganda, like saying,

- "These ships ain't ours, we know nothing on this, the little knowledge we have on this cannot be disclosed because of the 'reaction' that it can cause on mass populations, generalized panic and chaos" - i say bullshit

They just use the media to influence our opinion, being it the actual tv news, or the ufology 'geek' groups to deceive everyone into thinking it's alien technology, too advanced for us to 'comprehend', they use this global mind deceiving scheme to hide the diamond that's really behind it - free energy technology.

"From what I can comprehend in that, UFOs are from other planets & not man-made."
Zoltron, i would say the same some months back but now i don't agree with that point of view anymore - that's the result of the 1947 Roswell Classical Hoax [almost 60 years have passed and the created ideas still remain]
You we're basicaly left with too choices:

-it was a Montauk Project baloon to spy on the Russians, and there's no such thing as ufos or aliens;

- or it was really an alien ufo running on alien advanced technology, and that the army had to cover it all up.

They don't leave you the chance to thinking it was human, get it?
You either become a blind skeptic that can't see they we're really covering something up, or a brainwashed skeptic that feeds on what they say, and repeats it without even giving it a thourough thought.

What we can comprehend is something, with wich facts we 'comprehend' is another.
What if the facts we use are wrong?
Where do you get your facts?
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just a litle piece of lyrics from dead prez, song called propaganda, describing perfectly what i mean

"You can’t fool all the people all of the time
But if you fool the right ones, then the rest will fall behind
Tell me who’s got control of your mind? your world view?
Is it the news or the movie you’re taking your girl to?

Know what I’m sayin cause uncle sam got a plan
If you examine what they tellin us then you will understand
What they plantin in the seeds of the next generation
Feeding our children miseducation

No one knows if there’s ufo’s or any life on mars
Or what they do when they up in the stars
Because I don’t believe a word of what the president said
He filling our head with lies got us hypnotised..."

final chorus goes

Mass opinion control, politically biased news, corporativistic biased news, state propaganda, that's the today's most generalised and one of the most effective forms of fascism

So be skeptic to even what you think you know.


Im sorry if it's been posted already but the thread's rather long and I searched and couldn't find anything. The link below is to footage of Intercepted NASA transmissions and there's also some good footage of MIR and the russian control center. I can't describe what I saw on that video and neither could the cosmonauts and astronauts. Mission control said that the moving objects were Ice crystals, others they just faffed it off with space dust/debris but it was like looking into a swimming pool with thousands of tadpoles in it.

I noticed that the Russians broadcasted the video feed raw whilst NASA used a high contrast technique to try and blur out some of the video footage as it was going live because you could clearly see objects moving about.

Im not saying this phenomena is alien craft, but I do know that once an object is moving in the vacuum of space that it can neither speed up or slow down or change direction unless there's a force applied, in this video there are objects doing all of those things.

It's only on for like half an hour and it's worth watching with a spliff just for the 80's juno synth sounds alone :D



from the mists and the shadows .... there you wil
bush.... in response to your argue meant that goes.... "but the dead prez song says so..."

I got a response....

"Dem Crazy"...~ Damian Marley

///Tug interestin video///

dem crazy.. dem?

Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying they have any answers but at least they ask questions - as far as i'm concerned everybody that believes UFOS are alien spaceship is crazy...
and you must be thinking just the same about me for saying they're all human..
so i guess it's kinda relative - who wins? who's not crazy?
the majority?

in my honest opinion the sanier they are, the crazier they sound
DP's like the 'diet' version of reality, holdin on just a few cue points but they're as rock solid right as me going to smoke one stella blue right now :canabis:

Bramski, if you realllly wanna trip search for NASA's tether incident
That's the bomb
Bramski just watched the link, thanks for sharing, i have that nasa secret transmissions and the nasa's smoking gun videos and the incident i'm mentioning appears around minute 21 on your link, nasa's tether incident

I remember the first time i watched this video i completely freaked for some time, stared the monitor like a bull stares a palace - if any of you hasn't seen, do it.

Disclaimer: don't crap your pants
how did u guys get bush to shut his pie hole?
[with twilight zone music theme on the back]
That's right, he disapeared and never came back........

Maybe he got abducted by governmental MIB disguised as ufologist think-tanks that desperately tried to brainwash him to believe that ETS are actually here riding ufos "above" our noses...

Well, that or they tried to make him believe that such things never ever existed, wasn't Roswell a Montauk balloon to spy on the russians afterall?
greys, dracoreptilians, pleydians.....thats all bs, right?

time2unite you got your opinion, i got mine, here's mine again, as clear as possible, [bolded and underlined]


ppl go crazy when they hear me saying this, how i love those faces.... :yoinks:
ain't freedom of speech the shit?

can't cope with my statements?
live up with yours......

enough wasting time, back to the bat cave :lurk:


bush@crackhouse said:

ppl go crazy when they hear me saying this, how i love those faces.... :yoinks:
ain't freedom of speech the shit?

can't cope with my statements?
live up with yours......

enough wasting time, back to the bat cave :lurk:

I'm always the last to know.... :confused: :fsu:



I like the new airwaves ad on UK TV, with the disenchanted alien visitor -

"chew new airwaves and come to your senses"

- probably on the web somewhere


met Nick Pope, the UK MOD UFO man, as was

seemed like a very genuine guy, with plenty of persuasive evidence - has since been promoted up the ranks of the MOD

"Open Skies, Closed Minds" is the better of his books



My little pony.. my little pony
Only smart aliens use ufo's

You can still catch the dumb ones driving around in these.
