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U.F.O.'s...(Fact or Fiction?) Unidentified Flying Objects

bush- so you've only seen the things that everyone sees and just says oh that was wierd....i probably wouldn't believe in ufo's if thats all i seen....
You're entitled to your opinion as i am - and this was enough for me.

i can go lay on my deck right now for an hour and see them star looking things move across the sky that people think are satellites
Look, star looking things like you say can only be stars, and stars don't move, or disappear, or gain 30x shine.

i can go out on a cloudy night and see a big huge white light thats the lights of a plane coming at you but looks like it's sitting still but goes behind a heavy cloud and disappears, i can see shooting stars, and meteors"
I'm i in any way doubting things you've seen?
Why are you doubting mine?
Did i mention any clouds, why are you trying to add things to my statements, it was clear sky as i said before.

Have you ever seen a falling star going upwards?

there's alot of wierd things in the sky and many gullible people or easy persauded people would instantly think they seen a ufo, this is not the case....people that have seen them forsure know what i mean.
I'm sorry that you can't relate your experience to mine.
I just don't think you should catalog things just like that, as impossible to be "human related".

Never underestimate.
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Active member
so what exactly do you think u seen then?

what do you mean it was enough for you?

i'm not doubting anything you've seen, i'm just saying in my expierince everything u explained sounds like what some of my friends claim to be ufo's but are not.....like there it is man thats exactly what i seen before....then it's a big huge glow of light from an airplane then the plane either goes behind a cloud and looks like it disappears or it turns and the light disappears.

no i've never seen a shooting star go upwards.

haven't u looked up in the sky and seen them things that look just like stars and move in a straight line until they disappear?

i can relate to your experiences thats why i said the things i did.

i'll stand by what i said until i die....them 5-6 things we seen were not human related, and if you were standing next to me you'd say the same thing....even after your research and books.



"FIRE....I beg you to burn..."



Moon-grass farmer
I hate getting all ripped and then reading about UFO's or watching a TV show about them. I have to leave the door open when I go to take a piss...
Here's a paragraph, one of the last of the William Lyne's "Occult Ether Physics" book that kinda sums what i've been trying to say

The Secret Government—a fraudulently concealed, unconstitutional, corporate-state entity—has heretofore controlled electropulsion technology by concealing it and other advanced free energy technology, on behalf of international, coercive, corporate-state monopolists. Electropulsive ships are concealed through "special effects", and "stealth technology" (also based on Nikola Tesla's inventions) as they fly and hover in the sky, and by "psycho-political" means the dissemination of false "alien" and "extraterrestrial origin" propaganda through "UFOlogy" groups led by covert government agents. While official government spokesmen deny the existence of flying saucers, covert government agents, posing as "skeptics", "UFOlogists", and "paranormalists", engage the public's attention in a phony debate. The "skeptics" ridicule the UFOlogists and paranormalists, lumping them together with rational witnesses, as if "...to see a flying saucer" is as ridiculous as "...to see a ghost or alien". This phony debate based on false logic fits nicely into the overall cover-up system, designed to conceal "advanced human technology", not "alien" technology.

The grip of this secret socio-economic dictatorship, depends on coercively extorted income, by forcing us to buy archaic fuel and power which funds their control of our communications, political and monetary decisions, enforcement of unjust laws, regulations, and procedures expanding its powers, while limiting or excluding our individual human rights, and denying our access to information, materials, and technology which is ours because we paid for it with our taxes. Our access to the truth is necessary for our independence and survival as a free people.

Despite the confusion, concealment, BIG LIES, and judicial and socio-economic abuse by the corporate state, we can resurrect the TRUTH, determine the correct technology, circumvent obstructions, and use our creative ingenuity to build these ships for ourselves, to free our society from the Secret Fascist Corpocracy.

This last part seems kinda lunatic, but just imagine that Nikola Tesla, a man living in 1900's has built one of these ships - it sounds less impossible, no?
And for those that can't conveive the idea of a human inside a ship going 100000n miles an hour without being smashed against the walls, think of this.

Earth spins around the sun, and over its axis, right?
Can you feel this happening? No.

Now, for those that may have read something on this subject, you may have read before that our galaxy where our Solar system is, is also spining on its axis at enoooormous speed.
Again, can you feel this happening? No.

Now, this is just me as i've never read this anywhere, but maybe, even the whole universe is spinning at a speed impossible to imagine by our (un)limited minds.
And once again would you feel this happening? No.

Maybe it's like earth is our personal ufo, as in, we can't feel the effects of all this massive movement and its subsequent smashing centrifugal force, we're protected by earth's electromagnetic field aka gravity.

PS: if you said yes on any above quit the booze and go to bed
PS2: if you keep feeling the spinning, throw up a bit and drink plenty of water.. hehe
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Active member
cool pic zoltron

lol i've felt the earth spinning a few times

so to break it down you don't believe the ufo's are from another planet you just believe everything is a cover up to hide the facts that they are all government projects?

oh and i believe in spirits too



Active member
i started a poll on this subject in another thread, so we can continue over there if you'd like...i was just curious to see the % of the communities belief on the subject.
so to break it down you don't believe the ufo's are from another planet you just believe everything is a cover up to hide the facts that they are all government projects?

oh and i believe in spirits too

Look, you can save the irony..

While official government spokesmen deny the existence of flying saucers, covert government agents, posing as "skeptics", "UFOlogists", and "paranormalists", engage the public's attention in a phony debate. The "skeptics" ridicule the UFOlogists and paranormalists, lumping them together with rational witnesses, as if "...to see a flying saucer" is as ridiculous as "...to see a ghost or alien".

Who's talking about spirits?

I'm sorry if my opinion disturbs you, but this is what i really think of this ufo subject.
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Active member
maybe the aliens and bigfoot know something the rest of us don't....like this whole idea of intelligent life wasting 50,000 years to travel 100 lightyears, 1 light year is 6,000,000,000,000 miles, multiply that by a 100, only to fly by and fuck with people i don't think so. If any intelligent life ever finds are dumb ass's they'll enslave us and annihalte us not play hide and seek. just my opinion though.


darkside420 said:
maybe the aliens and bigfoot know something the rest of us don't....like this whole idea of intelligent life wasting 50,000 years to travel 100 lightyears, 1 light year is 6,000,000,000,000 miles, multiply that by a 100, only to fly by and fuck with people i don't think so. If any intelligent life ever finds are dumb ass's they'll enslave us and annihalte us not play hide and seek. just my opinion though.

:pointlaug LOL!! Everytime I see such nonsense, I can't let it thru without bustin some balls... :chin:
You're using math that humans would use. You actually think their 'mode of transportation' would travel at the same rate as 1 of our rockets or something? Maybe an 'alien 747'? I'd definitely have to fly 1st class on 1 of those long-ass flights. Are there showers? :joint: :confused: :abduct: :bigeye: :smoker: :muahaha:


There is too much to disquss and too much we dont understand, but.
I Want to Believe! there is extraterrectial life out there and thats a fact that just cant be denyed. but the question is why they are here and what do they want


grow the herb and they will come.....simple as that...

name another planet where you can grow da herb
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Active member
You expect me to believe some alien species has the ability to tear a hole in the fabric of space and zoom there way around the universe in 1 second only to fuck around with people...you got me laugin pal. Whatever your on I want some...by the way math is universal.


Active member
Even at light speed (186,000 miles per second) to travel across even a galaxy would take 2 life times. You sir can only speak about theroies such as worm holes...absolutely no one can prove thats plausiable. Come on.


"Math is universal".....Who said anything about this universe? :chin:

And maybe you're right...sounds like you've had some college...maybe even a degree? Well, I'm not familiar with 'worm-holes'....I'm just thinking the odds, pal, & there is no way in hell that the Earth is the only place in all of Space with any civilization. That's way too high to think we are IT.
Who says these dudes can't tele-transport [or whatever the hell it's called]? Where their molecules just blast apart & re-form in some other 'Time' or Space. They probably know all that kinda stuff.
I'm not real 'book' educated, but the odds say to me that I'd have a better chance at hitting the Powerball Lottery, Publishers Clearing House & Reader's Digest Sweepstakes all in the same month to say that Earth is ALL THERE IS.

& I don't think you could handle the 'stuff' I'm on... :yoinks: :joint:


Active member
I could not agree more with you about intelligent life in this universe. It exists...to what degree I don't know. Try Drakes Theory; this is still just a theory but the best fuctional mathimatical scale for life I've ever seen. I am a believer in life much more intelligent then ourselve's will ever become, but imagine if it's already happen...a long time ago...in a galaxy far far away....


Active member
and molecular reconfiguration (teleporting) is way farther out then wormholes, which I never mentioned orginaly only rebutled to your comment on my description of the speed of light and probability. The Universe...Our Galaxy, the Solar System...the distances involved....if onlu we weren't alone here...


Active member
bush@crackhouse said:
Look, you can save the irony..

Who's talking about spirits?

I'm sorry if my opinion disturbs you, but this is what i really think of this ufo subject.

irony? to hard for you to answer a simple question?

your quote is talking about ghosts.....ghosts are spirits

your opinion doesn't matter to me....like i care if you believe in things or not
"irony? to hard for you to answer a simple question?"
What the fuck do you want me to answer?? THIS??

"so to break it down you don't believe the ufo's are from another planet you just believe everything is a cover up to hide the facts that they are all government projects?"
Are you mentally disabled or wut, what have i been writing for all this time, can you actually r e a d ??

Yes, i truly believe what everybody accounts as alien spacecraft, aka UFOS, are terrestrial ships afterall and have always been, for like 70 years!!!
Not that abduction greys/blood sucking draco-reptilian/bases on the moon/ bullshit the government wants us to believe!!

Do you want me to repeat it again?
I can do it, but it's been like the 74th time.......