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U.F.O.'s...(Fact or Fiction?) Unidentified Flying Objects

Freedom of Information Act is the natural way when regarding the disclosure of past 'said' important events or facts that, as they say, were of national security importance and had to be kept away from the public eye.
Not that i trust a bit in these 'disclosed national secrets', to me its just another way of confusing the public..

It's not any different in the ufo field, any piece of document is hardly consistent and is over and over again completely misleading, at in least as i see it.
To me what really happens is they hide the facts and then after 30 years they mold them to twist them to their will and then release these documents.

Straightforwardly speaking, to some ufo geeks Project Bluebook may ring a nostalgic bell, being it the first confirmed American investigation on the subject from where there is a lot of compiled information, wether it being it true or not.

This is the first page taken from one of the many copies of these undisclosed documents that travel around the web, successfully fullfilling their task wich is, without a shadow of a doubt, confusing the people that search any truth in them.

Well everyone has heard me say over and over again my 'said' twisted version of the facts, i keep saying they're human and that after the classical Roswell event a two blade knife was created:

1) you believe in the facts but fail to understand completely and swallow the idea that we are in fact being visited by aliens with far more developed technological means of transport than we ever dreamed;

2) or you either remain in a catatonic state of denial and you simply can't conceive any of this, and truly believe that it's all a lie, that nothing fell on roswell when in fact it did.

You're either paranormal or stupidly blindfolded, right?

Now check the underlined part of the text.
What are they trying to leave clear and making sure that anyone that has internet/access to this document and will to read it -> is that these crafts are far more advanced than us but at the same time, after a 20 year investigation there is no indication that points clearly to extraterrestrial origin.... strange to say the least

"Yes we've seen these ponytails lots of times in these past 20 years but there is no indication they are horses, yeah we might as well stop investigating them since they pose no threat to national security......."

come on, this is craping in your head.... :yoinks:

I could have spared your flamming and post something more consistent but i think that there is one very important thing to reatain - the importance of this two blade situation feeding:

-they don't clearly say if they're aliens or if its a bunch of bull leaving the skeptics in the skeptic tank, the ufo geeks thriving for more zeta reticulii government made up pile, and the ones saying it's human sounding even more crazy than the other too together, so they and their secrets are and continue safe.
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Active member
the only people to know the truth are people that got abducted, or people that know what they seen could not be human made.

i'm not talking about the crazy people that want to believe so bad that they make the slightest sighting of something wierd into a ufo.
time2unite If ufos were in fact human, how could i explain this last creepy part, the part where people see aliens?

Took me some time to understand but its quite easy - a MIB doesn't visit you to erase the things you've seen on your last alien tupperware encounter, they are the ones abducting, and injecting hypnotic drugs like scopolamine, and making experiences with your body without your consent and implanting chips and staging ships and alien scenarios with the most hollywoodistic costumes you can think of, making you think you've been in fact inside a ship with not so funny little guys sticking things under your eyes....

There are lots of people in the army that were subject to these chip inplant experiences.
I remember following the case of an australian military that realised that he had been subject to these kind of experiences when he was xrayed on an hospital and all this happened without his consent so he was trying for legal action.
This link i don't really know where it is but i can dig..

Think, with no abductions what are you left with?
ship sightings

the only people to know the truth are people that got abducted, or people that know what they seen could not be human made.
If you were an amazonian indian and saw a speeding car for the first time would you say it 'could not be human made'?
I'm afraid that's not that simple..

It's called perspective.


That entire Project Blue Book was a government document. You really expect anyone to trust the federal government & their reports? :pointlaug


all praises are due to the Most High
Hoping it is true! yes man, imagine how cool would it be that cool intelligent light beings from outer space who are tolerant with cannabis would suddenly show up in kick ass space ships and took all of our high butts to a place far away from any idiots???? i have faith! peace


Active member
u took that pic bush?

if i was an amazon and seen a car speed by going 55-120 mph i would say holy shit what was that, but i would see the human driver. and if i was an amazon i wouldn't have any idea of technology.

now when i see 6-7 ufos come over the trees and hover in the sky for awhile then at a blink of an eye zip out of the galaxy each going a different direction and heading up faster then the speed of light....i just know that isn't humanly possible.
Zoltron of course i dont give much credibility to what's written there but you have to take it in account - because it did happen.
For instance Brazil had a similar investigation program during the same time where they called "H traffic" to those kind of events.

My point is, the cream of pie is not the conclusions, they are even not relevant because they're obvious where their coming from, what else could be expected?

It's the context and the intentions of the writer - the context where it happened, and what was the idea they wanted you to swallow.

For example, don't you ever ask yourself when you're watching a completely biased program "What's their point?" or "What do they want me to think?" "Where are they gettin at?"..

Its just an example but try finding a History Channel documentary lets say from Cold war or Space race stating that Soviets were competent.
You won't find one, why?
Easy, that's not the intention of the script.
Time2unite stop being an ass, its not my picture, i didn't took it, im not from belgium, just said it was 'my' picture because i remember having taken a long time to get one with good resolution...

"if i was an amazon and seen a car speed by going 55-120 mph i would say holy shit what was that, but i would see the human driver."

Now imagine you couldn't see the driver, that the windows were 'polarised'........
Now what would you think of that?
It's the gods on a black SLK....
Did you see the drivers on those out-of-this-world lightspeed spaceships you saw?
Maybe if you did you'd be just like your indian...

'fuckin hard to get a good discussion these days, might as well go and see some weeds series


Active member
dude you got serious problems....why am i an ass because i'm wondering if thats your picture? normally when people say here's my picture and show a picture it's theirs. if it was yours i was gonna say cool pic, either way it's cool.

you make no sense in any of your posts...one minute it seems you totally believe in ufo's then the next minute you think anyone that believes in them is a moron and they are human made.

i thought everyone that was posting was conversating.....it isn't conversation unless everyone believes what you do?
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bush@crackhouse said:
Time2unite stop being an ass, its not my picture, i didn't took it, im not from belgium

Well, I'm certainly glad that's all cleared-up... :chin: ....WTF? :confused:
I saw some green stars 2 nights ago, 5 or six clustered together. They began to move around in an obviously intensional way. they moved around as if to get my attention then they formed a question mark as if to say "we see you do you see us" At the time I misunderstood the question and thought they were asking me to ask one. Out loud I asked "what is the meaning of life?" They moved around some more then went back to the question mark. Granted I was rolling but I saw some strange things in the sky that night.
I flip most of the times because i'm talking serious here, if you could see my face, i ain't smiling!! because this is a very serious subject in my opinion, and most people take this lightly or even make fun and then of course i get mad...
i read your "is that your pic" as if you were mocking....

I like to talk, discuss, not fight.

Here's some more random cool pics, to the record, i didn't take any, yet :chin: some with more credibility than others, i even cut several frames of a movie i have wich is one of my favourite (link supplied some posts ago) (or was it in og, i dont know)

Father always comes first so here's a cool pic of Nikola Tesla and his Tesla coil on his lab with thousand volts above his head

Here's a ilustration (?) of Hanebu, supposelly one of the first nazi ufo prototypes

Here's another nazi ufo, but this is a wreck - or hollywood, who knows...

Here's a middle age painting with a ufo depicted in the back - note that at this time perspective and depth was created by putting farther elements in the paintings - in this case a man looking to a ufo

Ufo detail

And last but not least, four frames from one of my favourite ufo movies, glowingcraftclip the funny thing is Tesla talked and talked about the color corona that is surronding - the thing is it was almost 100 years ago
Ho can it be? :chin:

I'l be adding some more later, for the sake of discussion

:friends: :canabis:
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I saw a triangle shaped UFO fly over my house. This was right before I fired up the joint I went out to smoke. I found it was wierd that there was absolutely no air traffic while this was happening since I live right on the traffic route. Hope they come back and bring me some space pot.


PartyToker said:
I saw a triangle shaped UFO fly over my house. Hope they come back and bring me some space pot.

Here dude, I've been handing these out to all you earthlings. This shit'll send you into orbit...no ship!! :alien: :smoker: :bigeye: :rasta: :abduct: :kos: :joint:



Active member
cool pics bush...no i wasn't mocking you, i was really wondering if it was "your" pic that you took personally.

the ufos that i seen were just like the bottom left pic of the 4 frame, but they were more flat instead of a circle...like the 1st pic on the left of the 4 frame....they came slowly over the hill and hovered a couple miles above the trees in the sky like they were communicating with each other, there were 6-7 of them and they were silent, after they hovered silently for about 20-30 seconds they all took off in a different direction going up and out of the galaxy leaving a streak of rainbow colored light behind them, they went from being a couple miles above the trees to out past the stars and moon in about 1-2 seconds, they were silent creeping up, silent while hovering and silent as they zipped out of earth.....we were having a fire up on top of a wooded hill, my group of friends all seen the same thing....it was the coolest most bizarre thing i've ever seen.....i feel extremely lucky to have seen it....i've seen a few other "wierd" things but nothing like this.
great experience that must have been zoltron!
I'm glad you weren't alone, or everybody would find your statements kinda ridiculous..
now there's something to tell the kids!!

till today i mostly saw 'floaters' as i call them, they kinda go straight in one direction till you loose track of them, they never fade away or increase/decrease glow..
but that's right, people only see things if they exist, of course they can imagine things but.. there's a line

I saw a triangle shaped UFO fly over my house. Hope they come back and bring me some space pot.
Party toker if they ever hook you up with some seeds, send some this way!!
I would be more than glad to give the word ""hybrid" a new sense, no!!