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U.F.O.'s...(Fact or Fiction?) Unidentified Flying Objects



my opinion and im weird...but I think the chance that were not alone is greater then the chance that were there only inteligent beings in this universe...


Active member
Nikijad4210 said:
Humans have a knack for making shit up to explain what we don't understand/lack knowledge of (anti-cannabis regular joes are an excellent example)
The shallow-minded and guillable will believe anything put before them.

Still believe in the Tooth Fairy, Boogyman, Easter Bunny and Santa, too?

nice statement Nikijad....thats the exact reason the government likes to cover things up. because humans have a knack for making shit up to explain what we don't understand/lack knowledge.

shallow-minded and guillabe probably do believe anything put before them...but what if they seen it with their own eyes?

the tooth fairy, boogyman, easter bunny, and santa statement is a tasteless question......how can u compare that to other living lifeforms? just because your scared of the fact it could be real and we might not be the only creatures in the galaxy doesn't mean you have to ask questions about kid folklore.

Wacky Tobacky

Active member
Ya bush@crackhouse it was on tv and it was all in theory but dont act like u know every thing.
also u didnt answer my question about UFO sitings around the world. im sure the US gov is behind it. and those thousands of crop circles in england. im sure the US gov is behind it just to fuck with them right. y cant u answer those questions when it seems u know it all.


dude everybody knows michael jackson is an alien same with denis rodman!!
And look - i'm not saying there's no alien life forms out there in the space or where else, that's maths, that's a particular type of grain of sand on a fuckin big beach where there is already one grain of that type.

One thing i would like to ask you to all of you who believe we're not alone is the following:

- if you belonged to a super developed alien race [word alien is kinda racist i think] that was so tecnhologically developed to travel zillions of light years on the discovey of space, would you find ethical to intervene with the lifestyle of a under developed race like our own, where wars serve greedy economical interests and are used as a matter of gaining more control over the others to gain even more profit, where misery is left to abandon, where the own environment is polluted unpunished for more sickening profit, where violence is supported and vain consumism is propagandized, i better stop here, because it goes wayy deeper and creeper than this.

So, would you?

Iin my opinion the most ethical answer would be no because self destructing ravaging hairless baboons with clothes and cars should be left alone to die or to learn all by themselves, if we can't live with each other how could we live beside them, any intervention would only make our caotic situation become worse, and accelerate our self destruction rate.

If you said yes, i'm sorry but i dont agree with you, even if you had the better intentions in the world.
A race that is so technologically developed must be developed at other levels, technology only supports life quality and conditions wich enhance life span, but there's more to be developed. It is typical of the selfish human first to think that we are alone in such a vaste space (wow), then to think we are the only inteligent ones, and finnaly to think that we are the only animal life form to possess feelings and moral and ethics, and soul as you go with it.

Aren't we all children of the same environment, product of the same proccess, sons of same god, metaphorically speaking?
Ya bush@crackhouse it was on tv and it was all in theory but dont act like u know every thing.
also u didnt answer my question about UFO sitings around the world. im sure the US gov is behind it. and those thousands of crop circles in england. im sure the US gov is behind it just to fuck with them right. y cant u answer those questions when it seems u know it all.

Sorry if stepped on your toes, sometimes i get a bit jumpy, and zillions of km far from that, i know nothing actually, but i tell you one thing's for sure, i feel i learnt much more in the last 2 months than on the rest of the time i spent researching for material, reading it and then digesting it..

Supposing they own this kind of technology and have been using it as far as 1930's, i guess it's perfectly plausible to think that they can reach any point of the globe in a matter of minutes, because there's no fuel restriction, this would easily explain the global ufo phenomena.


Active member
Blaze 1 said:
I belive in the phenomenon known as UFO's. I don't believe that these are interplanetary craft and beings. I believe that they are supernatural manifestations from extra-dimensional beings also known as Angels and Demons.

The bible teaches that Fallen Angels and human women mated and had offspring. The bible calls them Nephalim (Fallen Ones) and giants (earth born) in the King James version. They were Giants but they were half Angel and half human. This incident is the reason for the FLOOD OF NOAH. The Human gene pool was being contaminated with Angelic DNA. NOAH and his family were un contaminated by the Angels. The dead nephalim and their offspring are the demonic hosts we encounter today.

I believe that Fallen Angels are employing technically superior technologies in order to deceive mankind. I believe that the Alien abductions are attempts by these same Fallen Angels, to mingle themselves with the seed of men.

Some people speculate that the Anti-Christ will be an Angel (Alien) and human hybrid or have some kind of Extra terrestial support.

It is held, by a number of Highly respected christian scholars, that these HYBRIDS are the Demi Gods of Mythology. Could these Nephalim or Giants be responsible for Stone Henge and the Great pyramid or the Face on Mars?

There are stories even in early American history of a race of six fingered six toed beings referred to as star people by Native Americans. They say they were so fierce and strong that they could tear a buffaloes leg off at full stride.

maybe thats why they come here....who knows? if people knew it wouldn't be a mystery no more.

my answer would be yes....why wouldn't u want to go to a place where u discovered other lifeforms? who wouldn't want to see and observe how this other lifeform lived....if i could go to the "aliens" planets to see how they lived and acted i would even if they lived in a shitty world...especially when i could dip out and be back home in 2-3 seconds like they do.


Active member
if anyone want to see a badass movie rent Fire In The Sky...it's based on a true story about a group of friends doing loggin and 1 gets abducted...way cool movie.

another one that i think ended up being a fake but will scare the shit out of you is called Incident In Lake County....that is just crazy and will creep u out no matter what...i don't get scared with any movie but i didn't want to go outside after seeing that one.


billy bob

I 've seen fire in the sky ! the movies story line could have realy happened .any way the actual person that this happened to had his life ruined because of the mental problems that he started to manifest. cause most people could'nt cope with his behavior. freaking out blanking out. IMHO We are not alone . we have been and continue to be visited and watched the U S Gov probably has been in contact with the other races that are coming here. thus our tecnical advances it is and was in their intrests to keep us from blowing ourselves to oblivion Sjust think about it .


To be honest... Given how vast the universe is, I doubt we are alone.
We're here, so it's possible something else is out there, wether they're
intelligent beings like us remains to be seen.



Awol/CoA said:
To be honest... Given how vast the universe is, I doubt we are alone.
We're here, so it's possible something else is out there, wether they're
intelligent beings like us remains to be seen.

I'd have to believe that WE are the unintelligent ones, while 'THEY' are the technologically-advanced beings. Earth is probably like 1 of those dingy rest areas along the Interstates, where you only stop if you REALLY gotta take a shit. :yoinks: :chin: :joint: :wave:


zoltron said:
Earth is probably like 1 of those dingy rest areas along the Interstates, where you only stop if you REALLY gotta take a shit. :yoinks: :chin: :joint: :wave:
Hahaha... That's a bloody good one mate. :smoke:
Zoltron... lmao... u rocked!!

Being all the mythology surronding alien races past visitations so abundant in art and religion, i tend to believe that yes, this has happened, but on the other hand, if you're talking about recent visitations (70 years), then i would say that i find very unlikely for it to be true and i would put these alleged contacts in the hoaxed category, being them all american governement fabrications to conceal it's very true technology, based on free energy principles, wich they own and have been using for the last 70 years, and refuse to share with the world.

The mind abudcting greys are just the scape goat, "physical proof" that they 'exist'.

Time2unite, those are 2 opinion forming hollywood movies wich i'm not sure we're both financed by the gov, i'm sure the first was, but if you really wanna freak not with specialfx but with reality, search for "battle of L.A.", it's a quite known expression, go look for what it stands for.



Active member
zoltron said:
I'd have to believe that WE are the unintelligent ones, while 'THEY' are the technologically-advanced beings. Earth is probably like 1 of those dingy rest areas along the Interstates, where you only stop if you REALLY gotta take a shit. :yoinks: :chin: :joint: :wave:

right on....i can believe that....thats why they aren't seen everyday....they only pull over here on earth when they have too or take a wrong turn lol....what the hell....where did that damn worm hole go? we shouldn't have stole and smoke all of bogs lsd and lifesaver!

did everyone see the shit bog wrote back in the first few pages of this thread? thats some crazy shit....that's the stuff thats hard to believe....but so are ufo's until u see one yourself.
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My little pony.. my little pony
Funny, seems the only thing this proves without a doubt is that the only thing capable of breaking the laws of physics currently is the imagination.

If you want proof of alien influence remember that Brokeback Mountian was to originally star Jessica Simpson and Britany Spears. Then some alien went and f-ed it all up.
For those that may be receptive/interested to any literature that points in this specific direction, avoiding the 2 both fed-to-the-brain famous hoaxed views: the blind skeptic, and the abdcuting greys paranoid.

As you go through information, you have tlo be aware that most sources are biased.

Let me give you a clear example, look at Steven Greer from DisclosureProject.com.

He is supposely all good intentioned defending the UFO disclosure, by gathering former inteligence officers, being them NSA, FBI, CIA, Army, Military or whatever and stand up for some strange things they saw while they were on the line of duty wich were omitted till now, and gathered all this testomonies and turned them public, ok fine, so whats wrong?

If you take a carefull look, he is just making up the rest of the world's view on a false premiss - Ufos exist wich is correct but these are from outter space and piloted by ets wich is simply NOT TRUE!!

In other words, he's a government spook.


Because he's trying to 'disclose' a subject in a way that doesn't expose or even interfere with the inerent free energy technologies that these terrestrial vehicules use - that's his part on the government story, make sure we think it's not human, make sure we think that these free energy technologies are completely 'out of this world' and 'impossible for us to understand' because, afterall, they 'come from another planet', so this way they can still be hidden from the public..

UFO disclosure and Free Energy Technology are two indissociable (sp) subjetcs, you can't disclose one without having to disclose the other.
This, unless these ships come from other planet.......

It's time to wake up.

As refered before, William Lyne's books, any of them,

- Occult Ether Physics, Tesla's Hidden Space Propulsion System
- Occult Science Dictatorship
- Pentagon Aliens

Any material from Peter Lindeman, being them interviews, books, or public conferences

- The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity

- The World of Free Energy 2001 Conference

Any material concerning Tesla's point of view regarding pre 1900 born Relativism, wich in his opinon was completely wrong, energy from a closed system does NOT tend do disappear and is NOT limited to its mass, because there is no such thing as a 'closed system' as Relativists stand up for, wich, if you haven't yet figured out is a pillar of today's false taught physics, to hide the real truth.

There's very few unbiased authors, and most of Tesla's documents avaiable to public have been 'screened and cleaned', the more critical ones are still in secrecy, but there's much you can learn out of some of these texts [or not, if you're too rooted in today's physics]

I just ask you to take a skeptic look on some.


Active member
thats all fine and dandy...blah blah blah government this government that...explain what the normal everyday people see....there's people that know what they've seen could never be made by humans...have u ever seen anything?
"thats all fine and dandy...blah blah blah government this government that...explain what the normal everyday people see....there's people that know what they've seen could never be made by humans...have u ever seen anything?

First of all, i'm stating my point of view, everyone is entitled to one, supported by wich facts everyone thinks are fit.
Second, you don't have to agree with me, as i don't have to agree with you.

Now, it's not fine and dandy because you understood SHIT of what i wrote.
You're just too rooted in your tv fed 'belief system' as i was to even put this in question.....

And just look at yourself, you're reacting as if i was insulting you and all i'm saying is in my opinion, ufos are man made machines based on free energy technologies!!!
Get it? That's what they want, people that stand up for their lies, being them NASA astrophysicists, scientists or TV NEWS reporters or the ordinary joe!!

Another thing, i gladly read every thing you write, please take time to read what i write, it's a discussion afterall, everyone gets to say what they think.
Please come up with some arguments to back up your ideas/opinions.

I posted this a few posts ago..........

Well, about 2/3 years ago, i re-started to become interested in the subject, and when i found a website of an american guy that had dozens of video shots all made by him with the all famous orbs wich i had never seen (spherical ufos like the ones that have been poping in south america like popcorns in a cinema on a preview night, since the early 90's) that i started realising that maybe this was happening worldwide and that people were'nt just paying attention and were facing heads down looking after their pesky pathetic little lives as we're all teached to - so i had to see one.

So, i started toking outside with the boyz as usual, but this time i stared the night sky for straight hours and it didn't take long to start seeing unexplicable moving glowing things that appeared/disappeared in mid air, over and over and over again.

At this point i have to make a remark - look, i couldn't fucking care less for your opinion, i'm just stating mine, i'm not an astro physicist but i know what i saw, and people were with me in all these occasions so i didn't imagine anything, i even think i have never seen one alone.

Get it?