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U.F.O.'s...(Fact or Fiction?) Unidentified Flying Objects

exactly red145 i totally respect everyones opinion. whos to say.... it's just fun thinking of the possibities........ scary too.

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
Thanks for everybody's imput...we have an interesting discussion here.

Thanks for everybody's imput...we have an interesting discussion here.

According to multiple surveys over the last several decades and from different countries: 5-7% of people have seen a UFO - equivalent to 15-20 million Americans; and 10-15% know someone who has seen a UFO.

At least several hundred thousand (estimated) UFO sightings have been documented over the last 50 years, and the total number of UFO sightings is estimated to be in the millions.
There are at least several thousand sightings reported each year.
Only a small percentage of those who see a UFO report the sighting.

Have you seen a UFO?
If you have seen a UFO at any time in the past, we would be very interested in receiving a report of your experience.

UFO Sighting Report Form @ UFO evidence dot org

UFO Sighting Reports link (very recent and past sightings)

There are many credible, highly trained observers, such as military pilots & astronauts who have eye witnessed these unexplainable craft sightings for there not to be "something" rather bizarre going on...
I have an old friend whose grandfather was a bigshot C.I.A. spook back many moons ago and he states that he overheard discussions where yes, these unidentified crafts of unknown orgin where of great military concern.
Flyboys (combat aircraft pilots) just hate adversarial aircraft that can fly circles around them literally...
I am also of the belief that many sightings in recent years are probably Clandestine "Top Secret" military "Star War saucer" technology test flights....
We very well may have to defend satellites in geosynchronous orbit in the future from hostile elements. (Think Chinese Military kicking the gorilla in the balls, crippling our technology...).
Star War "ace in the hole" technology, if you will,


Clandestine Operation:
An operation sponsored or conducted by governmental departments or agencies in such a way as to assure secrecy or concealment. A clandestine operation differs from a covert operation in that emphasis is placed on concealment of the operation rather than on concealment of identity of sponsor. In special operations, an activity may be both covert and clandestine and may focus equally on operational considerations and intelligence-related activities.

Geosynchronous orbit:
A satellite in geosynchronous orbit circles the earth once each day. The time it takes for a satellite to orbit the earth is called its period. For a satellite's orbit period to be one sidereal day, it must be approximately 35,786 kilometers (19,323 nautical miles or 22,241 statute miles) above the earth's surface. That is a lot higher than the Shuttle ever goes (usually about 300 kilometers).

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Here's something for you all to burn one on

[Burn your head insted because this is governmental alien propaganda]

Former Canadian Defense Minister Speaks Out on Extraterrestrial Visitors & Government Secrecy

On September 25, 2005, Hon Paul Hellyer, the former Canadian Minister for National Defense gave a speech in Toronto at an event titled: "Exopolitics Toronto: A Symposium on UFO Disclosure and Planetary Direction" (www.exopoliticstoronto.com) . Hellyer described his time as Minister for Defense from 1963-1967 where the occasional UFO sighting report crossed his desk. He claims to never have had time for what he considered to be a "flight of fancy", but nevertheless retained an interest in the UFO phenomenon. While Minister for Defense, he was guest of honor at the opening of the world's first UFO landing pad at Alberta, Canada in 1967. He thought it an innovative idea from a progressive Canadian community willing to pay for his helicopter ride, but did not give much thought to UFOs as having serious policy implications. He also describes a private UFO sighting he later had with family and guests, but once again attributed it to a 'flight of fancy' rather than anything having serious policy implications.

Hellyer's position on UFOs dramatically changed after watching the late Peter Jennings documentary special, "Seeing is Believing" [MIND CLOGGING GOVERNMENTAL ALIEN PROPAGANDA] in February 2005. Hellyer decided to read a book that had been idly sitting on his book shelf for two years. Philip Corso's, The Day After Roswell, sparked intense interest for Hellyer in terms of its policy implications. Corso named real people, institutions and events in his book that could be checked. Intrigued by the policy implications, Hellyer decided to confirm whether Corso's book was real or a "work of fiction". He contacted a retired United States Air Force General and spoke to him directly to verify Corso's claims. The unnamed General simply said: "every word is true and more". Hellyer then proceeded to discuss the "and more …" with the general and claimed he was told remarkable things concerning UFOs and the extraterrestrial hypothesis that interplanetary visitors have been here since at least 1947. Finally convinced that the UFO phenomenon was real Hellyer decided to come forward and speak at Exopolitics Toronto about some of the "most profoundly important policy questions that must be addressed." (for speech go to: www.checktheevidence.com/video/ ). The policy questions Hellyer addressed in his talk are both profound and vitally important for citizens of every nation of Earth.

First, Hellyer claimed that evidence concerning UFOs is the "greatest and most successful cover up in the history of the world" [U BET!]. He confirmed that senior political officials even at the rank of Minister of Defense, a position he himself occupied, are simply out of the loop when it comes to information concerning UFOs and visiting extraterrestrials. From a democratic perspective, that raises many concerns about oversight, transparency and accountability of those in control of the information, technology and projects concerning the extraterrestrial visitors.

A second profound policy question concerns the designation by the U.S. military of visiting extraterrestrials as an 'enemy' [MORE SHADOW ENEMIES TO FIGHT LIKE OSAMA]. According to Hellyer, this had led to the development of "laser and particle guns to the point that they can be used against the visitors from space." It is this targeting of []visiting extraterrestrials[/b] that concerns Hellyer, and he asks "is it wise to spend so much time and money to build weapon systems to rid the skies of alien visitors?" Hellyer poignantly raises the key policy question: "Are they really enemies or merely legitimate explorers from afar?" Hellyer's question raises profound importance in understanding the relationship between visiting extraterrestrial civilizations and world peace.

The third policy question arose from the recent decision by President Bush to build a base on the moon. Hellyer believes this is the activation of a plan first launched by Col Corso's mentor, Lt General Arthur Trudeau to build a base from which visiting extraterrestrials could be monitored and possibly targeted as they approach the Earth. Hellyer outlined his opposition to the weaponization of space, something that the liberal government of Canada is currently opposed to. The weaponization of space remains a key policy issue clearly has profound policy issues from the perspective of extraterrestrial visitors to Earth.

Finally, Hellyer declared that the "time has come to lift the veil of secrecy" [TO FIND ANOTHER VEIL BUT THICKIER] and to have an "informed debate about a problem that doesn't officially exist." Understanding the evidence concerning the UFO phenomenon is vital to fully preparing citizens around the world for the truth concerning extraterrestrials, despite official denial and secrecy by those "in the loop". He calls for major global initiatives to fully prepare global citizenry for the truth. [WORLDWIDE BRAINWASHAGE] He endorses a position taken by key exopolitical researchers such as Alfred Webre to prepare for a "Decade of Contact" where humanity is prepared for the truth about extraterrestrial visitors through informed debate and education.[DO YOU WANT IT MORE EXPLICIT??]

Paul Hellyer is the first senior politician to openly come out and declare the truth about the extraterrestrial presence. He is blazing a trail that many other senior politicians are destined to take. It will be wise if the world's senior politicians quickly learn more about this remarkable Canadian statesman and heed his important advise about data on extraterrestrial visitors and the "profoundly important policy questions that must be addressed." [BUDGETS BUDGETS AND MORE BUDGETS]

© Michael E. Salla, PhD
Sept 29, 2005

[email protected]

[EDIT:Sorry if i mislead anyone into believing this lie, i was once deceived, but not anymore - UFOS ARE MAN MADE]
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Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
My sister says that she had a close encounter, it went like this...

Driving home one night, a car tailed her at a distance, she spotted something following her above the trees and to the right of her car. It had lights, was humming, and keeping up with her car.

After a moment, the craft swooped over the hood of her moving car and started to follow her from the tree tops on the left now.

It eventually took off in a flash... The car behind her saw it too, and followed her home. She lived at the end of a long private road, so there was no other reason for this car to follow her besides trying to varify what had happened.

My sister was so freaked out that she ran into the house and wouldn't come out to talk to the person who followed her home. The person eventually drove off.

That's it. But there's too much weird stuff being reported by reasonable folks to not believe something's going on.
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Thanks for sharing that Crazy Composer, i've never had such a intense episode, although i've seen my straigh line moving stars and the lights that pop out of nowwhere and gain a glow 30x bigger move slowly and then fade away disapearing..
Anyway a couple friend of mine had a similar episode but they stopped the car to see what it was and when they got out they saw that the supposed ufo had a blue electric glow under just like the neon tunnings you see under the cars, and it's curious that i've seen some pictures with that type of glow before.

Now, some more lead for all you earthlings head~
this one's heavy..
end of discussion, it's FACT period

This is a broad announcement for the International UFO Community, forums and lists over the internet, general public and media:

By A. J. Gevaerd,

Editor of the Brazilian UFO Magazine and

Head of the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU)

May 20 was an historic day for Ufology in Brazil and in the world as the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), for the very first time in its history, officially receives a committee of top UFO researchers to openly discuss sightings in the country and fully exam classified UFO documents in several military facilities in Brasilia, the Federal Capital.

By doing this very important step, Brazilian Air Force (FAB) has placed Brazil in a very short list of countries whose militaries acknowledge the Ufology as a serious activity and significative effort to fully understand the nature and origin of UFOs. “We want to have all info on the subject, that is withheld by us for some decades, fully released to public, through the UFO community”, declared brigadier Telles Ribeiro, chief of Brazilian Air Force Communication Center.

The Brazilian Government, through the Brazilian Air Force, has finally decided to come forward and recognize the UFO research as a genuine activity as a direct result of the intense pressure made by the campaign UFOs: Freedom of Information Now, a movement started by the Brazilian UFO Magazine in April 2004. The campaign was launched by the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU), composed of 6 UFO civilian researchers: Claudeir Covo, Marco Petit, Rafael Cury, Reginaldo de Athayde, Fernando Ramalho and A. J. Gevaerd (Athayde was sick an replaced by new interim member veteran UFO researcher Roberto Affonso Back)

Details of the campaign both in Portuguese and in English can be consulted at: www.ufo.com.br and www.ufo.com.br/secrecy.php

The approach of the Brazilian military by the CBU committee started last February, ten months after the campaign begun, with a phone call from a Brazilian Air Force spokesman, major Antonio Lorenzo, and a formal invitation to a visit and a chat in some Air Force headquarters in Brasilia. Major Lorenzo fully recognized the UFO researchers’ efforts in this field and provided a few details of what kind of reserved files and procedures the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) has about the UFO Phenomena and its detection, recording and investigation in the country.

Two meeting between the civilian UFO researchers and the military took place last Friday, May 20, and firstly happened in the headquarters of the Integrated Center of Air Defense and Air Traffic Control (Centro Integrado de Defesa Aérea e Controle de Trafego Aéreo, Cindacta), a very sensitive facility. During two hours, the researchers were given lectures of the procedures conducted at Cindacta and had the chance to visit air traffic control rooms and understand how UFOs could be detected by the Air Force personnel.

The second and most important meeting took place just after this one at the very reserved facilities of Brazilian Air Defense Command (Comando de Defesa Aerea Brasileiro, Comdabra), an even more sensitive installation that controls the entire air defense situation in the country and surrounding areas of Atlantic Ocean and South America. In this facility the UFO researchers were given full briefing of the top aspects of aerial defense of the country.

It was in this facility that its own commander, brigadier Atheneu Azambuja, admitted to the UFO researchers how concerned the Brazilian military are about the UFO phenomena. Azambuja also gave details of Comdabra procedures and openly admitted that the country has systematically detected and registered UFOs in the country – labeled as “H Traffic” – since 1954.
That wasn’t a surprise for the UFO researchers of the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU), but how this registering process took place was.

After detailed explanations of Comdabra activities, brigadier Atheneu Azambuja, for the first time in history, gave full access to the civilian UFO researchers to exam 3 different folders with classified UFO information, cases from specific dates of 1954, 1977 and 1986. The first case was an airplane pursuit of a UFO in the ocean shores of Paraná State.

The second file was much more important. In the folder containing the 1977 docs that could be examined by the UFO researchers were dozens of cases of UFOs in the Amazon with and amazing amount of over 100 pictures made during the so-called Operation Saucer, an official program of UFO investigation by the military that took place from September to December, 1977, and has been fully covered by specialized UFO press over the world.

The third case was the “The Official Night of UFOs in Brazil”, a very significative group of events that happened in May 1986, when 21 objects of over 100 m in diameter jammed Brazilian air traffic control system over Rio de Janeiro, Sao Jose dos Campos and Sao Paulo, mainly, and several jets were sent to intercept – without any success – the intruders.

The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) representatives at those meetings then fully admitted that Ufology is serious business and broadly recognized the activity of UFO research by the civilian UFO community. And also guaranteed that further steps are about to be taken to let the researchers to exam the entire military UFO files in a more comprehensive way. Plus, a committee of military and civilian UFO researchers was promised to start operating very soon, coordinated by the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU).

This certainly means that we will start a new era in Ufology in Brazil and in South America. Very good things are about to happen as the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) command, the Brazilian Ministry of Defense and the Brazilian president Luis Inacio Lula da Silva receive the open letters and formal requests for opening for good the documents and start the mentioned committee, as presented to them by their spokesman.

More news to come. Photos are attached.

A. J. Gevaerd, editor
Editor of the Brazilian UFO Magazine and

Head of the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU)

taken from

Azambuja also gave details of Comdabra procedures and openly admitted that the country has systematically detected and registered UFOs in the country – labeled as “H Traffic” – since 1954

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There was a interesting movie on Sundance film channel. He talked to ppl all over Iceland where there is a huge amount of ppl that believe in Evles, Aliens, Ghosts and Trolls and even Monsters in the water. Investigation into the Invisible world or something like that . Was quit interesting to see so many ppl in 1 small country that believe in all that. Check it out.
Yet another piss in the shoe - here's a tid bit of my ufo documentary collection, emule rules, although my favourite part is the sightings <DIR> and this is only docs..
btw i bolded the heavy ones...

IMHO most tv docs from history channel, discovery channel, scifi and such are all disinformative and deceiving while bbc's docs seem to be less biased and more open minded, IOW, they let you think for yourself and don't impose their ideas either by dissing the theories shown or by 'proving' they're 'wrong'..

The Aliens are landed - (Discovery channel)
Fallen Angels (Discovery channel)
Area51 - Roswell Alien Interview
The secret KGB UFO Files (SciFi channel)
UFO - Gateway to Hell
Ufo - BBC The hidden truth
UFO Peter Jennings - Seeing is believing
Disclosure Project

Robert Dean - The Assessment
UFOS - Here and Now
William Cooper - Majestik 12
Project Star Wars - Ballentines tape (1962)

Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World - UFOs (1980)
The Pleydian connection - Randolph Winters (1988)
Nazi UFO Secrets of World War II (1991)
Scientist Bob Lazar Interview on Area 51 and antigravity research (1991)
OZ Encouters - Ufos in Australia (1997)
Private Photos Album From Nasa Staff (1998)
Out of the blue - Ufo Phenomenon (2003)
Left East Gate (2003)
Free Energy Tesla Antigravity - William Lyne (2004)
Nasa - The Smoking Gun (2004)

so, by the look of it, ufos must really be *fiction*
either that or its a mass allucination that's been lasting since 1947...
I have a lot of PDF documents on various subjects, this one is supposely a JFK memo to the director of CIA talking about "a program with Soviet Union in joint space and lunar exploration" - this during the so called cold war..

Maybe Cold War was just sand to our eyes...

[EDIT=Maybe this memo is too]
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Downloading the new David Ickes documentary "Secret Space", god bless p2p

Here's the teaser..

Message from the Director, CHRIS EVERARD:

My last film, called THE ILLUMINATI, required me to investigate a global fascist dictatorship - a dictatorship with occult aspirations to create a permanent state of fear and war on planet Earth. I exposed the fact that the Bush family are currently 'stage managing' the 'New World Order' on behalf of the Illuminati network of secret societies... and had rigged the 2000 & 2004 Presidential Elections in order to take control of the armed forces and use NASA's space technology to fulfill their fascist, occult ambitions... Bosnia, Afghanistan and the illegal occupation of Iraq are military operations which are being controlled from space using communication satellites, infra-red reconnaisance satelites and even space-based lasers.

The US Government has set up 'Space Command' inside Cheyenne Mountain and are using space technology to cultivate panic and destruction on the face of planet Earth... Like his father before him, George W Bush has put the weaponisation of space clearly on the agenda. The STAR WARS weapons programme is still continuing, even though the 'cold' war with Russia has ended. In 1998, someone smuggled over 100 hours of video footage of UFOs from the European Space Agency to me - all this material had been filmed by NASA astronauts whilst aboard various space shuttle missions.

Then, more footage arrived anonymously in 2003 which had been recorded via a downlink interceptor dish in someone's back yard. In order to analyze the footage with some authority, I enrolled on a course of Astronomy and studied at the world famous Royal Observatory in Greenwich. Analysis of this UFO footage filmed by NASA astronauts aboard the space shuttle revealed that there were literally hundreds of UFOs entering and leaving the Earth's atmosphere almost on a daily basis. In fact, the audio soundtrack of these UFO clips show the astronauts discussing the anomalous objects. Not only that, but one can clearly see lasers, or some kind of Nikola Tesla-inspired 'Death Ray' being used against the amadas of UFOs.

NASA obviously has some big secrets - not least of which is to explain why some of the Apollo Moon Landing photos are faked, and also why ex-German SS NAZIs and Freemasons were in charge of NASA's space programme. Once you see the evidence I present here,

I am sure you will agree that The People are being hoodwinked - just as the Pentagon's Colonel Philip Corso confirmed in his book 'The Day After Roswell'. My film shows beyond all shadow of doubt that not only are there strange 'Space Serpents' and UFOs out there - but that the American Illuminati families have begun a SECRET SPACE WAR with them.

I hope you thoroughly enjoy watching SECRET SPACE. May God bless us and protect us.

signed: CHRIS EVERARD, director, London November 2005

Full review is here

you'll stop laughing one day..


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I would just like to say wile I was taking DMT I too had the experience of encountering some sort of "alien" watching me and my friends..
It is a very common occurance that people who smoke DMT have this experience..
I would like to know why this is such a common trip.. :abduct: :alien:
thatsmylighter try reading some of Mckennas work, he speculates a lot about "4th dimensional alien lifeforms" - whatever that is..

Here's some more lead for the head - god, i love your silence...

The article underneath has been published in the daily newspaper Central Daily Times, USA, December 8, 2005.

Researcher featured on Sci Fi Channel wants NASA 'UFO' records

PITTSBURGH - Researchers and witnesses who believe a UFO landed in the woods of western Pennsylvania 40 years ago are marking another anniversary on Friday: two years since a lawsuit was filed to get NASA to release records of what happened.

A National Aeronautics and Space Administration spokesman says there's no cover-up - the "UFO" was a Russian satellite, but government records documenting it have been lost.

Leslie Kean, an investigative reporter backed by the Sci Fi Channel, and a group connected to the cable TV station sued NASA two years ago under the Freedom of Information Act.

Kean wants files on what happened Dec. 9, 1965, in the unincorporated hamlet of Kecksburg, about 30 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. Witnesses described a "fireball" in the evening sky, and a metallic, acorn-shaped object about 12 to 15 feet high and 8 to 12 feet in diameter that landed gently in the woods, according to media accounts at the time.

Kean's attorney Lee Helfrich said she'll file a new court motion on Friday seeking to "jump start" NASA's search for the information.

"NASA has been stonewalling for too long, and in the process has given us a great record to show that it's recalcitrant and acting in bad faith," Helfrich said. "What is NASA trying to hide?"

Nothing, NASA spokesman Dave Steitz said.

The object appeared to be a Russian satellite that re-entered the atmosphere and broke up. NASA experts studied fragments from the object, but records of what they found were lost in the 1990s, Steitz said.

"As a rule, we don't track UFOs. What we could do, and what we apparently did as experts in spacecraft in the 1960s, was to take a look at whatever it was and give our expert opinion," Steitz said. "We did that, we boxed (the case) up and that was the end of it. Unfortunately, the documents supporting those findings were misplaced."

Kean and Helfrich don't believe that explanation.

Kean said Nicholas L. Johnson, NASA's chief scientist for orbital debris, determined the object couldn't be a Russian satellite or any other manmade object, after studying the orbital paths of known satellites and other records from 1965.

Johnson didn't immediately return calls for comment Thursday to his phone number listed on NASA's Web site. Steitz referred questions on Kean's claims to NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, which didn't immediately comment.

Witnesses claim military personnel cordoned off the site, removed the object and threatened residents who questioned the incident. The military later called the object a meteor.

On Saturday, Kean, Helfrich and others connected to a Sci Fi Channel documentary will speak at the Kecksburg fire hall, where a mock-up of the object is on permanent display.

Kean said a pair of West Virginia University scientists who examined the reported landing site made two recent discoveries.

Forestry professor Ray Hicks counted tree rings and determined that trees in the area were damaged in 1965. Hicks, however, said the trees were likely damaged by ice, and then snapped off by the wind. He says his findings don't support Kean's claim that "something physically landed" at the site.

Geoarchaeologist J. Steven Kite says he found no evidence to support the high-speed impact of a meteor or other large object - which Kean says supports witness accounts that a spacecraft landed softly.

Remember everytime you fill up the gas tank that it should be for free, and it isn't.

All thanks to NAZIA.
How come no one posts.. i say you're all scared like shit.. i mean i am.. don't want any daughter of mine with a grey little fellow with giant Oakley like eyes!!

That would give the creeps!
Sitting in front of him on Sunday lunchs... hehehehe

At least one thing we can have for sure - this is sooo big that there must be some good intended ones!! Maybe they'll save us from those mean intended and ourselves!
really hope so..

i also really hope joyriding on a ufo, more than wining euromillions, now that would be something to tell my kids..
kinda trying to break the ice, this is a serious subject but come on.. am i the only looney here, howcome no one posts more stuff?

I'll be right back with more material, gonna get it first hand


Sorry to get off topic here....But why is it with all high end tech goodies available to the general public these days high powered telescopes, high resolution digi cams and such. That we never see any pictures of the stuff we (earth dwellers) have put into space. Example would be the vehicle left behind on the moon or the international space station. The only ones I have ever seen were provided by the goverment. Not trying to distract anyone from the topic at hand as I do believe there has to be some type of inteligent life out there. But I would think that if another life form was to travel a billion miles to come here to check us out that they would be seen hanging around some of our space junk. Anyways was just a thought, I know if I went that far on an exploratory mission that would be my first stop. Alot less chance of conflict and our best technology.


bush@crackhouse said:
so, by the look of it, ufos must really be *fiction*
either that or its a mass allucination that's been lasting since 1947...

Well before 1947 I'm afraid. Look to Erich Von Daniken's "Chariots of the Gods" for further info. Or look closer to home - everyone has a bible - read about Ezekiel and compare it to modern day devices - helicopter anyone? The good book says that God created the heavens and the earth... not just the earth.

I've seen things in my life that would scare the pants off most folks, but fear talking about them because it would make me seem "crazy"...


Anyone that assumes that out of the trillions & trillions of different galaxies & universes, that earth is the 1 & only place with any life form, have got to be the most naive, gullible & uninformed earthlings I've ever seen.
We're probably the least technologically advanced out of any other 'inhabitants', as our govt won't even accept the fact that automobiles can operate using alternative fuel. These other space 'beings' can/do use different dimensions for travelling...probably travelling faster than light years.
I also believe that there are, more than likely, 'good' & 'bad' aliens & that definitely the Illuminati are either financing these discoveries or are very instrumental in learning about the new technology these space dudes use.
Fuckin Illuminati run the entire world....

Free Energy

Free Energy

I've been away from these boards for some time now, about a month or two, don't have any plants to take care atm, so i kinda dedicated myself to reading and searching info on this controversial subject and other subjects, being this in my opinion the trickiest.

I mean trickiest, because to me, there's nothing tricky or spooky about astral projection or reencarnation or telepathy, or any other different political subjects as american government preparation/execution of 911 attack against the american people and the rest of the world, or the bush family nazi 'lineage' or jfk assassination by the so quoted "industrial military complex" or the pearl harbour genocidal event - that's for kids, easy to follow - this over here, is big business and you'll understand what i mean with big.

To sum up, i've always been interested in this subject, first search term i requested from a search engine on the first time i got access to a computer connected to internet was 'ufo'. Maybe because my father had always been a Carl Sagan fan and when he bought a 20 vhs tapes collection of the Cosmos series i devoured it, and i made clear to myself that this man was right - it was impossible that life didn't exist elsewhere, wherever that would be, maths and logic proved it, and i was at a very tender age -> i kinda think that all this 'pressure' triggered also a hard atheism in me in the years to follow, but that too crumbled to pieces later.

Anyway my personal ufo search started that day that i pressed return on that keyboard and one of the events that triggered this search was the disclosure of the famous HOAX roswell alien authopsy video, hoax wich was not very clear to me at the time because i wanted to believe it but after hearing the hoax defender's opinion i surrendered and admmited to myself that it was indeed a fabricated video and not a real alien. I felt very disapointed, but the little sagan inside me kept on saying for the years ahead, maybe that one wasn't real, but that they do exist, they do.
So be it.

Life threw me in the directions she wanted and this personal ufo/alien search was stalled until some years ago, although the previously formed opinions remained untouched and unbreakable, kinda like pillars supporting something you truly believe in that cannot be altered by anything - let's put it this way, like the faith of a fundamentalist or the doubt of being in love on a lovesick person - they don't need 'proof', they know.

Well, about 2/3 years ago, i re-started to become interested in the subject, and when i found a website of an american guy that had dozens of video shots all made by him with the all famous orbs wich i had never seen (spherical ufos like the ones that have been poping in south america like popcorns in a cinema on a preview night, since the early 90's) that i started realising that maybe this was happening worldwide and that people were'nt just paying attention and were facing heads down looking after their pesky pathetic little lives as we're all teached to - i had to see one.

So, i started toking outside with the boyz as usual, but this time i stared the night sky for straight hours and it didn't take long to start seeing unexplicable moving glowing things that appeared/disappeared in mid air, over and over and over again.

At this point i have to make a remark - look, i couldn't fucking care less for your opinion, i'm just stating mine, i'm not an astro physicist but i know what i saw, and people were with me in all these occasions so i didn't imagine anything, i even think i have never seen one alone.

So, this was the true catalyst.
If up until then i was digging on this tricky subject, after some very wild 10 days of weird shit 3 times a night, i started probing with an underground tunnel driller on the vastest informational resource, again the internet - so i started to d/l everything i could download on the subject, stuffed up my emule with incoming ufo documentaries, tv and independent, 10sec sightings, reading ebooks and real books on black budget ops, the blue book proj, mj12, and whatnot.

When the dust of all this info input started to settle, and i started to realise that there were very conflicting points of view, even in the ufologist believers group, i started realising something - as Lyne well puts it there were 2 main points of view:

1-There's isn't such a thing as UFOS.
(oficial state military version/skeptic person)

2-If there's such a thing as UFOS, they ARE EXTRATERRESTRIAL.
(the only other option fed-to-the-brain ufology believer opinion)

Ok, when asked you either fit in one or the other as they are completely opposite.
I myself for all this time of interest, glove tight fitted in the second, of course - the abducting greys and the mind controling draco-reptilians and the all caring human-like pleydians/venusians - i stuffed my head with shit like this..

What i never thought of, was that maybe, and just maybe [don't want to take your sleep here] this was all a bunch of american government fabricated bullshit to deviate us from the real truth - what i didn't know was that, like my hard atheism, this aliens races thing would crumble like an outdoor deck card castle on a windy day...
Please, let me.

What if some ufos out there are man made?
"Yes, you say alien craft reverse engineering, look at roswell dumbass"
- kinda like i did..

What if all of them are man made?
"What, no ets? that can't be!! What about the abductions and their victims?"
- Good question, but as it was already pointed out by other member, i guess the torture technology developments with hard drugs like scopolamine mixed with a heavy dosis of hypnosis could do the trick.. keep following..

What if, all the technology behing this more than proved, world wide sighted, videotaped, and testemonied by thousands of different unrelated people event, is being kept away from us by the same monopolists that control the pesky price of our lives because the flowing to the public of sensitive information on FREE ENERGY could jeopordize (sp) that same control?
"Hey wacko, free energy is impossible, you can't have more out of a system than you put in, that's 12th grade Physics, 2nd Thermodynamics law, energy in the Universe is decreasing.."
- Is it impossible?

What if the completely buried in history Nikola Tesla 1900's scientist that gave birth in his genius mind to everything you know as 'technological' [pick anything trust me] did find a way to create an electromagneticall field strong enough to lift a craft?
"Who da fuck is that guy, i never heard of him, howcome you say he's been so big specially in such a dark age and didn't get any credit/fame?"
-This former Jugoslavian us emmigrant over here is going to teach you a lesson. Or thousands.

What if, when an astronaut states he's seeing "a bogey" or an "unidentified flying object" like you see on INDEPENDENT ufo videos like "NASA: The Smoking Gun" that don't have any fucking MEDIA LOBBYISTS behind its production like ABC's Peter Jennings - they really called them this way because they aren't really aware that they are governmental craft?
"You're telling us they don't really know what they are but still participate in it, you're contradicting yourself!! Are they involved or not afterall??"
-As anyone can easily figure in high security risk operations, being them military or NASA related you are told exactly what you need to know and nothing else, you're just one more piece of the puzzle, you just need to know where you stand.

What if there are special disinformation agents from the OSI (Office of Scientific Inteligence)>>[the american CIA of science] infiltrated all over the ufologist networks, using and reusing the same crap with a different color here and there, mixing it all up in a blender just to fill our heads with the biggest nonsense you can think off like skying on the moon?
"You must be kidding!! Hello?? The Ufologists are the good guys here!! We want the truth to be disclosed!!"
- We being visited by outer space races, is that really the truth to be disclosed? Trying to prove something with wrong arguments mixed with right arguments is like trying to build a house with some pillars made of cement and the others sugar! It's that 'ol famous CIA 'poisoning the well' technique...
ex:a missile shot by the planes hit the towers... ~not
Please take this paragraph in account when you d/l something trying to back up a certain point of view being that prints, patents, disclosed governmental documents by the information act, tv documetaries - they screen, filter and alter information, you won't find anything they don't want you to see, never.

And what? You're going to say it's possible to create free countless energy out of vacuum but still you say an alien has been interviewed through telepathy by the military in the Roswell military facility in the fifities or that bases/plants grow on the dark side of the moon or that the Nazi 3rd Reich occultists were given alien technology by aliens because they derived from the same super humans that lived on the area, Lemuria? ef that bull...

Your credibility can only go one way and that is down the drain.
Even if free energy technology truly exists for more than 70 years and is being kept away from the public behind false balooney Einsteinian Physics like Relativism - even if.

Ok, shoot me like you've been taught to, tell me free energy is impossible.

You know what i'll tell you?
You're right, it really is impossible, in THEORY. :yoinks:

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For example, some posts ago i posted this cover of a video i was trying to find..

A friend just found it on google video, here's the url


It's 2 hours long stream, watch it if you can, it touches some vital points like the Nazi foundations of Nasa [Nazia] with the Operation Paperclip wich i had read before but not concerning transfering german astrophysicist Von Braun and his crew that were behind V1 and V2 rocket development to the USA escaping the court of war as their fellow "ardent nazis" colleagues didn't, i read about Op Paperclip regarding Psychiatrists transfer instead, all much the same.
The 3rd Reich germans funded and developed Psychiatry as a 'science', u know?
And look, as a science that it is, they still can't cure a schizophrenic, even with all these years of 'hard study'...

Don't wanna piss in your shoes but to me, this is a clear example of poisoning the well/head, to me this belongs to the mind-scrambling disinformation machine, look, it's from a channel that only broadcasts online, how convenient and look its called ENIGMA-TV, wow and it only passes docs on paranormal stuff like out of this world UFOS!! Nit!!!
Kinda like SCI-FI channel with Sightings or ABC's Peter Jennings primetime ufo program "Seeing is Believing"... ef that, wake up, dont be told what to think

The abducting greys are the space Osama Bin Laden they want us to fear.
Terrorists kill us and our own but aliens abduct, probe, and implant chips on us like you hear in those horrific experiences some abduction victims tells us and there's nothing the local police up to the military can do to help you - see where im getting at?

The more fear they implant in us, the more freedoms they can take from us.

Supreme fear, supreme control.


Zeta Reticuli, please abduct me if i'm wrong :abduct:
bahh :moon:

[^^wonder if it's a pun with the going to the ;moon;.. hehe


Active member
strainwhore said:
Well before 1947 I'm afraid. Look to Erich Von Daniken's "Chariots of the Gods" for further info. Or look closer to home - everyone has a bible - read about Ezekiel and compare it to modern day devices - helicopter anyone? The good book says that God created the heavens and the earth... not just the earth.

I've seen things in my life that would scare the pants off most folks, but fear talking about them because it would make me seem "crazy"...

thats the exact reason why alot of people don't come out and say things they know...they don't want people to think they are crazy...because if it's unexplainable people are scared.

i say fact 100%, i've seen 2 in my life.....i've seen alot of wierd shit in the sky but that could of been anything....2 of them were definatly some space stuff.....1 was me and about 7 friends were having a fire up on a big hill in the woods....i walked away to take a leak and i seen bright light off in the distance a couple miles or so above some trees....i walked back and said look at that....everyone seen this big glowing ball of light....all of a sudden 5 or 6 more balls of light flew over to that one and they kinda bounced in the air but still hovering....they sat there for about 1-2 minutes....then at a snap of a finger they all flew a different direction going upward and left this galaxy in about 2-3 seconds...all they left behind was a neon rainbow looking flash that was behind them....no sound.

the next one was just about 2 months ago and i never even expected it...it was bizarre and in broad daylight....i come walking out of my friends house to get in my vehicle...i happen to see something moving in the corner of my eye leaving a streak of light behind it...i look over and it's a total silvery metallic looking object...almost wet looking.....it was flying low...no sound....and moved from one side of the sky to the next in about 5-6 seconds and was gone.....i thought forsure someone else in my town seen it because it was so low but nothing was ever mentioned and i only told a couple people.

nothing the government has can hover over some trees and leave the galaxy in 2-3 seconds moving at the speed of light....sorry....it wasn't meteors, falling stars, top secret government projects, ballons....crazy shit...i'm so glad i seen them and i wish i could see more.
