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U.F.O.'s...(Fact or Fiction?) Unidentified Flying Objects

"nothing the government has can hover over some trees and leave the galaxy in 2-3 seconds moving at the speed of light....sorry..."

Time2unite, what, anyone in your family have a super high security clearance to confirm that to you? Or do you have any super stellar high security clearance to know that for sure?

Or are you just supposing?
Cause if you are supposing, please sound like you are, you sound like you know for sure, know what i mean - you're probably just one confused civilian looking for answers, just like me.

An example i usually give is that before Desert Storm Operation in Saudi Arabia/Iraq you didn't have any f-117 stealth fighters on the kids plane sticker collection because "nothing the government had could escape radar detection" and after the war, after they became public, kids collecting fighter plane stickers would have a 'new' plane, that had existed in secrecy up until the government decided to turn it public.

My point is, you know what they let you.
So don't say that the governement doesn't have a new plane sticker to add to the collections..

"i'm so glad i seen them and i wish i could see more."
I keep repeating that to myself, loll, but if you really want to see more, just go to a less light polluted outdoor area with some folks and stare at the night sky - basically the same spot you were, heheh
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My little pony.. my little pony
Funny, show me one person [ or anything living ] that could handle the g force from that kind of acceleration. Currently there isnt that kind of earthbound technology to create a separate containment field within a ship to protect the pilot from those forces.

Not really sure how kids and sticker emblems makes for a decent analogy. Especially when the example you are citing is factually inaccurate. The first gulf war was in 1991 about three years after the military announced the existance of the f-117's.


Heres another source that lists 1989 as the public release date. Either way if the kid was an avid air force nut they would have had the sticker for at least two years before the gulf war.


Imo when you can turn theory, conspiracy, and loose conjecture into facts, only then will you have your answers.


ruger 500
i saw video by a christian minister jessi duplantis ,that he describes a close incounter of the 4th kind it was an awsome story and clasic in the way it happend ,its called a close incounter of the god kind ,i have pearsonally seen several objects not explainable one looked like a fire ball flying horozonally with a long tale of flames and no noise ,another i have seen many times looks like a small comit with a pointed tail always very low and small, and one at night that just scared the shit out of me ,i would sugest the mintioned video it was powerful and amazing while stoned and makes me belive there are good and bad enities out there and they are from the spiritual realm where physics cant be applyed
My drastic opinion change on wether ufos are in fact craft from another world wich i maintained lit by 'faith', or that afterall they are all piloted by humans developed by humans and commanded by human command chains, had to do with firstly when i stepped on this name and i started investigating the life of this brilliant genious called Nikola Tesla, this definately shook my ground but not until i found William Lyne who is, IMHO the researcher [just didn't want to call ufologist to him] with wich no one seems to agree with - he doesn't follow along that televised and published ad infinitum clichet brain fast food stating ufos are craft from other planets, he's very direct, there's no such thing as aliens, that's all cooked up by the big chefs on the OSI, wich is the Office of Science Inteligence, CIA's world science supression squadron.

Here's the cover of his first book, Pentagon Aliens (1999) (avoid 1rst editions)

Here's a 'brief' quote


As you may have noticed, the "space alien" propaganda blitzes come in periodic waves, on a regular basis, to continually revive in your mind the corporate lie they have already planted there, that space aliens are "here". As long as we, the tax payers, through our government, continue to supply the money for the personnel, scripts, and productions, Hollywood will continue to use our funds to brainwash and deceive us, under the guise of "entertainment".
Lately, the Official Big Liars have settled down to a single 'type' of space alien, which looks suspiciously like an old comic book type, which conveniently also looks like a small human being actor, outfitted with a more easily fabricated costume, mask, and makeup; this also looks like the rhesus monkies of the "Roswell" and "MJ-12" hoaxes. The eyes are sunglass-type dark lenses, which conceal the actors' human eyes. This format was necessitated by the fact that some of the Old Big Lies had not only become difficult to fabricate in a convincing way (four arms, serpent skin, etc.), even for an increasingly more sophisticated audience, but also because a more "humanoid" type "space alien" format has proven to be more believable, and can be more easily faked by actors, makeup artists, costumers, and special effects technicians.
The huxters can also point back to the corny Roswell hoax, minus the embarrassingly stupid photos, and, using the MJ-12 documents created in 1985 based on the 'standard' format, which harks back to the 'cynocephalus' rhesus monkies of the originally bungled Roswell hoax. They have returned to the Roswell hoax, like dogs returning to lick up their own vomit. The scenario has progressed much further out in Nevada's so-called "Dreamland", at Groom Lake, where the government has set up almost an entire base for this fakery.
There are some highly classified projects under way at the base, but due to its weird terrain and obscure location, the government also uses the base for one of its special misinformation centers, perhaps to emphasize its need to conceal the projects. Security agents specially trained in the hoax—like Bob Lazar—convince their curious victims on the outside, that they are "ex-employees" of an "Area 51" top secret government project, and go through incredibly complex and expensive manipulations, to convince "specially chosen" (i.e., gullible) suckers, that they are attempting to "alarm the public" about how "aliens from space are taking over".
They drug the rubes, take them to a special part of their "secret base", and expose them to "things"—such as a fake little flying saucer with a tiny seat in it—designed to convince them that a small, non-human 'alien' had come to earth in it, so that the dupes will go out and "spread the word". Bob Lazar did this to a somewhat easy-mark gullible friend of mine, who is still unable to accept the fact that our government would go to such extremes to hide flying saucers being operated by it.
The government even uses "designer drugs" in this brainwashing project, skillfully making suggestions under their influence, breaking down psychological resistance, and inducing very convincing hallucinations, while the victims remain unaware that they are under the influence of drugs. (Yes, I know what you guys are up to!) The fact remains that many people really want to believe such lies, right along with a lot of the other mystical baloney some people want to cling to, like an old Viking who can't stop swearing to Odin. The old Army "Mind Control" experiments support these hoaxes.
That means that the U.S. Army and the intelligence community were probably conducting their original experiments for use on us for the CFR all along, rather than for use on any "foreign enemy". (See Walter Bowart's Operation Mind Control, and John Mark's The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate", for some more related background information.)

The basic thing drastically contradicting this scenario, is that anyone working in such a project—including Bob Lazar—would have a top-secret or higher clearance, and would now be in jail or dead, for violating the national security agreement they signed when their clearance was issued. He would be behind bars or worse, for merely confirming anything seen, known, or even suspected as a consequence of working there.
This would happen especially if it were true that space aliens were visiting us, or were taking over. I signed a national security agreement in 1957, when I was only eighteen years old, and in those days, it was understood by most that the penalty could include an "executive termination order" (an order to assassinate a disobedient person).
Though I don't want to scare you, some unfortunates in the more distant past have been lobotomized, incarcerated in asylums and perpetually drugged or sedated, jailed in special prisons, illegally entrapped, falsely convicted and imprisoned, driven insane, crippled, given "dumb drugs", impoverished, had their marriages or families torn apart, turned into homeless persons or vagrants, totally intimidated, socially isolated, or had their credibilities ruined so that no one would believe them. Wilhelm Reich was arrested, incarcerated in an asylum, and murdered there. His arrest came only two days after a discussion he had with Einstein at Princeton, about his investigation at his Maine lab involving discoveries concerning flying saucers.
Consistent with Jefferson's adage that "the price of liberty is eternal vigilance", we must forever question everything concerning flying saucers, gravity, and "extraterrestrials", and realize that the Secret Government is responsible for endless misinformation, overstatement and understatement (the "untruth, the half-truth and the truth-and-a-half). We should question outrageous claims of personal experiences which are obviously fabricated by liars, drug-induced dupes, nuts, or secret agents, and remember not to confuse them with legitimate witnesses.
Something like "...I met space beings..", does several destructive things. It discredits legitimate witnesses by association, and thereby helps to conceal technology. If you have seen something which does not comport with accepted theories, and talk about it, be forewarned that "truth is stranger than fiction", and can damage one's credibility. Sometimes, too much truth, too soon, is more than most people can handle.
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I have some pics of those beauties, the aurora and the other very famous stingray like craft tested way earlier but i really can't remember its name, very pointy looking black craft - i don't have any pictures or videos on this computer, made all backups of them and i don't have them atm.

Aurora is a beautifull craft, isn't it?
Vaguely reminds me of mantas or rays (animals).

What twists my gut is that it was all black budget op since the beggining, and it still is!
Money taken out of tax payers pocket that didn't go to their future sons education or their own health care..

By the way, anyone hear anything on any recent international space station developments?
Discovery channel some years ago was reallly shoving it down our heads constantly with it, kinda like a political annoucement on national tv on a fascist country - "This is what you want!" and now there's nothing on it?
i dont think any ufo has been found on the earth yet.. what's up with the big head big eyes small body alien stereotype? if a planet has the conditions to support life (like earth) shouldnt they look a little similar to us at least?


To extraterrestrials, WE probably look weird for their standards of 'beauty'. :yoinks:
i dont think any ufo has been found on the earth yet..

What do you mean, a recovered fallen alien craft?
If that's the case i completely agree with you, no such things as alien reverse engineered technologiesas they lead you think, that's the primadona, the roswell fallen alien craft, the first serious brick to sustain the others on the big wall of lies we're bombed with, just like the stereotyped Zeta Reticula typical abduction / probe / inplant 'grey', that's just another very well mounted psychological warfare scam.

You ask a city child to draw a chicken - she draws it with no head or feather like she sees on the supermarket; you ask anyone to draw an 'alien' - they'll draw what they were suggested for almost 60 years of brainwashing, a grey.
And most of them weren't here to see Roswell were they?

IMHO all ufos are man made and piloted by military personnel, not by NASA's astronauts.

Military > NASA

419 billions > 18.5 billions on the 2006 budget

Although we can say that NASA's a bit more "self-sustaining"...


Active member
i saw one once, I was on shrooms, I don't know if I lose legitimacy or gain it, but I saw somthing, and for my defense, it was a dose. I saw somthing to. I watched it. Peace all


So what you're saying is that of all the trillions of planets, millions of different galaxies & billions of different universes, that Earth is the 1 & only planet with any civilization on it?
I just can't buy that 1....if only for the odds.


Active member
bush@crackhouse said:
Time2unite, what, anyone in your family have a super high security clearance to confirm that to you? Or do you have any super stellar high security clearance to know that for sure?

yes I do know that forsure....i'm not a confused civilian.....nothing humans have can move that fast..period..it isn't even worth argueing...if u seen them you'd know what i'm talking about.

even "if" it was government...which is wasn't...no way in hell can we make something move that fast....what kind of fuel? engine? the g force is too strong for anything we know that lives could move that fast....where were they going so fast for government? they just zip out of the galaxy in a couple seconds? even our fastest jets take forever to get to one side of the horizen to the next side....NOTHING we can make right now can go from being a mile in the sky hovering sitting still to out of the galaxy in 2 seconds.

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Wacky Tobacky

Active member
there are aliens and UFO's out there its very true. there was even a history channel special about it. It wasnt about the question "is there really aliens and UFO's?" it was more about HOW DO THE UFO's OPERATE. they have a force field generator or an anti-gravity device that alows it to float. also and anti-inertia device that alows them to move without feeling the g-force. they travel thru space in wormholes created by the spaceship. now a worm hole is basicly a short cut between 2 distances. it would take milions of light years to get to some places in the universe. but when u go thru a worm hole its like taking a piece of paper and folding it in half and poking a hole thru it going thru then unfolding the paper. that is the only way to travel thru space without trying to travel the speed of light and taking years to get to places in space.

they are real and if u dont believe in it then thats fine but just think we are nothing but a tiny little dot in the universe and there are ALOT of other solar systems and planets out there.


Humans have a knack for making shit up to explain what we don't understand/lack knowledge of (anti-cannabis regular joes are an excellent example)
The shallow-minded and guillable will believe anything put before them.

Still believe in the Tooth Fairy, Boogyman, Easter Bunny and Santa, too?


What would you suggest then, Nikijad?

I'm big on numbers, so I'm w/ the probability people. You have this basically infinite expanse of space and we're the only life in all of it? Like we're that 'special?"
C'mon, what are you, a Christian?
this is exactly what i mean with DISINFORMATION

"there was even a history channel special about it."

Really?? ET's and saucer ships from other planets on national tv??
wake up man... ef that mind clogging channel...

I just wrote a whole post replying to you two verite and time2unite, but it went down, i'll do it later on today.

Verite, in short, maybe i got the dates wrong in my simple kiddie sticker analogy but look, my point was if you saw an F117 before it turning public, you would say it was a ufo, because OFFICIALLY IT DIDNT EXIST.
Now you understand?


Wacky Tobacky

Active member
there has been UFO sitings all over the world. is the US goverment behind that also?...

OK lets say the goverment is behind everything and there really arent any UFO's or aliens that come to this planet to think that we are the only intelligent living beings in the Universe is just plain stupid. i mean we havent even been outside of our solar system so u cant rule out that there might be intelligent life on other planets some where out there.


I'm with ya, Wacky. The odds alone of Earth being the only 'dot' with any civilization on it must be 1,000,000,000,000:1....& that's on the low side. :joint:
Funny, show me one person [ or anything living ] that could handle the g force from that kind of acceleration. Currently there isnt that kind of earthbound technology to create a separate containment field within a ship to protect the pilot from those forces.

Verite, does this hammer fit your head?
There's a hammer hitting holiday in my city.. cant wait.. u could come
j/k :joint:

It is believed that this system not only creates instant momentum in the direction of the D.C. brush, but eliminates the problem of inertia in the direction of the A.C. high frequency current, so that the rate of acceleration is virtually unlimited, and the destructive effect of acceleration is eliminated, since all parts of the ship and its contents accelerate at the same rate, without inertia. This also applies to instant turns, in which the force of acceleration acts on all parts of the ship and its contents, to re-orient the force of momentum on each atom and molecule, in the new direction, eliminating centrifugal force.

HOW DO THE UFO's OPERATE. they have a force field generator or an anti-gravity device that alows it to float. also and anti-inertia device that alows them to move without feeling the g-force bblah blah bla

Look, they even teach how it works, how convenient...
Being them extraterrestrial and all....

wake the fuck up ITS A TV CHANNEL :pointlaug

by the talk one even wonders if they have one in the basement.