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The Vertical Joy Ride!!

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Quick Cali-o question for anybody that has it. I picked up some cali-o clones from the oakland club (Broadway club for you bay area people) friday and didn't notice the serrated leaves when i glanced at em. I'll take a better look later tonight but if the leaves aren't double serrated now, does that mean i dont have the real deal? Or is it possible that the new leaves that will eventually grow show this pattern? Yea i know im reaching but still...


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
Hay So_Quick how’s it going, looks like your having a blast with this Coliseum, I followed your past grows in this type of growing it was amazing, it was right around the same time I was deciding on what hydro system to grow in it was a tuff decision to go ahead with the bio-buckets after seeing your earlier grows in this system, well you don’t have to guess as to what system I decided on, but I’ve been thinking very hard about picking me up one of those, so I’ll keeping up with this grow as well I hope ya don’t mind if I ask a few details about some things.
I would like to see some cali-o pictures once they are dried. Does anyone have them. If not I guess I will have to wait for SQ. But if anyone has access or knows where to get the pics shot me a link or post them please.

Also one of my questions earlier, I don't know if was answered, is california orange the same as calio-o. I believe it was answered by chodo saying that it could be an F2 but I am not sure if I am reading it right. Anyways I would still like a clone or a couple of the seeds, but where would I get them. My seeds should get here tomorrow courtesy of the Dr. (I will hold my thanks to dr chronic until I can hold them).

So Quick

Sleepy: D

BG: Glad your strapped in...gonna be a slow start, but in the end we should have somethin to hoot and holler about :D if the laws of indoor nature is kind to me that is :whip:

Hey Chodo...I'll have a plate of the Sour Diesel with Sweet tooth as the side...and for the drink, I'll have Frostbite...shook and not stirred!! Dam I always wanted to say that :D oh and for desert, I'll take the chocolate trip...and umm :chin: that should be it :smile:

Nice lookin shots my twin grower :yes: How in the heck do you manage all of those varieties in one unit?? I'll yank all my hair out by the time I finish a cycle :eek:

Hey Flip!! Thanks and I hope you stick around to the end :smile:

Dear S4vvy,

Thank you for your subscription! You are recieving this message because you have choosen to be notified of special promotions and updates. If this is an error or you wish to unsubcribe, please click here -> unsubcribe <- unfunctional link :biglaugh: Your stuck and will not be allowed to cancel subscription!! I will now forward this to all particapating 3rd party network!!

Hey Leeroy...it's never too late in Quicksville...hope your enjoyin it so far :wave:

kingslayer: Thanks :D

OHenry: :)

Hey harry...Thanks fer visiting...one could forge one of these if they had the right things, but to me, it'll be alot of work!! Just dealing wit these 1" hoses is enough for me...I'm used to 1/2" and this stuff doesn't bend the same!! All that measuring one person would have to do to get all the feeding working on point!! WoW!!

BG: chodo is right!! Thanks amigo for the fill in :yes: They have seeds of cali o, but this particular cutting goes back to the 80's..

Hey there Wolfy!! Glad ya made it to my vertical story :D I'll keep ya posted if I find anything out about my lil medical venture...so far I haven't done any leg work, but when I find some time to start my quest, I'll definately put ya up on what I find out...off top of my head, I'm thinkin I should meet wit a canna lawyer and see if he can help me build a sound structure!!

If you built that kind of feild, it's known as woodsball...you'de be suprised how many people you have come out...alot of ex or current military people love to play this type of paintball as well as some of the rec ballers...kinda hard to get a air baller to go tho...teams get the treatment if their caught payin rec ball...well wolf, I hope ya stick around, we should have some nice things to show in the next couple of weeks...oh and btw, I'm a gemini...that's why I have a hard time stickin to one system...I'm a busy body!!

Hey BG...the place I got my buckets went out of business :( but I did find a few local stores that carry the top bucket...however they don't carry the bottom one where the grommet connects to :confused: I'll run to the store tomorrow and ask if they can get the bottoms..I'll report back here manana!!

S4vvy: Mines didn't have any special traits like the serrated leaf...mines are growin normally!! I thought the 3rd floor got shut down??

Howdy there Big!! A blast isn't the word for it...my first couple of runs were stressful, but I've been able to grasp the reality of it all and cope with the unecessary stress...after I went thru my downtime, I realised I was acting like a lil baby!! Theres no stressing in cultivating!! :moon: oh btw, I think you're doing an amzing job wit those bio bucks!! If you were to grab one of these...I'm sure you'll make the transition smoothly :yes:

igrowMy0wn: Identify your self...you unknown handle!! Just pullin your weeny :D Thanks for visiting :smile:

I'll have some pics for ya shortly BG...and the cali o that's in seed form now, is a cross of the original...unstable, but you should be able to find one that resembles the original...not sure how many packs it'll take tho..



looking excellent! I have some DP-Cali-OB and some Dp-OB. I have a momma of the dp-ob and it is a nice producer and a nice high. I am watching with interest.



You can also go to www.hempqc.com and get 3cz's calio s1's, which they used a sex reversal method, made the plant hermie, used the hermie pollen(which produces all female seeds) on the same strain (not the same one they hermied though) but the same genetic strain, and created a seed form of the original clone, and from what I've seen, they look very similar... like 99% I would say... probably even 100%. I saw some variation on a couple posts, but very little.. I mean I get variation from clones, jsut different light, or whatever. So go get em if you want em. I know some people who are involved in that company and they are really really really nice people.


Thanks for the info on the leaves Sq. You have given me lil more hope that these may be the real deal. As far as the 3rd floor goes, here the info i know. I dont know for sure about the 3rd floor situation. There was a main club (and some others) on Telegraph and i think that was 3rd floor. When i went with a friend recently to get his card we had to go there and we were told they didn't sell clones or anything any more and told us about a place on 20th and broadway that i'd never heard of. Now i dont go to the clubs often and that place could have been there for a while but it was first time i heard of it. Made me think that the telegraph place had moved there for business as far as selling things are concerned.

Since i'm looking for strains now Ive been getting clones from there kind of often and im surprised atthe selection. Lots of seedbank clones as ospposed to how it was when i was going a year or so ago and there was a lot of local strains like a4, m39, j2, and sometimes real trainwreck. Ok i've rambled enough :). Take it easy man

So Quick

Okay guys...time to get the lights lined up...at first I was gonna hang 3 1000's to a four level set up...I didn't have enough clips, so I decided to do without the 5th level..

Gosh Dammit!! I got em all lined up and spaced perfectly...fired her up, and I blew a dam ballast!! Those sun systems that they put out in 03 were shit!! They were they switchable ones...where you can switch from 120 to 240 and came wit both plugs to go either way...after I bought em, I was told that they were recalling these units cuz they been having problems wit em burnin out on people...well I had mines already in my room, so I was just gonna return em if I had come to that point...well they been workin perfectly until now...I've blew 4 of these dam things in the last month :mad: and to add to the stupidness...the store I bought em from went out of business!! Now I have to go thru unecessary stuff to get these things serviced!! Oh well...I got a better idea!!

I've decided to go 1000, 600, 1000, 600...for a total of 3200w



********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
So Quick you haven't even put the first thing in it yet am I'm excited. I'm old, beat up been shot and so, on so that doesn't happen very much. Glad to see this monster about to take off. Good karma to ya because it sounds like you might need a little. May the weed gods give So Quick a little love please. AMEN


So Quick

I didn't have enough clips, so not only did I have to leave out the 5th level...I also had to go every other hole...I had a handful of extras, so I was able to fill in a few gaps...the unoccupied holes were still filled wit the net cups and hydroton, so that when the feedin was goin it wouldn't splash out of the holes!! And also, those that followed my previous coli grow on OG...instead of fillin the layers up wit diced wool...I decided to use hydroton and feed at 5 min intervals for 60sec...the clean up on the medium filled layers were sooooooo oh so stupid!!! But in this last year, I've gotten so comfortable wit these clay balls, that's all I use now :smile:

Here goes a neat lil addition to my nute program...I was havin a discussion thru pm wit this very low key knowledgable grower...hardly any post and no karma dots...but the more we talked the more impressed I was wit his knnowledge!! So wit this said...green dots and post count means absolutely jack diddly!! But anyways, we were talkin about roots and he had mentioned canna's rhizotonic (sp?) he told me how much he liked this stuff because how it made the roots explode and go crazy!! Well while I was shoppin at this very slow, but peaceful store...a new place I found...not alot of customers as a matter of fact I was the only customer at that time...I was checkin out and at the same time I was talkin growin wit this nice elderly woman...she made me feel comfortable, so I yapped my lil mouth off while she was ringin me up and baggin my stuff...during our lil chat, she reached into the glass casing and pulled out this stuff

I knew it was a lil sales thingy, but once she mentioned the effect it had on the roots...she had my full attention!! So I asked her, was it somethin like that canna stuff?? And she said, "supposed to be better" you know sales talk :wink: So I kindly ask her if the store had used this stuff and if she can back the results...she looked me in the eyes and honestly told me that she nor the store has used it, but they had handed out a bunch of sample packs and majority of the folks that got the hand out LOVED IT!! Kinda expensive, somethin like 12 bucks a pouch, but I bought it anyways, just to see...I love wild and healthy roots!! So I guess you can say I'm pretty gullable :D

I'll let ya guys and gals know if this stuff works for me, but for now...enjoy this beautiful top view lookin down...looks pretty kewl, huh :smile:


So Quick

I was just out the door...but seen ya on the way out mr wags...thanks for the lil prayer to the weed god for me...always good to get a blessin or 2 :smile: Buckle up, cuz the bus is just about to take off!!





A grow with stadium seating for your plants :biglaugh: That is just to cool. Looks confusing for someone like me, but thank goodness you got the reigns, sure to be a stellar grow. Peace.
SQ are you still using the GH FloraNova and flourolicious? I was just wondering how those nutes worked out for you.I am currently using the same nutes.
Also the knowledge you have on all these different systems is really incredible! So from your comments Im guessing you like vertical alot more then flat? is that right? Do you notice an increase in yeilds from the vertical grows? Or do you have a higher number of "gradeA" buds?
I thought your last flat grow in the buckets was very impressive.Those ak99 colas were massive. Hopefully some of that sweet bud makes it over to my side of the state:)I am anxious to see how the CaliO does in this set up.Keep up the great work!
So Quick- I use Sub-Culture all the time.. I used to use it every rez change,, And had good results with alot of air... So to help this out.. I only use it Three Times.. Once after the roots starting to come out good from the Rubber dirt.. (((So after 2-4weeks of Veg...))) 2nd time the first Week of Flower.... Then the last time on the 4th Week of FLoweriing... Your roots should be Hugh by then.... :canabis:



i use that stuff also i fell for the same shpeel but i think it works


Advanced Nutrients Piranha is a beneficial fungus which also helps promote awesome root health. I'm onto a new product that is WAY cheaper than advanced but need to quite bs'ing and actually read through the product lines. Its called plant growth technologies. They have all kinds of things.


So Quick, hello ,,,,,,youre spelling of rhizotonic was correct ,,ive been using it since the day canna released it ,,,,there is no finer root stimulator imo,and iv'e tried most others ,, its organic too but it does raise ph quite violently

all in all though rhizotonic is fantastic stuff for :canabis:

peace :friends:


Hey everyone , No doubt on the rhiz by Canna that shit puts out Ropes for roots awesome product!
Along the lines of the clubs in Oakland only one is able to do buisiness cause it was "grandfathered" .Others can't operate in the area do to laws near churches and schools .I've had talks with other growers and seems the consenseus is that harly anything you can get from the clubs is outstanding shit . Buy your genetics from the breeders on this site and save yourself a whole lotta time and money as well as frustration , granted i have gotten acoupla good cutts , they are far and few between
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