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The Vertical Joy Ride!!

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So Quick

Hey Flip...yea for the moment I do use still use the flora nov/florilicious combo, but only in my flat...I wouldn't dare use this combo in this coli!! The residue and build up these 2 put on, especiall the nova...is too much for me to handle in this vertical system...I can swap out the hoses when I'm done in the flat, but I couldn't imagine changing the hoses every crop on the coli...so in the coli I went back to the 3 part mix...the only build on this stuff is the salt...other than that, it's pretty clean!! Veryical gardening sure does have it's strong points :wink: I'm not too sure how this cali o yeilds, butyou should be able to witness the power of these units by the time I'm fished here...thanks for visiting and I hope you stick around :smile:

Thanks for the info fuzzy sauce!! I'm actually runnin it in my recirculationg system and it just stays in there...I'll be removing it right around the 5th week of flowering!!

skeezo: Us gardeners are so dam gullable when it comes to products :D

Hey chodo...I was lookin into that pirahna stuff, but man is it expensive!! Lemme know what you dig up on that other stuff...i need a good zyme for my program...

Hey there hazey!! I'll have to check out that rhizotonic stuff...so far this sub culture is workin nicely!!

Thanks steel :smile:

So Quick

He we go at 6 days into flower...the ladies have recooped and are thriving!! I loss 2 so far and a handful are just a tee bit behind in growth...the 2 just didn't make it out of the settling phaze...but all in all, we are lookin sweet!!

A up the skirt shot...soon it'll be hard to see the ceiling..


So Quick

And a set of root shots for you root enthusiatics...<- is that a word :confused: Well you guys know what I mean :D For those that wonder about root space in these things...worry no more!! Believe me...there is plenty of space down their for the roots...once they dangle down, they have the whole botton of the layer to lay down into and creat a nice root mat down there..I'll show update process down below as well!! I love a healthy root system :joint:

Have a good weekend my ic buddies :wave:


I'd love to see how this works out, if it is good then I may ditch the media! I hate filling it anyways! It would make it much easier! GreenPlanet Zyme is good, cannazyme also is good. Appearently if your zyme doesn't work, it was probably too old because it has a shelf life for only so long.
Hey SQ,Ofcourse I am gonna stick around for the whole thread. All your grows amaze me.
I know you said you pretty much cut out your veg time. I was wondering when using your flat system with no veg time what is your average harvest per plant? Also when you go vertical what is your average yeild per plant with no veg time?
I was alo considering cuttting out the veg time or only vegging for a couple days so I was wondering what the approx yeilds were with your ak99 strain since you seem to know that strain very well. Thanks SQ!


full time daddy
o no

o no

he's at it again........

hey sq what pumps you using.......
i picked up a pro pump 275 thinking it was enuff. ( duh )

the book says 110 gph per side at 10 psi

so i go back and pick up a pro pump 500 . ( i must be a jackass)

it dont work either it drips but dont spray

all so i filled mine up with hydroton no need for net cups lest i hope not.
cant wait to get a rez like yours for now i just put it on 2 x 4's about 2 feet off the ground.
o yeah and i was reading something about space im in a 6 x 9 with a 9 foot roof i cant walk around it but i can get in from under for now if need be with only one mod it should be very easy to see what going on. once i get the rez and add a few mods i was thinking some sort of rollers per side so i can roll one side out at a time.

ps. the pirahna is the same price as the sub.( or close enuff)
i payed 22 bux for 100 grams shipping was free


SQ, Normaly on the coli you have feedlines like this


I dont see any in your shots? How do you feed?

yts farmer

Well-known member
hey im glad i caught this one early on.so quick saw you twin towers thread sometime ago.was so great i wanted my own coli even though i dont have the space.im sure by the end of this thread i'll want one again and i still dont have room for one. lol


WooooooooHooooooooooooooooooo honey....hell yeah!!!! I love this stuff!Ever since the first time I ran into your thread on OG you been blowin' me away with this vertical thingamajiggin' you do....

Just awesome So Quick....I'm along for the ride, you just strap me in and tell me where I can hang on :rolleyes:


it looks like it will yeild a ton mate.

good luck with the grow, hope you wont be able to see the ceiling soon! :friends:

for rollers you could always borrow some shoppin cart wheels :)


Bakin in da Sun
ICMAG is no longer borin as shit~! Rockin grow SQ.

If your goin to grow... might as well grow BIG!


So Quick

Hey chodo!! I'm already on a 0 medium grow in the cage...i just dropped the cubes in the net cups, and they're doin dam good!! I'll put up some shots of the cage probably this evening after I get back from a super bowl party! But next time around, I'm gonna x out the medium in the coli as well...I'm gonna get those neo inserts...talk about a smooth set up :chin: I wonder if growvertical.com has them inserts I'm lookin for...hmmm?? Gotta go check em and see!! I also wanna check out some of that zyme and see how that stuff works out..

Einsteinguy: uHH uHH Ahh ahh :D

Hey flip...ummm, my yeild on the flat garden fluctuates from plant to plant...but they all have the potential to pull upwards to 3+...put it like this...the highest I had was a few grams shy from 4 zones...and the smallest is just shy of 1 zone...the small ones are usually on the outskirts or just a clip that was slow to recoop and didn't make it to the very important stretch period infull stride...now the coli, I did 2 runs in this thing so far and both times was a learnin experience...the first time, I only got to crop down my 1000 side and overgrew the 600, so I wasn't able to get an accurate reading...the room was grown in the summertime and the room wasn't hooked up right..it was a temporary set up, so exhaust and all that jazz wasn't set up like it was suppose to be...and the 1000w side still managed to come in right around 10L's...the second time, I cropped a 4 layer 1000w side, but I can't seem to remember what the yeild was on that...it was grown towards the end of the summer heat, so room environment was pretty much the same...and the 5 stack I had wit the 600's was my sensi stars and they appeared to have needed about 4 days of veg, cuz they finished lil stubbies...I can't seem to remember what this came in at either...but now that I got that learnin curve out of the way...watch out all vertically interested growers I am gonna do some amzing things wit this system...just sit back and watch..this will be my last play grow wit this coli and then we'll get to business!! This coli here was the last piece of info I needed to really hit the sweet spot on future runs :smile:

hey there Double O...hey your one stack looks cute :D I got a lil giant runnin this 4 stack...I think it's the same as a water wizzard, which pumps 1200gph...I'll probably look into the ecojet 230 again, cuz the first time I had it, I couldn't figure the dam thing out :confused: so I returned it!! But I'm pretty much just makin it in pressure, so once the 5th stack is added, I'll definately need some power...if I don't go wit the ecojet, then I'll run 1 wizzard per side...a lil plat for on wheels will work wonders!! If you build one, post back, so I can see how you do it...or if I end up buildin one, I'll show ya mines!! Anyways, if ya want...post some update shots of yours as you go...we can compare and see how each other is doin :smile:

Die: The one you showed is the newer ones...this one I got runnin was picked up about a year and ahalf ago...I got the classic unit...limited edition :D But no seriously, I would love to have one of the newer models, cuz the feeding system has improved!!

yTs: :D

Hey it's my hunny bunny!! What took ya so long to visit Blue?? Bend over now and take it like the woman you are :whip: I'm gonna strap you in alright!! :smile:

Thanks for stoppinin td...I have a bunch of wheels that I got when I picked this up...ya see, I had plans to build one, but my procrastinatin ass bullshitted :D

Bartender!! How ya doin buddy?? Nice to see ya...grab that seat and we'll show ya BIG :smile:

shaolin: :smile:

I'll try to get a few more shots up this evenin...see yall tonight!!



In our last chat pm, I forgot to mention why I had not to the moment yet tried hydroton/aeroponics. It didn't occur to me until a bit after and I never shot you another pm. If the power goes out, your roots will dry up, thats why I have never had the nerve. I know I always push my service to the max, and always have to find out just how much wattage I can use the hard way, lol. Anyways, other than the problem with power outages, the root growth looks wonderful so far!


Hey brudda...

Just jumping in to say hello.Got a lil free time to update my thread,Figured I would drop by and see y/wonderful grow.Wish I had more time bro,but da swamps a calling me to get my SLACKING ass back to work. Good luck bro!!


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Hey So Quick,Did the product from gh,That you were trying out do any good for the root mass?Just curious cause i've been using advanced nutrients piranha and other products from them for root mass,And lets just say their pretty expensive,And if the gh product at 12$ will do the job of the 100$ advanced products i would much rather save the cash..


Hey it's my hunny bunny!! What took ya so long to visit Blue?? Bend over now and take it like the woman you are I'm gonna strap you in alright!!

Baby if you're man enough to take what you want, I'm woman enough to take whatever you got to give :wink:

uh huh...gettin' hot in here....


and SoQuick does it again !! you got style man. i always have fun reading your threads. am very much looking forward to see how things go with this collie run, not to forget the cage and flat grow lol.

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